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Utopia Talk / Politics / the embarrassing child idiot Prez tweets
the wanderer
Sun Jul 16 09:41:11
"The ABC/Washington Post Poll, even though almost 40% is not bad at this time, was just about the most inaccurate poll around election time!"

(this is about an approval rating poll)

A) it was 36... which is not 'almost 40'
B) 36% approval IS BAD

lying child
the wanderer
Sun Jul 16 09:44:12
"Hillary Clinton can illegally get the questions to the Debate & delete 33,000 emails but my son Don is being scorned by the Fake News Media?"

our idiot child prez still claiming that Hillary getting 1 or 2 debate questions to a Bernie debate is ILLEGAL

our president should have some grasp of the law... and he's made that claim before so apparently no one willing to tell him
Sun Jul 16 09:50:30
Renzo Marquez
Sun Jul 16 10:49:32
the wanderer Sun Jul 16 09:44:12
"our idiot child prez still claiming that Hillary getting 1 or 2 debate questions to a Bernie debate is ILLEGAL

our president should have some grasp of the law... and he's made that claim before so apparently no one willing to tell him"

Are you implying that Trump Jr. broke the law? Which law? Post the U.S. Code section.
Sun Jul 16 12:17:39
If you round off, 36 is closer to 40 than to 30.

But then 36 is also closer to 0 than to 100. So basically almost 0 people approves of Trump :)
Sun Jul 16 12:24:23

Donald Trump begs Theresa May to fix a ‘warm welcome’ for his state visit – and says he won’t set a date for it until he knows he’s going to get ‘a better reception’

US President warns he will not visit until he can guarantee a good reception and pleas with Theresa May to help influence public
Sun Jul 16 12:40:52
Sun Jul 16 12:44:19
Must be fake news since there is a transcript and a tape.
Sun Jul 16 12:46:12
He replies: “I still want to come, but I’m in no rush.

“So, if you can fix it for me, it would make things a lot easier.

“When I know I’m going to get a better reception, I’ll come and not before.”

A source said: “He seemed to think the PM would be able to smooth the path for him to get a warm welcome.

“But she tried to explain she has no power to dictate how newspapers and media might decide to cover his visit.

“After all, we are not North Korea.

“He said he would not agree a date until people support him coming."

Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sun Jul 16 14:12:35
Trump's new album
the wanderer
Sun Jul 16 16:06:50
@Renzo: i'm not talking about Don Jr at all here... Trump more than once claimed Hillary 'illegally' got a debate question or two (which was to Bernie debates & i'm certain he doesn't know the details)

...& he has also falsely accused Obama & Comey of felonies while we're on the topic of him knowing nothing about the law & reckless with his accusations

as to Don Jr.

a) there could be laws violated, i'm not a legal expert... campaign finance prohibits getting anything of value from the Russians for starters, and our only info on the contents of the meeting come from people w/ low credibility

b) collusion alone has been noted as not illegal from the start, so lets acknowledge this shift to 'well, Jr didn't do anything illegal' instead of 'there was no collusion... FAKE NEWS' yadda yadda... lets hold our dishonest immoral ignorant liar asshole child president accountable

no mature adult (let alone a serious presidential candidate) would be tweeting the total nonsense our current president does... he should be impeached on general principle
the wanderer
Sun Jul 16 16:16:02
the fake president shilling hard for either attendance or ratings of the tournament at his golf course:

Left Paris for U.S.A. Will be heading to New Jersey and attending the #USWomensOpen, their most important tournament, this afternoon.
I will be at the @USGA #USWomensOpen in Bedminster, NJ tomorrow. Big crowds expected & the women are playing great-should be very exciting!
Will be at the Women's U.S. Open today!
Just got to the #USWomensOpen in Bedminster, New Jersey. People are really happy with record high stock market - up over 17% since election!
The women played great today at the @USGA #USWomensOpen I look forward to being there tomorrow for the final round!
I am at the @USGA @USWomensOpen. An amateur player is co-leading for the first time in many decades - very exciting!

