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Utopia Talk / Politics / shit about P01135809 +his shit assocs#37
the wanderer
Sun Sep 17 12:26:07
"we're doomed! doomed, i tell ya! doomed, in case you weren't paying attention! dooooomed!"
~earthworm jim
the wanderer
Tue Sep 19 00:51:12
mental-child crime boss celebrating how his intimidation tactics worked in saving his loyal corrupt henchman:

Yes, it is true that my intervention through TRUTH SOCIAL saved Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton from going down at the hands of Democrats and some Republicans, headed by PAUL RINO (Ryan), Karl Rove, and others, almost all of whom came back to reason when confronted with the facts. Ken has been a great A.G., and now he can go back to work for the wonderful people of Texas. It was my honor to have helped correct this injustice!
Tue Sep 19 09:50:38
Lol, someone gets proven innocent by a jury and tw refuses to accept the outcome. 100% he will react the same way when trump walks.
the wanderer
Tue Sep 19 11:47:56
"proven innocent" did not occur

it was a political impeachment trial w/ a jury of TX state senators

the Texas House voted 121-23 to impeach Paxton... do you think the TX House is loaded w/ D's?
(but that was before Trump got his threaten & intimidation campaign going... you want to keep your job, you bow to the 'king'(dictator))
Tue Sep 19 12:47:37
Lol, tw has to rationalize everything. Republicans voted to begin proceedings to impeach him and when presented with evidence voted against it. Not sure what else tw could claim beyond "its all the gop corruption!!!11"

Similar to why trump will be acquitted, aka innocent, the prosecution failed to prove that Paxton didn't believe the fbi was abusing its powers to investigate his pal. As AG his duty is to protect the people of Texas, especially from the federal government. Doesn't matter if he is their friend or not. And he had every reason to believe that this hyper political fbi institution was going after political opponents... because the fbi has a long history of going after political opponents... from mlk to djt.
the wanderer
Tue Sep 19 13:30:31
"Similar to why trump will be acquitted, aka innocent, the prosecution failed to prove"

ugh... Trump -was- proven to have extorted... multiple R's agreed proven, just claimed not impeachable (exactly zero would have said that if it was nonsense)

2 of 18 TX Senate R's still voted to convict Paxton despite the pressure (also, you're just presuming 100% of D's are voting corruptly, while claiming R's wouldn't do so at all...)

& you aren't describing the counts against Paxton, brief descs here:
the wanderer
Tue Sep 19 13:35:58
completely obviously, Trump should not have interfered at all... (plus a 100% certainty he knew absolutely nothing about the charges)

if loyal (to him) -> he supports you w/o question
if not loyal -> he'll primary you or even recommend a D over you

he said Stacey Abrams would be better than Brian Kemp (for Gov of GA)... w/ his -sole- problem w/ Kemp that Kemp didn't illegally help overthrow democracy (assist in changing GA electors to Trump w/ no evidence Trump won)
Tue Sep 19 15:44:52
"do you think the TX House is loaded w/ D's?"

Um, yes? Speaker Phelan has always been considered a RINO:

"Texas GOP Chair says party will not "support or accept" Republican Rep. Dade Phelan as next House speaker

NOV. 9, 2020

Texas GOP Chair Allen West said Monday that the state party "will not support, nor accept" state Rep. Dade Phelan as the next speaker of the Texas House, after the Beaumont Republican said last week he has the votes to win the gavel.

In an email to supporters, West took issue with the fact that Democrats had backed Phelan even though Republicans retained a majority in the 150-member lower chamber after Election Day.

Phelan said last week he had support from a "supermajority of the Republican caucus" and a "broad coalition of support" from Democrats. That support, should it hold until January when the Legislature convenes, would mean Phelan has more than enough votes needed to become the next speaker when House members elect a leader as one of the chamber's first orders of business.

"Texas will not allow the undermining of our 'Texas Republic.' This is why the Republican Party of Texas is perplexed, and will not support, a potential Texas Speaker of the House who would seek affirmation from progressive socialist Democrats to attain that position," West wrote, calling it "utterly absurd and demonstrably idiotic" that a Republican would join with Democrats to lead the GOP-controlled House.

West does not get to vote on the next speaker since he is not a House member. And past speaker candidates, including current Republican House Speaker Dennis Bonnen, who will retire at the end of his term, have claimed support from Democrats in their bids to help get to a majority of votes needed to preside over the House.

Phelan, who has served in the lower chamber since 2015 and chairs the powerful House State Affairs Committee, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

West and other Republicans have been critical of how Phelan's speaker bid played out, arguing that it was not done as transparently.

Phelan filed paperwork to run for speaker after a group of GOP members gathered and picked the lawmaker as their preferred candidate. Phelan announced he had the support needed to win the race days later at a news conference at the Texas Capitol and hours after Republicans easily fended off a well-funded challenge from Democrats to flip control of the House. A group of Republicans did not immediately sign onto Phelan's list of supporters, though that seemed to change by the next day when state Rep. Geanie Morrison, R-Victoria, said she was dropping out of the race and backing Phelan.

The House GOP Caucus is still slated to meet in December, per its bylaws, to select a speaker candidate within the group and then vote as a bloc on the floor, though there is no enforcement mechanism. Phelan is expected to be the group's preferred candidate.

West also argued that Phelan would appoint Democrats to chair House committees "who will undermine [and] kill our legislative priorities, as happened in the 87th Texas legislative session." Bonnen, who is retiring after a political scandal last summer, received criticism from other Republicans for tapping Democrats to chair high-profile committees, such as the House Homeland Security and Public Safety Committee.

