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Utopia Talk / Politics / Dark Brandon seizes Senate
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sun Nov 13 01:30:28
It's official Nevada Senate is safe in Blue hands.

Not only did all those Covid lockdown govs get re-elected Dems flipped state legislates in Penn, Michigan and Minnesota.

Now Dark Brandon is going to celebrate in Cambodia!!
Sun Nov 13 02:49:43
Sisolak lost because of lockdowns and kemp and desantis won because of being permissive with Covid. Republicans attacking on Covid made some headway with people who depend on face-to-face service jobs.
Sun Nov 13 02:53:51
Desantis it definitely pkayed a role, I mean, its what he is known for.But also nixing mail in votes won him the race by those margins.

Kemp had help because Abrams is a terrible state candidate. She doesn't give a fuck about GA amd it shows, all she wants to do is hob knob fot photo ops.
Sun Nov 13 03:16:47
They need to make a Marvel Superhero about Brandon Dark defeating great evil. I see him as a sort of mix of Mr Magoo and Daredevil.
Average Ameriacn
Sun Nov 13 03:53:24
What does than mean?
No Biden impeachment??????
We have to wait until 2024 for Trump to return????????????
Sun Nov 13 08:42:30
House can impeach. Senate can fire him.
Sun Nov 13 08:55:12
Unbelievable. These anti-democratic extremists who want to nuke the filibuster, pack the courts, federalize elections, and allow a senile moron to rule the country by executive fiat are poised to GAIN a seat in the Senate.
The party of letting inflation spiral out of control, siding with BLM Marxists and anti-police rioters, letting 6 year old pick their gender, implementing institutional racism (sorry, "equity"), censoring political dissidents on the internet, and providing taxpayer funds for elective abortions of 39-week old fetuses managed to WIN.

Even with all of the media and establishment bias working against them, the GOP should absolutely be embarrassed.
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sun Dec 04 12:06:42
Sun Dec 04 12:28:10
Rugian, Alot has to do with this cycle. GOP won 2/3 of the Senate elections this round. They just had a really good showing in 2016.

2024 is probably more favorable chance to gain new sears. Isn't Manchin up?
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