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Utopia Talk / Movie Talk / The Walking Dead (Cont. 7)
Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 27 12:46:42
(Assume spoilers at all times)
Tue Oct 27 12:51:16
It's a tarp!
Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 27 14:07:38
D: D: D: D: D: D:
They are keeping it too real real. I even cried out when it happened .. like, "no stop! don't!! !! D: !!"

"(Cont. 6+)" thread:
"it did look weird like they were pulling intestines out of his upper chest so conceivably its the guy lying on top"

Didn't think of that... I guess it's -possible- that Nicholas was on top of him.. but Glenn was crying out in pain (and responsively to the tearing) and the walker hands were -really- close to his face. I really think that that's it... ground zero of a feeding frenzy seems pretty definitive.. and yeah, dream/hallucination would be pretty out of the question unless the writers want to set an absurd precedent (like, "bring Misery back, Paul Sheldon" level)

Also a -lot- of tension with Rick's story, which was surprising (impressive when they can make even Rick seem in danger). It looked like he killed the last of the Wolves... the first two that Morgan met while cooking alone have died (Morgan killed one, Rick the other), so unless there's a bigger group hidden elsewhere, I wonder if that's the end for the Wolves?... Still a lot left before a break episode happens; that hoard won't just disappear. Either Rick tries the engine one more time and it turns over, or he sprints back to defend Alexandria..

I had read the "bad fence writing" comment before watching, and I really don't see the issue there.

Set pics of that scene:

Both of the main sides of the fence were completely swamped with walkers. The third side was a flat brick wall with a pallet covering an entrance to a flimsy fire escape that led to a boarded-up door. The fourth side was a wooded area, sure, so they could have taken a chance (though the density of the trees would have been its own problem for visibility and movement), except that in the corner where they wound up, there was tarp covering that section (slippery surface, limited access to fence). Sitting on the fence itself would have been fruitless even without the barbed wire, because that wasn't a posted fence; it was one of those garbage fences that's held up by sand bags and those metal support bases, so that would have given them all of 30 seconds before the zombies pulled it down. You can call it a failure of -set design- that being boxed in wasn't made -even more- hopeless (maybe they could have found an alley with two brick walls on either side), but the -writing- supported what happened.. because the real issue:

They would have had to jump the wooded area fence much earlier, where it was exposed. They would have had to make use of the fire escape that kind of lead to the roof of another building (see pic) much earlier. To climb the tarp-covered fence (wooded area side) in the corner where they wound up, they would have needed more time than they had. And they did not have time. And why? The reality was that Glenn was relying on Nicholas for movement decisions, and Nicholas kept delaying decisions because he was panicking (the writers were clear to show this as a process for Glenn; Glenn wanted to help Nicholas become a survivor, which was continually handicapping Glenn, who wanted to keep Nicholas participating even if it became dangerous for him to do so — Glenn wouldn't do anything if he didn't think Nicholas could do it too. This was directly compared to Michonne, who was willing to cut her losses even despite being sympathetic to the new group). They had run into a dead end, passing up the fire escape and passing up the part of the wooded-area fence that was climbable. The walkers were so close that anything they passed they couldn't return to; any indecision was closing doors for them, and even Glenn needs buffer time for his strategies. Really, I think the only decision available was for Glenn to kill a walker, jump in the dumpster with Nicholas, and drag the walker on top of them to mask any smell — except that the dumpster was chained and padlocked (probably illegal-dumping prevention, pre-apocalypse), so they would have needed to commit time to breaking it.

TLDR: For two people who have been tied together by Glenn's insistence that they -both- survive, standing on the dumpster was where the situation led them. Set design could have made their dead-end -even more- clear (alley with two walls or maybe some plywood blocking access to the wooded fence), but personally I think the show went all out to show that Glenn had boxed himself in by making a project out of Nicholas..
Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 27 14:15:13
(symbolic, of course, of Alexandria threatening the survival of Rick's group)
Also like where they're going with that. Weak people would hope that strong people will appear to protect them post-catastrophe, but that potentially endangers everyone.
Tue Oct 27 14:16:33
Next week is a 90 minute epi.
Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 27 14:21:16
!!! :D :D :D !!1!
the wanderer
Tue Oct 27 14:23:27
looks like Glenn was analyzing the tree-side fence in the upper right set pic... he must've made some conclusion
State Department
Tue Oct 27 16:36:18
When I saw the opening scene of the season premiere I was like, shit, did I miss an episode??
Wrath of Orion
Tue Oct 27 17:41:26
Uh...if you could not get over that fence, that's your problem. Someone like Glenn would be over it without issue. And as I said before, straddling the fence is better than just standing there like a retard.

