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Utopia Talk / Politics / The GOP's false crime narrative
Tue Oct 03 07:57:34
Tweet from Josh Kruger, Philadelphia journalist and political activist, on Februrary 17, 2023:

"Today, I learned there is apparently a "crippling crime wave destroying all cities" according to Stephen Miller, which includes presumably Philly. My house is not on fire and chaos is not reigning in the street. I saw a man get a parking ticket yesterday. My trash got picked up."


Fast forward to yesterday:

"Philadelphia journalist and advocate Josh Kruger shot and killed at home"



Sucks that he was killed, but hopefully this will be a wake-up call for some of his fellow soft on crime leftists.
Tue Oct 03 08:16:28
It sounds like it might be a politically motivated killing (shot seven times, not mention of burglary).

IIRC you are rather soft on those.
Tue Oct 03 08:22:50
Shot seven times. It could also be an emotional killing. His partner might have shot him seven times because he was cheating.
Tue Oct 03 11:37:42
"Sounds like it could be politically motivated" - seb

Also seb - "offers zero reason to think it had anything to do with politics."

The police will release the bare minimum of pertinent information in a case like this so as to not tip off the criminal(s). All we know is the location, general time of crime and how he died.

A quick Google check of point breeze looks up a middle/upper middle class (by Philly standards) gentrified neighborhood. So time of death at 130 am jives with a home invasion turned homicide and unintentionally turned homocide. Amount of times shot has next to nothing to do with politics or passion.

And I'm sexist. I feel less sympathy for this idiot than I do for that woman who was raped and murdered by that convict in baltimore.
Tue Oct 03 11:39:45
And homocide is both a joke and a serious comment, if the killer or killers has a history of making comments about a homosexual community in a negative way they can turn this into a hate crime as well as a murder.
Tue Oct 03 11:45:08

Yeah I've had to dodge a half dozen mugging attempts just today, and it's not even 1 pm yet.

Tue Oct 03 12:26:06

Normally if its a burglary that's reported as is immediately obvious.

But lets see eh?
Tue Oct 03 13:12:58
A decade ago skid row was one street in LA. About 5 years ago it was a stretch of road in LA you didn't drive down. Now skid row comprises half the fucking city.

Anyone claiming the major American city hasn't, on average, seen a major decline in every significant category (jobs, safety, drugs, income etc) over the past couple years is either lying or needs to touch grass.

The consequences of lax immigration, free flowing drugs and liberal attitudes to enforced bare minimum sentencing have blossomed and we see the results in just about every major American city with the exception being cities that coincidentally are in red states.
Tue Oct 03 14:21:54

"Anyone claiming the major American city hasn't, on average, seen a major decline in every significant category (jobs, safety, drugs, income etc) over the past couple years is either lying or needs to touch grass."

Here I was going to mock the other right wing fake pearl clutching narrative over the immigration "crisis" ... bu I see that you've already addressed it yourself.

Tue Oct 03 14:23:27
You don't think 100k illegals coming into the nation per month is a crisis?
Tue Oct 03 14:25:53
Murder is being a retard here.

He still is less moronic than tumbleweed, who in one of his recent "shit about shit" threads implied that a city is not a high-crime area if not EVERY SINGLE RESIDENT is being assaulted on the streets all at once.

Tue Oct 03 14:28:14

"You don't think 100k illegals coming into the nation per month is a crisis?"

Of course not. They've been coming forever, and the only problem they cause is to white people panicking that the US is becoming less white.

Tue Oct 03 14:28:46
Oh I found it!

the wanderer Sun Sep 03 22:52:46
guy who very clearly regularly makes shit up & thus is unfit for office...

"...RINO Governor Brian Kemp has lost control of violent crime in Atlanta, and Fulton County as a whole. To walk the streets is a death sentence [DOUBT IT], it has NEVER been worse [VERY FALSE], yet he wants to protect this incompetent prosecutor. Number 1 in violence per capita in U.S. [COMPLETELY MADE-UP] Sad days for the Great State of Georgia!"


