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Utopia Talk / Politics / Kim goes to Russia
Tue Sep 12 10:44:47

It's sorta sad that Putin genuinely needs NK support, both for PR and for materials. I wonder if he will actually give Kim nuclear and satellite support in exchange. Sad. Just sad.

Once we kill Kim, whether that's tomorrow or in a few years, I hope we get the specs of this armored train of his. Like... how safe is it? I have a hard time imagining it'd survive a missile strike.
large member
Tue Sep 12 12:12:59
Why is it sad? Is it sad the US needs to buy air defence systems from Norway?

This is an entirely predictable conscequence of sanctions and Russia's pivot East.

It will trade with NK and the only thing NK has that Russia wants is enormous stockpiles of munitions and and numerous munition production lines.

Vladivastok is only 150 km from Russia, so NK is a natural trading partner.
Tue Sep 12 12:56:28
"Why is it sad?"

Because Russia has no other choice but to pretend like NK isn't a backwater shithole and is instead a stalwart ally.

It's sad like paying for an obese woman's lap dance because every other stripper in the joint refuses to dance with you.

It's sad.
Tue Sep 12 13:42:16
Well, jergul just admitted that he considers Norway to be on the same level as North Korea.

I think we've accomplished a lot here, frankly.
large member
Tue Sep 12 13:50:11
Same level? NK is far more independent. We are just a humble client state doing humble client state things.

As Obam says. We are the fat lady dancing on your lap. But not for money, but because we feel that we are in luv.

Pathetic frankly.
Tue Sep 12 13:51:27
No, you see in this scenario the US is the client who every dancer wants to strip for. Russia is the client stuck in the corner with the STD riddled cow who is treated by Russia like a queen. Sad.
Tue Sep 12 14:33:11

"Why is it sad? Is it sad the US needs to buy air defence systems from Norway?"

Did you just equate Norway to North Korea?

You should be shunned by your fellow countrymen.

the wanderer
Tue Sep 12 15:20:08
imagine electing a leader who only has praise & admiration for the guy stuck in the corner with the STD riddled cow... & who is in love w/ that cow...
large member
Tue Sep 12 15:40:09
Au contraire. I said we were worse than NK. That country at least can have independent foreign policies.

The US is the client that all the fat whores think love them and will leave their wives for. Silly whores. But then again. Silly client for puting himself in a position were he is surrounded by infatuated, fat whores.
Tue Sep 12 15:58:44
... no jergul... jfc. The analogy is that NK is the equivalent of an std riddled fat whore because on the international stage it is blacklisted and boycotted.

Not every stripper in this situation is a fat whore. Only NK because of its specific situation. And it is the only stripper in the strip club willing to dance for russia, because every other stripper has standards.
large member
Tue Sep 12 16:23:45
Every other fat, std riddle whore has to do what their pimp/client says you mean.
Tue Sep 12 16:35:28
I never realized that Norway having a decent relationship with the United States (the country that saved the entirety of Europe from the tyranny of both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union) bothers you so much that it tarnishes your very pride in your national identity.

This pleases me immensely.
Tue Sep 12 16:41:20
Jergul normally is more discreet about his self loathing. This is pretty blatant.
large member
Tue Sep 12 16:43:41
Well, to be fair, my self-loathing for a lack of natonal self-determination is lower than yours for being ruled by the DNC.

Also, the EU is the big problem, not the US.
large member
Tue Sep 12 16:44:40
You do know we adopt all of their policies for stuff, right?
large member
Tue Sep 12 16:52:54
Speaking of STD ridden whores. Did you not just pay one of yours 100 billion according to Fox news?
Tue Sep 12 16:57:21
I honestly cannot fathom being so disgusted by my country that I openly compare it to NK in a desperate bid to insult another country. Jfc man.
large member
Tue Sep 12 17:31:58
Well, that is because your country is the lonely, fat joe in his parent's basement, and not the pox ridden whore.

What other country these days can be best bros with both Trump and Putin? Hungary maybe.

NK, for all its many fault, does call its own shots in its foreign policies.

Oh, and heavy sanctions for it withdrawing from the NPT are obectively unwarranted. The treaty by definition is not self-enforcing. It is all carrot and no stick.
Tue Sep 12 18:35:03

"Au contraire. I said we were worse than NK. That country at least can have independent foreign policies."

There's nothing stopping Norway from doing the same.

Tue Sep 12 18:40:28

"Also, the EU is the big problem, not the US."

jergul is heading up the Nexit campaign in Norway.

large member
Tue Sep 12 20:03:17
Norway is not in the EU. Nothing stopping? Wow.
Wed Sep 13 01:35:49
” the US is the client who every dancer wants to strip fo”

Less and less dancers likes the US. The US is the overly drunken guy at the party who is acting like a bully, starting fights and touching the girls improperly, and thinks that everyone still wants to dance for him. Well, it’s time to sober up. The party will be over eventually.
Wed Sep 13 06:07:50

"Norway is not in the EU."

Holy crap! Pourquoi?

"Nothing stopping? Wow."

What is stopping Norway from going it's own way? Would it wreck your economy? Sure, but North Korea's economy is wrecked.

Norway could agree to host a Russian naval base in exchange for missile technology.