"Texas will be led by Constitutional Conservatives, not middle of the road 'road kill' individuals seeking alliance with Marxist, socialist, leftists," West wrote. "We fought hard in the 2020 election cycle — against massive odds and leftist resources — to retain a strong legislative majority."

the wanderer
Tue Sep 19 15:53:16
Allen West is a full-on cultist...

(& as a general rule, as soon as someone says "Marxist, socialist, leftists" you know they are a garbage cultist)

...also how disgusting is it that merely having support of D's is found as unacceptable in a position that is -supposed- to represent everyone
Tue Sep 19 16:08:58
Because no one had any problems whatsoever with Marxists, socialists, or leftists before Trump came around and brainwashed anyone.

Jesus tumbleweed, history for you really doesn't exist before 2015.
Tue Sep 19 16:10:32
"also how disgusting is it that merely having support of D's is found as unacceptable in a position that is -supposed- to represent everyone"

How much cross-party consensus did Speaker Pelosi seek again?

You can cite examples from either of her Speakerships (though you're probably not aware of her first one as it predates Trump).
Tue Sep 19 16:14:34
And I will slap the shit out of you if you try to pass off some Democratic bill that two RINOs voted for as "bipartisan."
the wanderer
Tue Sep 19 20:47:01
did they actively seek someone who would have no R support when selecting Pelosi?

MAGA -wants- to be the enemy of all others (and all others fine with that as it’s a fucked up cult)
the wanderer
Tue Sep 19 21:17:05
“One of former President Donald Trump's long-time assistants told federal investigators that Trump repeatedly wrote to-do lists for her on documents from the White House that were marked classified, according to sources familiar with her statements.

As described to ABC News, the aide, Molly Michael, told investigators that -- more than once -- she received requests or taskings from Trump that were written on the back of notecards, and she later recognized those notecards as sensitive White House materials -- with visible classification markings -- used to brief Trump while he was still in office about phone calls with foreign leaders or other international-related matters.

The notecards with classification markings were at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate...”


(Plus also allegations that he told people to lie to investigators, as obviously he would)

I think I joked about him writing his McDonalds order on a classified doc, but nope apparently not a joke... impossible to make a joke more careless with classified docs than how he actually was
the wanderer
Wed Sep 20 21:55:03
massively dangerous corrupt cult leader:

A very important deadline is approaching at the end of the month. Republicans in Congress can and must defund all aspects of Crooked Joe Biden’s weaponized Government that refuses to close the Border, and treats half the Country as Enemies of the State. This is also the last chance to defund these political prosecutions against me and other Patriots. They failed on the debt limit, but they must not fail now. Use the power of the purse and defend the Country!

got that? the criminal is demanding R's use the spending bill negotiations to defund the completely legit* prosecutions against him... the guy who will turn his cult against & primary anyone not fully loyal...

(*and yes, completely legit, hence why his GOP/Fox cult side avoids mentioning any of the facts of any case & the non-cult side happy to mention them... facts which are not disputed...)
the wanderer
Fri Sep 22 12:14:16
Many people are saying that,”You forced Rupert Murdoch into retirement!” I do not believe this is so, but while we’re at it, how about getting rid of “Democrat” Mitch McConnell, who gives the Radical Left Lunatics, together with his small band of automatic “yes” votes, EVERYTHING they want. There is ZERO Republican Leadership in the United States Senate. MAGA!!!

are 'many people' saying that? ... he's 92... but of course the mentally-ill braggart child boy must take credit as smears Fox regularly... (even though Fox got him elected the first time & continues to cover for him... yet nothing but continual praise ever minute of every show is good enough)
the wanderer
Sat Sep 23 11:22:45
this was 'president'... & could be again:

The real Howard Stern is a weak, pathetic, and disloyal guy, who lost his friends and MUCH of his audience. Until just recently, I haven’t heard his name mentioned in years. I did his show many times in the good old days, and then he went Woke, and nobody cares about him any longer. I don’t know what they (really!) pay him, but it shouldn’t be much. His influence is gone, and without that, he’s got NOTHING - Just a broken weirdo, unattractive both inside and out, trying like hell to be relevant!
Sat Sep 23 11:55:04

Yeah we all remember him talking about how he would fuck his daughter if she wasn't his daughter.

the wanderer
Sat Sep 23 16:53:56
guy who knows more about airplane design than anybody:

On numerous occasions I told the Air Force and Lockheed Martin that the F-35 Fighter Jet is, in effect, DEFECTIVE, because it only has one engine. They told me that the engine is so good and reliable that it will never break down. I said that’s not possible, everything breaks down at one time or another, just look at Crooked Joe Biden. You need redundancy, you need TWO ENGINES! No high cost modern day plane should have only one engine. Well, an F-35 fell out of the sky yesterday. Hear we go again! I also recommended to “bad maintenance” Boeing that they should not lengthen the unattractive, fat, and slow 737 to get a larger plane, they should go, instead, to an updated fast, beautiful, and sleek 757, the “Praying Mantis.” It is commercial pilots favorite plane to fly. Had they listened to me, years ago, they wouldn’t have had the disaster known as the 737 MAX. Those two horrible tragedies would never have happened. As they say, “Trump was right about everything.” Thank you!!!

we all know of the failure of the F-16...
Cherub Cow
Sat Sep 23 18:47:39
How Maoist strategy in the United States and West at large has liquidated the brain of the leftist into useful fear states such as TDS:
"American Maoism"
[September 14th, 2023]
the wanderer
Sat Sep 23 19:06:11
crazed fucking lunatic

someone was watching CNN... (in PA you get registered to vote when getting drivers license now unless you opt out (instead of opt in))

yeah, Mitch & Kevin... get on that thing that's none of your business...
the wanderer
Sat Sep 23 20:19:24
according to a news article “Pennsylvania now becomes the 24th state to implement automatic voter registration,”

but yeah, fucking asshole, completely freak out with your completely regular effort to undermine all faith in elections

a regular traitor... but total hero to the cult
the wanderer
Mon Sep 25 11:29:18
wannabe dictator clearly showing he's a wannabe dictator (as he often does)... yet isn't noticed by fucking idiots...