Member Mon Sep 04 08:30:07
<provides list of people murdered in Atlanta over the Labor Day weekend>


the wanderer Mon Sep 04 11:19:51
were they the only people who walked the streets?"

Rofl idiot.
Tue Oct 03 14:37:01
It's hard to have any productive debate with people like tw and murder who will deny a house is on fire because only the roof is currently in flames.

"It'll probably die out on its own if you stop talking about it."
Tue Oct 03 15:59:03

It doesn't have to die out. Immigrants have helped build this country and they continue to do so. You pretend that there's a crisis because it's politically advantageous to do so.

Tue Oct 03 17:02:01
When we needed cheap unskilled labor legal immigrants were needed and helped. We do not need cheap unskilled labor from illegal immigrants in 2023.
Tue Oct 03 21:38:32

Why aren't we seeing well dressed black men and women getting assaulted by thugged out whites?

Probably because black people fucking know to avoid public spaces at 4 in the morning in major cities.
Tue Oct 03 22:22:46
All these stupid anecdotes.
Wed Oct 04 11:46:06
"All these stupid murders! Why don't people understand inner cities aren't dangerous!!"
Wed Oct 04 15:23:00

Good riddance
Despite the senseless violence, friends of the 32-year-old say it wouldn't change his outlook on social justice.

'I know he would have wanted people to use his death as a means to talk about structural wrongs in the city.

'I'm absolutely positive that he would immediately see that this was a person who was suffering from a lack of resources in our community, who probably needs better mental health support, possibly housing, possibly drug support, drug treatment.

'What he would want to avenge his death is for us to fix how broken this city is,' New York State Assembly member Emily Gallagher told The Gothamist.

Carson worked for the New York Public Interest Research Group, a nonprofit where his work focused on environmental causes like reusable bottles.

He spearheaded other liberal causes, like creating supervised drug injection sites across the city.

Morales, according to now locked-down social media profiles, was an avid BLM activist who, among other remarks, used the cop-hating acronym ACAB in some posts. "

Useful idiot won his Darwin award.
Wed Oct 04 15:35:55
murder is playing a fun little game where he fails to differentiate between illegal and legal immigration.
Very few people think legal immigration is a problem. Fact is most would like to see an easier path for legal immigration.
Wed Oct 04 17:45:03

There is no difference between legal and illegal immigrants. They are all people coming here to make a better life for themselves and their families.

If you're problem is the illegality ... simply legalize it. Problem solved.

Wed Oct 04 18:04:47
that is like saying there is no difference in a person robbing a bank and a person withdrawing funds from their account.
They both just want more money.

and immigration is legalized. There is a process in place. It needs to be streamlined but it does exist. Until then immigrants should play by the rules as they are written.

Almost slipped by me. They might be coming here to make a better life for themselves but for some that means drug trafficking and worse. Not all, not even most, but enough that we should not allow illegal/undocumented crossings and those that do cross illegally should be shipped back to country of origin. From there they can apply to immigrate legally.
Wed Oct 04 19:34:12

"and immigration is legalized. There is a process in place."

There is a process in places to illegalize it.

"They might be coming here to make a better life for themselves but for some that means drug trafficking and worse."

Same goes for citizens and residents.

Wed Oct 04 20:04:54
"There is no difference between legal and illegal immigration" - murder

I wonder why no one on the pro-immigration side has used this line.

I forget the exact thread that broke murder but I feel like it was sometime over this past week. His posts have about as much thought in them as someone suffering from severe dementia.

Cherub Cow
Wed Oct 04 21:49:47
[Left-wing Dogma Bot]: “There is no difference between legal and illegal immigrants.”

Murder, that’s just lazy bait. No one except AOC is that retarded. She had that hilarious clip where she said, “No one is illegal, sir,” and the immigration agent responded to her with the exact statute being violated by illegal entry.