It's shit writing. Period.
Wrath of Orion
Tue Oct 27 17:41:36
Your pictures actually back up my point, not hurt it.
Wrath of Orion
Tue Oct 27 17:43:59
I love the whole, "It's a wooded area, they could take their chances..." No shit...better chances than being eaten by a pack of 200 walkers, eh? Derp. Or 30 seconds of straddling a fence to then figure, "Fuck it, I can jump on the side with fewer walkers and hope I make it through." Or jump into the vegetation.

Seriously, keep defending it, I'm amused.
Tue Oct 27 18:31:53
He could have and might have planed on the fence but do-fuck knocked him off.
Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 27 21:38:39
"It's shit writing. Period."

False. It's poor set design at most. My pictures actually back up my point, not hurt it. But seriously, keep defending it, I'm amused. ;p

Really though, why would -pictures- back up bad -writing-? Do writers for movies and TV series, in creating scripts, say things like, "they went into an alley. There were lots of places they could use to escape, but they die instead [because I'm a bad writer]," or do they say, "they flee into a dead-end alley with walkers too close behind for them to form any big plans. Nicholas is panicked. They're walled in on all sides. There's no time to escape [etc.]" and -then-, when the director and set designer have reached a shooting location, they dress it up as best as they can to create the "no time to escape" scenario that the writer created? The answer is the latter. The writers create the scenario, the set designer and director have to follow through. In looking at those pictures, you are looking at the effort of the set designers, -not- the writers. And as for the writers...

"Someone like Glenn would be over it without issue."

Again, not -this- Glenn. If you follow the show, you know that this Glenn got into a life-or-death fight with Nicholas and decided -not- to kill him even though he was weak and a liability, because this Glenn wanted to make it work and give a second chance to people who have effectively only just arrived in the apocalypse. This is the Glenn who reached his limits on the road and said, "we can make it together, but we can only make it together" (S5-E10) and the Glenn that "saves people. Even people like [Nicholas]" (S6-E1). -This- Glenn wouldn't try to jump the fence into a blind area unless he had gotten Nicholas on board with him, which takes time. Old Glenn might have just climbed the fence himself, but this Glenn was only climbing the fence if Nicholas was also ready. Basically, the writers made every effort to communicate to viewers that Glenn and Nicholas were tied together at the waist, and that -Nicholas- was setting the pace and the extent of their abilities. So: can -Nicholas- climb the fence? No. He's a panicked idiot. What does that mean for Glenn?

Heroes typically die when they develop a fatal flaw. That's not bad writing. The show spent about 10 episodes creating a Glenn who would fall into this position (helping others and attempting to extend his own survival ability onto non-survivalists). The only real question here is "did set design make this alley difficult -enough- to escape that -Nicholas-, the incompetent pace-setter, would no longer be able to hack it?" Personally I think so. If it was just Glenn, he'd have made a distraction for Michonne and Co. and been fine — the alley wouldn't have even happened. Or, if Nicholas hadn't killed himself, I think Glenn could have calmed him and gotten them out of there. They didn't even need to straddle the fence to gain time to think; that dumpster was safe enough for thinking (probably even safer than a flimsy fence). But who wasn't thinking? Again: Nicholas. Moral of the story: let non-hackers die and take your chances in the woods ;p
Cherub Cow
Thu Oct 29 15:02:15
Rewatched the episode and...

These peeps could really benefit from learning to fireman carry... Annie, that Alexandria person with the sprained ankle, might have made it if she wasn't just limping around. And fireman carry is easy! Just takes leg strength :D

Didn't realize before how exactly Rick had cut himself.. I thought it was because he'd slipped onto the blade of his own knife, but it was that machete:
Hope it didn't have too much walker blood on it D:

Also didn't notice that it was the Wolf's fault that the RV wasn't starting:
..Guess Rick will have to start running again :(

