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Utopia Talk / Movie Talk / Nintendementia Reviews IV
HH Evenflow
Fri Mar 24 19:48:10
New Review Up:

Evils of the Night (1985) - Mars needs faded sitcom women, an it's up to John Carradine an his kinky bisexual space alien nurses to find an old age cure before Ginger an The Catwoman succumb to gravity an end up as judges on Star Search. Unfortunately, John's formula requires nubile young blood, an that's the one bodily fluid all the horny community college kids in town prove unwilling to share, so he hasta pay a coupla grease monkeys to boost turnout for his blood drive.

HH Evenflow
Fri Mar 31 19:39:46
New Review Up:

Welcome to Spring Break (1989) - 742, 628 future fry cooks of America descend on Lauderdale for Spring Break to drum up business for Planned Parenthood an Girls Gone Wild Productions right about the time John Saxon's French fryin' a mean ole biker in the electric chair. This proves regrettable, cause next thing you know another motorpsycho wearin' the red Power Ranger's helmet starts cruisin' the crab shacks an electrocutin' fender fluff on his hotwired Honda, an after awhile we got so many charred corpses on the beach it starts lookin' like somebody started out free passes to the Fourth Reich Tannin' Salon with every Pina Colada purchase.

HH Evenflow
Mon Apr 10 09:48:48
New Review Up:

The Undertaker and His Pals (1966) - Despite the misleadin' title that completely lacks the presence of The Undertaker, Kane, Stone Cold, The Rock, or even Paul Bearer, we still got a pretty educational documentary on the evils of Libertarianism as told by some Marxist Commienist sympathizer with $20 an a camcorder, as the Griller Killers murder shapely dames with culinary names an turn 'em into Bimburger Helper to serve diners at their greasy spoon.

Basically it's an episode of The Three Stooges as envisioned by Herschell Gordon Lewis, so be forewarned.

HH Evenflow
Fri Apr 14 19:27:25
New Review Up:

Zombi 2 (1979) - An outbreak of disintegratin' face syndrome strikes the Caribbean like a United Airlines goon removin' a passenger, an it ain't long before we got so many dead guys wrapped in white sheets wanderin' around that they hafta rename the place Klantasy Island. Meanwhile, the crew of the Undeadliest Catch washes ashore lookin' for a missin' scientist, only it's a real bad time for sight-seein,' cause that's about the point where all the natives cast off the shackles of Christianity an itchy clothing an start playin' the drum solo from Wipe Out in the middle of the jungle, causin' a buncha zombie conquistadors to rise from the dead in search of white meat an a skin graft clinic.

HH Evenflow
Fri Apr 28 19:57:49
New Review Up:

The Legend of Boggy Creek (1972) - Come on in an sit a spell whiles I tell ya about a right queer mystery from the swamps of Southern Arkansas; The Legend of Boggy Creek. Yessir, Deathrow Bodine, that's what folks 'round these parts call 'im. They say he's built like a brick shithouse an reeks like an underground septic tank fire, an that right around sundown's when the ole Boggyman starts lurkin' the outskirts of town tryin' to find somebody he can turn into an arubeula base for his top secret meat salad recipe.

Lord have mercy, we've got one mighty P.O.'d primate on the loose... so getcher guns at the ready an sharpen up them critter traps, cause the Battle of Yettisburg is about to heat up!

HH Evenflow
Sat May 06 11:39:26
New Review Up:

Planet of Dinosaurs (1977) - A spaceship powered by renewable mustache energy crash lands in a rough patch of Jurassic Park where its crew is menaced by the Secretary of Steaks, Tyrannical Rex Killerson, an a host of other prehistoric hoodlums.

It's astronauts vs. dinosaurs in the evolutionary grudge match of the century when laser beams meet saber-teeth in the Pangaean Steel Cage to the death! ...or until the budget runs out, whichever comes first.

HH Evenflow
Fri May 12 22:46:51
New Review Up:

Blood Stalkers (1976) - Coupla couples head down to rural Florida for a little R&R, only the "r's" turn out to be short for "rednecks an resentment," as the punks discover after accidentally invadin' the preferred huntin' spot of the local championship gator rasslin' team who don't take too kindly to Yankee missionaries nosin' around tryin' to recruit 'em into the cult of personal hygiene.

We're basically talkin' Yuppie Etuffee fixins waitin' to happen, so break out your banjos an whittle yourselves some toothpicks, cause we got us a swamp rat jamboree headin' this way, an it's liable to be a barn burner.

HH Evenflow
Fri May 19 19:36:47
New Review Up:

Mutilations (1986) - The Borg assimilate Gamera's race of laser-breathed turtle monsters an crash land in rural Tulsa where they plot to sabotage the American cattle industry by suckin' the guts outta the livestock an turnin' 'em inside out so everyone'll get grossed out an turn vegan. Unfortunately, Knock-Kneed Martian an his underlings never can remember to utilize their superior technology, an when they invade the home of some paranoid ole white hair who thinks they're tryin' to get ahold of his semen to breed a master race of hillbillies, they bite off a little more'n they can chew in the form of a slack-jawed college professor an his gaggle of Remedial Astronomy students.

HH Evenflow
Fri May 26 19:44:16
New Review Up:

Tourist Trap (1979) - Chuck Connors fashions his own Valley of the Dolls outta trespassin' freeway tourists an the liberal use of dry wall spackle, unfortunately, Chuck's Laguna Triangle disables the wrong Jeep an he ends up infatuated with this uptight string bean who looks like a vanilla popsicle in heels, only to discover that sometimes you're better off just stickin' with women you can deflate when they get outta line.

HH Evenflow
Fri Jun 02 21:55:05
New Review Up:

Condemned to Live (1935) - The town doctor transforms from pillar to killer of the community when a stress overload activates the hereditary vampire genes he inherited from his mama after she got bitten by one of Bela Lugosi's extended family members in a cave down in Africa a coupla hours before she squatapulted 'im out of 'er mama parts. This causes 'im to start Hydeperventilatin' an foamin' at the mouth like a hobo watchin' a hot dog carosel at the 7-Eleven an skulkin' around town deplasmafyin' women with skin like Elmer's glue, til the pitchfork posse finally catches on an starts lightin' torches an preparin' to BBQ the MD.

Do be advised that this thing'll make you groggier'n a narcoleptic at an Andy Warhol film festival, so whatever you do, never watch this flick in the presence of Bill Cosby.