Even local commies didn’t always like global communism:
“Open borders is a Koch brothers proposal.”
— Bernie Sanders

[obaminated]: “good riddance”

Yeah, it’s sad to see how that went down, but like I pointed out in the “sustainability activist” thread, Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) of sustainability politics directly supports white people being murdered by diverse people. He died how he lived: bleeding from the heart.

Same thing. White liberals simply want to die at the hands of conquerors. It is their guiding principle.
large member
Thu Oct 05 06:40:00
Many illegals are like Ayn Rand. Overstaying their visas, hoping for eventual status through marriage or other devises, often rediculing their host country, before finally accepting the benefits it provides to help deal with self-inflicted injuries or diseases.
Thu Oct 05 09:20:58
Looks like even the big guy isn't buying into murders idiocy. Is now waiving federal laws to help build Mr trumps border wall. :)

Thu Oct 05 15:20:22

As I have always said, Joe Biden is a Republican.

Thu Oct 05 15:23:13

"Many illegals are like Ayn Rand. Overstaying their visas, hoping for eventual status through marriage or other devises, often rediculing their host country, before finally accepting the benefits it provides to help deal with self-inflicted injuries or diseases."

They don't care about Ayn Rand's bullshit anymore than they care about Trump's. They'll take their validation anywhere they can get it.
large member
Thu Oct 05 18:04:19
I know, but still could not resist. Call it a weakness :)
Thu Oct 05 18:54:47
Yeah there are some citizens that break the law and they should have to face the consequences. That is how society should work. Create laws to help protect the society then enforce those laws.

We call them illegal immigrants because they break the law in coming here. They should not be rewarded for breaking the law but here we are.
large member
Thu Oct 05 22:13:11
Surely you mean break the law by remaining there? Though of course, there is the presumption of innocence. Only a court can decide if someone has broken the law.
Thu Oct 05 22:17:27
Remaining here, crossing the border outside a checkpoint and any other law they've broke. Sure give them their day in court. Send them home until their trial date. Works for me.
Thu Oct 05 22:32:39

Friends of that social justice activist who got murdered in front of his girlfriend launched a gofundme for themselves so they could take time off from work. Lol. We really do need a major plague to cull the weak.
large member
Thu Oct 05 22:41:42
Remaining there. Many illegals overstay visas. But with the presumption of innocence, only a court kan find them guilty of alleged crimes.

Sure, papiren bitte and administrative deportation are nice principles and all that, but that is not really the American way. Just a sec. Oh, Stasi called and wanted me to say they had copy-writed those concepts. Sorry bro. I guess its a no-go :(.

Remaining there is really the only crime Americans cannot also commit.
Cherub Cow
Thu Oct 05 23:11:25
[Jergul]: “Many illegals are like Ayn Rand.”

Agreed; she should have been denied the franchise. I’m glad we agree that murder is wrong about there being no distinction between legal and illegal and that you agree we should deny the franchise to first generation immigrants as well as repeal the 19th Amendment. Thank you for being a voice of reason.

However, your transparent attempt to steal an old Reddit-fag meme is based on some unsupported claims. The Reddit-fag claim is that she “lied” that she expected to marry in Russia in order to get a foothold in the States. This claim is considered a “lie” or “perjury” only because she later married an American. That is, the Reddit-fags *assume* that there was no one waiting, and their “evidence” is that she married someone else. I see no evidence that Rand herself admitted to lying, though I’d be happy to see it.

Similarly, it is incorrect that she was “illegal” or that she overstayed her green card. The Reddit-fag claims seem to link to nothing substantive, since their faggotry is part of an old subversive-libertarian’s talking point that we should rethink immigration since otherwise Rand couldn’t have written books (absurd on its face). Dugin has written some interesting work too, but he should never be granted the franchise.

[murder]: “ They don't care about Ayn Rand's bullshit anymore than they care about Trump's. They'll take their validation anywhere they can get it.”

