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Utopia Talk / Movie Talk / -= Upcoming Movies =- (pt6)
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 20 19:48:05
(Thread start: 2019-07-20)
Previous thread: http://www...hread=75860&time=1559894572740
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 20 19:48:17

"Celeste" (mentioned in last thread) is available on YouTube and Google Play... hopefully some other services pick it up, because I don't like Google having all my info ;)

Rambo: Last Blood (September 20th, 2019)
Could be good! I liked the 2008 update, so I'm on board for this one :p
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 20 19:48:20
Top Gun 2 (Summer 2020)
Looks good so far! :D
From the visuals, it looks like they actually filmed inside jets instead of doing CGI.
Cherub Cow
Thu Jul 25 23:28:59
Zombieland: Double Tap (October 18th, 2019)
Cherub Cow
Mon Dec 30 04:33:18
Woohoo! It's been a dry spell for horror, but Sam Raimi produced an R-rated remake of "Ju-On" ("The Grudge") that will be out this weekend (January 3rd, 2020):
Aside from Raimi producing, other perks include that the new-ish director, Nicolas Pesce, also wrote and directed two other solid-looking horrors (writer-directors ftw!), and this re-make stars Andrea Riseborough in the/a detective role. Riseborough rocked out her role in "Mandy" (2018), and her "Birdman" and "Oblivion" credits also make her look like she chooses good roles. Definitely going to see this one :D
Cherub Cow
Thu Jan 02 06:06:39
The Walpurgis Night Black Sabbath seems to be arriving very early in 2020 :D
"Underwater" (January 10th, 2020)
A thriller about a failing underwater rig. Looks well-done. Stars Kristen Stewart and Vincent Cassel.
Fri Jan 03 02:09:39
That underwater jawn looks good.
Fri Jan 03 02:09:39
That underwater jawn looks good.
Cherub Cow
Sun Feb 23 02:12:52
Oops.. forgot to do a review of Underwater. It *was* good! :D
And "The Grudge" remake was better than the originals (both the Japanese and American versions), but I think they could have done more gore ;p

Another cool-looking movie from studio A24:
"The Green Knight" (May 29th, 2020)
It's a dark retelling of the Arthurian legend. A24 producing it means it has an edge like "Hereditary" and "The VVitch". Dev Patel starring is also a good sign; he did good emotive work in "Lion" (2016). Director David Lowery did "A Ghost Story" (2017), which I still need to watch. :)
Cherub Cow
Tue Jun 09 00:48:15
This fresh Kevin Bacon & Amanda Seyfried horror will release on demand.. hopefully not for $20 — that's still too much for a home screening. $15 seems more reasonable (more than rental costs for old movies, but less than or equal to the price of a new theater ticket)

"You Should Have Left" (June 19, 2020)

An update on Green Knight: no new release date after it was delayed due to COVID-19. Studios want to wait for reopening of the major U.S. chains (AMC, Cinemark, and Regal) before releasing blockbusters.. Non-corporate theaters have started opening with mask and distancing requirements, and California theaters have been aiming for mid-June reduced capacity screenings. "Tenet" still seems on track for July, so that may be a good estimate for mass re-openings ( http://www.npr.org/2020/05/06/850647100/as-some-states-reopen-theater-owners-are-watching-and-mostly-waiting ).

In Europe, in addition to mask requirements and reduced capacity, theaters have re-opened with plastic panels between and behind the seats.. that could be how it plays out in the States.
Tue Jun 09 06:33:01
Might have to rent that when it comes out.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 19 06:41:38
I'm renting it tomorrow after work! :p

AMC announced their expected opening day at 90% of locations: July 15th. They say they'll do so with "seat capacity restrictions [about 30% capacity], social distancing efforts, commitments to health, new intensified cleaning protocols, contactless ticketing and expanded mobile ordering of food & beverages ... the ordering of electrostatic sprayers, HEPA filter vacuum cleaners and MERV 13 air ventilation filters wherever we can" (AMC official announcement e-mail).