presumably there will be a ratings brag in the next few days
the wanderer
Sun Jul 16 16:27:26
clearly wants to let people know if they hold their tournament there he'll abuse his position to promote it

they did similar in the advertising to hold weddings at his places, since he likes to pop in to molest the bride
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sun Jul 16 17:41:30
You mean he's not promoting it out of his love of women's golf.
the wanderer
Mon Jul 17 14:27:23
Trump got to play in another truck... a big day for our lil boy president
the wanderer
Tue Jul 18 14:32:05
good Fox News chyron
the wanderer
Mon Jul 24 21:08:18
the disgusting child president went off teleprompter to bash the media, obama, politicians... how the electoral college is unfair to R's (even tho they win elections while losing popular vote), a lot of his typical campaign rally nonsense... and almost went into lewd commentary about a hero of his...

...at a speech to the Boy Scouts
Tue Jul 25 05:08:52
Trump could go to a convention of Nuns and make a speech about how hot his daughter is.
Tue Jul 25 05:13:53
He'd give a speech to the girl scouts and say he'd fuck one of them in 10 years.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Jul 25 05:36:28

You people are sick.

I suppose you think your family is too ugly to fuck.

Cold Rod
Tue Jul 25 05:49:22
cuckserves typically express their admiration for small boys or like Trump who would express the follow;

Dating his own daughter.

Telling at 10 year old girl that he would date her in 10 years, which by that time put him in his 80s.

Sexually assaulting women and not get their consent.

Great guy this Trump is, cuckserves.
Again who is the sick one there H.o.t. Rod?
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Jul 25 06:12:18

I guess you aren't sick after all.

You just have a butt ugly family that rapists run away from.

Hot Roid
Tue Jul 25 06:32:58
Also, lets not forget who the pedophile is around here guys.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Jul 25 06:52:41


Tue Jul 25 07:28:39
You've heard it from hot rod. Rape is all about the attentiveness of the victim! Fuck all the research and statistics into the crime, hot rod knows best!!

And, of course, it's completely ok to fuck your daughter, as long as she's hot. According to rod.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Jul 25 07:47:56

Proves my point that I have been making for years.

All liberals are bald faced liars and their families are too butt ugly to be fucked.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Jul 25 07:52:28

Do you liberals want to know the difference between me and you guys?

When I post something against the Clintons or the Obamas what I post is 98% true while when you people post against President Trump it is 98% false or taken out of context or just plain smut that you make up.

Cold Rod
Tue Jul 25 08:02:26
Cuckservatives dont understand facts. They never did.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Jul 25 08:08:20

Facts like 30,000 missing emails, Clinton smashing her hard drives with a hammer, one of our major uranium suppliers sold to the Russians during Obama's Admin while Clinton looked on, Both of them lying to the families of the four men who died in Benghazi, etc., etc., etc....

Tue Jul 25 08:23:23
Facts like Trump lying over 50% of the time, that not a single Benghazi commission out of 7 found any wrongdoing, that Clinton had nothing to do with the uranium mine sale?

Seriously, rod. Can you fucking die already? Or at least leave again? It was better without you. You are a parasite. Fuck off.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Jul 25 08:34:09

Takes one to call one.

There was plenty of wrongdoing during Benghazi.

No action was taken to relieve the situation except the ones sent from Italy and they had to change clothes how many times? The CIA guys at the other building that wanted to go help, but were ordered to stand down. A myriad request for better security leading up to that night that was ignored. And, more. It just that no one was sent to jail or even blamed. And please do not tell me that neither Clinton or Obama lied to the families.

Clinton was SecState when that sale went down and I believe, not sure, that State signed off on it. At least she could have objected to the sale, but she didn't.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Jul 25 08:37:01

She had nothing to do with the uranium sale? Didn't her charity receive a large donation from the Russians and didn't Bill make some speeches in Russia for $500,000 a crack?

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Jul 25 08:37:25

GTG, Ta Ta.

