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Utopia Talk / Movie Talk / vikings
The Children
Sun Jan 18 07:31:49
so just started this shit. watch before ban!!!


dayum this shit is already good.
Sun Jan 18 07:44:22
New episodes should start soon.
The Children
Sun Jan 18 10:01:57
vikings lol just a bunch of motherfkin barbarians

Sun Jan 18 10:22:21
Barbarians that conquered parts of england and had trade routes all the way to russia.
The Children
Sun Jan 18 10:34:47
barbarians that never conquered england. u seem 2 not realize the difference between plunderin and conquerin.

conquerin is when u actually possess da lands with ur soldiers and say what goes in those lands and what does not, like laws and police and shit.

plunderin is pillagin defenseless villages along da coast and runnin da fck away before the real troops arrive.

vikings r plunderers. huns r plunderers. mongols r plunderers before genghis khan.

they conqeured nottin. they cannot fight real armies. they rely on there speeds, swiftness and surprices attacks 2 raid villages and steal goats, pigs and women.

when da huns fought a real army, there entire kingdom got annihilated and they fled 2 europe where they plundered the shit out of europe...

but always gone ofc before a real army challenges them. the one time they did not, the roman army destroyed half da hun army. ofc da romans got wiped out aswell but rome is weak as punkass junkie. what else is new. against persia or china, the outcome wuld not have been pretty 4 attila.

vikings r essentially huns and mongols without horses. and without bow. they r weak ass shit. they only got away with it, coz england and france were weakass shit at that period. only small villages and monatseries. culd they have fought an army commanded by say richard lionheart. get the fck outta here.
Sun Jan 18 10:46:02

They did posses lands, dumbass.

Much of the english language and customs comes from the vikings, like a jury of your peers.
The Children
Sun Jan 18 10:48:02
this series has gone downhill. it started out brutal. just watchin da farmin life and brutality but shits gone downhill fast. the entire thing makes no sense anymore.

i can believe the whole fightin bullshit and shit, but da killings on who dies and who doesnt, is so random, it is startin 2 look like a c movie flick.

he spares a priest and then uses him as slave. what 4? then he kills the other priests who shown him da way 2 da town? what 4? so random.

she kills canout 4 tryin 2 rape her. the other guy who is supposed 2 be his brother tried 2 flirt with her without. did she kill him? nope. worst, she tried 2 sleep with da priest? wtf

shit wtf indeed.
The Children
Sun Jan 18 10:50:14
they possessed shit.

they vanished and there culture amounted 2 nottin coz they were nottin. just like da huns who culd only steal from others. but real civs like china, they built. that why china still around and huns r not. huns built nottin and when they culdnt steal no more, like how da vikings cant steal and plunder no more...they got swallowed by time as other nations appeared and started advancin and towns grew...vikins, huns and shit simply disappeared. outmatched, outpaced, outgrown.

tough luck.
Tentacle Rapist
Sun Jan 18 21:58:13
Not true TC. Its been determined that the vikings took their hordes of wealth east and founded trade cities. They essentially retired from plundering and moved far enough away that people wouldnt find them
Tentacle Rapist
Sun Jan 18 21:59:13
There are also modern heathen groups throughout all of north america and europe dedicated to preserving what is left of their culture
The Children
Mon Jan 19 02:20:52
"Not true TC. Its been determined that the vikings took their hordes of wealth east and founded trade cities. They essentially retired from plundering and moved far enough away that people wouldnt find them "

>> LOL!

they didnt retire from plunderin. they retire from civilization and disappeared into nottinness like da huns once da raidin and plunderin was no longer possible coz the big civs started becomin more powerfull and stronger militaries. truth biatch.

nobody retires from plunderin coz u know why. the wealth disappears after a while and coz they created nottin. they stole 2 keep goin and once stealin aint possible no more, it was bye gone.

The Children
Mon Jan 19 05:47:42
how many of these vikin customs r still alive today. this coz the scandies know just how retarded that shit is. they celebrate death, let the kids watch it coz otherwise the condemned will not reach valhalla, they have sex all days with dogs and everyone else, there leaders r corrupt and they drink all days and 2 finance that shit, they steal from other civilizations. that how they sustained themselves. they stole. ofc that never will lead 2 anythin usefull much like todays gangstas and thieves and thugs. eventually da cops will catch u and the chickens will come 2 roost.

