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Utopia Talk / Movie Talk / outlast
The Children
Mon Jun 20 12:10:38
ima currently tryin out this shit. seems kinda scary.


The Children
Tue Jun 21 04:34:07
damn this shit is pretty scary o.O

im not even playin that shit, just watchin.
The Children
Tue Jun 21 08:17:38
this shit is made 4 freaks. freaks.

i mean wtf how wuld u even know which way 2 go and hide. they dunt even have a map?
Tentacle Rapist
Thu Jun 23 16:50:11
i mean wtf how wuld u even know which way 2 go and hide. they dunt even have a map? '

I'd like to tell you how they do it but it's beyond the abilities of your feeble mind to comprehend.
The Children
Fri Jun 24 00:35:34
stfu little boy, this video is not for little kids so does ur momma know ur watchin this.

Tentacle Rapist
Sat Jun 25 01:26:53
How does it feel to be so poor you have to save up for a tuna sandwich?
The Children
Mon Jun 27 07:18:53
how does it feel 2 know ur a boy and not allowed 2 watch shit meant for adults and grown ups.

go play with ur barbi and gijoe dolls, kid.

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