They'll also require customers to wear masks at many locations ( http://www.amctheatres.com/amc-safe-and-clean ). They took a hit for saying that they won't require masks *everywhere*, but I think that was mainly to cope with the poorly educated cities since they know they'd be herding cats and creating customer service confrontations. They'll still be encouraging it, apparently by selling masks, playing coronavirus warning videos before movies, and [hopefully by shunning the non-believers].

I think it can work, though I'm still hoping them mention plastic dividers behind/between seats. I, personally, would not go to a 7pm Friday showing — not that I didn't already hate big crowds even before a viral apocalypse solidified the issue. :p
..But, when I usually see movies there may be at most 5 people in the theater anyways. If coronavirus keeps more people away, I may be alone more often, so that's a win for me ;D
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 19 16:30:46
That was fast:
“AMC Theaters changes course and will require [all] customers to wear face masks”
“As we reopen theatres, we now will require that all AMC guests nationwide wear masks as they enter and enjoy movies at our theatres.”

Of course, Verge news — one of the companies that sensationally reported that AMC wouldn’t require masks at all — omitted the word “all” from its headline, which makes their headline false as written (i.e., requiring masks was not a change of course; only requiring masks for *all* was a change of course)
Sat Jun 20 13:06:33
Ours opens soonish. I need them to take my moneys.
Cherub Cow
Sat Aug 22 23:19:25
After delays into August, theaters have opened!!
30–40% capacity, mandatory masks, and reduced screen times for extra cleanings seem to be in place. My local theaters do not list *any* matinees — just prime time showings between 5–8pm. That's probably a matter of staffing. Plus, a (normally) busy theater can afford to run matinees for a little extra money, but in pandemic logic it's probably easier to just get the guaranteed 30–40% seating, have workers there for 5 hours (openers and closers), and call it a day.

Personally, I wouldn't try this on weekends. I haven't stood in any pandemic queues since this all started
(lines to get into businesses), and I wouldn't start now. A weekday 5pm showing, though? It would probably be just a few people in the theater. I may see the new Russell Crowe movie, "Unhinged"...

The Zack Synder cut of "Justice League" has gotten off the ground. This trailer shows some of the in-production work mixed with some of the scenes already in the former theatrical cut:
[HBO Max; August 22, 2020]
I'm looking forward to it. I'm aware that DC gets criticized for their movies, but I haven't liked the Marvel movies much and DC has kept it dark. To see a director's cut that removes Joss Whedon's poor choices would be nice. :)
the wanderer
Sat Aug 22 23:44:03
they should remove Aquaman smashing the glass bottle on the ground ... sets a bad example :p


i try to avoid trailers, but watched the Wonder Woman 1984 one... i have concerns :p

& i need a detailed report on that lasso's abilities
Cherub Cow
Sun Aug 23 01:38:39
It.. umm... has some issues D:
Cherub Cow
Sun Aug 23 01:48:15
"The Batman - Official Trailer"
[IGN; August 22nd, 2020]
(Currently scheduled for October 2021)

Looks really good. They're going for the noir detective version of Batman, which will be a good fit for their inferred villain (the Joker); he'll have to look for clues and solve a puzzle. Their Batmobile also makes sense for once: a souped-up car instead of an impossible-to-obtain military weapon (as in Nolan). Also looks like Robert Pattinson put in some training time, so the fighting looks believable. His acting was never a question, but physical presence was previously a concern.
Cherub Cow
Fri Sep 11 06:12:04
Behind-the-scenes stills have been released before now, but this is the first trailer for Dune (planned release in December 2020):

I'm still on board for anything directed by Denis Villeneuve (Bladerunner 2049, Arrival, Sicario), but I kind of wish that the lead role had gone to someone more mature. Not sure I like the delivery of his "fear is the mind killer" line, especially when compared to Kyle MacLachlan's whispered delivery. Its star-heavy cast can also be worrying because they might start pulling it in bad directions. It'll be a real test of Villeneuve's abilities to see how he managed them, especially Dave Bautista, whose melodrama already almost ruined his own scenes in Bladerunner 2049...
Cherub Cow
Mon Oct 12 08:02:54
Mel Gibson decided to do a dark comedy where he plays Santa Claus in a realistic and violent revenge scenario :D