Tentacle Rapist
Wed Jan 21 10:01:40
'nobody retires from plunderin coz u know why. the wealth disappears after a while and coz they created nottin. they stole 2 keep goin and once stealin aint possible no more, it was bye gone. '

Let me try this again.

The Vikings took the horde of wealth the stole east. Far enough east that no one knew who they were. They then founded trade cities and lived off the continuous flow of wealth from those markets.
Tentacle Rapist
Wed Jan 21 10:08:56
Its also a mistake to think they were all raiders. The majority were farmers and tradesman.
Wed Jan 21 10:53:06
Four days of the week are named after norse gods, kinda odd for a christian nation, eh?

This day was named after the Norse god Tyr. The Romans named this day after their war-god Mars: dies Martis.

The day named to honor Wodan (Odin).
The Romans called it dies Mercurii, after their god Mercury.

The day named after the Norse god Thor. In the Norse languages this day is called Torsdag.
The Romans named this day dies Jovis ("Jove's Day"), after Jove or Jupiter, their most important god.

The day in honor of the Norse goddess Frigg.
In Old High German this day was called frigedag.
To the Romans this day was sacred to the goddess Venus, and was known as dies veneris.
The Children
Wed Jan 21 11:27:38
false. this is like sayin some hustler petty thief, grew up in a da ghetto, hustles with petty crimes and thieves, dropped out of school, now is 21 with bitches givin him no respect and wantin some respect aswell some cashiez. he hooks up with some fellow niggas and starts plannin this heist. now, this shitga has been dealin small hashiez, rippin cars and just a known hustler by the police. he and his crew go in, robs some van and take off with some moniez.

now the fun part is that u think this homie can go 2 da east where he can set up a shop and invest and live off da continous flow of wealth 4 da rest of his life.

shit, boy. what world u livin in. aint happenin, never happened.

ppl who steal and murder dunt set up cities and shit. they die from other ppl who steal and murder, that is if they dunt get murdered by the family of those he murdered.

as 4 ur norse gods...lolololol who gives a shit that today is named after odin?

oooohhh ahhhhh so important?

Wed Jan 21 11:29:27
You're getting boring to feed.
The Children
Wed Jan 21 11:33:46
on a day like today. i woke up well after 10. dunt even remember as i dunt even check da clock anymore when i wake up. all i remember is, i went 2 bed 2 in da mornin.

i got some bite. after that, i went 2 get some groceries coz fridge is near empty now. i bought some stuff 4 today and 4 tomorrow.

went back, didnt even game much. just a bit but mostly surfin around useless that. all in all, it never crossed my mind once that today is odin day nor did i care that today is named after a norse god.

i betcha 99% of ppl in this country and 99.9% in ur shithole country dunt give a shit either. so oooohhh so important. they named a day after a norse god!

The Children
Wed Jan 21 11:36:46
bottomline the peeps only know how 2 kill, loot and drink. were they farmers. ofc they were. lootin alone cant put up food on da table, u fool. they can only loot so many times a year.

and the ppl they loot from, only have so much in a year.

so yea they have 2 have pigs, swines, chickens and stuff. no doubt. i betcha next thing ur gonna claim they werent just looters but hunters and gatherers aswell.

well no fkin shit. no fkin shit.

Wed Jan 21 15:18:52
99.9% of people don't know how their cell phone works, that doesn't mean it's not important information lol

I have a feeling 100% of your Norse information comes from watching these dramatized series on the History channel. Go read a book or something man lol
Tentacle Rapist
Fri Jan 23 10:17:06
'now the fun part is that u think this homie can go 2 da east where he can set up a shop and invest and live off da continous flow of wealth 4 da rest of his life. '

Sure, in the modern era the idea is absurd. This happened Centuries ago though. There wasn't anyone who cared to stop them. You realize telecommunications have only been around a short time right?
Tentacle Rapist
Fri Jan 23 10:18:54
'so yea they have 2 have pigs, swines, chickens and stuff. no doubt. i betcha next thing ur gonna claim they werent just looters but hunters and gatherers aswell.