They are almost all dishonest and corrupt, but Comcast, with its one-side and vicious coverage by NBC NEWS, and in particular MSNBC, often and correctly referred to as MSDNC (Democrat National Committee!), should be investigated for its “Country Threatening Treason.” Their endless coverage of the now fully debunked SCAM known as Russia, Russia, Russia, and much else, is one big Campaign Contribution to the Radical Left Democrat Party. I say up front, openly, and proudly, that when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized for their knowingly dishonest and corrupt coverage of people, things, and events. Why should NBC, or any other of the corrupt & dishonest media companies, be entitled to use the very valuable Airwaves of the USA, FREE? They are a true threat to Democracy and are, in fact, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE! The Fake News Media should pay a big price for what they have done to our once great Country!

the wanderer
Mon Sep 25 11:34:35
jesus christ... pretty sure he's getting more fucked up... (or Ashton Kutcher still in a really long prank, & ramping it up to see how crazy he can be w/ R's obediently saying nothing)

Senate Democrats should all resign based on Senator Bob Menendez! They all knew what was going on, and the way he lived. Why doesn’t the FBI raid Senate Democrat’s homes like they illegally raided Mar-a-Lago, where nothing was done wrong based on the Presidential Records Act. Menendez is a “piker” compared to some of those Election Stealing THUGS. Can you imagine how much Crooked Joe Biden has stolen, and what’s in some of his many homes? The FBI and “Justice” notified him that they would be going in to look,“in a few weeks.” In other words, get rid of the cash, gold, & documents, ASAP, before we get there. They didn’t give me any warning, they just showed up. Hunter lived with Crooked Joe in Delaware. It would be a “Treasure Hunt!” Crooked’s coffers must be loaded up with cash. I wonder how much they got paid for Rigging the Election? Menendez is one of many, a small timer at that. EVERY DEMOCRAT SHOULD RESIGN FROM THE SENATE! Our Border’s are Broken, our Election’s are Rigged. MAGA!

^that is TOTALLY FUCKING INSANE (& packed w/ -completely- made up shit... AS USUAL)

notice it, please, thx
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 25 20:33:49
"There’s a certain percentage of people you can actually convert but the vast majority will only understand once the system shatters

"That’s okay, no need to hold that against them, just don’t expect anything more"
the wanderer
Tue Sep 26 15:01:13
detached from reality child guy:

I didn’t know Fox News was broadcasting my Speech yesterday in South Carolina, but the way Martha cut in when I started speaking badly about them was a classic. She is, after all, a professional!

in the attached video clip him saying:

"their [Fox's] last debate was the lowest rated in history"

^TOTALLY made up bullshit that NOBODY could possibly have reported, so straight from him
(as... he... does... -regularly-...)

"we had 271 million people listening to the Tucker Carlson interview, that's an all time record" <crowd cheers wildly>

^you 100.0% certainly did not... it's -definitely- a view count of just the post (which is the text, nothing about attached video)... it -definitely- is not unique views (nor guaranteed humans)... plus everyone seeing the post definitely not watching the video... i feel stupid even saying these obvious points, yet at least one of you continues to believe his ridiculous claim might be accurate even though a literal impossibility
the wanderer
Tue Sep 26 19:09:15
guy w/ always solid arguments... & a call out to murder:

Today’s Ruling about a Company that has done a magnificent job for New York State fails to acknowledge the fact that Murder and all other forms of Violent Crime have reached record levels in New York State. Can you imagine ruling against me for having done business perfectly, and yet letting people go on a rampage on the sidewalks of New York? This is the Judicial conduct that is forcing thousands of companies to flee New York for other environs, while virtually nobody comes back to the City or State. A very sad Day for the New York State System of Justice!

yes, why doesn't the court ruling on his constant fraud mention NY murder levels...

(& i'm sure without even looking that NOT record levels, the same throw away lie that HE ALWAYS DOES)
Tue Sep 26 19:49:51
Wow. What a coincidence that the day a damning report about hunter using Joe biden's home address to receive 250k from Chinese officials is also the same day that a random NY judge decides trump is lying about his wealth and therefore cannot do business in NY.

The left is so desperate to make names for themselves by attacking trump at every turn, they don't realize it's falling on deaf ears and is not painfully obvious that it is all a desperate attempt to prevent trump from being on the ballot.
the wanderer
Tue Sep 26 21:32:48
your side has gone completely insane with the belief in all this supposed coordination

no, the judge was not just sitting on the ruling waiting for a news item about Hunter to come along... does it not sound a bit insane when putting it that way?

in fact, the opposite would be farrrrrr more likely, though I’m not alleging it... (yet they always seem primed to find a new naked photo of Hunter)
the wanderer
Fri Sep 29 11:33:48
well here's Nikki Haley's childish nickname...

MAGA, or I, will never go for Birdbrain Nikki Haley. No loyalty, plenty of lies! “I will never run against our great President,” she said,“he has done an outstanding job.” To which I responded,“How nice of you to say, Nikki,” knowing full well that her words mean nothing. She even came to Mar-a-Lago with her family, “bearing gifts.” Anyway, Birdbrain doesn’t have the TALENT or TEMPERAMENT to do the job. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Trump criticizing someone for not being loyal, for lying, for lack of talent & for unfit temperament...
Fri Sep 29 12:26:45
Nikki is probably the only candidate he can lose support from his base by attacking. Which is why until now he has been pretty quiet about going after her specifically.
the wanderer
Fri Sep 29 16:48:01
Idiocracy guy...