And here's Glenn's fall and snack time (had to make it tiny for file size):
It's kind of a confusing shot. Based on how he falls, it looks like Nicholas should be on top of him, but in the other two cutaways, it -looks- like it's just Glenn's exposed chest... but again, "pulling intestines out of his upper chest" doesn't make sense either. I was like, 98-99% sure that he was dead, but I'm like, 85% now...
Any thoughts? Kind of weird how they shot it..
the wanderer
Thu Oct 29 15:27:48
you should befriend Yvette Nicole Brown, she keeps a notebook on all these details ;p

i would guess just not a great prop for the intestines issue, in the high shot they seem to be ripping in lower down:


too low down really... more mystery!
Cherub Cow
Thu Oct 29 15:41:22
hmm! Little wrenches in this death. Guess he'd still probably die even if that was Nicholas on top of him just because Glenn wasn't exactly hiding from the walkers with all the screaming.. but if he'd died like Noah, there wouldn't be -any- questions! We need to see his body to be sure! ;D

Yvette Nicole Brown watches Walking Dead? :D kewls
the wanderer
Thu Oct 29 16:08:06
she was on the latest Talking Dead (unfortunately that YouTube channel seems gone now), she noticed a lot of the things about Glenn's character too

according to her, he has never killed a human, and i think always had stayed to help vs. escaping when the situation arose or something... i don't recall all her character notes, but she has a notebook where she keeps track of everything :p

Glenn called Rick a 'dumbass' in this episode like when they first met, so another indication it would be his end... and it'd be pretty groan-inducing for the audience if he's not really dead :p
Cherub Cow
Thu Oct 29 18:32:25
"but she has a notebook where she keeps track of everything"

Oh kewl! Sounds like she's doing character charts like a writer's room — not sure I'd want to get that crazy about it ;p
..was wondering about the "dumbass" thing! I even went back and put the captions on to see if that's what he said (didn't make the connection, though; haven't watched Season 1 since it originally premiered... have been thinking about starting from the beginning, hmm..)

"it'd be pretty groan-inducing for the audience if he's not really dead :p"

Dolphinately. As much as I'd like Glenn to be alive (and I'd even imagine a scene where he crawls under the dumpster and waits or something, lulz), his survival might be too miraculous for the show to support. Much sads :(

Maybe he'll be a walker! :D :D ;p
the wanderer
Sun Nov 01 20:47:56
** Show Night ** (spoiler divider)
the wanderer
Sun Nov 01 21:43:53
is anyone out there supposed to be thinking Morgan/Eastman's philosophy is right? i don't see it
Cherub Cow
Tue Nov 03 13:04:29
Yeah I'm not there :D
Aikido's ethics at least sound a lot better than AA's 12-step, and may have better effects.. and If Alexandria represents civilization forming from/after pure tribal war, then it kind of has to address its PTSD-suffering warrior founders eventually (and Aikido could be a way to do it), because that transition to peace requires some forgetting/redirecting of war images..

..but.. where Rick's group was mostly mentally strong enough to make the transition (save Sasha, who had a lot more trouble, or Abraham, who's coping with alcohol and controlled ultraviolence) this Wolf would definitely be leaning a little too much to the side of Eastman's psychopath (incurable; charming but calculating and sadistic; and with that "W" carved into his forehead, a little too Manson-esque). He doesn't seem like he cracked and that this was the result, he seems like the post-apocalypse freed him to be what he already was. He didn't ask to be put out of his misery like Morgan was, because he wants to stay alive and cause havoc because he loves it (whereas Morgan hated himself for it). Plus, Eastman wasn't risking anyone but himself and was perceptive enough to detect the incurable psychopaths in the population, whereas Morgan might not be perceptive and would be risking the entire community with the project... pretty extreme risk :/

Hopefully Rick finds out and kills the Wolf without letting anyone talk him into the "peace" option :D
the wanderer
Tue Nov 03 14:10:04
Morgan was on Talking Dead (he's british too!) and said Morgan would do it again even knowing his actions w/ the wolves led to deaths & noted Rick's path has led to deaths too, so I guess he's fighting for his character's cause or really believes in it

but there's just no way this wolf isn't killing people... possibly Judith, the show won't last long enough for her to ever be useful :p

Cherub Cow
Tue Nov 03 14:36:51
Dolphinately. If they try to incorporate him, someone important is dying because of it, and probably not Morgan. Judith does seem likely!... or she'd carve a "W" into her forehead and help this Wolf kill Sharon Tate ! D: !

"he's british too!"