well no fkin shit. no fkin shit. '

Funny how your earlier posts do not reflect this knowledge
The Children
Sun Feb 01 06:10:44
i was correct. this show is gettin more and more subpar. i mean wtf. the priests was brought 2 this place like cattle 2 be slaughtered. then they find out he is not willin 2 die and then he joins the group and everythin is back 2 normal.

and in another episode, he sleeps with some woman, she finds out she is pregnant like 1 week after? and then his wife finds out and then the other woman comes 2 there village and he suggested he wanted both as his wives and she gets insulted. up 2 this point i understand were it not 4 episode 1 or 2 where they showed these ppl 2 be barbarians that sleep around with everyone.

so why did she not object in episode 2 but she objects now.

then this rolo side story bout him tryin 2 be better than his brother. wuldve been believable were it not 4 da fact that he is a pos. he raped some woman in episode 3 and in episode 1 tried 2 have affair with his brothers wife. wtf. now they make him out 2 be some noble man who just betrayed his brotha and killed his brothas friends but when it came 2 it was unwillin 2 fight his brotha...wtf.

then we see his wife leave him and before u know it, next episode is like 6 years later?

boy time sure flies when ur a viking feastin and drinkin all day.

this show sucks.

The Children
Sun Feb 01 06:13:40
everythin is so small scaled. this war between da king and some noble, they had there "armies" fight eachother but really each side was maybe 30 men at best. that aint no army. that is just a group opf thieves and thugs.

the first season they sailed 2 england. there whole group was 20 men strong. 20 men raided a monastery. ok i can believe that. then they raided a village...um ok, still do able i suppose. then they crushed a kings army. wtf. just da 20 of them vs da kingdom of england yea right...curse of da small budget?

Tentacle Rapist
Mon Feb 02 10:52:59
depends on what incident you are reffering too TC. There was on instance where a handful of of them crushed an English regiment. It was green soldiers versus battle hardened bersekers though. They were fucked when the real army arrived.
Sat Mar 28 23:24:48
Not Athelstan!
State Department
Thu Apr 02 21:44:52
Floki is still the best guy. tee hee.
Thu Apr 02 22:38:43
Floki is awesome.
Thu Apr 02 22:39:53
I don't like the supernatural bend the show has taken tho
Sat Apr 04 04:14:27
I've read all the old books that this show is based on. King Aella will kill Ragnar in a pit of snakes.

Rollo the Walker was not really Ragnar's brother but he founded the Norman dynasty who became famous later for their chivalry and prowess in Knighthood.

I really hope that they can fit Egil Skalagrimson into the show somehow he's the most awesome poet ever.

The best Saga of the Sagas is that one of King Harald Hardradda, they should make a movie about him, he dies right before Hastings trying to invade England, but that is much later than the Ragnarssons and Rollo.

The Sagas about the new world are pretty cool and there is one Ancient Alien in them.
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 06 15:01:39

Wow okay. I don't watch this show, but that sounds like a lot of spoilers, Billah. Maybe a warning for peeps who don't want to have things ruined in a thread that is clearly about the show and not the books?
Mon Apr 06 18:51:04
bilah spendz hiz life squating in condemed buildingz with othar homeles ppl and drinkz othar mens urine 4 sustinense wich iz y he postes spoilerz on UP uzin a stolen phone
Thu Apr 16 03:28:38
Vikings is like Game of Thrones but 10x better.
State Department
Thu Feb 18 15:33:41
It's that time again. Tonight.
State Department
Thu Feb 18 23:40:40
I'm still wincing from the Lagertha scene.
Fri Feb 19 00:45:19
Blood on the face!
Tentacle Rapist
Fri Feb 26 17:37:35
Hey TC, now that you've watched a bunch of episodes, have you figured out that the word viking is a verb and not a noun?
State Department
Sun Feb 28 02:29:01
Drip, drip, drip, Floki.
Sun Feb 28 07:43:51
Floki needs to find jesus.
State Department
Thu Dec 15 12:29:15
Now we know what they meant by Ivar the Boneless.
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