"Fatman" (Scheduled release of November 13th, 2020)
Cherub Cow
Thu Nov 12 19:40:14
This looks really good. Love story set in Ireland and starring Emily Blunt and Jamie Dornan:
"Wild Mountain Thyme" (Releases December 11th, 2020)
I really liked Jamie Dornan in "The Fall" (2013–2016 TV show), so it'll be nice to see him in this role. Jon Hamm plays Blunt's character's competing love interest (the wedge between Blunt and Dornan), and since Hamm seems to play his character in a wooden fashion there's no chemistry there, so it'll be easy to side with the main story :p
Thu Nov 12 19:44:43
I felt the same about The Fall as I did Hannibal.

Tried too hard.
Cherub Cow
Thu Nov 12 21:22:45
Yeah :/
I haven't seen Hannibal, but.. the Fall had a lot of promise, but it slowly degraded into a sermon on male violence. They even had that scene at the end where the doctor was saying that women should rule the world. It was outright slave morality (matriarchal) feminism. But Dornan's character was mostly nice. Lots of tributes to Nietzsche and related discourse (e.g., André Gide's l'Immoraliste).
Sun Nov 22 20:37:32
I couldn't find the green knight on piratesbay. Is it on like Netflix or anything?
Cherub Cow
Mon Nov 23 09:38:06
Looks like it never made it to the screen :/

Seems like a lot of movies have been sitting on the mantle, waiting for COVID to end. Tenet is *still* in theaters, months later, when a movie like that would normally be in theaters for a few weeks. Completed projects like "Green Knight" just sit in their completed status, waiting for release. No one wants to go Video on Demand, since it's like admitting to being a bad Steven Seagal movie (super low profits and only seen by a handful of people).

Hannibal Buress may have gotten his wish! He made a joke on Eric Andre's show years ago about how it would be nice for new movies to take a break for a year so people could catch up on old movies.. time to look at those back catalogues :)
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 13 08:53:26
"NOBODY" (2021; February 26, 2021)

A comment already pointed out similarities to "A History of Violence" (mild-mannered person with violent abilities from former job). That's also similar to "Taken" and a number of other movies. But! Looks like fun. They were going for that "Joker"/Bernie Goetz vibe in the beginning, then it just escalates into dark humor violence :p
the wanderer
Sat Jan 09 02:50:06
just watched Wonder Woman 1984 (not as enjoyable as first)

it's free through HBO Max (just temporarily i think)... seems like they must be losing a bunch of $$$ on a release like that

i was certain that main male actor had to be related to Nathan "the Hammer" Fillion... but i guess not (or at least their cheating parent seems not exposed yet)
Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 15 02:32:29
The Snyder cut of "Justice League" (Release date of March 18th, 2021) is looking pretty cool:
[IGN; February 14th, 2021]
Fri Feb 26 07:09:50
rememeber movies?

they were fun
Cherub Cow
Sun Feb 28 10:32:09
Yeah :/
..I've been watching on-demand releases, but I miss going to an actual theater regularly. Headphones and low-bit-rate streaming-audio can't really compete with Dolby Cinema theaters with so much bass that the seats shake.. Not to mention that the movie industry is still holding on to a lot of completed movies while waiting for restrictions to lift..

For instance..
• "Nobody", which was supposed to be out in late February, was pushed back to March 26th, and even that date sounds tentative.
• "Dune" was supposed to be out in December 2020, but now it's scheduled for October 2021.
• "Green Knight" was scheduled for May 29th, 2020; but now it's scheduled for July 30th, 2021.
• "Top Gun 2" scheduled for Summer 2020, now July 2nd, 2021

I'm really hoping that our Tessier–Ashpool overlords don't keep up the Great Reset for too much longer, because theaters were already hurting before this social experiment and will not survive another year.
Cherub Cow
Thu Jul 22 09:00:13
Top Gun 2 was postponed again, this time to November 19, 2021...