HH Evenflow
Sat Jun 17 11:27:04
New Review Up:

The Gate (1987) - Bald-headed midget nudist demons launch an all-out assault on suburban middle-class America when two kids open a portal to Hell in their backyard with the aid of reversed Black Sabbath lyrics. At that point, their choices become: convert to Cthulhucism, or be processed into demon dook at the hands of this big blue guy with more arms than a parade of Hindu deities.

HH Evenflow
Sat Jun 24 11:45:45
New Review Up:

Octaman (1971) - The Mexican P.T. Barnum pays a buncha scientists to help 'im capture the world's angriest Hentai blow-up doll so he can put it on display in his Circ du Ole! travelin' carnival exhibit. Unfortunately, the Octamang has other plans, an when the nerds capture one of its little sushi samplers an start threatenin' to turn it into a squidchillada with extra guacamollusk sauce they end up with one seriously hostile Tentacostal on their hands.

HH Evenflow
Sat Jul 01 12:40:48
New Review Up:

The Final Terror (1983) - The All-Knowing Trash Heap from Fraggle Rock stalks the woods turnin' trespassers into CSI Forensics Academy final exams an leavin' decapitated heads in the outhouse, bringing whole new meaning to the phrase "goin' to the head."

Honorary recipient of the Nintendementia Award for Most Creative Use of Tin Can Lids in Cinematic History, check it out.

HH Evenflow
Sat Jul 08 17:54:50
New Review Up:

Planet of the Apes (1968) - Chuck Heston crash lands his intergalactic lawn dart onto a planet governed by a panel of Apiscopalian zealots who declare 'im public enemy #1 of their little banana republic, an order 'im gelded in an attempt to relegate his future actin' career to the Broadway chorus line. Fortunately, a coupla chimp scientists have his scantily clad backside, but when they bust 'im outta solitary an threaten to expose the Apalcy as fallible, the fascists send out their Brass Monkeys to reign in the heresy.

HH Evenflow
Sat Jul 15 14:02:02
New Review Up:

The Horror of Party Beach (1964) - Academics, college theses, an barroom intellectuals alike have spent 50 years debatin' whether the Horror is indeed the Creature from the Black Lampoon, as the artwork implies, OR - if the Horror actually stems from all the sexually ambiguous pasty white guys out on the White Sands Nipple Testing Range shakin' their hinders like the jowls on a bulldog with his head stickin' out a pickup window at 70mph.

Feel free to contribute your own perspective on this timeless enigma of 1960s Beach cinema, an I'll be sure to mail the eggheads at MIT with any new data that might help crack the case.

HH Evenflow
Sat Jul 22 20:19:24
New Review Up:

Godmonster of Indian Flats (1973) - An oily real estate developer tries bamboozlin' the denizens of an anachronistic wild west town in Nevada into sellin' their land so he can knock everything down an start importin' sin by the truckload. Unfortunately, complications arise when one of the local sheep gets mutated into the Godfather of Foal by these little yellow clouds of yellow smoke bomb smog that start seepin' up through a network of prairie dog tunnels an next thing you know the monster's rampagin' through town like David Lynch's workin' a guest directorial stint on the Shari Lewis & Lambchop Show.

HH Evenflow
Thu Jul 27 20:27:54
New Review Up:

Oasis of the Zombies (1982) - A platoon of Nazis fightin' in the North African campaign of WWII get their collective Axis handed to 'em an end up reenlistin' post-mortem to keep their plundered European booty outta the hands of unscrupulous Jews who might use it to open up investment brokerage firms in high rise office buildings.

I'm not gonna lie to ya; we're talkin' Indiana Groans in the Temple of Dune with this one.

HH Evenflow
Fri Aug 04 20:15:12
New Review Up:

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) - Let's see... what do you need to know about this... well, same basic principle as the original 1974 version, only without style, subtlety, grit, atmosphere, heart, attention to detail, or a minimum amount of effort put forth to recapture the clinical cinematography of 1973 so as to prevent the movie from looking like every other cookie cutter horror film released in 2003.

We're talkin' cash grab city here, an that's *before* you consider the movie stars an actress who, up to that point in her career, was best known for her part on one of the sappiest, lamest, phoniest TV shows in the history of the universe; 7th Heaven.

Do not watch this. Do not buy this. Do not encourage this. But do throw things that generate a powerful stink that're near impossible to wash out of clothing at Michael Bay and Marcus Nispel. Thank you.

HH Evenflow
Fri Aug 11 20:10:14
New Review Up:

The Power (1984) - The spirit of the Aztec demon Quervocoatyl inhabits a bug-eyed Buddha carvin' from a Mexican Pottery Barn an possesses the bodies of various wimps with self esteem issues, until it gets inside this guy who looks like Pauly Shore an makes his face resemble a wad of pizza dough that got run over by a Sherman tank an forces 'im to shove the hands of chubby tabloid reporters down the garbage disposal for refusin' to lend 'im her Honda Civic.

I'm thinkin' this ain't the same power Huey Lewis and the News were singin' about.

HH Evenflow
Fri Aug 18 19:24:46
New Review Up:

Creepozoids (1987) - The year is 1998 an "the superpowers" done blowed up the world like a buncha maniacs, leavin' nothin' but scattered bands of survivors an mutants who spend their days wagin' war over who gets the roomy corner booth at the Waffle House. Unfortunately for one of these groups, they've decided to hole up in an abandoned research lab occupied by this Mandible Lecter monster that looks like the Predator romanced a dung beetle, an pretty quick it starts sprayin' disgustin' black carapiss all over people that causes 'em to swell into pulsatin' garden vegetables an spew gallons of Camel '99 brand lung tar all over the mess hall.

HH Evenflow
Sat Sep 02 13:03:33
New Review Up:

It's Alive (1974) - A suburban housewife's womb transforms into a monster maternity ward an gives birth to a snarlin' ugly Scabbage Patch kid who massacres the hospital staff with an impressive display of newborn fu an escapes the delivery room after gnawin' through its own umbilical cord like a coyote in a leg snare. From here on out Baby Chewy terrorizes Los Angeles with infant impunity until the cops finally put out an APB on it an assign every unit not currently assigned to beatin' the crap outta hippies to track it down an perform an extremely late term abortion.