Tue Jul 25 08:43:15
No rod, you are wrong. You don't recognize the difference between fact and convenient fantasy.
Tue Jul 25 08:54:34
This is fun (or maybe not...)
the wanderer
Tue Jul 25 09:21:24
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!

so... i guess he's made his feeling toward Sessions clear now... & now the DNC server is a Hillary crime somehow


this was the speech part where he clearly wanted to go into detail about sex:

<talking about an idol William Levitt>
“He sold his company for a tremendous amount of money and he went out and bought a big yacht and he had a very interesting life. I won’t go any more than that because you’re Boy Scouts, I’m not going to tell you what he did — should I tell you? Should I tell you? Oh, you’re Boy Scouts, but you know life, you know life.”
Tue Jul 25 10:23:39
Is it too late to hope that the White House staff will be able to get him off twitter?
the wanderer
Tue Jul 25 10:38:11
he needs removed from the White House

i'm sure if you asked what regulations he's ended he wouldn't know... he is not important to his administration
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Tue Jul 25 11:01:10
No they are going to let Donald be Donald.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Jul 25 11:47:14

hood, wrong about what? I don't think I am.

Tue Jul 25 11:49:19

"This is fun (or maybe not...)"


Daemon: I don't know about fun, but I'm sure it will come in handy. :o)

Tue Jul 25 12:23:33
Hr's revisionism is at his best.
Tue Jul 25 12:58:50
You may think whatever you want. But your thoughts don't make facts. And your thoughts are not facts.
the wanderer
Tue Jul 25 13:03:22
the Uranium mine deal obviously was not Hillary's solo call... and iirc they can't export it out of the USA anyway so it's more misleading nonsense
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Jul 25 15:44:13

hood, then answer my question. What exactly am I wrong about?

tw, it is in Canada.

Tue Jul 25 15:52:17
Rod, you have had ample opportunity to figure out what you're wrong about on your own. I'm not holding your hand. You are free to be retarded. There's no point in me finding evidence and sources for you to ignore, it's a waste of time.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Jul 25 16:02:26

How the fuck can I figure out what I am wrong about when I know I am right.

And you have the audacity to call me stupid.

You're not holding my hand because you know that you don't have a case.

Tue Jul 25 16:17:27
As I said, you've had plenty of time to figure out the facts. You're allergic to facts, so it's unsurprising you still don't know why you're wrong.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Jul 25 16:23:31

So, as usual, you are the one who is wrong and you don't have the guts to admit it.


the wanderer
Tue Jul 25 17:25:48
as a general rule, everything Trump says off-prompter is false or inaccurate

so you are loaded with misinformation for trusting him
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Jul 25 17:33:20

LOL, that's rich considering that you are following the Democratic leadership.

Tue Jul 25 18:42:17
You're following Trump, nuff said.
the wanderer
Tue Jul 25 18:46:08
"with the exception of Lincoln, I can be more presidential than any president who has ever held this office"
~Trump at rally tonight

he should be rushed to the asylum
the wanderer
Tue Jul 25 19:13:11
...and I don't follow democratic leadership... no one wanting ratings is airing Pelosi... and rarely Schumer

my Trump hate is straight from the idiots mouth himself
the wanderer
Thu Jul 27 17:52:39
the scouts apologize for the president's speech... (surely the only candidate they would have had to apologize for):

I want to extend my sincere apologies to those in our Scouting family who were offended by the political rhetoric that was inserted into the jamboree. That was never our intent. The invitation for the sitting U.S. President to visit the National Jamboree is a long-standing tradition that has been extended to the leader of our nation that has had a Jamboree during his term since 1937. It is in no way an endorsement of any person, party or policies. For years, people have called upon us to take a position on political issues, and we have steadfastly remained non-partisan and refused to comment on political matters. We sincerely regret that politics were inserted into the Scouting program.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Jul 27 18:01:08

So the scout leaders are pissed off because they invited Trump and he showed up.

Typical liberals.

the wanderer
Thu Jul 27 18:50:06
the idiot child decided to treat it as a rally for himself... ANY other adult would have known how to speak appropriately to that audience
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Jul 27 18:54:43

Then why was 'that audience' screaming their heads off for him?

Trolly McSerious
Thu Jul 27 19:07:24
"So the scout leaders are pissed off because they invited Trump and he showed up. "

No. Trump politicized it and that is inappropriate.

