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Utopia Talk / Movie Talk / Ghostbusters
Person. | Sun Jul 24 22:07:57 No spoilers. I had no plans on seeing this movie based on the trailers, but after some reviews came out with a consensus that it wasn't a dumpster fire that I anticipated, I figured I would watch it and judge for myself. The best way I can describe it is that I spent the whole movie really trying to get on board, but there was just something about it that I couldn't. Honestly, the movie had a lot of good things going for it. I found it to be fairly funny. Mellisa McCarthy (whom I can't fucking stand) actually did a movie where she didn't spend the whole trying to play the "overweight everygirl" which was a pleasant surprise. It's still there a little bit, but she doesn't bash you over the head with it. I've never really had a problem with Kristen Wiig. The SNL Beiber girl's character was actually really funny. Despite all these nice things the movie has going for it, it never develops into a good comedy. Some of the horrible things working against it... -The movie sets itself in a different "ghostbusters universe" than the original films. which I liked. However, with callback after callback after callback after callback along with all of the other blatant similarities to the originals, it just completely destroys the premise -Leslie Jones (who I actually do find funny) really drags down the film down. She added nothing of comedic value to the movie. The film would have been much better if they had just left her out completely. -While the original Ghostbusters isn't necessarily inappropriate for kids, the target audience was adults. The new one goes the horrible direction of aiming to be a "family" film that will satisfy parents and children. So they try to do things that will appease to small boys like super cringy "action" scenes and so on and so forth. It was trying to please everyone at once and I really can't think of too many non-disney movies that do that with any success at all. Final thoughts: They gave it a good shot, but you don't fucking remake the god damn ghostbusters/10 |
Person. | Sun Jul 24 22:22:19 "really drags down the film down." I'm so fucking good with words guys lol |
Tentacle Rapist | Mon Jul 25 00:57:58 You're probably one of those Heteronormative cisgender caucasian males. You're disparaging comments against Leslie Jones are clearly out of spite, both for the fact that a women hasn't learned the place that the vicious patriarchy seeks to impose, and for the fact that a person of color is being allowed to be equal to people not of color. You are clearly a symbol of white privilege and all that is wrong with the world. You should probably kill yourself /sjw rant |
Member | Mon Jul 25 02:06:40 "You're probably one of those Heteronormative cisgender caucasian males. " 10/10 |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Jul 25 02:12:18 Definitely. Sounds like Palem didn't like it because of sexism and racism. Furthermore I think that Palem should resign, apologize, and self-select out of the gene pool to finally end the bullying of AttackHelicopter-gendered people! ;D Good review! ..I'm probably not going to watch it until it's free to do so |
Person. | Mon Jul 25 08:10:27 I was going to look up wtf a "cisgender" person is but I'll probably just get annoyed lol |
Person. | Mon Jul 25 08:12:50 Also, technically I don't think it's ever legal to watch a movie for "free" lol |
Member | Mon Jul 25 08:50:36 Palem: straight. For some reason, some dipshit thought that it was necessary to rename a completely accepted term with something quite obtuse. |
Member | Mon Jul 25 08:53:59 Or more specifically, cis is someone who identifies with the gender they were born as and is attracted to members of the opposite sex. Which, again, is just straight. |
Person. | Mon Jul 25 09:59:06 Yep, I was right. That's annoying lol |
Member | Mon Jul 25 12:54:51 Cis = real, right? |
the wanderer | Mon Jul 25 22:59:23 but if you just say "straight" it's not clear that you have a chip on your shoulder against them |
the wanderer | Mon Jul 25 23:01:02 it's like when Jews say 'gentiles'... i just assume they hate me :p |
Member | Tue Jul 26 07:38:41 Any Jew that actually uses the word gentile outside of a historic perspective isn't worth your time anyway. Fuck those guys. |
Anarchist Prime | Tue Jul 26 10:47:37 "Fuck those guys." dinner and a movie first no? |
Member | Tue Jul 26 13:24:16 Not that kind of fucking. Regularly... Dinner yes. Movie no. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jul 26 16:19:26 [Palem]: "Also, technically I don't think it's ever legal to watch a movie for 'free' lol" I'm fine with them getting residuals, but they'll only get those residuals via my Netflix subscription! :p .. [Hood]: "Or more specifically, cis is someone who identifies with the gender they were born as and is attracted to members of the opposite sex." Actually I think "cis" refers to high priority functional groups that occur in the same orientation relative to the double bond: http://che...63453/=fig1-2-4.png?revision=1 So when people say "cis-scum" it's because cis isomers tend to be less energetically favorable and tend to be used in fatty acid chains for energy storage, which, really, seems to be a form of fat shaming ;D |
Member | Tue Jul 26 22:21:10 I like that response, CC. I'm always down for injecting chemistry into things. |
Member | Tue Jul 26 22:26:57 Chemistry has no place in sexuality! |
Member | Sun Dec 15 14:07:29 I seen some previews...looked like shit. Are the original GBs in this? The one coming out next year looks better seems to have the three living original ones. |
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