Dune seems to be on track for October. Today they released the official trailer:
The stupid jokes in the start of the trailer worry me, and Dave Bautista is still too camera-aware to be a serious actor, but the rest of it seems pretty serious.
Fri Jul 30 04:04:19
I can't wait for Dune ngl. I saw the original in the theater and I would like to see the remake in the theater. the others? meh.
Cherub Cow
Sat Sep 11 06:30:49
The others had good.. portions.. :p
Like, the TV miniseries tried to extend the length to get more of the novel (though it did fail with the low budget, SyFy Channel CGI, and bad stage-acting), and David Lynch's work with internal monologues was something that didn't really make it into popular movies again (in general) until Fight Club, and that made Herbert's lines memorable (like my favorite calm confidence under pressure line: "I will bend like a reed in the wind.") I just wish Lynch had had a massive budget to make a true novel adaptation instead of a normal 2-hour run time. Villeneuve's adaptation will be broken into 2 parts, and the first is already 155 minutes.. so.. good signs :D

New movie by Antoine Fuqua!!
Fuqua has long been one of my favorite action directors (since 1998's "The Replacement Killers"). He makes things so visceral and emotional — like he feels the impacts with his actors and the characters.

This one has a plot very similar to the Halle Berry movie "The Call" (from 2013 — wow, didn't realize it was that long ago; feels more recent): a 911 operator has to handle a problem personally since it's not enough to just turn it over to responding units.
"The Guilty" {Release of October 1st, 2021 — on Netflix}
Cherub Cow
Sat Sep 11 08:09:51
Production images had shown this was on the way, but the official Matrix 4 trailer was released:
"Matrix: Resurrections" {in theaters Christmas 2021}

A few things to say..
First, it's not a stretch to bring back Neo and Trinity. Neuromancer was always a big influence on the Matrix, and Neuromancer brought up the idea of people being copied into the digital realm where they would regain sentience (ROMs were an example). Even Trinity isn't a stretch. She died outside of the Matrix, but she had still uploaded herself repeatedly. Her digital self would still be there in fragments (each upload being an update, with the most recent one perhaps having all memories before her death outside of the Matrix). It's the idea of digital resurrection: with enough of your consciousness "uploaded" to the Matrix in your life (via plugging in and revisiting), that shadow would still be there on some hard drive or backup somewhere.

When the Matrix was brought back online anew at the end of Matrix:Revolutions, this was the obvious next step, and the Oracle knew it: a hard drive spinning up somewhere that would reassemble Neo's consciousness *again*. That was the point of "the One" — they kept resurrecting him, and he would slowly remember his past lives and realize that he was repeating a pattern. Once the repetition was realized, he would break the pattern (in the trilogy, this was when he realized that he should save Trinity — an individual — rather than sacrifice generally for all of humanity). By becoming aware of his role, he recognized his power and was willing to choose variation in how he would apply that power. So, anyways, this sequel was not unexpected.. so the bigger thing..

Will they screw it up?

The Wachowskis have potentially lost mental stability. They appear to be Hollywood loyalists, being very much part of the Hollywood Pol-Matrix. Andrew Wachowski, who now goes by Lilly, expressed psychotic disdain for people using the metaphor "red pilled" in the context of political awareness (don't bother looking this up; it's Wachowski's painful-to-behold exercise in doublethink revisionism).. despite that being very much a part of the metaphor in the first place (being awakened to matrices and their system-makers). That means that Andrew/Lilly compromised personal understanding of the metaphor since it no longer fits his new tribal politics.

This also interacts badly with the Wachowskis' trans-woman status. In a Neuromancer sense and/or an '80s/'90s sense of transhumanism, the nervous system can be re-mapped onto any body (This was a metaphor also in "Ghost in the Shell"). In that kind of transhumanism, sexual reassignment really is sheer choice. It's not about "feeling" like one is really a [opposite sex] and simply changing the body to match; it's a matter of seeing the body as a costume for the nervous system (See also the "costume" scene at the end of 2014's "Ex Machina"). If the Wachowskis had fought for that type of transhumanism, they would be flying in the face of the new trans movement, since the old Wachowskis were so very aware of choice that it was Neo's ultimate motivation when he was stripped of every other vestige of his humanity: Neo was an anti-deterministic machine capable of choosing anything, even, perhaps, his physical form (his "residual self image").