HH Evenflow
Fri Sep 08 20:21:17
New Review Up:

Return to Boggy Creek (1977) - Alright, here's the deal see - Kimberly Drummond from Diff'rent Strokes an 'er two little brothers got born on the bayou, an they're livin' a pretty peaceful Wonderful World of Disney-esque existence mercilessly destroyin' the local blowhard fisherman at the fish market on a daily basis with their uncle's top secret Cajun voodoo alligator gar gumbo bait, when all the sudden they run afoul of ole Mr. Chewbaccy who's just mindin' his own business down in Boggy Creek pickin' chiggers outta his hairy buttcrack, which prompts the three of 'em to mount an expedition to follow the trail of Sasqraunch so they can get famous an go on In Search Of to meet Spock.

Starring Dawn Wells as the only castaway still yearnin' to return to Gilligan's Island.

HH Evenflow
Sun Sep 17 13:04:26
New Review Up:

Eyes Behind the Stars (1978) - Female Muslim extraterrestrial welders fly down from outer space to abduct humans an flash strobe lights in their eyes til they get permanent brain epilepsy while the Men in Slacks run around tryin' to stop a journalist and U.F.O. expert/antique dealer from learnin' the truth about the serious holes in our planetary border security fence.

We're talkin' Eyes Behind the Lids here.

HH Evenflow
Sat Sep 23 13:11:00
New Review Up:

The Slumber Party Massacre (1982) - Mean ole DeWalt Whitman escapes from a mental institution, finds 'imself a drill big enough to function as Amy Winehouse's corkscrew, makes his way to a slumberparty sanctioned by a gaggle of scantily clad co-eds, an proceeds to journey to the center of their girth with the ole Black and Decker. Gets the pizza guy too, right through the eye sockets, but fortunately he takes that "30 minutes or it's free" oath *very* seriously an manages to deliver even after he's already gone to the big Domino's in the sky. Course everyone gets real stuck up about his leakin' creamed cornea all over the shag rug, but that's just part of the job.

HH Evenflow
Sat Sep 30 13:38:30
New Review Up:

They Live (1988) - Outer space venture capitalists with a serious dermatological problem invade Earth an take control via shrewd financial investments while pumpin' out intellectual anesthetic to keep the population too enamored with the latest episode of The Golden Girls to realize they're bein' hoodwinked. Fortunately, Rowdy Roddy Piper's on our side, an once he discovers a set of X-Ray-bans that allow 'im to see the bigger picture, he an Keith David get hooked up with a resistance movement an start blowin' away yuppy insurance adjusters with automatic weapons.

HH Evenflow
Sat Oct 14 18:44:36
New Review Up:

Suspiria (1977) - Ilsa: She Wolf of the Sus-Sous rules over a German dance academy where she an 'er staff inject pirouette enhancin' drugs an Occult studies into impressionable young ballerinas. Unfortunately, along comes an American girl who eventually discovers the place was founded by some old crone who struck it rich when a house fell on 'er wealthy sister, an she sets out to impale all the witches on their brooms a la Cannibal Holocaust.

HH Evenflow
Tue Nov 07 19:52:37
New Review Up:

Hellraiser (1987) - Sadomasochistic demonatrixes in leather bondage gear emerge from a Satanic Rubik's Cube to flay the flesh offa unsuspectin' perverts, only one of these glopola groupies manages to escape from Hell's waitin' room when he's partially resurrected by the blood of his brother, an coerces his sister-in-law into bringin' home pathetic single men with low self esteem an crackin' their skulls with claw hammers so he can absorb their flesh in an effort to pull 'imself together.

Forget Alice in Chains; Doug Bradley's the one true Man in the Box.

HH Evenflow
Tue Nov 07 19:53:13
New Review Up:

Halloween: H20 (1998) - The H20 stands for heavily watered down, as Michael Myers and the Disney corporation look to make another killing at the expense of Jamie Lee Curtis, who's now runnin' a private school for privileged yuppy teenagers an given birth to Josh Hartnett since last we saw 'er.

Now, I don't mean to sound cynical or anything, but I've noticed a few things with regard to the passage of time: 1) That each of these sequels since Part 5 resembles a Halloween episode of Friends with greater an greater frequency, 2) That with each passin' year Mariska Hargitay an Bruce Jenner look more an more alike, an 3) I don't want none of 'em on my TV set unless it's Mariska in Ghoulies.

HH Evenflow
Tue Nov 07 19:53:52
New Review Up:

Attack of the Crab Monsters (1957) - It's gonna take more'n the crew of the Deadliest Catch to save the day when Decapod Crane leads an army of giant, nuclear sand crabs in a clawed revolt against a buncha nosy scientists who show up to examine the wildlife in search of a good reason not to just start lobbin' nukes anytime somebody rustles our jimmies. Unfortunately, evolution throws 'em a major curve ball when they discover ole Mr. Krabbs is actually absorbin' the consciousness of everybody he eats so their hearts can go on like Celine Dion, all the while the whole damned island is bein' blasted into dust by Eel Team Six an their atomic antennae, an it's up to The Professor from Gilligan's Island to figure out a way to outsmart Exoskeletor before they all get turned into Krabby Patties.

HH Evenflow
Sun Nov 19 12:02:45
New Review Up:

It Happened at Nightmare Inn (1972) - At the Hotel Can'taffordya in Spain, two Cleavangelical Christians pass judgement on their guests an hack anybody theologically to the left of Fred Phelps into Picasso people. Unfortunately, after they've already turned a British photographer into key Limey pie, her sister shows up lookin' for 'er an eventually discovers the reason all the men folk in town Don Juant anything to do with the sisters.

HH Evenflow
Thu Nov 23 12:53:37
New Review Up:

Blood Freak (1972) - Coupla lab assistants tryin' to reverse engineer The Colonel's 11 original herbs an spices on a poultry farm shoot a little too much turkey hormone into their latest test samples an accidentally turn the farm hand into Fran Turkeynton. As if that ain't bad enough, this greasy-faced cosmetic nightmare of a woman's gotten the guy hooked on Arkansas Polio Weed an all but ensured he'll face transspecies discrimination in the workplace for life even if he manages to avoid arrest for tearin' the throats outta junkies to get a contact high off their plasma.

Will President Nixon issue Joseph Gobbles a Thanksgiving Day pardon? Will his hinder end up stuffed by somethin' even worse than Stovetop in free-range poultry prison? Will his free-love girlfriend still wanna do the funky chicken? Discover the answers to these an other asinine questions in this; the greatest Pro-Jesus/Reefer Madness/Mutant Man-Turkey flick of 1972.

