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Utopia Talk / Politics / QAnon declares a new government
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Fri Sep 29 12:37:53
These people are getting out of control.


By Mike Wendling
BBC News
She claims to be the Queen of Canada, and now she's holding court in an abandoned school.

Romana Didulo, a QAnon-inspired conspiracy theorist, leads a group of supporters who have spent the last few years traveling around Canada in motorhomes and other vehicles.

Recently, the group moved into Richmound, a village of around 150 people in south-western Saskatchewan, and settled in at a former school.

Ms Didulo and around 15 to 25 of her followers have been at the site for about a week, says Thomas Fougere of Community TV, a local independent news outlet based in nearby Medicine Hat.Soon after their arrival, the neighbours began pushing them to leave.

Around 100 local residents drove around the school on Sunday in tractors, semi-trucks and other vehicles, trying to drive out the incomers, according to Mr Fougere.

"It's the only place in the village where there's a playground and where kids can safely ride their bikes away from the highway," he said. "It's become a high tension situation. The town doesn't want them."

A self-styled 'Queen of Canada'
Ms Didulo, 48, emigrated from the Philippines to Canada as a teenager. She set up several businesses before forming a fringe political party in 2020.

Following endorsements from QAnon leaders, she built up a band of followers, declared that she had overthrown the legitimate government of Canada, and says her claim to the "Queen of Canada" title is backed by secret, powerful US military interests.

On her most popular Telegram channel she has issued "decrees" to absolve her more than 36,000 followers from bills and debts.

That has resulted in followers losing their homes, cars and possessions, says Christine Sarteschi, a professor at Chatham University in Pittsburgh and an expert on extremism and the sovereign citizen movement - a broad collection of anti-government groups who dodge taxes and make up their own fake legal systems.

Ms Didulo and her followers spread a variety of different beliefs, including sovereign citizen, anti-vaccination conspiracies, and ideas related to QAnon - a wide-ranging, completely unfounded theory that says former US President Donald Trump is waging a secret war against elite Satan-worshipping paedophiles in government, business and the media.

While QAnon's spurious narratives revolve around US figures, the theory has taken hold in some parts of Canada and the rest of the world.

What is QAnon?
The moment QAnon took the person I love most
Ms Didulo's group participated in the "Freedom Convoy" protests in Ottawa in 2022, and last year attempted to arrest police officers in Peterborough, Ontario, accusing them of "crimes against humanity".

Six of Ms Didulo's followers were arrested instead.

Ms Didulo also frequently calls for violence against those administering Covid vaccines to children, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

"She's the ultimate anti-government person," Ms Sarteschi said, noting that Ms Didulo regularly threatens to execute her opponents.

"This is not a harmless cult."
Mr Fougere, the journalist, says he's received threats since reporting on the group.

Messages to Ms Didulo and her supporters went unanswered on Tuesday.

Staying put in Richmound
The group has been in Saskatchewan for at least several weeks. Earlier this month they were chased out of Kamsack, a small town on the other side of the province, by hundreds of local residents.

Now it appears the group is making plans to stay put in Richmound.

It is seeking plumbers and tradespeople to come volunteer for building projects, Mr Fougere said. Followers not currently at the school are posting on Telegram about their plans to travel to the area in mid-October.

"The last few years they've just been traveling around Canada and stopping at campsites," said the journalist "This is the first time they've been presented with access to a building like this."

Richmound may not be able to do much officially about it.

The school and surrounding land were sold by the government and are now in the hands of a private owner, complicating efforts to move the group.

Brad Miller, the mayor of Richmound, told local news outlets that residents were monitoring the situation, and that it appears the group hasn't done anything illegal in the village.

Richmound officials did not respond to interview requests from BBC News.

In a statement, Saskatchewan police said an investigation is ongoing into a reported assault at Sunday's protest, but that no injuries or arrests were reported.

Ms Sarteschi, the extremism expert, said the group is much more serious than their outlandish beliefs make them appear.

"Too often, these kinds of things are ignored until something bad happens," she said. "I don't know how this ends... I don't know if anything horrible will happen, but I pray that it doesn't."
Fri Sep 29 12:45:48
Power resides where men believe it resides. It's a trick. A shadow on the wall. And a very small Filipino woman can cast a very large shadow.
Fri Sep 29 13:08:00
"Didulo and around 15 to 25 of her followers"

Quick, call up the National Guard.
Fri Sep 29 16:08:44

If only Canada had a gun. :o(

Fri Sep 29 16:10:06

"Quick, call up the National Guard."

You better believe it. Air Force and all. Massacre the lot of them and let it be an example to any other idiot that wants to "overthrow" the government.

Fri Sep 29 21:50:25
Get a bottle of Fox urine from the gardening center of your choice and spray them with the urine. Tell them you will be back in a week with more urine and they will probably move on.
Fox urine drives away all kinds of pests.
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Mon Oct 23 13:53:16
How is giving them erections gonna help?
Mon Oct 23 14:23:39
murder why are you not still in Cuba obeying the government there? Because sadly you are not half the man you father was.
Mon Oct 23 19:53:41

Nimatzo why are you not still in Iran teaching your children to be suicide bombers? Because sadly your father didn't teach you.

Tue Oct 24 08:00:52
That's a great question murder, thank you.

Because I disagree with those things and value liberty. What I say and how I live isn't congruent with the values and ideology of the regime in Iran. What you say on the other hand could have been said by any double digit IQ regime loyalist of any murderous dictatorship.
large member
Tue Oct 24 08:32:12
I am sure Nimi values his own liberty highly. The liberty of others not so much if we go by how well he deals with disagreement and dissent.

I doubt he would agree, so we will just have to tack that down as another point he and I will agree to disagree on.
Tue Oct 24 08:56:14
No no no. Here is what actually happens.

1. You act like a retard
2. I call you a retard.
3. You get triggered and say I can't tolerate your dissent.
4. I call you a retard again.
5. You say let's agree to disagree.

You not being to able to defend your opinions, and acting like a retard, trying to gaslight people to think you said the opposite of what you said, these are not disagreements, it's just you being a coward and having an ego far exceeding your intellectual capacity.
Tue Oct 24 08:58:05
In summary: You reek of small dick energy.
large member
Tue Oct 24 12:36:06
Aw. shucks little buddy, you made a list. Good for you. And don't you worry, your testicles will get bigger after they drop :).
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