Oh! Just checked his imdb; he was in Snatch :D

"Morgan ... noted Rick's path has led to deaths too"

Seems like Morgan-actor doesn't notice that Rick has generally been against the idea of people within his own group killing each other (like Carol's prison eugenics; people have died in Rick's group, but he does care how/why they die). And Rick also has his "three questions" method of evaluating outsiders, which this Wolf would fail sooo badly :D
Morgan could also realize that Eastman had already been taking Aikido for a while when he killed that psychopath. Exceptions can be made to the "no exceptions" policy! ;p
the wanderer
Sun Nov 08 19:35:04
starts in 30 mins east side... we should definitively learn Glenn's fate, unless they jerk us around some more... i still think he's dead but heard another theory about if he could get enough walker blood on him they might ignore him :p
the wanderer
Sun Nov 08 20:13:05

** Spoiler alert separator **

the wanderer
Sun Nov 08 21:02:25
so... 3 budding romances...
Cherub Cow
Tue Nov 10 13:19:51
And the lesbian romance was kind of presumptuous! After the kiss it should have been, "hey, just because we're both lesbians and it's the end of the world doesn't mean I'm into you. I'm gay, just not gay for *you*" ;p

- Pretty insensitive to add Glenn's name to the wall before they know for sure... (I mean, we kind of know, but Alexandria could just assume he's trapped somewhere, unable to signal)
- Dead doctor's son ("Ron Anderson") is getting a bit sadistic and schemey... still very funny that he wants to kill Rick and Carl just because he misses being beaten by his dad. They added the element of his thinking that Enid was his girlfriend (so he's jealous of Carl), so maybe he's delusional on top of everything. I guess he just feels isolated because he doesn't mean anything in the new power structure..
- [Fresh?] blood dripping on the wall at the end (and dripping, not leaking through).. It looked like that was supposed to be the section being reinforced (where the truck hit).
{Middle-left frame shows Tobin standing in front of the reinforced section at the beginning, next to the spot that Deanna Monroe passed at the end}. That spot didn't have guards posted (it's further down from where Maggie was erasing Glenn's name and it's a different wall than where Spencer Monroe relieved Rosita), so maybe someone was climbing the fence? An injured Enid? Walkers? I'm almost taking it for granted at this point in the show, but can walkers even climb something like this?
- Kind of surprised that they didn't start stabbing walkers through the gate like they did at the prison. That seems like a proactive step that they could be taking. Too bad Sasha was on the away crew, because she gets it; have to thin out the herd! I'm not liking that even Rick is like, "Darryl, Abraham, and Sasha will take care of it." No! Unacceptable! :p
the wanderer
Tue Nov 10 22:59:50
i figured the blood was just from the zombies smushing each other
Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 11 15:37:30
That sounds like their intention. Maybe I'm just thrown off by it dripping instead of leaking through.. so it could be that they just didn't see another way to make it look like the wall was failing.. hmm
Anarchist Prime
Fri Nov 13 09:09:07
= Kind of surprised that they didn't start stabbing walkers through the gate like they did at the prison. That seems like a proactive step that they could be taking. =

Cherub Cow
Fri Nov 13 18:33:27
Yeah! Plus! These Alexandrians need to get comfortable with killing, and what better way but stabbing walkers safely through a fence?
Anarchist Prime
Fri Nov 13 18:35:29
true dat.
the wanderer
Sun Nov 15 19:59:03
show night!

we should definitively learn Glenn's fate, unless they jerk us around some more... :p

** Spoiler alert separator **

Cherub Cow
Sun Nov 15 20:45:50
I hope he's a walker!!!! :D :D :D
the wanderer
Sun Nov 15 21:07:07
more romance brewing... maybe the finale will be a big orgy
the wanderer
Mon Nov 16 09:12:50
i'm thinking it's new guy on the radio at the end, but did kinda sound Glennish too...
Cherub Cow
Tue Nov 17 12:18:59
"more romance brewing..."

Yeah! Guess that Abraham wasn't exclusive to Rosita. Sasha and Abraham make a good "recovering from PTSD" couple :)
..I hope they're not doing all this Abraham/Sasha development just to kill them in their next episode.. And the RPG upgrade! :D Just in time for a conflict with this weird, military group.

One thing I'm kind of wondering, btw, is that sometimes it seems like they could just hack off flesh instead of entire limbs. Like that guy who was bitten on the arm in this episode... I'm sure that that was a "better safe than sorry" thing (it was the back of his arm, near the elbow, so maybe not much flesh to remove around the bite), but thinking also of when one of Michonne's peeps was bitten on the back/shoulder.. maybe that could have been solved by knocking him out and then cutting off some meat! Not that he made it anyways..