HH Evenflow
Sun Dec 03 18:35:25
New Review Up:

Blood Tracks (1985) - Cannibal hillbillies livin' in the mountains of rural Sweden attack a Hair Metal band on the slopes of Borkjiord an it's up to the guitarist from Europe an his leather pant clad, Aqua Velva soaked band of ozone layer depletin' fashion nightmares to put an end to Sammy Hagar the Horrible an his family of Sasquatters camped out inside an abandoned factory.

One last word of warning though: The Hills Have Eyeliner.

HH Evenflow
Sat Dec 16 19:14:44
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Deathstalker (1983) - Conan the Blondhairian must collect the grand prizes from the Atari Swordquest tournament before they fall into the twisted clutches of the drummer from Cradle of Filth; Munkar the Magnificent. But first he's gotta rescue this Muppet Man who looks like Yoda after the Bubonic Plague an team up with a David Cassidy lookalike in a chain mail belly shirt an a lady who sword fights with unchained mammaries.

It's basically The Wizard of Oz, only everybody wants to pike the Wizard through the pancreas.

HH Evenflow
Mon Dec 25 11:10:11
New Review Up:

Silent Night, Deadly Night 3: Better Watch Out! (1989) - It's been 5 years since the first shots were fired in the War on Christmas, and the insurgency finally appears to have been quashed under a yuletidal wave of sappy sentiment and American consumerism. Yet, the Tinseltown terrorist, Ricky (who by this point looks about like Sling Blade after a series of severe strokes), still clings to life beneath a Boggle dome shielding his mutilated madulla, and as luck would have it, some maniac doctor hooks a psychic blind girl into his junction box and ends up bringin' 'im back to life for another round of season's beatings.

They hadda recast Eric Freeman with Bill Moseley so Eric wouldn't sprain his eyebrows again and end up in the ICU, but this ain't Bill's first rodeo sans skull, so it's all good.

HH Evenflow
Mon Jan 01 16:28:55
New Review Up:

Terror Train (1980) - College frat dork finds 'imself on a Tinder date with a cadaver as part of an initiation stunt an gets so freaked out that he panics an ends up lookin' like a hobbit in Mirkwood Forest after gettin' tangled up in the lace bed curtains an chokin' 'imself into unconsciousness. Three years later it's graduation time, an this frat boss who looks like Trent Reznor's preppy older brother arranges passage on board the Terror Train, where the bodies of rowdy future obstetricians an candy stripers start pilin' up faster'n the stack of sexual assault reports in the back of the Dean's filin' cabinet.

I guess no one can help them now, they're in too deep, they's go'n bleed out.

HH Evenflow
Sun Jan 07 16:00:11
New Review Up:

The Possessed (1977) - Satan possesses the headmistress of an all girls boardin' school where he proceeds to light up the lives of students an staff alike an generally makes everybody look like Jennifer Lawrence havin' a Hunger Games themed wardrobe malfunction. Fortunately, a defrocked priest who blessed the crap out of his liver with sacramental wine before wrappin' his Christler around a telephone pole ends up in Purgatory where Orson from Mork and Mindy bawls 'im out for bad form an commands 'im to kick ass for the Lord, an he makes his way to the school to duke it out with the fiahstahtah, tahwistid fiahstahtah.

Just keep in mind that possession is 9/10ths of the law, so this could get ugly.

HH Evenflow
Sat Jan 13 14:26:45
New Review Up:

Bride of the Gorilla (1951) - Perry Mason kills a wealthy plantation owner down in the Amazon an gets voodoo hexed by a Gypsy witchdoctress who dooms 'im to a life of turnin' hairier'n an armpit at a feminist rally every night. Fortunately, Officer Lon Chaney Jr.'s on the case an he knows a thing'r two about total body electrolysis, so he sets out to make sure Perry don't go climbin' Machu Picchu with his bride under one arm while wifey frantically tries gettin' Jane Goodall on the horn to secure 'er marriage counselin' services.

I think he's turning chimpanzee, I think he's turning chimpanzee, I really think so!

HH Evenflow
Sat Jan 20 10:52:09
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Dinosaurus! (1960) - Construction foreman opens a door to the ocean floor an insists everybody thaw that dinosaur, only to have the Jurassic larks an a cryogenically preserved caveman run amok on the local tourist industry after discoverin' their jobs at Slate Rock and Gravel've all been lost to illegal Homo Sapiens from the future. Next thing you know, the caveman's bustin' into the homes of old ladies wearin' bowls of fruit salad on their faces, gettin' a tummy ache from Reader's Digest, an hackin' up Ham radios for makin' Twilight Zone noises at 'im, while Tyrannical Rex Killerson carries off drunks for lunch.

HH Evenflow
Sun Jan 28 15:35:51
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Cannibal Girls (1973) - A bevy of Fine Young Cannibals cruise the curling alleys in search of unsuspecting men to lure home with promises of top shelf poontine, only to chop 'em into Canadian bacon for some weirdo who dresses like Montag the Magnificent an hypnotizes people by starin' at 'em like Bela Lugosi.

Multiple SCTV alumni, superb T&Eh, an gals who go for the gizzards like piranhas at a period party, so hang onto your hosers an grab a tall glass of maple syrup, cause we're pullin' into the ole Canucksploitation station.

HH Evenflow
Sun Feb 04 22:34:13
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TerrorVision (1986) - Cosmic casserole monster gets beamed down to Earth ridin' an intergalactic radio wave an starts jumpin' in an outta various TV sets, slurpin' the juice outta unsuspecting character actors, an generally wreakin' havoc on Gerrit Graham an Mary Woronov's gaudy swinger pad while they're tryin' to have a menage-a-spa with Carlos Ramirez from The Flying Nun.

We're talkin' weapons grade '80s here.

HH Evenflow
Sat Feb 10 15:22:02
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Mardi Gras Massacre (1978) - Oily-headed Michael Ironside wannabe roams Bourbon Street in search of evil women he can bring home an slice open in search of the fabled "hooker with a heart of gold," in addition to ill defined voodoo powers to be bequeathed unto him by the Aztec demon god Ketchup Falafel. Cept in the meantime he's got a 1970s daytime soap star detective interrogatin' all the local nookie bookies for intel an sleepin' with prostitutes in the name of justice who wants to head 'im off before he can destroy the sex industry; an by extension, Mardi Gras.