I hear that Old Crow Mitch McConnell, together with his small band of weak and ineffective RINOS like Mitt Romney and “Hopeless” John Cornyn, are, as usual, trying to cobble together a series of massive concessions for Cryin’ Chuck Schumer and the Lunatic Left, in order to “bail out” Crooked Joe Biden, THE WORST & MOST CORRUPT PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. The Old Crow, and his group of ten (plus) COWARDS, have savaged our Country by approving Trillions of Dollars for Green New Deal Insanity, and the Weaponization of our System of “Injustice.” Don’t do it!!!

do you people at least have a little discomfort reading his comments...
the wanderer
Fri Sep 29 16:50:00
dumbfuck traitor guy:

Slow moving and thinking Mark Milley should never have made those calls to China’s Military Leadership. Does this moron, together with WOKE FOOL Mark Yesper (Esper!), who said “yes” to everything, have any idea how dangerous a situation he put our Country in? Look at his words - STUPID & VERY DANGEROUS!

still pushing the idiotic bullshit narrative about Milley... (him earlier saying Milley would've gotten death penalty in prior times)

it's so totally fucking ridiculous to even consider this thing for president...
the wanderer
Fri Sep 29 21:04:58
Trump with new plan to prevent forest fires:

^just dampen the floor... it costs nothing...

the wanderer
Sun Oct 01 11:59:00
drama queen CONSTANT liar:

Will Congressman Jamal Bowman be prosecuted and imprisoned for very dangerously pulling and setting off the main fire alarm system in order to stop a Congressional vote that was going on in D.C. His egregious act is covered on tape, a horrible display of nerve and criminality. It was a very dangerous “Obstruction of an Official Proceeding,” the same as used against our J-6 prisoners. Actually, his act may have been worse. HE MUST SUFFER THEIR SAME FATE. WHEN WILL HIS TRIAL BEGIN???

i'd love the explanation of how it's worse... also quite clear he was not trying to 'set off fire alarm to stop a vote' as was narrative run with, wasn't even in the right building to do so... was about getting a door to unlock (stupid, yes)
the wanderer
Sun Oct 01 13:34:16
Why wasn’t Dustin Johnson, who went 5 and O (a record!) in the last Ryder Cup, Bryson DeChambeau, a Major Winner who just shot a record 58 at Greenbrier (easily winning the tournament!), and Patrick Reed, one of the best Match Play golfers in the World, on TEAM USA??? Just askin’??? Like Inflation, the Broken Border, Election Fraud, Energy Independence, and so much more, this loss to Europe was totally avoidable. Stupid people like Seth Waugh, head of the PGA of America, are making really dumb decisions in golf, just like stupid people, like Crooked Joe Biden, are making the dumbest of all decisions for our once great Country. WE NEED SMART PEOPLE, & WE NEED THEM NOW, BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!!

we were defeated in golf... how disastrous...

(& of course Trump sucking Saudi dick for cash... that won't be a huge conflict at all if he wins (actual disaster))
Sun Oct 01 14:39:11
Imagine buying anyone's claim that they thought a fire alarm handle was a door opener.

tumbleweed, you're a credulous fucking rube.
Sun Oct 01 14:46:44
For those Euros here who have never been inside a building with electricity, here's what a fire alarm looks like:


0% chance of mistaking that for a door opener.
Sun Oct 01 15:50:49
Lol. Tw believes Joe biden was only brought onto business calls with hunter and his associates to talk weather. Tw also believes bowman genuinely thought a fire alarm would open a door for him.
Sun Oct 01 15:51:25
I wonder if tw really is that stupid. He thinks a fire alarm is wired to automatically unlock every door in a building...
the wanderer
Sun Oct 01 16:41:58
did it even interrupt the vote? an alarm in a different building?

supposeldy a sign on door saying push for x secs, alarm will sound, door will unlock (w/ more words than that)... fairly obviously means push the bar of door, but if he's in a rush & not thinking (or stupid) i could see he thinks it means the one on the wall (& there are some doors w/ things to push on wall to open)

so yeah... i do believe it

HOWEVER doesn't really matter which motive it was, it was not "very dangerous" nor worthy of imprisonment nor (fucking ridiculously) worse than J6...

wake up & actually process the TOTALLY fucking idiotic words of the cult leader
Sun Oct 01 16:54:02
"so yeah... i do believe it"

You need to touch grass.
Sun Oct 01 17:25:17
Welp...it's clear that tumbleweed hasn't been in a public or commercial building in decades.

Interesting how he's willing to see the inherent "good" in everything Democrats do though...

Just try to imagine his reaction if a Republican pulled this same stunt.
the wanderer
Sun Oct 01 17:32:16
so as usual, completely unable to process the cult leaders actual words...

no matter how fucking ridiculous, you find some way to ignore & justify it

(i don't give a shit if anything happens to this congressman i've never heard of before)
the wanderer
Sun Oct 01 21:46:26
in his war against electric vehicle, fuckhead has started claiming boats w/ electric engines will electrocute you if they sink (brought up in at least two rallies now)... (though here saying he'd prefer electrocution to a shark)


always such great arguments... the border wall needed to be a fence so thrown bags of drugs wouldn't hit people in the head... & boats can't have electric engines as will electrocute you if they sink...

and remember to rake & dampen your entire forests to prevent fires...
Sun Oct 01 21:49:16
.... Trump is literally joking around about if he had a choice between being eaten by a shark or being electrocuted he would take electrocution.