"i'm thinking it's new guy on the radio at the end"

Dolphinately. But Daryl better not turn them around to help! That guy had his chance, and Daryl should immediately be suspicious that he intends to entrap Daryl and Co just so he can justify entrance back into his "kneel" group. Figures, though! Now Rick's group *and* Sasha+Abraham+Daryl think that the other group can handle themselves.. whereas each group needs to be much more proactive (Rick thinning out the herd, Sasha+Abraham+Daryl getting back into radio range). I guess that will be the impending disaster; no help returning to Alexandria, so an impending wall failure. They've all gotten soft! ;p
the wanderer
Tue Nov 17 13:10:57
i'm assuming an RPG and fuel truck combination somewhere... not sure if at the zombie wall or the kneel people

or maybe not much fuel left from burning down the forest
Cherub Cow
Tue Nov 17 13:24:31
"i'm assuming an RPG and fuel truck combination somewhere... not sure if at the zombie wall or the kneel people"

oo, yeah. Maybe they'll get back while the horde is breaking through Alexandria's walls, then blow up the truck and solve the problem with fire (and Daryl now knows that that works).. though that could attract more walkers and the kneel people ('splosion visible from 20+ miles?) — oh no! D: ... but then they'd get to use more RPGs! Yay! :D
Or if it's the kneel people, I wonder if exploding a truck *there* would draw the Alexandria walkers away... that might be better, so maybe Daryl *should* turn around.. hmm

But it does seem like all of that fuel was in tact! They made it seem like that area hadn't changed since the start of the apocalypse.

Oh no! Only 2 episodes left before the mid-season finale! :(
Cherub Cow
Tue Nov 17 13:27:46
(or I mean: one episode next week, then the mid-season finale the following week)
Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 18 15:42:31
Rewatched the episode ..didn't notice before the significance of the license plate of the truck that Daryl took:
Earlier in the episode those three kneel people see the "Pattrick Fuel Company" site and were like,
- "Patty!"
- "She could be..."
- "No, she's gone."
Looks like the trucks were numbered, so probably Patty was the owner of the fuel company.. not a major point, but didn't make the "Pattrick/Patty" connection before :p
the wanderer
Wed Nov 18 16:01:40
Yeah I thought a person too, Talking Dead host was saying they meant the truck was named Patty but I think he's wrong
Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 18 16:24:35
hmm yeah.. would be a little weird to refer to a truck with a feminine pronoun, like a ship or something; "yarr! where's me truck! she hits the concrete waves with such tireless ferocity! yarr!" ;p
Then again.. maybe? I guess that would make Daryl's finding the truck more significant.. yarr.. am all discombobulated meow. But numbered trucks makes me think that if they wanted to refer to a truck, then they'd call it "Patty 2" (and guessing that Patty001 was the one they blew up). It kind of doesn't matter, but okay :D
the wanderer
Sun Nov 22 23:03:39
show night!

we should definitively learn Glenn's fate, unless they jerk us around some more... :p

** Spoiler alert separator **

Cherub Cow
Sun Nov 22 23:22:33
!!! I demand zombie Glenn !!! :|
the wanderer
Mon Nov 23 00:02:30
next episode should be nice...
Cherub Cow
Mon Nov 23 21:30:21
@ending: D:

& ohmahgerdz!! they did it!! :D .. Totally took advantage of tricky camera angles! Sneaky, false hobbitses! I know that this outcome might be a bit contrived (so lucky!), but I'm actually kind of happy about it :)

Was worried that Carol was inadvertently delivering Judith directly to psycho kid Ron Anderson, but Ron was following Carl, and I'm not sure how much I'd care if Carl were shot.. though it would def send Rick into a fury.. he's already been on the edge about everything, so maybe he'd kill anyone outside of his BFF group or something crazy. But it would be a lot more fun to see Carl just beat Ron on a quick-draw... The tower pretty much puts all of this on hold. Hopefully Darryl didn't answer that radio call. Glenn doesn't seem strong enough to do a lot..

Random: this most likely came up before.. but I wonder if the entire show would end with Judith being killed, but then she doesn't turn, so they maybe realize that newborns have had the virus filtered from their blood by placenta..

Totes "next episode should be nice"!! :D
the wanderer
Mon Nov 23 23:48:08
hard to believe he wouldn't get a nibble somewhere with all those guys, but whatever :p

season ending, someone important has to die, i'll assume/hope for Coral :p
Tue Nov 24 10:22:39
That was my running theory, that those born after the infection won't turn.
Cherub Cow
Tue Nov 24 18:09:05
Thought that it must have come up before!