HH Evenflow
Sat Feb 24 18:31:22
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The Strangeness (1985) - Crotchtopus monster prowls the shafts of an abandoned mine, slurpin' an burpin' up members of a corporate expedition sent to inspect the papier mache tunnels for evidence of valuable plaster deposits.

I dunno how else to say it: monster's got a twat in the middle of its noggin' an looks like the Cthulhu platter at Sumo Joe's Habachi Hut. He's basically a sentient, self contained Hentai highlight reel. Expect the gritty anime reboot on Adult Swim any day now.

HH Evenflow
Sun Mar 04 16:59:40
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The Giant Spider Invasion (1975) - A black hole opens up in rural Wisconsin an unleashes a horde of outer space spiders that proceed to turn the nations dairy land into a Hick-fil-a buffet, eventually swellin' up to the size of Carnival Cruiseliners an threatenin' to sack downtown Green Bay like Brett Favre on a corner blitz. Fortunately, NASA sends this guy who's face looks like a bowl of marshmallow fluff to investigate once their science meter goes haywire, an he teams up with a local adjunct Biology professor an The Skipper from Gilligan's Island to squish Tito A. Tarantula before he ruins the Muskie Madness fishin' tournament.

They're gonna need a bigger boot.

HH Evenflow
Sun Mar 11 13:25:10
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Squirm (1976) - Storms topple an electrical tower out in the boonies, sendin' waves of uncontrolled electroshock therapy into the soil an causin' the local night crawler population to organize the worm warfare division an take up teeth against humanity.

I know it *sounds* lame, but there's this one scene where the worms burrow into some rube's face an turn 'im into the Lord of the Ringworms, so sit a spell an I'll tell ya all about one of the most bizarre phenomenon in the annals of American history... the Georgia Worm Gnaw Massacre.

HH Evenflow
Sat Mar 17 18:16:18
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Werewolf (1995) - Archaeologists uncover evidence that Queen Minos was screwin' around with the neighbor's Doberman an next thing you know we've got Indians fallin' on ancient lycanthrope skulls until they end up in the hospital with the Hopi Hopi Shakes, turn werewolf, an proceed to tear up the hospital staff like an Italian sofa. After that it's mostly just hairy guys runnin' around downtown Flagstaff chasin' cars an playin' Doggie Howser M.D. with research scientists who barely speak English. We're talkin' Old Yeller II: Necrotic Scooby-Doo - thank cripes Joe Estavez is packin' silver birdshot in his scattergun.

HH Evenflow
Sun Mar 25 17:25:51
New Review Up:

The Touch of Satan (1971) - Witchay wahmin lures the unsuspecting offspring of Steve Irwin an Rand Paul off the highway an out to 'er Lucifort in the country where she proceeds to entrance 'im with that old black magic that she weaves so well so he'll give up his livelihood in the city an settle down to a life of castratin' sheep with his teeth on the farm.

Unfortunately, their prospects for a lasting Bewitched-esque marriage are constantly imperiled by the gal's hexed, Alzheimer's-ridden sister who looks like she's been playin' hide 'n seek inside a Little Chief Smoker for two weeks murderin' everybody in sight, an the guy's hesitation over convertin' to Cthulhucism.

Will the devil make him do it? Will Granny Cryptkeeper have the last cackle? Can the agricultural industry ever recover from this black eye? Tune in right now for this week's installment of Touched by a Satan.

HH Evenflow
Sun Apr 01 12:52:16
New Review Up:

Boggy Creek II: And the Legend Continues (1984) - The swamps of Southern Arkansas - flavor country, a place where a man an his cousin can do what comes natural without bein' judged by "civilized" society. Butcha see, there's more here than meets the eye, an these tranquil waters house a secret... a hairy, raunchy secret that's got nothin' to do with local matin' rituals - a secret that makes it purt'near suicide for any wilderness creature to venture into its boggy marshes.

The Satchman, Satchel T. Squatch signs on with Chuck Pierce one last time to pay off his illegal Oxycontin fence an restore dignity to the state that brought us Walmart - though that may prove difficult with Chuck prancin' around the swamp in his cutoff short shorts.

HH Evenflow
Sun Apr 15 15:19:13
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New Review Up:

Space Mutiny (1988) - Reb Brown leads a squadron of space blanket bimbos into battle against mutinous luchadorks commanded by nefarious Brylcreem spokesmodel an all-around evil guy Kalgan, while scantily clad Muslim Aerobics Instructors perform the Interpretive Dance of the 7 Veils in a room fulla Spencer's Gifts plasma balls to put the outer space voodoo whammy on Kalgan an his goons.

The Reb'l Yell howls for thee, Kalgan.

HH Evenflow
Sun Apr 22 18:39:13
New Review Up:

Zombie Nightmare (1987) - Conan the Ballbarian get mowed down by a carload of trust fund teenagers on the way home from softball practice an brought back from the dead by a voodoo babe who stutters like Miss Cleo wearin' a pair of frozen underpants to become the Gooeyville Slugger - destroyer of screwballs, an it's up to Adam West as the semi-alcoholic police chief to remind ole Zombie Lasorda who the real Batman is.

HH Evenflow
Sun Apr 29 20:00:42
New Review Up:

Laserblast (1978) - Emperor Gamera sends two stop-motion Mitch McConnell aliens to annihilate some punk kid painted up like Lou Ferrigno's Hulk for stealin' a top secret atomic leaf blower, only the schmucks forget to actually collect the Big Bang Bazooka Blaster which gets picked up by another wimp teenager who proceeds to use it in a manner befitting an angst-ridden emo kid.

Kid turns a classic '62 Buick LeSabre into a Pontiac Fireburst, blows up the town's only gas station, sends Roddy McDowall rollin' in the Jeep, an nukes Eddie Deezen like a microwave burrito.

This kid takes his Nintendo Power Glove *very* seriously.

HH Evenflow
Sat May 05 22:17:34
New Review Up:

Soultaker (1990) - Joe Estavez gets dressed up like a Russian mafioso goin' to a Type O Negative concert an chokeslams his way through a cast of discorporated teenagers who's souls weren't wearin' their seat belts when their owners' car slammed into a tree. Unfortunately, things get complicated when Joe starts noticin' an uncanny resemblance between the pixie-faced girl and an old friend of his, which has the undesired effect of causin' 'im to mutter lines from Gotye's Somebody That I Used to Know every time he grabs ahold of 'er goose neck an starts to Shang Tsung 'er.

