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Utopia Talk / Movie Talk / Venom (2018)
Member | Thu Oct 11 02:41:25 Sort of a Carnage USA sort of deal-ish? But not at all. This is the single most subtle film you will ever see maybe. It is essentially the Anime Kill la Kill. I mean the symbiote/uniform allegory is woah. But the whole end thing there is like woah again. Anyways. As a movie goes, it was not very good. The PG13 rating ruined all the action scenes, the chase scene was just bad imo, the effects were not very good and a certain someone shouldn't have died. Buuut, I enjoyed Tom Harry's performance a lot and I like where it is going, with the possibility of an R rated sequel (is that a thing they do?) it might be good. I mean the sequel is set up and itll have to be... Anyways, because I loved the kill la kill rip-offness. Google turns up no results of anyone noticing this, but a surprising amount of kill la kill/ enom fanfiction and fanart. Odd. Anyways, it ranks like.... 5th of all modern super hero movies I guess. |
Member | Thu Oct 11 02:43:09 It actually is more aptly described as a set-up or prelude to carnage USA. I'm not personally sure where the skrrt symbiote is first introduced but it was just prior to that. |
Member | Thu Oct 11 02:49:40 I noticed Crain did the art of Carnage USA. He didn't do a whole lot of Ghost Rider, but I can't envision a Ghost Rider not drawn by Crain. They should really revisit the idea behind Beowulf and that Keanu Reeves movie, A scanner darkly. That is how comic book movies should ultimately be made |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Oct 16 00:29:37 "The PG13 rating ruined all the action scenes" +1 Lots of head-eating happened off screen. And that scene where Riot axes an entire room was clearly meant to show people being cut in half.. but the scientists just sort of disappeared from screen or were pushed aside. .. "the effects were not very good" I actually kind of liked the effects in this one. The symbiote looked pretty neat in most scenes. I didn't like how the action scenes were shot, though, because it seemed like they avoided more effects costs by not showing what was happening.. and that's not just the PG-13 limiter, I mean like the Riot&Venom launch fight where hits and such just weren't visible.. kind of like a Transformers movie or something. .. Overall I kind of liked it. It took time for the plot to get going, mainly because Venom didn't seem to have much competition until late in the movie. They probably should have sent Drake's thugs out with sound weapons so there'd be some threat... but it seemed like the writers were just letting Venom have some fun against regular people for a while.. Anne and Brock's relationship ended up nicely. The scene where Brock apologizes was surprisingly emotional, and the theme of being damaged and trying to make the best of it tied in nicely with Brock's relationship mistakes. That also made some of Venom's comments fun; I liked his line about being "kind of a loser" where he was from :D .. most of the other jokes were okay but not really laugh-funny.. just like, "I understand that that was a joke" funny. Pretty funny that they got Eminem to do an '80s/'90s rap song about the movie for the ending (almost reminiscent of Vanilla Ice's "Go Ninja"). Maybe he's not doing well financially? ;) Anyways, Venom could do okay if Sony has enough money for a franchise. Woody Harrelson seems like a fun choice for Carnage (as per his ending credits scene), and if an R-rated sequel is true, then things could step up to cool. As is, I don't expect to remember much of this movie for very long ;p + The cartoon Spider-Man movie looks awful. I stayed after the credits but left after a minute or so of the teaser scene. Definitely a kid's movie. |
Member | Tue Oct 16 14:02:39 Venom looked good, but a I felt riot wasnt as well animated and yeah maybe the biggest issue with effects was that they seemed to cut down on them. Cartoon looks shit |
Member | Tue Oct 16 17:23:39 "That also made some of Venom's comments fun" I found most of the Venom joke comments to be wildly mistimed and inappropriate. "that scene where Riot axes an entire room was clearly meant to show people being cut in half.. but the scientists just sort of disappeared from screen or were pushed aside." The entire rocket launch scene made no sense whatsoever to me. There was no reason whatsoever for Riot to rush the launch except to create a forced race-to-the-finish-line scene. Riot didn't know Venom was coming or would oppose him, he just got angsty and started acting erratically. Why? There was no plausible reason. "it seemed like the writers were just letting Venom have some fun against regular people for a while" I was fine with this. The tension of the plot, up until Riot was introduced as more than a random spectre haunting people in asia, was definitely centered around Brock. From that angle, the antagonist was Venom itself vs. Brock, not Venom + Brock vs. police/thugs/whoever. The Venom fights were almost side quest story in a sense. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Oct 16 18:00:48 "I found most of the Venom joke comments to be wildly mistimed and inappropriate." Yeah, most of them I didn't get much out of. .. "There was no reason whatsoever for Riot to rush the launch except to create a forced race-to-the-finish-line scene." The only reasoning I saw was that Riot wanted to make sure that his host would survive and he wasn't sure if the scientists would be on board with a launch if they figured out that the CEO had a parasite. |
Member | Tue Oct 16 21:02:41 "The only reasoning I saw was that Riot wanted to make sure that his host would survive and he wasn't sure if the scientists would be on board with a launch if they figured out that the CEO had a parasite." Right, but if he just went around acting normal for an hour, eat a janitor or two, he would have been fine. Sure, Venom would have caught up and he'd have to go through the same "LAUNCH THE ROCKET NOOOOOOOOW!" stuff, but it would have at least made sense. I think the Venom jokes might have landed better if Venom as a whole was more irreverent/rebellious. With Venom just deciding to go with the flow so easily, his sauciness was out of place. But overall, decent movie. Better than I expected, at least. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Oct 22 01:57:38 A work friend mentioned to me that Venom was shot with R-rated material but it was cut for PG-13 release... but reading up on that, it sounds like they targeted/filmed the movie as PG-13 (i.e., they do not have R-footage ready to be put back into the scenes), so there probably won't be an unrated director's cut. It reads like Sony kept it PG-13 so that they could potentially do crossover movies with the main Marvel universe... But.. currently the movie has made back $361 million over its budget (budget of 100 million USD, box office at $461 million USD), so maybe Sony would put some cost into extended scenes for the DVD/streaming release? Nope! Probably too optimistic. Not even sounding like an R-rated sequel would happen. |
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