Oh no! Murder contradicted left-wing orthodoxy to try to get a shortsighted own! The left-wing orthodoxy is that the right is in a cult and all obey the every word of Trump… but if murder is saying that the right is composed of people who only accept leaders who reflect their pre-existing worldviews.. then it’s almost like they’re not in a cult, have independent thought, and select their leaders as representatives rather than the other way around! It’s almost like that’s how Western governance is supposed to function! Oops!
Murder, you should try having that conversation with tw. I’m sure you’re not a pathetic little nihilist who can only take pot shots against the right and that you’d be happy to have that debate with another psychotic leftist. :)
large member
Fri Oct 06 05:48:17
Your posts are always exhausting. Rand arrived on a student visa that was extended once, then a void until she marries an American a number of years later. The marriage forms the basis for her legalization and naturalization. Very fishy by today's standards.

Objectivism would have survived in a form in Stalin's USSR. You do not have to tweak it much for it to fit Soviet realism's literary criteria.

With that said, I do not think first generation immigrants should be denied the franchise for longer than an induction period (not longer than a decade after legal status is achieved).

My point is that many chase a cliche. Many illegals do in fact initially have their paperwork in order. The 2nd point about the presumption of innocence and guilt determined only in a court of law I hold to be a self-evident truth.

The only unique crime an illegal does is remain in the US without documentation (allegedly until proven beyond reasonable doubt in a court of law).

Everything else are crimes citizen can also do.
Fri Oct 06 10:12:41

"We call them illegal immigrants because they break the law in coming here. They should not be rewarded for breaking the law but here we are."

Why is that a reward? We let people off the hook every day for committing minor crimes. Simply increase migrant work visas to meet the demand and the everyone is nice and legal.

Fri Oct 06 10:15:18

"Agreed; she should have been denied the franchise. I’m glad we agree that murder is wrong about there being no distinction between legal and illegal and that you agree we should deny the franchise to first generation immigrants as well as repeal the 19th Amendment. Thank you for being a voice of reason."

Cherub Cow wants to be disenfranchised. She wants her life controlled by men and to have no say or will of her own. Can't say I'm surprised.

Fri Oct 06 10:19:16

"Oh no! Murder contradicted left-wing orthodoxy to try to get a shortsighted own! The left-wing orthodoxy is that the right is in a cult and all obey the every word of Trump"

You're still in a cult. But the cult predates Trump and will outlive him.

Sam Adams
Fri Oct 06 13:13:04
A negro has been arrested for this murder. Unclear if it was the journalists gay lover or just another negro randomly murdering.
Fri Oct 06 13:23:27

Doesn't look like a gay lover. Looks like a guy who would attempt a home invasion in an upper middle class neighborhood looking for money.
Sun Oct 08 20:58:27
I lived in Philly, I call bullshit on the trash, about 60% of Philly is literally Ankle high in garbage more often than not, and there are random bags of trash in most abandoned lots and gaps between buildings, garden areas etc.

It's the trashiest place I've ever seen in my my life.
Cherub Cow
Mon Oct 09 21:19:17
[Habebe]: "I lived in Philly, I call bullshit on the trash,"

And we don't even have to take your word for it!
I posted this in another thread, but here's a livestream of a corner in Philly that is *always* covered in trash, cleaned, and covered in trash again within minutes:
(If you subscribe to the channel and make a comment in chat, they make you a member in a few weeks (for free) and give you access to their other Philly cameras — assuming you've enabled gifted memberships in your profile.)

[Jergul]: "Your posts are always exhausting."

Translation: Jergul has a very easily exhausted mind.