HH Evenflow
Sat May 26 19:29:49
New Review Up:

Hobgoblins (1988) - A hot-glued brood of outer space Muppet mesmerists land on Earth in an intergalactic food processor an unleash a nefarious plot to fulfill the ill-fated fantasies of humanity an turn the whole damn planet into one big I Dream of Jeannie marathon, an all that stands between us an a permanent ecstasy trip are an old man whose face is perpetually scrunched up like a constipated Matlock an a group of teenagers who couldn't find their own asses if they were folded up in suitcases.

Needless to say, we are well an truly screwed.

HH Evenflow
Sat May 26 19:30:32
New Review Up:

Weasels Rip My Flesh (1979) - The Ticonderoga No. 2 interplanetary space pencil lands on the 2nd rock from the sun to scoop up Venusian snot samples for study on Earth, only some jerkass shines a laser pointer in the astronauts' eyeballs while they're drivin' the ship, causin' it to crash land in the wilds of Long Island where the interstellar stool samples end up dribblin' all over a rabid rodent an next thing you know we got Teenage Mutant Ninja Weasels roamin' the suburbs of New Yawk killin' all the guys who bombed out on their auditions for The Super Mario Bros. Super Show.

HH Evenflow
Sun Jun 03 16:59:15
New Review Up:

Mama Dracula (1980) - Broad the Impaler an 'er two Glossed Boys begin to suffer the consequences of a liberated society when the Francylvanian virgin supply starts dryin' up an threatens her daily Bloodbath and Beyond beauty regimen, so Stella Lugosi lures this geek scientist who gets his hair cut at the same place as the lead singer of Green Day to 'er castle to help 'er synthesize a formula that'll keep 'er from havin' to move to Japan where the virgin supply's a little more stable.

You can France if you wannu, but you'll leave your friends behind.

HH Evenflow
Mon Jun 11 21:13:44
New Review Up:

Sleepaway Camp (1983) - Little girl witnesses 'er gay daddy bein' mowed down by a careless bimboater drivin' an Aroliner an grows up with LGBPTSD syndrome that causes 'er to walk around lookin' like a caribou in Sarah Palin's headlights anytime somebody talks to 'er. Course that's pretty understandable when the people at camp consist of the chef who offers 'er chicken statutory, the bitchy counselor who dumps 'er in the lake for bein' introverted, an the camp skank who accuses 'er of bein' a lesbo just cause she don't wanna be in the same shower an hafta watch the tramp apply 'er crab shampoo.

Next thing you know, My Favorite Munchkin starts freakin' out an flashin' back to an episode of My Two Dads that ain't likely to make syndication anytime soon an proceeds to turn all the heels into teenager tar tar.

HH Evenflow
Mon Jun 18 21:20:56
New Review Up:

The Last Shark (1981) - A beach blanket blender swims into the coastal waters of Malta an goes Fu Manchew on a windsurfin' regatta, forcin' Mayor McSleaze to send The Flunkie Bunch out after Sharky Shark before his Great Whiteness leaves the entire beach goin' public once bitten, twice shy.

Starrin' Vic Morrow as Robert Shaw, James Franciscus as Richard Dreyfuss, an Joshua Sinclair as Murray Hamilton in the movie that tried to be Jaws, but forgot its teeth in a cup fulla Polident.

HH Evenflow
Tue Jun 26 22:50:51
New Review Up:

I Married a Monster from Outer Space (1958) - Pastafarian space mutants land on Earth an start takin' over the bodies of the men-folk by uncorkin' the I Dream of Jeannie bottle an releasin' a toxic gas cloud that absorbs their bodies like a late night leak in a Maxi Pad. Unfortunately, Gloria Talbott finds out about the molluskular dystrophy epidemic goin' on an squeals to everyone she can find until finally 'er gynecologist detects the fishy goins on an accepts 'er story, an pretty quick we got a forest fulla rubes an sushi-sniffin' dogs lookin' to start a fish fry.

HH Evenflow
Sun Jul 08 15:01:08
New Review Up:

Eaten Alive (1976) - Neville Brand runs a Motel 5 on the bayou where he offers up the guests as free continental cuisine to the 15' crocagator swimmin' around in the pond out back, only he ends up inundated with character actors one afternoon an snaps like Joe Theismann's shin bone, causin' 'im to grab a 9' harvestin' scythe an start makin' like The Grim Reaper.

Needless to say - Tobe Hooper an Creedence Clearwater Revival have very different ideas about what it means to be Born on the Bayou.
HH Evenflow
Sun Jul 15 17:03:08
New Review Up:

TeenAlien (1978) - An intergalactic dill pickle that looks like it got left in the food dehydrator too long disguises itself as an illegitimate Flair child an holes up in an old mill in Utah waitin' for the right moment to conquer the world on account of his own planet bein' run by outer space Catholics who caused a population explosion, an the only thing standin' between us an subservience to the Space Pope are a crack squad of remedial Drama students who unwittingly set up a spook house inside the alien's base of operations.

HH Evenflow
Sun Jul 29 14:01:38
New Review Up:

Curse of the Swamp Creature (1966) - Doc Schlock moves into the swamps to surgically transform people into Aquaman cause he thinks Darwin's Theory of Evolution was fundamentally flawed an that humans actually evolved from crappie. Everything's goin' great until all his native henchmen start playin' the drum solo from Zeppelin's Moby Dick out in the jungle, an next thing you know John Agar the Horrible shows up at Chateau Moreau wonderin' why the doc keeps 57 alligators in his swimmin' pool. From there things start goin' south quicker'n a union-wage retiree after the first snowfall when the natives get P.O.'d an start doin' the Jungle Boogie out in the swamp an hangin' sheet-clad effigies to ward off Louisiana congressmen while their crack team of witchdoctors from Voodoo U start puttin' the whammy on whitey.

HH Evenflow
Sun Aug 05 15:08:47
New Review Up:

The Lost Boys (1987) - Kiefer Sutherland an the guys from Quiet Riot take Corey Haim's older brother back to their hippy vampire Fangri'la an recruit 'im into their hair band of brothers so they can stay out all night chewin' the necks of razorhead surf punks to impress the foxy Goth babes who hang out at the Hot Topic. Haim ain't havin' it though, an he teams up with Corey Feldman to concoct a plan to bring Brospheratu back from the dark side, only they end up stakin' Bill S. Preston from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure an next thing you know Kiefer & Company're P.O.'d an lookin' to whip up a fresh batch of Haimburger Helper.

