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Utopia Talk / Politics / Senate candidate loses funding for not supporting McConnell
Peter Walsh
Sat Oct 22 21:33:12

McConnell-aligned super PAC pulls $5M from New Hampshire Senate race

Republican New Hampshire Senate candidate Don Bolduc recently said he would not support McConnell as leader

The Republican super PAC aligned with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Friday that it would cancel the millions of dollars it had reserved to spend on TV ads in New Hampshire's Senate race.

The Senate Leadership Fund said it would slash $5.6 million from the state, which was one of the party's top targets to flip.

In a statement to Fox News, Senate Leadership Fund president Steven Law said that "as the cycle comes to a close, we are shifting resources to where they can be most effective to achieve our ultimate goal: winning the majority."

The move comes just two weeks after the National Republican Senatorial Committee – the Senate GOP’s re-election arm – scrapped its own television ad reservations in New Hampshire.

At the beginning of September, the fund reserved $23 million to run ads in the battleground state.

However, that was before Republican and former Army Gen. Don Bolduc won the Sept. 13 primary.

Bolduc is resolute that he would not support McConnell as the GOP leader.

"General Bolduc has defied the naysayers from the beginning and that’s the same approach he is going to take through the finish line to victory," Bolduc campaign spokeswoman Kate Constantini said in a statement.

Sun Oct 23 06:32:42
This isn't news. This is common practice.

Its how we end up with Pelosi and McConnell, unless you can find your campaign you have to bend the knee to get funded.

There are exceptions, IIRC JD Vance rubbed McConnell the wrong way and he had ended funding him.

But Peter Thiel stepped in and tossed a few million. He also looks likely to win.
Tue Nov 15 04:25:17
How did that work out?
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