You are so fucking retarded you actually thought trump was claiming electric boats put people at risk of electrocution.
Sun Oct 01 21:50:07
And just to be clear, fuck nut, he is clearly voicing support for electric boats. He is not attacking them in anyway.
the wanderer
Sun Oct 01 22:37:34
"You are so fucking retarded you actually thought trump was claiming electric boats put people at risk of electrocution. "

i'm so glad you find that retarded...

"he is clearly voicing support for electric boats"

and gets even better...

witness a prior time of him -definitely- fearing electrocution & using as reason -against- electric engines in boats (though was pretty obvious in above clip too):

open your eyes... or ears... or whatever you need to open to see the blatantly obvious
Sun Oct 01 23:17:18
He is against the biden mandate for electric vehicles and apparently getting electrocuted in the water via electric currents from boats/marinas isn't unheard of, apparently.


But as with all things trump, you'd rather deny the existence of something rather than accept that trump is talking about something that can happen. When you should be talking about how unlikely that thing really is.

But again, apparently it does happen and presumably an all electric boat would have a higher chance of it happening than a diesel engined boat. But I dunno. I don't own a boat.

Let's ask cuckhat.
the wanderer
Mon Oct 02 00:49:31
"you'd rather deny the existence of something rather than accept that trump is talking about something that can happen"

good lord... YOU are the one who is totally fucked up here... you -knew- it was retarded... yet now that you accept fuckhead -did- say it (multiple times, as apparently all are afraid to tell him his errors, what a great feature for a president), you have to find some way to make it seem not retarded (& fail, as that link has nothing do w/ electric boat motors)

lets also recall him speculating about sunlight & disinfectant inside bodies to cure covid, while leading a briefing to inform the public...

he comes up w/ stupid shit & loves saying it w/o any research at all... it is known

fairly obvious w/ all his multitude of 'clever' ideas he did in fact ask about nuking hurricanes
the wanderer
Mon Oct 02 11:54:06
in a California speech, Trump also claimed if not for all their election rigging R's would win California big

(meaning EVERY polling org is 'in on it', including by conservative outlets to deceive the public into California being blue)

or -maybe- this total piece of shit is just willing to undermine all faith in elections with completely made-up bullshit

there are so many things he says & does that should just anger every person in the country... yet, a cult, so doesn't...

in fact people will fight the urge to claim 'well, maybe California isn't blue...'
Mon Oct 02 12:00:55
At a time when the Democrat party has openly admitted to using the judicial system to stop trump at every turn, tw has a hard time believing the Democrat party would rig elections, lol.
Mon Oct 02 12:04:25
Keep in mind this is from tw, the guy who believes a man would pull a fire alarm to open locked doors and not to cause a building to evacuate.
the wanderer
Mon Oct 02 12:05:47
yet you couldn't demonstrate it occurring anywhere a single location

nobody caught on camera bragging

no lists of dead voters uncovered (that were -actually- dead voters)


yet your cult believes 15+ million fraud votes

the guy who CLEARLY PROVABLY lies regularly and CLEARLY requires no evidence whatsoever for any claim must be believed
the wanderer
Mon Oct 02 12:06:18
"and not to cause a building to evacuate"

a building where the vote not happening...
the wanderer
Mon Oct 02 12:08:00
you've already lost all credibility

you found a claim retarded & mocked me for believing Trump said it

then realized he does say it & decided 'well, maybe he's right...' & found an article that has nothing to do w/ the topic, but in your warped mind it did...

you are in a cult
Mon Oct 02 12:15:30
I mocked you for the first video you shared where trump was joking about being electrocuted or being eaten by a shark. You took that as trump was against electric boats and was fearmongering about electric boats.

The next video trump flatly asks someone if you can get electrocuted when a boat sinks and the guy he asks didn't have an answer. Not really fearmongering about electric vehicles, this is par for the course with trump when he does his stump speeches, he starts to ramble and just talk. You'd remember this if you hadn't broken your brain.

I then got curious about the general question posed by trump and found that yeah. It is possible for the boat or a marina to electrocute you in the water.

Mon Oct 02 12:33:14
Tumbleweed also has a massive problem with missing the forest for the trees.

Take the EV comment. TW sees that and takes the hyper-literal angle, thinking little else than "omg, what a stupid comment about EVs being electrocution hazards."

You know what I see? Trump is positioning himself as someone who is opposed to EV mandates.

As a voter, I support Trump here are EV mandates will be harmful to the environment, destructive to American manufacturing, result in less reliable modes of transporting, and (most importantly of all to me personally) make the cost of purchasing a car significantly more expensive.

Meanwhile, take Biden. When he isn't being completely senile at the podium, you can tell that he is reciting the words of professional speechwriters. But what are those words? He wants to force EV mandates on the country, because his voter base has come to blindly believe in the premise that EVs are "green" and are therefore good for combating climate change.

You can criticize Trump for what he says all you want. I care more about policy, and Biden is a far, far worse option than Trump here.
the wanderer
Mon Oct 02 13:24:04
"You know what I see? Trump is positioning himself as someone who is opposed to EV mandates. "

yes, as you are insane... no adult would use that argument as the reason or how to claim they are against EV mandates

as always, you need to completely change all of Trump's words into other ones

Trump: "Milley nearly started war w/ China & would've been executed in years past" (crazy, -totally- crazy)

cultist: he's merely saying the military too woke (or some other shit)

you people are nuts
the wanderer
Mon Oct 02 13:34:05
and obaminated still struggling to see Trump is -clearly- saying he fears electrocution by a boat's battery when it sinks...

and yes that's fear-mongering... (& just fucking idiocy)

he started doing this new idiotic talking point when railing against electric vehicles when pandering to auto-workers in Michigan... & his little brain wheels sought to figure out complaints about electricity & led him to water/electrocution -> boat engines... very simple process
Mon Oct 02 14:10:30
"as always, you need to completely change all of Trump's words into other ones"

Wrong. I've paid attention to Trump's (and Biden's) actual policy positions while in and out of office, and I know whose is better (it's Trump's).