HH Evenflow
Fri Aug 24 21:21:45
New Review Up:

Empire of the Ants (1977) - Joan Collins tricks a buncha suckers into joinin' a timeshare cruise in an effort to separate them from their pensions an alimony checks, only things start goin' south after a barge dumps approximately 75 drums of nuclear goo out in the ocean while the tide's comin' in an next thing you know we've got elk-sized ants roamin' around the Everglades makin' noises like a cricket on a Jolt cola bender an goin' Mandible Lecter on 'er prospective investors.

HH Evenflow
Sun Sep 16 22:31:59
New Review Up:

Dark Night of the Scarecrow (1981) - Charles Durning an the Hayseed Mafia execute the feeble-minded Larry Drake rangeland style an end up exonerated on the basis that it's perfectly legal to murder a mental invalid with 147 rounds of semi-automatic gunfire so long as you're pretty sure he's diddlin' a little girl in a picturesque meadow. Unfortunately for the country fried vigilantes, He Who Gawks Behind the Rows starts showin' up in their fields an proceeds to shuck 'em one by one until the time finally comes for the strawman to harvest the Grand Wizard's brain.

HH Evenflow
Tue Oct 02 21:36:42
New Review Up:

Demon Wind (1990) - The leftovers from a Saved by the Bell spinoff audition journey to the incinerated ancestral home of one of its members only to wind up besieged from all sides by canned dogfood-faced Elmer Fudd zombies. Unfortunately they're all dumber'n a gunny sack fulla doorknobs, so most of 'em get turned into co-ed casserole before the survivors get their stuff together an start scribblin' Satanic geometry assignments on the floor an recitin' Wiccan poetry to fend off the demons. This *really* upsets this gooey guy with a face like a chunka moldy spam, but it all works out once one of the teens turns into a Newcomer from Alien Nation so he can duke it out with Spamocles, Lord of the Processed Luncheon Meats.

HH Evenflow
Tue Oct 09 21:22:51
New Review Up:

Bride of Frankenstein (1935) - After a brief recovery from bein' Frankensteinered off the top of a two-story windmill at the hands of his Jolly Green Client, Colin Clive rejoins civilized society an prepares for his impending domestication at the hands of his fiancee. Unfortunately the world's stankiest jigsaw puzzle is still roamin' the countryside an bein' generally disrespected before meetin' an old hermit an gettin' hooked on phonics, booze, an stogies, at which point he hits it off with an even bigger lunatic who wants to stitch 'im up a zombabe so he can breed a race of Enslaviused Corpus an really stick it to all the guys who used to pants 'im in Biology class.

HH Evenflow
Tue Oct 16 20:15:41
New Review Up:

The Beyond (1981) - Beanpole warlock gets his head melted off with molten marshmallow fluff administered by washed up alligator wrestlers in Louisiana circa 1927 for tryin' to open one of the seven gateways to Hell. 60 years later the hotel in the Bayou-da Triangle is passed on to some gal from NYC who decides to reopen the place so she can charge old white people from Wisconsin $25 a plate for broiled crawdads, but unfortunately, somebody reroutes an irrigation ditch from the River Styx into 'er basement an next thing you know we got creamed Creoles squishin' their way into our world - chokeslammin' architects offa ladders an meltin' the faces offa grievin' widows to get back at us for lettin' the scent of gumbo waft into Hell for the last 200 years.

HH Evenflow
Wed Oct 31 20:02:42
New Review Up:

Halloween: Resurrection (2002) - Michael Myers returns with his head freshly ret-conned back onto his shoulders to splatter Jamie Lee Curtis off the roof of her sanitarium an menace the deeply unpleasant cast of a reality TV show run by Busta Rhymes an Tyra Banks in direct defiance of Aristotle's Poetics which state that thy protagonist must be sympathetic, an thy Shatner-masked antagonist shalt not take orders from rap artists.

HH Evenflow
Tue Nov 13 21:26:22
New Review Up:

Messiah of Evil (1973) - Young lady survives an albino truck drivers who look like Michael Berryman sexed a Chia Pet an a trio of free-love yuppy occult investigators in her quest to learn what became of papa Royal Dano, only to discover the entire town's gone beach bum zombie in preparation for the return of a holy man who bunked with the Donner Party an walked into the sea 100 years before vowin' to return on the day society became cynical, disillusioned, an royally hacked off about the gasoline shortage.

It's basically Dagon meets The Crazies meets... How to Stuff a Wild Bikini - I can't really explain it.

HH Evenflow
Thu Nov 22 12:53:49
New Review Up:

Robot Monster (1953) - Brass monkeys from the moon invade Earth intent on nukin' us into the ozone so they can start a banana plantation. Unfortunately things get complicated when Twonky Kong develops the robot-hots for one of the six survivin' humans, cause pretty quick Big Brother Bonobo shows up on Gorilla the Hun's telescreen demandin' he abandon any plans of snatchsquatchin' the girl an roast 'er like a stray cat on a hobo fire, leadin' to an existential hooter crisis.

HH Evenflow
Mon Dec 03 20:56:26
New Review Up:

Sorceress (1982) - Twin Malibu Barbarians with a serious gender identity crisis seek revenge against evil wizard Traigon for killin' their mama an cosplayin' Anton Lavey. Unfortunately it won't be easy, cause Traigon's got evil Disney Princesses, monkey-men with explodin' gas papayas, medieval assholes in Tucan Sam helmets, an zombie Conquistadors at his disposal, an things start lookin' pretty goll durn bleak until the outer space muppet deity appears in the sky an starts laserblastin' geeks in togas into stardust memories.

HH Evenflow
Sun Dec 16 20:53:39
New Review Up:

Trapped Alive (1988) - Suburban bimbi, escaped convicts, an a sheriff's deputy end up trapped in an old mine shaft on Christmas Eve with this Frost Dutchman who likes to play claw machine with a set of gnarly meat hooks an make like Hannibal Lecter at a cannibal cookout.

One of the best films ever made in Eagle River, Wisconsin, an the flick that proves the addition of blood, breasts, an beasts can transform even The Coal Miner's Daughter into a drive-in classic.

