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Utopia Talk / Politics / Super Bowl commericals
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sun Feb 11 17:48:25
So far Deadpool 3 is the best so far.
Sun Feb 11 20:37:02


Every year for the past 20+ years. But people keep talking about the commercials every year like it's a tradition.

the wanderer
Sun Feb 11 21:17:06
It’s always enjoyable to see Ahnold
the wanderer
Sun Feb 11 21:50:30
yay, deep state and Taylor!
Sun Feb 11 22:02:42

yay right wing wackos losing their shit even though they quit watching the NFL back when players were kneeling to protest police brutality. :o)

smart dude
Sun Feb 11 22:10:02
so happy that Hot Rod has been too dead these last several years to witness all of KC's success.
Cherub Cow
Sun Feb 11 22:40:33
A bunch of faggoty leftists talking about the Super Bowl is about the best sign of its designed ruin.
Sun Feb 11 22:51:30

Someone's not getting any.

Cherub Cow
Sun Feb 11 22:59:35
"Someone's not getting any."

It is leftists who are selecting themselves out of the gene pool, hence why they must rape, disfigure, and indoctrinate children and must vote for pedophiles such as Biden who will bring these children to their ruin.

To paraphrase,
"The left doesn't have their own children, so they have to indoctrinate yours."
the wanderer
Sun Feb 11 23:06:47
indoctrinating children you say?
Sun Feb 11 23:17:55

Donald Trump congratulating Kansas City, Kansas for they Super Bowl championship.

Sun Feb 11 23:19:30

Never mind ... that Trump fuck up was 4 years ago.

Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 12 00:01:13
[tumblefag (TDS Bot)]: "indoctrinating children you say?"

Here we go with this idiotic fucktard take again. It's the left vs. right sponsorship meme, e.g., Ryan Long:

The left owns..
• the bureaucracies,
• the governments,
• the Synagogue ("The Cathedral"),
• the banks,
• the hospitals,
• BigPharma
• foundations, corporations, NGOs, world organizations,
• the judiciary,
• the universities, funding bodies, and think tanks
• the media (e.g., games, 'journalism', movies, TV/streaming)

With the left's massive propaganda campaigns, they have useful idiots such as tumblefucktard saying nothing but the Regime's own approved talking points, even getting tumblefucktard to make the media's own exact pivot into suddenly caring about Biden's mental health and documents handling and looking for a replacement — all on command! I.e., tumblefucktard is such a slave that he can only stop saying that Biden has a "stutter" when given the Regime's explicit approval! And he truly thinks that not caring about which puppet is selected means that he is *not* in a cult!

Like many such fucking idiots, tumblefag seems unaware that totalitarianism is the deferral to the total state's "expert" class of faceless bureaucrats ("The Party") who carry total immunity from their failures — *not* deferral to one figure who is fully accountable. Who is "Big Brother" in 1984? Is it one man who can be stopped? No! It is the bureaucratized collectivist-citizen who annihilates liberty on behalf of the Party! It is itself the Regime's propaganda that tells people to look out for "Hitler", «Napoléon», or "Caesar" figures, since such figures dismantle totalitarian tyrannies with embodied action. Action is the greatest fear of totalitarians, who seek a passive population of tumbleweeds who are merely blown in the wind and are easily swayed and starved due to their disgust for their own deformities and their resentment for greatness. Leftists are crabs in a bucket pulling down the legs of those who dared want freedom, ensuring that all boil with them.

And despite this total monopoly on power, tumblefucktard's "evidence" of "indoctrination" is... some Mike Huckabee site that attempts to put a single drop in the bucket, attempting to reverese the massive media propaganda effort to make slavish idiots such as tumblefucktard maybe second-guess their programmed hatred for all things Trump.

Oh no! A 20-page booklet that has a cartoon Trump and images of the American flag! Indoctrination!! Why can't the kids instead watch an "apolitical" movie where teenagers literally blow up because they hate Trump so much and have so much TDS?? ("Spontaneous" movie (2020) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5774062/ ).