"yes, as you are insane"

I'm not the one with this asinine thread series, chief. Might want to look in a mirror.
Mon Oct 02 14:16:06
Trump's words are like a fart in the wind. I bet you're one of only a handful of people on the planet who even still remember that EV comment. That joke isn't going to have any actual impact on me, you, or anyone else.

It's policies that actually affect my life. And Biden's policies (despite his more deliberate description of them via his professional speechwriters) is far worse to me than Trump's jokes are.
the wanderer
Mon Oct 02 14:45:39
do you believe Trump is the best person to enact the policies you want?

does he seem to argue the case for these policies in clear & convincing language?

or is he a total clown who happens to mention things you want occasionally...

but i guess you can hope the adults around him enact the stuff you want... & that the guard rails hold & prevent his most insane ideas... stress test the system, yet again, as he spews continual poison & division...
Mon Oct 02 15:17:25
"do you believe Trump is the best person to enact the policies you want?"

In a Biden v. Trump general election? Yes.

"does he seem to argue the case for these policies in clear & convincing language?"

Does Biden argue the case for his bullshit in clear & convincing language?

"or is he a total clown who happens to mention things you want occasionally..."

It's not "occasionally"...

I like having a lower tax bill. Trump is better for me than Biden.

I like having a productive economy that isn't controlled by the state. Trump is better at Biden at this.

I like living in cities that are clean and free of crime. Biden and his party's policies have turned American downtowns into crime- and drug-riddled shitholes; Trumps policies do not.

I don't believe in undermining our economy and standard of living in order to fight some sort of apocalyptic climate "emergency." Trump > Biden on this.

I oppose both LGBTQ and racial equity extremism. Trump is 1000% better than Biden on won't.

I like having a secure border that doesn't allow millions of illegal immigrants to flow through with impunity. Trump 1, Biden 0.

I like being able to speak my mind on issues despite being a conservative. Biden wants to pressure social media companies to censor me; Trump doesn't.

I like owning and shooting guns. Trump will support me better than Biden.

I don't like seeing babies get their bodies torn apart in the womb. Trump will provide a (moderate) defense against this. Biden wont.

I despise the administrative state and the various military/intelligence agencies that are basically governments unto themselves. Trump hates these, Biden supports them.

There is nothing you can say that would make me want to vote for Biden because of his policies. He could be a 35-year old female supermodel with the brain of Einstein, the charisma of The Rock, and the public speaking talent of MLK, and I still wouldn't vote for him because he hates me for my politics, my race and gender, and my belief in the America I grew up in.
the wanderer
Mon Oct 02 15:53:37
"In a Biden v. Trump
Does Biden

you're in a primary... elect a semi-to-fully mentally-sound adult... & non-fraud criminal... w/ at least a tiny attachment to truth... & any respect for the law

every other candidate hits those low bars lying in the dirt...

& every R is for lower taxes, protecting border, guns, & likely more pro-life than Trump (who doesn't actually give a shit on that issue)

yes, i accept you & lots of idiots will vote Trump over Biden

idiots for not recognizing the danger of Trump... & the harm he has caused continuously since entering the stage... the dumbening of the country, the rise of conspiracy theories, the undermining of all institutions, the acceptance of cultists sieging the Capitol & many other corrupt efforts to change results of an election w/ NO evidence he won, the acceptance of any fucking crazy thing he says as 'hmm, well, maybe he's right...' as obaminated exhibits (when it's -soooo- clear he pulls total bullshit out of his ass constantly)... plus you thinking it makes more sense to just let Trump keep the unknown classified docs as he refused to obey the law given EVERY opportunity... than to recover them w/ a search warrant

he is corrupting your minds
the wanderer
Mon Oct 02 16:04:25
the current top post on his feed is this image

(^that Jesus must be on Trump's side)
Mon Oct 02 16:12:01
That's fucking hilarious.
Mon Oct 02 16:26:26
Once again let's briefly highlight that rugian has listed policies he supports and policies he opposes to explain why he will vote trump over biden.

Tw has listed a bunch of personal reasons he opposes trump.

We all know tw is no longer mentally sound so this isn't news to anyone. Just wanted to point it out.
the wanderer
Mon Oct 02 16:28:25
yeah... 'serious threat to the country' is a personal reason...

also, again... we are NOT at Trump vs Biden
Mon Oct 02 16:30:43
Considering trump a serious threat to the country shows your personal bias to him that has caused you to see him as a boogeyman. Remember. He was president for 4 years already and the world didn't end. In fact the world was peaceful and the economy was doing great until China releases covid on the world.
Mon Oct 02 16:45:41
I've made it pretty clear that I like DeSantis.

Do you see DeSantis winning the primaries right now?

"yes, i accept you & lots of idiots"

Oh I forgot, I'm a member of the cult now.

*worships the 6-foot tall statue of the God Emperor in my closet*

"idiots for not recognizing the danger of Trump"

What about the danger that Biden and the Democrats pose?

Their entire philosophy revolves around the idea that you either vote for them, or you don't believe in democracy...do you not see how *anti-*democratic that is?

"the dumbening of the country,"

Pretending that voters were high-minded, well-informed people before 2015 is just stupid. Also, it's "dumbing."

"the rise of conspiracy theories"

Conspiracy theories like America is structurally racist against black people, climate change is going to murder us all, Putin got Trump elected, etc.?