HH Evenflow
Tue Dec 25 12:38:26
New Review Up:

Elves (1989) - Herpey the Misfit Elf emerges from decades of Nazi induced slumber to fulfill the prophecies of Elrond Hubbard an show the She Waif of the SS where the Keebler nookies come from to bring about the Fourth Reich. It won't be easy though, cause standin' in his way is Grizzly Adams an his carton-a-day Camel habit, an once the little hobDobby opens up the package of this mall Santa with a kitchen knife Grizzly figures out what's goin' on an starts makin' Hamburg Helper outta Nazi faces an threatenin' to smoosh Rumpelforeskin into cranberry sauce.

HH Evenflow
Tue Jan 01 15:55:09
New Review Up:

2019: After the Fall of New York (1983) - The year is... well, now, an Earth's been nuked into one giant radioactive C.H.U.D. sanctuary where the liberal dream of free birth control has finally been realized since nobody's bits work to factory specs anymore. Fortunately there remains one vestigial virgin with functionin' plumbing somewhere in the ruins of NYC, an it's up to three ruggedly handsome mercenaries an George Eastman to extract 'er an Escape from New York before a buncha Lucha Libre guys wearin' capes like they just worked the kick-line at an S&M bar catch up with 'em an turn 'em into post-apocalyptic puddles.

HH Evenflow
Sat Jan 26 18:55:33
New Review Up:

The Giant Behemoth (1959) - Radioactive waste released into the ecosystem spawns a cryptozoological carcinogen that comes up outta the ocean with an attitude an starts turnin' unsuspectin' Brits into Sawney Beans an Weenies with its atomic arse, leavin' mankind no choice but to crank its radioactive rate of decay up to 11 before the Make-A-Wish Foundation finds out about it an tries takin' it to Disneyland.

HH Evenflow
Wed Feb 13 20:58:40
New Review Up:

Bad Ronald (1974) - Teenage geek pimple farm accidentally bounces the head of the neighborhood bitch off a cinder block, leavin' his mama no choice but to tell the cops he ran away to become a roadie for KISS an wall 'im up in the spare room so he can draw concept sketches for the Phillips CDI Legend of Zelda games all day until mama dies on the operatin' table durin' a routine surgery.

As if that ain't bad enough, then the bald little wiener who voices Piglet on Winnie the Pooh sells his house to this gal who looks like Captain Janeway from Voyager an Ronald ends up infatuated with the new tenants' daughters even though he's ceased any an all personal hygiene practices an now smells like Larry Csonka's jock strap.

HH Evenflow
Mon Mar 25 15:28:00
New Review Up:

Girls Nite Out (1982) - Lunatic furry railin' against the injustice perpetrated against his fellow perverts stalks a college campus on the day of the big scavenger hunt, mercilessly massacrin' the future fry cooks of America, until the ever-grumpy Sheriff Hal Holbrook steps in an puts the entire university on frat house arrest an starts interrogatin' everybody with the majority of their red blood cells to try figurin' out who's creatin' all the vacancies in the remedial Life Skills classes.

I'm not gonna lie to ya - swap out Hal Holbrook with Angela Lansbury an this sucker's basically a god-damned Murder, She Wrote, but if you like watchin' '80s college kids gettin' drunk to the latest hits from Ohio Express, an The Lovin' Spoonful, you'll wonder where this baby's been all your life.

HH Evenflow
Sun Mar 31 15:32:34
New Review Up:

Nightwing (1979) - Old Indian hermit who lives out in the desert decides to end the world cause he's so P.O.'d about all the litter on the side of the highway an constantly losin' actin' gigs to Italians from the Bronx; so he starts performin' ancient shaman voodoo rituals to summon an army of vampire bats that'll take out all these tepeeaboo missionaries who keep tryna convert the natives to Christianity so they won't hafta burn in Hell forever. Fortunately, the bats are on our side, an they don't really care what color anybody is on the outside because on the inside we're all delicious.

HH Evenflow
Mon Apr 15 21:05:30
New Review Up:

Sting of Death (1966) - Radioactive crappie jig squishes his way through the Everglades smearin' KY Jellyfish goo all over affluent young college girls with vapor lock of the brain an leaves 'em lookin' like they've been playin' peek-a-boo with a roman candle til eventually things get bad enough that the guy in charge starts seriously contemplatin' tryin' to escape to Panama City despite the possibility of bein' rubed to death by tourists from Alabama.

In the monster's defense though - these kids were all dancin' around like epileptic roosters with vertigo to Neil Sedaka's "Do the Jellyfish" at the time, so I don't see how any jury could in good conscience convict him.

HH Evenflow
Tue Apr 23 21:55:57
New Review Up:

The Devil Bat (1940) - Bela Lugosi juices a squadron of bats with Volt Cola an turns 'em into meat-seeking missiles trained to kill guys named Heath for exploitin' his genius for commercial gain an for makin' toffee bars so hard you can use 'em as blacksmithin' anvils. Unfortunately while Bela's corkin' his bats these two newspaper snoops're hangin' around wonderin' why he's always grinnin' like a jackal on a zebra carcass, an so they start investigatin' the Foo Foo Juice Murders an discover Bela's smearin' Axe body spray on everyone he wants the bats to glom onto, not realizin' he's doin' a great service for humanity.

HH Evenflow
Sun May 12 12:00:09
New Review Up:

Backwoods (1987) - Yuppie couple ventures into the Valley of the Cleftskulls an start makin' the sign of the diabetic swamp walrus until they meet up with the lead blower of a local jug band who invites 'em over for Sloppy Crows an moonshine that doubles as embalmin' fluid an regales 'em with hillbilly spiritual songs. Unfortunately, they dunno about the guy's retarded son who's brain got shaken into the Gary Busey Configuration by a P.O.'d bird dog in his youth, an pretty quick Methro Bodine develops 'imself a little crush an people start gettin' shotgunned like a case of Natural Ice at a trailer park barbecue.

Cherub Cow
Mon Oct 19 07:49:05
OMGs, EF! You've been posting updates on your site but not here!! That's like, the opposite of what I did (stopped on my site but kept posting here) :D
Give the people what they want!! ;p

Anyways. I just watched "In the Tall Grass" (2019) and it made me think of you (and others), since it looks at how different threads of our lives sort of slip away from us in our fifth dimensional lives. Time forms tunnels into our memories, and we're all losing consciousness outside of our wills and losing sight of each other and vanishing. I mean.. miss you! :p
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