Because 'that audience' are impressionable young people at a jamboree for the POTUS. Which is an incredible thing for a person, regardless the content relayed.

the wanderer
Thu Jul 27 19:32:13
he could've said "Obama can suck my dick!" and gotten teenagers to cheer wildly, doesn't make it right
Fri Jul 28 00:10:47
There is also the historical context. The national scouting movement has often been coopted for political gain. And in some countries still is.

The BSA has a very strict non partisanship doctrine. Had Trump or his aides been competent, they would have known the required speech for the scouts national convention would be a non political one.

Trump is not going to be invited again.
Fri Jul 28 04:54:19
I blame the BSA for even inviting Trump in the first place and expecting it to be non partisan. He started his presidency doing his campaign bullshit in front of the wall of anonymous dead CIA agents. Did they really expect him to have a filter?
the wanderer
Fri Jul 28 22:01:44
after Trump gave a speech to cops where he seemed to encourage rougher treatment of suspects the Suffolk County PD felt the need to issue these statements:

The SCPD has strict rules & procedures relating to the handling of prisoners. Violations of those rules are treated extremely seriously.

As a department, we do not and will not tolerate roughing up of prisoners.

so get your apology statements ready if you have Trump give a speech
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jul 29 09:01:22

Did you notice he got the biggest and loudest applause when he said, 'don't put your hand over their heads when you are putting them in the car'?

Nothing wrong with that, if the bad guys don't know how to get in a car it's their own damn fault.

the wanderer
Sat Jul 29 09:28:41
again with the applause...

"So this is how liberty dies... with thunderous applause."
~Abe Lincoln
the wanderer
Sat Jul 29 09:41:57
"If the Senate Democrats ever got the chance, they would switch to a 51 majority vote in first minute. They are laughing at R's. MAKE CHANGE!"


"Firm behind anti-Trump dossier also worked for Russia, Senate witness says"
~ Fox & Friends

"In other words, Russia was against Trump in the 2016 Election - and why not, I want strong military & low oil prices. Witch Hunt!"
~ idiot / traitor

the wanderer
Sat Jul 29 09:47:51
the F&F article says the same firm (which is UK-based) involved in the dossier was also hired by Russia to fight the Magnitsky sanctions

so Trump's "in other words" are way-off as usual... he can't comprehend news.... plus YET AGAIN calling our intel agencies garbage
Sat Jul 29 10:00:53
"after Trump gave a speech to cops where he seemed to encourage rougher treatment of suspects the Suffolk County PD felt the need to issue these statements: "

I don't see a problem. The guy who is elected to uphold laws, telling the people who are charged with enforcing laws, and are paid to enforce laws, to break laws.
John Adams
Sat Jul 29 10:03:17
"Nothing wrong with that, if the bad guys don't know how to get in a car it's their own damn fault. "

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jul 29 10:22:05

Sounded good when I thought about it,

John Adams
Sat Jul 29 10:25:50
Once a person is arrested they are under the care, custody, and control of law enforcement. Therefore anything that happens they are responsible. Yes, just as small as a person bumping their head and getting hurt. So that is why cops take great precaution to prevent injuries as there is great liability. One recent major case was the Freddy Gray incident.
Sat Jul 29 11:25:48
Trump crying about anti cop laws got applauded too. Because giving them a paid vacation and never convicting them of their crimes is too severe.
Sat Jul 29 12:03:41
Mockery is a tool in the Trump arsenal and its been rather successful thus far, basically winning him the election by attacking a nest of poisonous snakes. He is a formidable adversary. My nickname for him is Mongoose. lmao
Sat Jul 29 12:19:39
"One recent major case was the Freddy Gray incident."

Not a single conviction
John Adams
Sat Jul 29 15:26:35
"Not a single conviction "

Not criminally, civilly though and the city still settled.
Sun Jul 30 05:42:12
The land of the court of the mad king...who didn't take power via in-court plotting but was elected by a 100 million court jesters, all raised to be bona fide, hardcore, violent fascists according to the diseased ideology of the American Dream, the most blatant entitlement ideology out there - all going "I'm American, so I'm entitled to demand to be treated exceptionally, I was taught that if I go the factory every day I would be entitled to Trumpian wealth one day, now where are those 72 pinup models lounging around my swimming pool I'm entitled to?" A country with an ideological illness, what a mess.