So, in review, that's...
• a 20-page booklet that shows the kids of the parents of maybe a few thousand people who even found that webpage and want their kids to see that it's okay to love their nation and learn small truths about Trump..


Regime insistence on pure hatred of "Emmanuel Goldstein" (Trump) from..
• the bureaucracies,
• the governments,
• the Synagogue ("The Cathedral"),
• the banks,
• the hospitals,
• BigPharma
• foundations, corporations, NGOs, world organizations,
• the judiciary,
• the universities, funding bodies, and think tanks,
• the media (e.g., games, 'journalism', movies, TV/streaming)

The 20-page booklet wants you to have a positive vision for America; but the totality of Regime media wants you to..
• vote for and support pedophiles of the LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA variety on your local schoolboard
• give your children's teachers the authority to emasculate and confuse your children without your permission (LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA pedophile teachers),
• have your children read books about pegging and sucking dildos (e.g., "Gender Queer" book that's called a "banned" book but is nevertheless on Amazon and featured in Barnes and Nobles "banned" rack https://www.reddit.com/r/lotr/comments/vaarnw/lotr_in_banned_book_section_at_a_chain_bookstore/ )
• surrender your children to the Pharma–medical complex for conditioning and surgical emasculation (hormones and "trans" surgery),

Strangely, I can find "Gender Queer" and all of those "banned" books on Amazon, but I don't see "The Kids Guide to President Trump". Weird. "Camp of Saints" is also about $1000 on Amazon. That's strange. Why is "The Lightning and the Sun" only available on obscure 3rd-party sites? Weird.

The left have merely become sycophants for totalitarians and world-destroyers. That is all that tumblefucktard is: a deformed goblin and a totalitarian sycophant who wants the world to be annihilated as also he wishes to annihilate himself. His puny intellect was no match for Regime propaganda, hence, he is in their slavish death cult, waiting for his order to drink the Flavor Aid.
the wanderer
Mon Feb 12 01:10:55
"even getting tumblefucktard to make the media's own exact pivot into suddenly caring about Biden's mental health and documents handling and looking for a replacement — all on command"

or, maybe there was just a report released on the docs handling? ya dumb cu...ltist (that i'm certain i've read more than you, just like every document)

& i've mentioned 3rd party desire many times prior, & NEVER ONCE claimed Biden was my choice for Dem candidate in any election

but you assume all opponents identical as you are crazy (just like when you posted a huge bullet list of things i supposedly agreed with when i'd never mentioned half of them & you misled on the other half) & of course you still crazily believe my anti-Trump views come from media brainwashing when i post crazy, childish & idiotic comments & falsehoods straight from Trump all the time...

you are truly deranged (& also sound quite hostile... are you sure being in the cult is giving you a happy life?)
Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 12 04:34:36
[tumblefag (TDS Bot)]: "or, maybe there was just a report released on the docs handling? ya dumb cu...ltist (that i'm certain i've read more than you, just like every document)"

No. That is absolutely not it. To claim that is to show how completely dishonest and subversive you are. If that is truly your claim, then you are an absolute liar and destroyer who needs to be disenfranchised for all time — left as a boy without a country, trapped at sea or some Global South shithole with no word ever again of liberty.

In reality, anyone with even the faintest bit of IQ already *knew* the details of Biden's irresponsible and criminal acts and that Biden — unlike Trump — had no defense. The details were fully available **long before** this report. It was the ultimate irony of the Regime using its anarcho-tyranny blatantly and overtly (prosecuting its enemies and excusing it friends) and it only being a matter of time before they produced a narrative wherein the cognitive dissonance of their useful idiots was assuaged through some bullshit deception such as that Trump is somehow worse despite having the protections that Biden lacked as a VP and senator. But you, as a deadly foolish Regime sycophant, waited until the Regime approved counter-messaging against Biden before you became "brave".

It's the same Game of Thrones meme:
"You served him well, when serving was safe."