"hard to believe he wouldn't get a nibble somewhere with all those guys, but whatever :p"

Def! Way too many hands going everywhere during a feeding frenzy! I call Shenanigans!! ;)
Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 25 18:00:50
..did a second watch of the latest episode (S6-E7) :p

Didn't notice before, but the character that Glenn finds at the gate ("David", played by Jay Huguley) who had written the note to his wife, Betsy, in episode 3... I was thinking that it was a silver lining that Glenn might get to bring David's note to Betsy, but Betsy was the one who slashed her own wrist(s) in episode 6 (Jessie Anderson stabbed her in the eye before giving a speech to the other Alexandrians). So I guess Betsy killed herself after finding out that David had died, but she won't get to read his note.. quelle tragédie :'(
Cherub Cow
Sun Nov 29 19:21:46
38 minutes to show time! :D
I purch'ed the season pass, but for the mid-finale I'll prob be watching once it makes it here:

- Will Ron kill Carl or be too distracted by the fence situation? Or! Will he be distracted momentarily, only to end the episode by shooting Carl? D:
- Will Rick somehow blame the Alexandrians and thrown them under the bus?
- Will Glenn help by finally making a distraction?
- Will Daryl/Abraham/Sasha arrive to drive the walkers out?
- Will Carol be kewl with Morgan's decision to keep the Wolf alive? (lulz)
- Will Glenn be walking up to Maggie for hugz only to be stabbed by that crazy Wolf, who Morgan finally has to kill??

These questions and moar to be answered! ;D
the wanderer
Sun Nov 29 20:04:27
die Carl! :P

** Spoiler alert separator **

the wanderer
Sun Nov 29 20:57:43
these people make such horrible decisions...
the wanderer
Sun Nov 29 21:17:17
the wolf should have shot them all, that nonsense behavior needs to stop :p

also die Ron!
Cherub Cow
Sun Nov 29 23:32:38
Yeah did they seriously slide over two guns and a machete to someone who only had a knife?? That might be the single dumbest moment in this show's history. It's only a slight redemption that it didn't immediately backfire with the Wolf just killing everyone (and would be totally redeemed if the weapons were empty or something)... Could expect that from Eugene, and I could almost expect stupid behavior like that from Tara since she got to live in an apartment for most of the apocalypse, but *Rosita*? Who *wrote* that? :/

Poor Deanna :( .. was hoping that Rick would defer political power to her in peace times ;)

[Carl to Ron]: "Your dad was an asshole" :D :D

Liked the symmetry of that Carol/Morgan fight. Carol has been all "kill to solve problems" and Morgan "never kill to solve problems" .. glad that neither really won, because that would have had difficult symbolic implications ;D

..the writers really saved a lot for the February premiere. Still, was a nice ending with everyone standing there.. the walkers and living peeps in a nice community together ;D .. but of course Sam has to go mess everything up ;p
the wanderer
Mon Nov 30 00:03:13
oh, i meant die Sam! :p
Cherub Cow
Mon Nov 30 00:10:20
Yeah he better! :D
Mon Nov 30 03:11:10
They need some saviors!
Anarchist Prime
Mon Nov 30 11:39:35
"these people make such horrible decisions... "


"Who *wrote* that? :/"

it wasn't me!!!!!!!!!

Cherub Cow
Mon Nov 30 15:35:24
Liar!! I demand a re-write and a re-shoot!! Right meow!!
Mon Nov 30 16:22:32
That was a weak scene on both ends.
Cherub Cow
Mon Nov 30 16:42:22
The writers didn't even need to do that, either! It's not like the writers *had* to put Eugene+Tara+Rosita in that room. And if they wanted the Wolf to have a gun for some planned/future scene, then they could have just had Denise (doctor) carrying one (it would fit her character to be too scared to use it, but would still fit Rick's insistence that everyone in the wall should have a weapon). If they wanted Eugene+Tara+Rosita in the room for some reason (just to be witnesses?), then a better possibility with the same effect might be: after Morgan knocks out Carol and Wolf knocks out Morgan..
- Doctor too scared to use her gun, lets Wolf take it
- Eugene+Tara+Rosita enter, pointing guns at Wolf, who has doctor hostage
- Wolf backs out of the metal gate thingy