I've pointed this out before of Jergul. He has a terrible work ethic, he being a pathetic example of the Lutheran species, and he insulates himself from this recognition of his terrible work ethic by saying that *others* are burdening him with work!
He is like the office curmudgeon whom everyone avoids because simply approaching him will likely result in *them* having more work (work that was Jergul's own!) — so he is certainly not someone whom they could ask for expertise or help despite his years of "experience", since they know that such "experience" is not in solving problems but is merely the same "experience" as a barnacle further cementing itself to the hull of a ship.

[Jergul]: "Rand arrived on a student visa that was extended once, then a void until she marries an American a number of years later."

Do you have a source on "void" that is not Reddit or some libertarian propaganda trying to get libertarians to approve of open borders? I'd be happy to be convinced! Most of the "evidence" I can find seems reverse-engineered from presumptions about green-card processes of the time and the assumption that they were not followed.

[Jergul]: "Objectivism would have survived in a form in Stalin's USSR. You do not have to tweak it much for it to fit Soviet realism's literary criteria."

"Nice" claim. Please develop how an ideology based entirely in the idea of individual responsibility and individual agency outside the control of a centralized committee could simply be "[tweaked]" to fit Soviet collectivism's total aversion of such individualism and agency in order to maintain the power of a centralized state.

I know explicitly where Rand's ideology contradicted itself in service of her remnant Jewish Bolshevism, but I doubt that you do.

[Jergul]: "With that said, I do not think first generation immigrants should be denied the franchise for longer than an induction period (not longer than a decade after legal status is achieved)."

I do. And as I showed — despite your pathetic attempt at bait — I would apply this even to Ayn Rand or her inspiration, Nietzsche, since I have the ideological consistency that you forever will lack, since your only "consistency" is the leftist's willingness to deceive to achieve an immoral power over others.

[Jergul]: "The 2nd point about the presumption of innocence and guilt determined only in a court of law I hold to be a self-evident truth."

"Presumption of innocence" in immigration is a retarded stance and you must know that you're being transparently disingenuous here. Anyone not a midwit should know that while there is indeed a presumption of innocence in the West, that it is pretty explicitly contradicted by illegal immigrants evading the INS and ICE by surreptitiously crossing borders, sharing apartments with semi-legal immigrants, and working at jobs that don't ask for a SSN. Your obvious deception here is that since they're actively evading prosecution and deportation that they're not "illegal" until they're processed by the system — the kind of duplicitous logic common to the Wandering Seb and characteristic of the type of person who chuckles to him or herself with duper's delight while telling you that OJ was "innocent" and daring you to apply enough perception to divide between the law's subversion and its true spirit. Cowards ironically hold the monstrosity of these simulations "sacred" while pretending that they have even the smallest piece of respect for the British Common Law that they subvert for sport.

Only cowards stand behind bureaucracy while stabbing you in the back with it. They start with bureaucracy as "moral" in itself and walk backwards into a post-rationalized lie rather than starting with morality and commanding that the law reflect it.

Jergul is one of the biggest cowards we may ever see in these forums, though Seb is far more committed to his cowardice.

"Diplomatic immunity!"
"...has just been revoked"

[murder]: "Cherub Cow wants to be disenfranchised. She wants her life controlled by men and to have no say or will of her own. Can't say I'm surprised."

More straw man arguments and false statements based in false premises which are easily contradicted with even a passive read of things I've said directly to *you* in the past (i.e., you had to ignore *so* much to make that impotent statement).

And I have very clearly explained my position on the 19th Amendment and enfranchisement in the totalitarians threads. Here is one such selection on the topic of the "60 Minutes" propaganda piece on Marjorie Taylor Greene:
"The horrors of an assertive woman! She might not be subservient to the Regime, and if that happens, then why did the Regime pass the 19th Amendment at *all*!! That Amendment was supposed to make a voting bloc that is statistically favorable to the Regime based on a high likelihood of compliance and agreeableness, but if women learn assertiveness!! My word!! The Regime was supposed to direct those assertive energies into the Simone de Beauvoir Death Cult wherein assertive women assert their right to remove themselves from the gene pool by becoming mindless pro-choice advocates. If they assert rights to family and other non-Regime ideologies which give them real political power.. that's just right out!"