You are a coward, tumblefag.
You are in a cult.
You are incapable of taking a position outside of that of the Regime. The Regime approved your current thoughts on Biden, and therefore you suddenly became "brave" with their rhetoric — once again. And in your fake bravery, you can now suddenly claim to have held this belief all along despite never having had expressed it. Your 1984 replaceable-memory washes you of your past. That is how doublethink "works".

But you would never oppose the Regime when it is difficult. You held water for them when they told the lie of Biden having a "stutter" when it was long-obvious that Biden was a pedophile with dementia. And let's test it: even now, I doubt you'd be capable of recognizing that you voted for a known pedophile. Could you? Do you know that you voted for a known pedophile and that this information was available to you before you wrote your name in this Black Book for all time? I'm sure you do in some deep place within whatever stripped car remains of your conscience, but you'll only admit it *if* — perhaps in 50 years — the DoJ confirms what we all know: that Biden raped his own children, scarring them for life and making them the terrible deviants that they are. Do you know that Hunter probably raped and impregnated his own niece? The cycle continues.

But you are too cowardly for this knowledge.
Do you know what ESG is yet?

[tumblefag (TDS bot)]: "(just like when you posted a huge bullet list of things i supposedly agreed with when i'd never mentioned half of them & you misled on the other half)"

You're either still too incompetent to know that you misread that or you're lying on this issue also. I already explained this twice, so I assume it's part of your continued and outright evil.

I did not say that those were all hoaxes that **you, yourself** fell for, you dumb shit. That was a list of DNC hoaxes perpetrated on useful idiots *like* yourself. You were guilty of *many* of them, but the list was generic — *not* tailored to you. ("You're so vain" comes to mind.) Understand this simple point, or just accept that your position on that matter requires you to lie.

[tumblefag (TDS bot)]: "but you assume all opponents identical as you are crazy"

Nice projection, albeit transparent. It is *you* who have cast absurd conclusions about others as the "cultists" of Trump, when few here have ever bothered to defend Trump beyond a few issues. Here's a recent example for your psychosis thread #42:
"do you Trump supporters acknowledge he's definitely like this? (i'm sure CC doesn't & thinks he's the consummate professional"

You think I'm a Trump supporter? You dumb bitch. I support a poison pill to the heart of the totalitarians — a deportation sentence for goblins such as yourself. The world must know that you goblins never should have the franchise again.

My disagreement with you began when you — in your overt evil — likened me to a cultist simply for correcting you on a verifiable truth about Trump. (Even now you would probably read this and doubt that you could have been wrong!) You did this passive-aggressively because you are a coward, but your subversion was undeniable. Your status in the totalitarian cult requires you to falsify anything regarding Trump, including the supposed "cult" of those who simply oppose the totalitarian Regime and who oppose psychopaths such as yourself who sustain its existence with your allegiant dogmas.

[tumblefag (TDS bot)]: "& of course you still crazily believe my anti-Trump views come from media brainwashing when i post crazy, childish & idiotic comments & falsehoods straight from Trump all the time..."

Not "crazily" — *accurately*.
I have already explained this to you before, so you only continue to prove your incompetence by fighting a straw man rather than my steel-man argument.

My argument — which I have explained several times — is that, yes, you do indeed quote Trump, but you falsify your interpretations through cynicism and pure bad faith. This goes all the way back to something that many people in UP tried to explain to you in *2016* through the Thiel quotation:
"“I think one thing that should be distinguished here is that the media is always taking Trump literally. It never takes him seriously, but it always takes him literally. ... I think a lot of voters who vote for Trump take Trump seriously but not literally, so when they hear things like the Muslim comment or the wall comment, their question is not, ‘Are you going to build a wall like the Great Wall of China?’ or, you know, ‘How exactly are you going to enforce these tests?’ What they hear is we’re going to have a saner, more sensible immigration policy.”"