*waits for jergul to inform me that there are already Russian bases in Norway*

Wed Sep 13 06:17:17

"Less and less dancers likes the US. The US is the overly drunken guy at the party who is acting like a bully, starting fights and touching the girls improperly, and thinks that everyone still wants to dance for him. Well, it’s time to sober up. The party will be over eventually."

Meanwhile Sweden is trying to join NATO. Maybe all the girls should get together and form their own defensive alliance so they won't feel forced to keep putting up with the rapey drunken guy.

It's 2023. There's no reason why Europe shouldn't be able to (and be willing to) provide for it's own defense.

large member
Wed Sep 13 07:35:57
The analogy is slipping more and more into the US being a violent pimp.

The US has to withdraw from Nato if it wants Europe to provide for its own defence. Nato, by design, cannot do shit without US involvement.
Wed Sep 13 07:52:00

There's nothing by design about it. European countries just chose to abuse the alliance. The idea that Europe won't defend itself because we haven't left them defenseless is pretty ridiculous.

The problem isn't NATO. Most European countries don't even meet their NATO commitments. The problem is that when it comes time to set their budgets, Most European countries choose to rely on the alliance to deter the only real threat in the area because in most cases that threat is pretty far away and well just being part of the alliance has worked for decades, so why actually spend money on a redundancy that really isn't needed anyway?

There is nothing stopping all the other NATO members from getting together and say "Fuck those guys! Hey US hit the bricks! We're kicking you out!"

large member
Wed Sep 13 08:07:11
How wilfully delusional are you? The treaty has no expulsion criteria. Which you know because you whined about kicking out Turkey.

Nato structure ensures that the organization cannot act without key US assets. By design.

The keys to deterrence and national independence are nuclear weapons. Everyone knows that.
Wed Sep 13 11:31:06

"How wilfully delusional are you? The treaty has no expulsion criteria. Which you know because you whined about kicking out Turkey."

I'm sorry ... you think that words can stop people from doing things?

large member
Wed Sep 13 12:45:00
The nato treaty is self-enforcing in sense that we have to believe "people" will follow it. Violating the treaty by kicking out turkey would lead "people" to be choosy about article 5. We only have to follow it if we want to. Since it is just words and stuff. And against a nuclear power, we prolly would not want to, because it has like nukes and stuff.

large member
Wed Sep 13 12:46:45
But feel free to do a trial run. Try kicking out Turkey or Hungary. If it can be done, then surely it should be done against them?
Wed Sep 13 13:50:07
Elon Musk told biographer that Trump is 'the world champion of bullshit'

Elon Musk told his biographer that he was no fan of Donald Trump after it became clear after his election that the wild statements he gave during the 2016 presidential election were not act.

"Trump might be one of the world's best bullshitters," Musk told Walter Isaacson, according to Isaacson's "Elon Musk." "Like my dad. Bullshitting can sometimes baffle the brain. If you just think of Trump as a sort of con-man performance, then his behavior makes sense."

Isaacson tries to trace Musk's politics throughout the book, noting how he once waited in line for six hours to shake President Barack Obama's hand before somewhat endorsing House Republicans ahead of the 2022 midterms. Musk's biographer also tries to trace the billionaire's relationship with Trump, which began with cautious optimism after the 2016 presidential election and slowly morphed into a disgust for what Isaacson described as "buffoonery."

"He seems kind of nuts, but he may turn out to be okay," Musk said after talking with then-President-elect Trump both with fellow tech CEOs and later in a private meeting.

Musk would later join White House councils but would ultimately leave the advisory boards following Trump's decision to pull the US out of the Paris Climate Accord.

After he bought Twitter, there was speculation that Musk would move quickly to unban the now-former president after Trump was kicked off the platform following the January 6 Capitol riot. Musk told Isaacson that he was completely prepared to leave Trump's ban in place if a public poll about the future of the ban went in another direction. After more than 15 million votes, Twitter users voted narrowly in favor of lifting the ban.

"I'm not Trump's fan," Musk told Isaacson. "He's disruptive. He's the world champion of bullshit."

Wed Sep 13 13:53:00
^ posted in this thread by stupidity :o)
Wed Sep 13 13:56:02

"The nato treaty is self-enforcing in sense that we have to believe "people" will follow it. Violating the treaty by kicking out turkey would lead "people" to be choosy about article 5."

We're going to have to have a talk about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

"We only have to follow it if we want to. Since it is just words and stuff. And against a nuclear power, we prolly would not want to, because it has like nukes and stuff."

Oh ... you already know.

Yeah, that's exactly what will happen if a real war ever breaks out in Eastern Europe.

Wed Sep 13 13:57:45

"But feel free to do a trial run. Try kicking out Turkey or Hungary. If it can be done, then surely it should be done against them?"

I tried but it turns out I'm not in charge of anything. I'm sure some intern is responsible for the mix up.

large member
Wed Sep 13 15:55:12
Not a mix up. Everyone in charge lacks the will and power to kick out Turkey. You are much better placed. You lack only the power to do so.
Thu Sep 14 08:26:12

In other news: The Budapest Memorandum kept Russia from invading Ukraine, Neville Chamberlain secured peace in our time, and that check Donald Trump gave you is totally not going to bounce.

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