"the undermining of all institutions"

No, the institutions undermined their own credibility long before Trump, and then further did so when they were blatantly weaponized against them.

I lost most of my faith in the institutions between 2004 (due to Iraq) and 2013 (due to Snowden). How is that Trump's fault, exactly?

"the acceptance of cultists sieging the Capitol"

Vs. your acceptance of BLM riots.

"& many other corrupt efforts to change results of an election w/ NO evidence he won"

Hillary Clinton to this day insists she won 2016.

"the acceptance of any fucking crazy thing he says as 'hmm, well, maybe he's right"

Your side does this too, just swap out "Trump" for "the media."

"plus you thinking it makes more sense to just let Trump keep the unknown classified docs as he refused to obey the law given EVERY opportunity... than to recover them w/ a search warrant"

That would have been better than what we have now, which is the (likely) Republican nominee for President of the United States being prosecuted by the government of his political rival on trumped-up charges that do NOTHING to actually protect national security...

...if you believe that isn't going to further undermine credibility in your precious institutions and turn the 2024 election into a total shitshow and potential disaster, the likes of which are going to make 2020 look tame by comparison, then you're the insane one.
the wanderer
Mon Oct 02 17:38:29
"Oh I forgot, I'm a member of the cult now"

actually i didn't think you were as you recognized his clown behavior at times (though you sometimes think he's joking when he isn't, and i'm still very troubled by your docs response)... but it won't be just cultists voting for Trump

it's idiots & cultists... the cultists can get him to win the primary, but for the general he'll need the idiots too


"either vote for them, or you don't believe in democracy"

only said vs Trump... who does not believe in democracy... completely revealed frequently... he DID try to overturn election, he DOES spread -completely- false claims of election rigging... his claim of CA being red if not for rigging just one of the many & extremely obviously false ones... it PROVES he has ZERO requirement for ANY evidence at all & in fact is definitely false from the start


"conspiracy theories"/"undermining"

have you not noticed
-how many events are supposedly just to hide Hunter news...
-that Trump isn't being charged for clearly violating the law (by his own admissions), but that it's election interference... even though all started well before he ever declared running
-the belief the FBI 'spied on Trump's campaign', or investigation was all a hoax, or that Twitter files show FBI did 'X' against Trump, & even you believe FBI raid not warranted
so much smear of the FBI/DOJ & acceptance of crimes that few R's can call for Menendez to resign
plus there's also Trump -openly running- on weaponizing the DOJ... that thing you claim is wrong...


"vs. your acceptance of BLM riots. "

as shown nowhere


"Hillary Clinton to this day insists she won 2016."

if you actually think this was a good argument, more proof of your brain being warped... i don't even know if she says that, maybe with 'if not for interference' qualifier... but in any case she took ZERO steps to corruptly overturn election...

whereas Trump failed in the courts so took MANY corrupt efforts (pressures on so many governors & legislators & corrupting DOJ & Pence, yadda yadda... all trying to get his electors appointed based on his bullshit claims w/ no proof or just known lies... behavior soooo clearly- disgusting & wrong & no one should want to see again)
(& w/ Pence, his preferred plan was having -one man- reject the votes from multiple states which would then completely bypass the election entirely as none get to 270 & to go to backup method of 1-vote per state... thus one man (his running mate) choosing on his own to cancel every vote of every person... yes, Trump does not care about democracy )


"if you believe [charging someone for gross violation of the law, way grosser than what our side wanted to charge Hillary for, including Trump leading that charge] isn't going to further undermine credibility in your precious institutions and turn the 2024 election into a total shitshow and potential disaster..."

it's -only- undermining anything as your cult party is accepting Trump's characterization that it's corrupt to begin with... he CLEARLY did it... it is so obviously indefensible... hence why no one putting up a defense -still-... & he himself puts out only PROVABLE LIES (& your cult party totally cool w/ that instead of disgusted... they should be disgusted by not only the lying to your faces, but also what the lies claim: that he actually could take any & all docs he wanted just for the hell of it & could do whatever he wanted w/ them... he's got your whole cult accepting that (or ostrich heading in the sand pretending not to notice, as is required soooo often))

if Fox & every other influencer remotely told the truth about the cases, it wouldn't be undermining anything at all
the wanderer
Mon Oct 02 18:37:07
also, if actually a DeSantis supporter how can you possibly ignore Trump's literally daily smears for months... (though finally starting to taper off w/ him squashed in polls)
Mon Oct 02 19:02:43
Lol. Tw can't comprehend someone like rugian supporting DeSantis but not being emotionally invested in the situation and thus not really giving a shit that trump effectively strangled that candidacy in the crib....
the wanderer
Mon Oct 02 21:36:44
he could have a problem with Trumps tactics... if Rugian supported DeSantis on Fox, he’d be labeled a “milk toast” RINO (or some other dumb thing) by Trump, & start getting death threats and be very unwelcome at thanksgiving dinner by any Trumper relatives

(as Trumps a childish vengeful dictator cult leader, where 100% loyalty to him required... & party & principles irrelevant)

the wanderer
Tue Oct 03 11:53:39
disgraceful fuckhed:

"Schumer’s girlfriend, Alison R. Greenfield, is running this case against me. How disgraceful! This case should be dismissed immediately!! "

his 'evidence' is a post by some rando claiming Judge Engoron's law clerk (Allison Greenfield) is palling around with Schumer (w/ photo of possibly Greenfield w/ Schumer, clearly looking like 'hey, you're famous, can i get a selfie with you?' to me)

that one photo now makes her his girlfriend & her running the case & somehow requiring immediate dismissal

a lawless piece of shit liar
Tue Oct 03 12:26:12

Apparently Schumer is into the Sarah Huckabee Sanders type.


the wanderer
Tue Oct 03 14:11:38

NEW: Judge issues "gag order" on Trump after for posting "disparaging, untrue" post about his clerk.