I really just don't get why they didn't do something like that. Giving the Wolf weapons makes very little sense. Even if they were afraid that the Wolf would kill the doctor (obviously an important profession to have around), all that giving him weapons accomplishes is enabling him to *still* kill the doctor and *also* kill them. It's like if stand-off robbers in a bank ask for "more weapons" .. you don't just give them more weapons to prevent hostage killings. That seems like such a basic understanding that I don't get how the writers would still do it. I'm *really* hoping that those pistols were empty or something. Can anyone else think of reasons? It just seems crazy.
Anarchist Prime
Mon Nov 30 17:49:32
no body cares about daryl ?
Cherub Cow
Mon Nov 30 18:23:32
He buzzed in on Eugene's radio for a second, so he must be in range of Alexandria (maybe he didn't answer that "help" radio call?).. and he sounded fine, but I guess he couldn't help?
..Considering that their turnaround point was at about 24 miles, they must drive *really* slow ;p
Anarchist Prime
Mon Nov 30 18:27:13
I guess you didn't see the clip during badlands.
they showed daryl, the ginger and sasha being stopped by bikers,who were gonna take all their stuff including the truck.
Cherub Cow
Mon Nov 30 18:42:42
Oh noes! D:
Was it a preview or a bonus scene? Maybe Darryl can tell them that he, Abraham, and Sasha can together cook 99% pure meth, so they'll be okay?
the wanderer
Mon Nov 30 18:49:41
it's here if you want to see
Cherub Cow
Mon Nov 30 19:11:01
That's not good at all!
They shouldn't have pulled up that close to begin with.. And meow I wish that Abraham were holding onto that RPG just for fun.. which would have changed that scene quite a bit:
[Biker]: "Why don't you come on out?"
[Abraham]: *gets out, points RPG into middle of biker gang*. "Sup?"
[Biker]: "Nothin'. U ok?"
[Abraham]: "Yeah we ok."
[Biker]: "k. cya."
*bikers leave*
the wanderer
Mon Nov 30 19:21:10
or the bikers point a stick at him and say he better slide that RPG over to them and he does
Anarchist Prime
Mon Nov 30 19:21:44
the show needs a doc and a murphy.
Cherub Cow
Mon Nov 30 19:23:22
Like Sealab?

"or the bikers point a stick at him and say he better slide that RPG over to them and he does"

Anarchist Prime
Mon Nov 30 19:24:12
like z nation.
Cherub Cow
Mon Nov 30 19:25:09
might have to try that show!
The Children
Thu Jan 21 09:20:33
just finished s6. yea kinda late 2 party this time but this shit needs 2 be watched in 1 go. like all episodes in 2 or 3 hour long marathons.

much better 4 da story.

Cherub Cow
Sun Feb 14 02:01:00
Season 6 continues today!! (Sunday, 9/8C)

- Will Darryl join the biker gang?
- Will Abraham shoot the biker gang with an RPG or have it taken because he was daydreaming?
- Will Rick's group have to watch Sam be eaten for being stupid, or will the Wolf/Glenn/Maggie/etc. make even more noise, saving him?
- Did the Wolf smell so bad that the walkers will think that he's dead??
- Will Carol and Morgan learn to stop worrying and love the bomb??
- Will Maggie trip and get eaten in front of Glenn, maximizing the tragedy of going through all that work to survive for each other?
- Will the "kneel" group join Alexandria or start a war??

These questions and more to be answered! .. or an alternate story line to be begun, probably leaving 5 minutes of the important stuff at the end ;p
the wanderer
Sun Feb 14 10:28:38
probably the alternate story line :p

they haven't yet done 'a day in the life of a random zombie', maybe we'll get that now
the wanderer
Sun Feb 14 19:14:52
they are running the old episodes to catch people up to date... it's a good thing, i forgot how much i hate Sam
the wanderer
Sun Feb 14 20:00:43
it be starting

<* spoiler alert separator *>

the wanderer
Sun Feb 14 20:06:25
i approve of the opening scene

the wanderer
Sun Feb 14 20:22:07
...calling shenanigans on scene #2 though :/
the wanderer
Sun Feb 14 20:29:41
holy shitballs... :O...
Mon Feb 15 04:27:41
Eat shit and die!
Mon Feb 15 15:37:15
No one else watched?
the wanderer
Mon Feb 15 15:53:36
i'm sure CC will

i'm unclear why they sort of skipped over the 'mom, mom, mom' cliff-hanger from Sam... but at least things resolved themselves...
Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 15 20:30:24
Incredible episode!! :o wows
That was ultra intense. I was basically like, "D: / !:O ", the whole time :p

+1 on "i approve of the opening scene" and "Eat shit and die!"!!! That totally makes up for them not having the RPG ready off the start. I was yelling at the screen like, "yeah! deal with it, fuckers!" XD

"i'm unclear why they sort of skipped over the 'mom, mom, mom' cliff-hanger from Sam"

Yeah that was a little odd. Maybe it was purely a production decision, like they wanted to foreshadow the possibility in the cliffhanger but also wanted them to walk around a little before everything turned bad.