But, with the Wachowskis being in the Hollywood/Woke Pol-Matrix, their trans status has entered the 1984 world of matrix self-delusion. That is, they delude themselves into thinking that they always were women, and they re-write their own history (even now, it's difficult to track down their former names because the Internet does not want to "dead name" them; their Wiki page mentions "Andrew" and "Laurence/Larry" only once). The transhumanism of Neuromancer, Ex Machina, and Blade Runner was not ahistorical and revisionist in this way. The Neuromancer brand of transhumanism rejected identitarianism, whereas the new trans movement is pure identitarianism. The new trans movement is hopelessly bound to the physical shell (the mind is taken as solid, and the body must match), whereas digital transhumanism rejected the body for the digital sensorium (an extension of the physical nervous system into the digital realm, which could be re-coded).

In short, if the Wachowskis have adopted this new, corrupt version of transhumanism, they will undermine their own Matrix franchise. This movement works through postmodern principles of self-destruction of foundations, so they could very well ret-con everything. Instead of Neo being a digital nervous system that found an opportune body that reflected his "residual self image", he will be a discrete identity. Maybe the director-writers will project and say that Neo was actually always a woman — perhaps a lesbian who was recognized by fellow lesbian Trinity? It could all go poorly if they rejected all of their own former understanding due to the identitarian trans movement.
Sat Sep 11 12:10:14
yeah, but will it be cool or like 2 & 3?
Cherub Cow
Sat Sep 11 23:41:49
It looks a lot like 2 and 3 :/
Looks like they want to show off a lot of cool effects
Sat Sep 18 17:43:32
dis jsut caem out http://www...3a-bad-schoolgirl-behavior.htm
Cherub Cow
Sat Sep 25 07:34:04
While I'm not surprised by that link's destination, I'm surprised and appreciative that it was SFW ;)

"The Tragedy of Macbeth" (Releases in theaters Christmas 2021)
[IGN; September 21st, 2021]

Can't tell too much about the acting from the trailer, but! It's yet another cool-looking moody movie by A24, which has been doing amazing work (Hereditary, the Witch, Ex Machina, Under the Skin). Other positives include that Denzel Washington plays Macbeth, and it's directed by Joel Coen (No Country for Old Men). Kewls
Cherub Cow
Mon Dec 20 10:25:50
"The Northman" {scheduled release of April 22nd, 2022}

This one was directed by Robert Eggers (director of "The VVitch" and "The Lighthouse"). Should be very good.
Cherub Cow
Tue Mar 29 07:33:17
• I was waiting for Macbeth to release, but apparently it was an Apple TV exclusive that's not even on iTunes. Or, in other words, a Torrent exclusive.
• I also still need to watch Green Knight...
• And Top Gun 2 was rescheduled to May 27th, 2022. It'll probably get postponed again if China invades Taiwan.

Another creepy A24 movie, this one from the director of "Ex Machina" and "Annihilation":

"Men" (Releases May 20th, 2022)
At a glance, it appears to be a metaphoric story of a rape/trauma survivor who sees the face of her attacker in all men. The preview has some transparent commentary about police not believing women's accusations, other men blaming her for the behavior of men around her, and Eve tasting the forbidden fruit of knowledge. It also seems to pull prosopagnosia paranoia from "Unsane" (2018) but to the extreme.

This all makes it seem like early 2010s feminist film-theory (something that arrived in movies such as "Girls Against Boys" (2012), "Under the Skin" (2013), and "The Witch" (2015)). This either means that director Alex Garland is super late to the party or is going to put an interesting spin on the genre. If it were not by Garland, I would dismiss it as "feminist film theory"-by-the-numbers and not bother, but Garland did way too well with Ex Machina and Annihilation. He puts a *lot* of metaphoric capital into every scene, and A24 has been doing well with dark horror. Should be good :)
Tue Mar 29 12:28:25
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 04 02:48:36
Oh, hi, Mark.
Cherub Cow
Sat May 28 03:38:31
Get ready to have more of your childhood raped by Commies:

"Willow" (November 2022)

This was purchased by Disney and will premiere as a TV show.
It includes Warwick Davis (Willow) and Joanne Whalley (Sorsha). No Kilmer, obviously, since his throat cancer has retired him.