Sun Jul 30 11:36:47
You wear your superior badge of ideology entitlement on your chest. All ideology is flawed by simply being taught humanly and repetitiously through environmental surroundings.

The right and left common goal should be to eliminate poverty not the idiotic and delusional idea of creating equality or even close to purity. You can't change individuality and their talents short of destroying them.

Attempting a false purity can only end in the destruction of humanity eventually. Equality is unattainable determined by nature. The prime example is the existence of a far right and far left process from the beginnings of ruling governments.

Anything you can do I can do better is an entrapment that leads to failure. Blinded and selfish arrogance, nothing more. You have been betrayed by your human educators.
Sun Jul 30 13:19:43
I have not the slightest interest in creating equality, youre barking up the wrong tree completely. The american dream is, inf act, about creating false equality - entitlement. WHile simultaneously professing to hate what is at its core. Its utterly fake and was sold by the 1% to con the 99%
Sun Jul 30 13:29:37
You rally against equality - which I dont subscribe to at all - by prividing examples of elitism??? "Anything you can do I can do better" is pure trump elitism and is the opposite of equality. Think your arguments through a little more...
Sun Jul 30 13:31:21
You rally against equality - which I dont subscribe to at all - by prividing examples of elitism??? "Anything you can do I can do better" is pure elitism and is the opposite of equality, it's in fact Trumpism in a nutshell. Think your arguments through a little more...
Sun Jul 30 15:27:11
1st, I didn't suggest you personally were interested in equality. It would also be incorrect of you to suggest that equality isn't a main tenet of present western democracy ideology of the 1%, which is a con and not only in the United States. I am suggesting that you are basically bound in your personal ideology and that lends credibility to my post.

2nd, the 2%, one at each end of the spectrum are the worst of individual beliefs that factually do not demonstrate near inclusive agreement of the 98% and flawed.

The most important part of my post, I believe, was the suggestion of a a workable common goal to eliminate poverty rather than promote a tenet of equality to any unreasonable degree.

It is realistic and transparent that beliefs are derived from social influences experienced.
I much prefer understanding influence than a promotion of hatred.

Can we compromise and agree that eliminating poverty would settle a large number of differences within the 98% of humanity?

My thoughts are expansive and the anything you can do I can do better was meant to demonstrate falsehood in context.
Sun Jul 30 15:35:01
I really don't know what youre going on about. How can you rally against equality while demanding equality of ideologies then? Since I dont believe in equality and since Trump is a fucking moron, and since the study of ideologies is my academic subject, I think its quite fair for me to claim that his ideology is fucking horrendous. Youre free to dismiss equality while simultaneously demanding that all ideologies be ranked equal if you want, but it makes no sense at all.
Sun Jul 30 15:44:32
and your link between trump fascism and poverty is a baffling mystery. Trump and the ideology that put the incomprehensibly incompetent maniac in power is so far removed from ending poverty that the mind boggles (not that Im even sure that should be humanitys main goal either).
Sun Jul 30 15:48:47
The only equality I'm stating about ideology is that all have flaws derived through social influences. They are not equal in any other respect and to discuss in detail the differences would be exhausting and fruitless in this arena. Being different is not a promotion of them being equal.
Sun Jul 30 15:57:55
Then your protests are a waste of time if you only want to say that there is no utterly flawless ideology. Clearly you were trying to equate all ideologies to the same equal level by sayin that none are perfect. Of course there is no flawles ideology, that would be ridiculous to suggest. It is also ridicuous to suggest that all ideologies thus must be seen as equal to fascism since they all have flaws. How could ideologies not be derived through social influences since they are entirely a product of human society? Why even mention the ridiculous notion that an ideology has ever existed that is flawless? What are you trying to say? What has any of those contradictions got to do with eradicating poverty? Never mind, you havent thought your arguments through.
Sun Jul 30 16:01:33
"to discuss in detail the differences [between ideologies] would be exhausting and fruitless." ???

lol, no man, drop your incoherent demand that there is no point debating differences in ideologies because they all have flaws and thus are basically equal. Youre supposed to be rallying against equalizing everything, remember? Then there is no point debating the differences between stalinism and reaganism, or hitlerism etc, because they all have flaws, making them all equal and pointless to distinguish between. Youre very confused.