In other words, I think the 19th Amendment should be abolished because it did not require female citizens to take on equal parts responsibility and authority — as was required of men to that point but largely no longer. As a long term goal, enfranchisement for women — where it occurs — should be based in *demonstrated* virtues which protect the sovereignty of society. "As is", the 19th Amendment as a standalone Amendment is an intentional foot-in-door for creating a voting bloc that will vote for totalitarianism (i.e., voting for globalism as the destruction of national sovereignty). This is most apparent in Longhouse women who vote for globalist wars which they themselves would never have to fight in and for which they have no children to supply (i.e., authority without responsibility).

And take note also that my position on the franchise would also disenfranchise immoral "Longhouse women" such as yourself, murder. You are actively working to subvert your own nation and should thus have no authority and should be held responsible for your failed exercise of the authority that you have (wrongly) exercised (e.g., perhaps flogged in the public square for still supporting a president who is selling the nation to China). In a healthy society, strong citizens would en masse recognize you plainly for the traitor and coward that you are.

[murder]: "You're still in a cult. But the cult predates Trump and will outlive him."

lol. Nice "recovery". Just another bland and unsupported assertion to evade that you accidentally split your position with doublethink to "win" a shortsighted argument.
Again: go into tw's thread and try to argue with him about how the right wing does *not* look to Trump for software updates. I've been trying to explain that to him since 2016, but I'm sure that you'll break through with your self-doubt and slippery doublethink ;D
Cherub Cow
Mon Oct 09 21:19:20
Forgot to post that Lotus Eaters had a good summation on many of the deaths and degradation in DNC cities:
"The Dilbert Curse"
[October 4th, 2023]

We now have a good list of leftists finding out the direct consequences of their "open borders" / "no one is illegal", DIE is good! / "Diversity is our strength!", delusional and subversive ideology.

• Ana Kasparian of TYT — supported progressive suicide for decades only to be harassed near her home while walking her dog and subsequently given a polite debate by Ben Shapiro of all people; suddenly discovered that left-wing media has constantly lied via omission in stories such as Rittenhouse and racialist grievances. Now the psychosis left is sure to use scare-quotes when calling her a "progressive".
• Ryan Carson — murdered by a homeless DIE-"hero" in NYC after being a "sustainability" activist
• Rep. Henry Cuellar (D) — carjacked in D.C. in early October
• Josh Kruger — laughed at Scott Adams for claiming that Biden's presidency would mean more crime in DNC cities and an increased likelihood of DNC-voter deaths in those cities; murdered in a DNC city in September
• Rep. Angie Craig (D) — mugged in her own D.C. apartment building in February
• Chairwoman Shivanthi Sathanandan (D) — in September, carjacked and brutalized in front of her children and home in Minneapolis after calling to defund the police.
• Christopher Wright — beaten to death at his Maryland home in the presence of his son in Brooklyn Park, who was left screaming, "You killed my dad!"
• Daniel Penny — was supported by a "diverse" group of people who were all being harassed by a drugged-out sociopath; facing prison with his next update being October 25th
Sam Adams
Wed Oct 11 23:12:37
The negro killer claims that kruger raped and groomed him since childhood.

And that he had childporn on his computer.

Killing may be justified.
Wed Oct 11 23:23:51
Well none of us predicted that twist. Paramount was correct. It was a crime of passion.
Thu Oct 12 11:08:04
Holy shit what a twist!

So this wasn't a Democrats being soft on crime story, it was an LGBTism being a gateway to pedophilia story.

Either way, the left sucks.
Thu Oct 12 21:10:45
Anyone claiming the major American city hasn't, on average, seen a major decline in every significant category (jobs, safety, drugs, income etc) over the past couple years is either lying or needs to touch grass.

Jobs/income in the west coast metros were doing great until March 2020...
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