Highlights includes several gender-queer people, useless GenZ nobodys, a lesbian relationship, slave morality feminism (the prerogative of installing an empress), and a bad melding of obvious-green-screen CGI with practical effects. If you have any positive expectations for this show, you are wrong.
Cherub Cow
Sun May 29 00:17:36
Medieval (release of September 2022)

Looks good. Ben Foster and Michael Caine in an action-oriented period piece set during the Holy Roman Empire.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 24 04:09:02
"AHSOKA _ Thrawn Reveal Trailer (2023) Star Wars"
[July 11th, 2023]

That's right: Thrawn.

I think most of us who grew up watching the original Star Wars figured that Episodes VII – IX would be the Thrawn Trilogy, but instead we've gotten to see Star Wars devolve more and more into agitprop. With Disney burning every bit of Star Wars that they can so that "canon" symbolizes a bag of ass, they have now arrived at Thrawn, which will be gutted on Disney+ as part of a limited series for the Ahsoka character of Clone Wars.

It's a funny thing. People bring up movies like Barbie and Oppenheimer as more rage bait, and it gets easier and easier to just ignore it as more garbage which should simply be ignored without commentary... but there's always another name that they can pull from the past and pollute, triggering another disgust reaction.

This is the process of Winston in the Ministry of Truth, just going from document to document and revising the past to suit the current dogmas. There is no point in this process of degradation that they will find it appropriate to stop. Their purpose is to continue until Western society is unrecognizable and homogenized into total debasement.
Mon Jul 24 05:02:05
yes, thrawn is original canon

but ahsoka was not. just like starkiller never was.

Cherub Cow
Tue Nov 28 02:37:55
Daily Wire made a movie called "Lady Ballers" (releases December 1st on their website) which is basically just an update of Jonathan Brandis' "Ladybugs" (1992) to the extreme.. except that where Ladybugs was just a silly idea, the sad reality is that "Lady Ballers" will probably be a major psychic disturbance for Western leftists:

While I don't support Daily Wire (DW), it's at least good to see DW making a movie that is *topical*. DW's attempt with "Run, Hide, Fight" and "Terror on the Prairie" was to make a movie *without* politics, which basically meant just good stories that don't use "woke"/ESG formulas. This is fine, but that's not how the right can successfully push back against ESG. Things such as South Park's "Panderverse" are what's needed: things which directly contradict and criticize "woke". No media is values free, so it's a matter of actually representing your values.
Cherub Cow
Sat Dec 07 21:11:56
Apple TV is slowly gaining some good production value. They have this horror movie coming up in early 2025 about two snipers assigned to kill demons if they rise from a crack in the Earth:
"The Gorge - Official Trailer (2025)"
[IGN; December 7th, 2024]

Speaking of Apple TV, they wrapped post-production for season 2 of their TV show "Severance", which is produced by Ben Stiller and stars Adam Scott of Parks&Rec and Stepbrothers. That's supposed to premiere January 17th, 2025 on a weekly release schedule. Season 1 of that show was one of the few things I've seen in the last decade that was really good.
Cherub Cow
Tue Dec 10 02:37:39
"28 Years Later" is looking good:

(Current release date scheduled for June 2025.)
Cherub Cow
Thu Dec 19 08:41:57
Another jewish messiah movie:
(Superman 2025)

Looks like shit. The CGI dog kind of shows that they're going for some kind of retard world, like if the M&M store got to produce a movie.
Naturally, this comes after the Bolsheviks sabotaged Snyder's productions. This is another jewish supremacist movie meant to demoralize the public. James Gunn is a hack being cynically pushed upon the world as some kind of retribution for the Second Temple.
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