Sun Jul 30 16:42:37
I didn't say that solving poverty should be a main goal for humanity. I said it should be a more agreeable improvement not that it is entirely possible considering all the irreconcilable differences existing between ideologies.

My time is no more or less wasted than yours happens to be.

But..., what the hell, we can just keep, bickering, warring, and kill each other over disagreement until the so determined best ideology eventually destroys everything including themselves.

Since you insist on redefining my posts from your perspective my time is wasted in exchange with you so I concede to you being correct in that respect.
Sun Jul 30 16:48:19
I didn't say there is no point is debating differences. I said there is no point in debating all the different ideologies in this arena that it would be exhaustive. Obviously you and I have been discussing a difference in our belief systems.
the wanderer
Mon Jul 31 14:17:08
took idiot Trump about 5 seconds to realize he was supposed to have his head bowed at a prayer thing just now... (a mistake he's made repeatedly)

...but the bible is his favorite book
the wanderer
Tue Aug 01 09:18:33
"Only the Fake News Media and Trump enemies want me to stop using Social Media (110 million people). Only way for me to get the truth out!"

a) moron still thinks you can add up all your followers on different sites as if no overlap, and is unaware of massive # of fake accts
b) still in complete denial about all the Republican leaders & his own voters who wish he'd shut up with the stupidity
c) thinks he's tweeting truth

total idiot child #tic
the wanderer
Tue Aug 01 11:40:53
the DEA chief also felt a need to send a memo to disregard our idiot president's comments on treatment of suspects

would any of the other 20+ candidates had this problem? or any professional mature person in general...
the wanderer
Wed Aug 02 14:46:42
Trump claimed head of Boy Scouts called him and told him his speech was the best ever

Boy Scouts said unaware of any such call

Sarah Huckabee admitted no call made & he was referring to positive comments by various people at the event... cause that's totally the same...

LIAR admitted & confirmed... also mentally unsound confirmed...

same for a supposed phone call from the president of Mexico saying how great Trump was doing... she admitted no call made...
Cold Rod
Wed Aug 02 18:27:35
Cuckserves no know difference.
the wanderer
Thu Aug 03 09:47:20
"Business is looking better than ever with business enthusiasm at record levels. Stock Market at an all-time high. That doesn't just happen!"

"Trump is touting stock climbs, but the market has hit an all-time high in 30 of the last 54 months"

it's been trending up since 2009... it's normal behavior
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Aug 03 12:31:30


Cold Rod
Thu Aug 03 13:25:54
Know no* dyslexia happens.
Mon Aug 07 04:50:43
"1st, I didn't suggest you personally were interested in equality. It would also be incorrect of you to suggest that equality isn't a main tenet of present western democracy" but socialism openly states that it seeks equality while the american dream professes to hate that while blatantly being about equal entitlrment, thus a more dishonest and fake rhetoric
Mon Aug 07 05:01:42
The typical AmDream argumebt is that if youre poor its your own fault for being lazy and dtupid. Logic tells us that for that argument to make sense we would all have to begin with level, equal preconditions that some people squander and we will all equally be rewarded with what we arr entitled to if we dont squander. A core of equal entitlement while loudly making fake noises about despising those concepts, an illogical shamble created to make people stick it out and sweat in trumpian factories
Mon Aug 07 13:07:29
A core of equal entitlement while loudly making fake noises about despising those concepts is indeed illogical. I'm not in disagreement with your last postings.

The cause is a division of core ideologies where compromise is desperately necessary to eat away at the root differences. Without compromise the stalemate will remain perpetual war. The point I was attempting to present.

It is not possible to have a Utopia structure.
the wanderer
Wed Aug 09 09:22:31
the idiot child was retweeting Fox & Friends at 3am this morning...

probably his primary source of info, not even joking

end of thread / America
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