"Consider this statement a gag order forbidding all parties from posting ... about any member of my staff. Failure to abide by this order will result in serious sanctions"
(^tweet by reporter following trial)

i'm sure that'll work...

& of course the cult will be fine w/ childish tantrum boy saying whatever bullshit he wants
the wanderer
Tue Oct 03 14:49:27
"Why is it that Republicans are always fighting among themselves, why aren’t they fighting the Radical Left Democrats who are destroying our Country?"

"themselves" "they"
Tue Oct 03 14:56:44
Engoron must be the most biased judge that has ever presided over a Trump case, and that's saying something.

I would post my reasons for saying that, but we all know that tumbleweed will ignore/disregard anything, so no point.
Tue Oct 03 14:58:07
Someone needs to use AI tech to have trump in Tyrions trial as he demands trial by combat because he will get no justice otherwise.
the wanderer
Tue Oct 03 15:43:15
is Schumer's girlfriend running the case against Trump? & should the case be dismissed immediately due to that """fact"""?

& is it just a-ok for a cult leader to just smear any non-public figure he wants?... (incl knowing it will lead to threats, as he must by now, since been occurring for 7+ years to the people he attacks... & w/ zero times ever discouraging it)
Tue Oct 03 15:44:55
...what does Schumer's girlfriend have to do with anything?
the wanderer
Tue Oct 03 15:49:58
Trump: "Schumer’s girlfriend, Alison R. Greenfield, is running this case against me. How disgraceful! This case should be dismissed immediately!! "

i post Trump shit... & have proven his ridiculous unfitness 1000x over...
Tue Oct 03 15:54:25
Wait is Schumer's girlfriend working on the trial? Yeah that's a bit suspicious...

...but anyway, Engoron is the primary piece of shit, he has no business being on this case or any other for that matter.
the wanderer
Tue Oct 03 16:34:13
"Wait is Schumer's girlfriend working on the trial?"

NOPE... hence the problem
the wanderer
Tue Oct 03 16:38:15
there exists a selfie of the judge's law clerk posing w/ Schumer

on this basis, Trump declares her Schumer's girlfiend & that she's running the case & that thus the case needs dismissed immediately

do you think the case need dismissed immediately based on that selfie?

sane people would not...
the wanderer
Wed Oct 04 11:40:36
jesus fuck... Trump continuing to go off on the clerk:

"...his clerk should not be allowed to be in his ear on every single question. You take a look at what's happening with her. She hates trump more than he does."

his common 'you go look' comment pretending there's something to find (as he obviously can't provide it)

no mentally-sound adult would be making these idiotic claims & just inventing baseless storylines as he does it soooo often

sooo fucking ridiculous that cultists & idiots will quite possibly elect yet him again...
Wed Oct 04 11:43:08
It's pretty much a lock that trump will walk into the white house at this point. What are the democrats doing? Trying to get trump locked up, not find viable solutions to America's major problems.

Bring trump back and we can get these illegals back in line, hopefully save some of our major cities and force an end to the Ukraine Russia war.
the wanderer
Wed Oct 04 18:49:17
it’s pretty much a lock for any R

a shame your side going with such a deranged conman who -will- harm the country worse than already doing

(though he does give Ds or 3rd parties a chance given the massive amount of ‘not Trump’ voters he will inspire)
Wed Oct 04 18:53:32
Those "not trump " voters are now dealing with thugs stabbing them in public, thugs using mob tactics to rob their local Walmart out of business, illegals clogging up social services and drug addicts taking a shit on the sidewalk in front of their houses.

All problems they did not have in 2020. Good luck getting the mindless masses to vote for more of it.

Not everyone is happy hiding in their homes like you tw, some people still enjoy being able to go to the local park on a Sunday and have a picnic without finding a used syringe on the grass.
the wanderer
Wed Oct 04 21:09:25
crime, border & inflation are why it’s a lock for Rs

Trump is the best solution to none of it though (& the crime issue not a federal solution anyway)

here’s hoping RFK Jr can stick to sounding normal (though not literally with his voice thing) & gain steam
Wed Oct 04 22:16:34

Biden is going to be reelected.

large member
Thu Oct 05 06:47:41
RFK does not have to buy steam. He can download it for free.
the wanderer
Thu Oct 05 11:40:33
Steam is great, so convenient

also, off topic "Rick & Morty" season 7 premieres Oct 15
Thu Oct 05 11:44:55
Let's be honest, Rick and morty peaked back in season 3.
the wanderer
Thu Oct 05 16:20:52
it's still good... the main voice actor gone now though, so possible warning sign... not sure how important he was in the writing
the wanderer
Fri Oct 06 12:41:00
so Trump gave out secrets about our nuclear subs (supposedly how many warheads & how close they can get to Russians w/o detection) to an Australian billionaire at Mar-a-lago

i can't imagine him being able to relay accurate information in that case, but yet another example of his willingness to give out classified info -just to brag-

plus obviously there's him walking out of the WH w/ 300+ classified docs (thousands of pages) & refusing to return them (& hiding them when subpoenaed)

w/ him of course claiming all of it is perfect behavior & so obviously no reason to think he'd change

completely obvious he should NEVER be allowed near any classified information ever again

...yet R's won't notice a thing
Fri Oct 06 12:58:33
...you realize that submarine ballistic payloads are public knowledge, right?


But sure, give Trump 700 years in prison for that...meanwhile, no punishment whatsoever for the fucks who literally started a regional war based on lies.
Fri Oct 06 12:58:47
Fuck you tumbleweed
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