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Utopia Talk / Politics / Mitt Romney is GONE
Wed Sep 13 16:03:43
Bitch Mitch is retiring! Patriots unite.

the wanderer
Wed Sep 13 16:13:01
the guy who behaves professionally & speaks like an adult? yeah, he's got to go
Wed Sep 13 16:34:23
Tw definitely spoke highly of Romney when Romney was running against Obama in 2012.

Why do liberals always pretend like they loved GOP politicians?

Did the same with McCain.

Even W Bush is now looked back on fondly by them.

Get the fuck outta here, like any GOP is gonna look back fondly on Obama, that cooked out homo sucking off his chef while Michelle barebacks him with her strap on.
Wed Sep 13 16:35:22
100% chance tumbleweed was calling Romney a dog-abusing, woman-despising block of wood a decade ago.
Wed Sep 13 16:47:09
He was also probably mocking Romney, along with the rest of the idiot left, for believing Russia was still our enemy.
the wanderer
Wed Sep 13 16:52:20
i definitely disapproved of the dog incident

but who knew how low your 'party' could go...
Wed Sep 13 19:03:34
Wed Sep 13 19:05:29

"the guy who behaves professionally & speaks like an adult? yeah, he's got to go"

Marco Rubio also speaks like an adult and acts professionally. It's a con. They are even more batshit than Trump is.

the wanderer
Wed Sep 13 19:55:40
Marco is garbage, seen him tweeting deliberately misleading bullshit multiple times

I can’t name any bullshit Romney has been pushing (though also don’t pay much attention to him)
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Wed Sep 13 22:01:42
This is a big victory for Trump forcing 76 year old man into early retirement.
Thu Sep 14 01:17:56
"Why do liberals always pretend like they loved GOP politicians?"

Why do GOP politicians get progressively worse over time, making the "good old days" look better?

Dem politicians have their ups and downs, by contrast, to be certain.

I do think the GOP is responsive to their opponent. You picked Romney and McCain as your examples, both went up against on of the best politicians the Dems have had to offer for some time, Obama.

By contrast when the Dems are putting up fairly shitty candidates, like Hillary and Biden, the GOP has nothing to "step up to," so they pick a shitty candidate, the shittiest possible person they think might win - and sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. "Why go for a crushing victory, when we can go for a squeaker?" would seem to be the party line when it comes to picking candidates that's in effect for the GOP.

How come the GOP can't pull a McCain-equivalent out when Sleepy Joe or Hillary is who they have to beat?

Fuck, Bill Clinton in 1996. That SHOULD have been among the easiest victories in a long time for the GOP.
Average Ameriacn
Thu Sep 14 02:03:33
Trump keeps on winning
Thu Sep 14 09:16:34

"Fuck, Bill Clinton in 1996. That SHOULD have been among the easiest victories in a long time for the GOP."

Bill Clinton is a Republican. From deregulation, to welfare reform, to union busting globalization, to fucking the intern.

"New Democrats" are "Old Republicans".

Sam Adams
Thu Sep 14 13:26:35
RIP sane moderates. The idiocracy of american politics continues.
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