It was *so* awesome when it turned bad, though. Like, in a terrible way :D ... Sam's death seemed a given, but his mom.. and then resetting the switch on Ron.. and Carl ("dad? [why stuff hurt? Where even is mortality?]" ).. wows.. this show gets trauma on a deep level.

Plus, Rick's Tyreese or 300 blood lust moment, everyone agreeing to go battle mode, the Wolf actually [maybe?] turning good but Carol going Sicario off the balcony... it's too much!! ;p

Has to be one of their top episodes, or else I just haven't gotten my Walking Dead fix in so long that its effects were extra potent ;D
Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 15 20:34:23
Also, it seemed wasteful to use an RPG to light the lake (and seems doubtful that that would even work if fired directly into the water like it was), but the explosion sound probably helped a lot more than throwing a match, so RPG away! ;D
the wanderer
Mon Feb 15 21:41:10
yep, definitely a top episode
the wanderer
Sun Feb 21 20:01:08

== show night - spoiler separator ===

the wanderer
Sun Feb 21 20:42:59
we seem to be back to the bad choice making people
the wanderer
Sun Feb 21 21:05:52
2 months have passed since prior ep (according to Michonne on Talking Dead)

Nathan Fillion is also a guest on TD
Cherub Cow
Tue Feb 23 19:52:37
Was kind of glad to not have a super-dread episode after last week :p
Not sure I approve of Rick's parking job; at least park parallel to the shore! ;p
That thief guy was comical but borderline annoying.. wonder if he's part of the "kneel" group?
And I thought Rick and Michonne had become Platonic, but I guess if all of your former love interests have died (Andrea for Michonne, Lori+Jessie for Rick), then you party when you can party ;D .. good for them! :D

At first I thought that it was dead Ron out in the woods with Carl and Enid, and I almost thought that it was a coincidence that Deanna was there too, but it was definitely her in both scenes, so my mistake :p .. I kind of like Carl's recognition of the need to kill your own peeps if they turn, and he killed his own mom so he gets that on his own weird, post-apocalyptic sociopath child level ;)
the wanderer
Wed Feb 24 10:03:45
i wouldn't want to... i'd like them to be killed w/ me not around
Wed Feb 24 15:18:36
Or you could keep them in a barn!
Cherub Cow
Fri Feb 26 00:32:29
There's no way that could go wrong! ;D
the wanderer
Mon Feb 29 00:19:25
- show night -

i missed the first showing, watching now

can't say leaving Maggie alone seems like a good idea...
the wanderer
Mon Feb 29 00:57:23
i think this was how earthpig planned to be in the apocalypse... extorting the weak
Mon Feb 29 21:08:05
Greg needs to die, too bad he survived.
Cherub Cow
Tue Mar 01 17:20:24
"i think this was how earthpig planned to be in the apocalypse... extorting the weak"

Yeah I'm hoping that they'll show how that won't work :D
..guessing that even though Rick/Maggie's group will basically be replacing Negan's group (taking half Gregory's group's food), that they'll be far more cooperative and far less about racketeering than Negan. {btw, I Googled the spelling of Negan's name, and apparently he'll be played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan, so that's pretty kewls}.

"Greg needs to die, too bad he survived."

Trues :( .. he seems pretty scummy and maybe a bit irredeemable .. am curious how much of that behavior was because he was being exploited versus just the way he is..

Misc thoughts:
- So Abraham and Rosita still a thing! :D .. too bad he's into Sasha too (drama!). I wonder if he'll solve that or if someone will have to kill Rosita or Sasha just so he can make a "choice" ;p
- This next battle will pretty clearly be costly... and Andy (the guy from Jesus' group that Rick asked to give info about Negan) looks ready to betray them, so that's great :( .. he'll die for sure, and I'm guessing that Negan's group will take out some main characters (Maggie? Michonne??) D:
Tue Mar 01 18:48:37
He gonna keep making bisquic.
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