In other words, because you are maliciously evil and in a slavish death cult, whenever you quote Trump, your subsequent interpretations are insane and cynical to serve your cult's hatred for Trump. Whereas, people with conscience and comprehension understand metaphors. Even I, when I saw Biden's gaff about calling military members "stupid bastards" for not clapping, could see that it was a joke. This same logic is not extended by the left-wing death cult for, for instance, the "suckers and losers" hoax. It's because you're a liar, and the slavish death cult requires an absolute friend/enemy distinction where principles are abandoned to support the lies of the cult. I was reluctant to adopt such a friend/enemy distinction against you, but I take your word for it that you consider me your enemy and therefore — by your own logic — you are an absolute enemy of mine. I defend liberty, and you defend totalitarianism. You and those like you must be defeated absolutely and forever. This is the consequence of your ideology. Internalize this.

[tumblefag (TDS bot)]: "you are truly deranged (& also sound quite hostile... are you sure being in the cult is giving you a happy life?)"

More projection.

Thread #42 highlights so far, all tumblefag quotations:
"completely fucking stupid ... obviously Trump ... is idiotic ... Lyin' Ted ... fuck that guy ... Vivek (Fraud 2.0) ... then it was all rigged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... the idiot cult applies to Trump ... claims Trump ... cult. sinners. dumb fucking clueless idiots. ... what Trump's like... his behavior acceptable... OBVIOUSLY ... do you Trump supporters ... on shit he ... it just doesn't matter ... so fucking weird ... mega-cultist ... Trump... yeah, Trump ... yeah, Trump ... yeah, Trump ... a fucked in the head cult ... he slips through everything ... read what Trump ... believe Trump ... megalomaniac toddler fraud ... guy who says crazy shit ... see him repeat ... pattern of his ... obviously no wrong-doing established for any of those people (not even Fani Willis yet) ... & of course, no link to Biden on any ... lunatic shitbag criminal ... of course the fucking idiots ... king of all idiots ... the fucking idiot cult ... fucking idiotic to smear it ... the mystical cult leader did it ... lord fuckhead says ... the dumb fuck cult ... your cult ... Trump ... lying piece of shit ... why the fuck ... your side said ... your side does ... your disastrous fucking piece of shit nominee ... the fucking liars claimed ... the maga/cult side ... make shit up ... lord idiot ... shitbag Trump ... you're a fool ... you're an idiot ... childish idiots ... the cult leader ... Trump ... whiny bitch ... pathetic squirming toddler ... such a fucking piece of shit ... on the idiotic ... such.a.fucking.piece.of.shit ... loyal cultist installed ... the dumbfuckery ... NO, THEY FUCKING DON'T ... such.fucking.pieces.of.shit. ... & a cult... total bullshit ... against the shitbag ... GISH GALLOP!!!!!! ... fuck Trump? ... you think Trump ... el shitbag ... piece.of.shit ... i'm too stupid to comprehend things ... normal shit here ... fucked up ... one fucking thing"

Are you even aware how childish you seem?
I see you're using !!ALL CAPS!! less, so clearly you're trying not to be such an overt cultist, but the cult conditioning is still very much in tact.
This is why I hope you live forever with a perfect memory.
You should always remember your ALL CAPS insanity in your 42+ threads.
And know what it cost you: the absence of all virtues.
the wanderer
Mon Feb 12 11:32:27
you: [brainwashing made me 'suddenly care about Biden's documents handling'

me: 'uh, there was no info about his doc handling until just now (other than just possession which he notified himself & allowed searches & indicated virtually nothing)'

you: "That is absolutely not it. To claim that is to show how completely dishonest and subversive you are. If that is truly your claim, then you are an absolute liar and destroyer who needs to be disenfranchised for all time... [<-INSANE PERSON]
In reality, anyone with even the faintest bit of IQ already *knew* the details of Biden's irresponsible and criminal acts and that Biden" (NO YOU DIDNT)

god damn you are insane... the report is 100% definitely the reason i made my thread & talked about it. The main issues considered in the report (that you didn't read at all) were some Afghanistan docs w/ some indication he knowingly had when he shouldn't & some notebooks of his person notes where he had written some classified info and read to the ghost writer w/ 3 occurrences of classified info, but report concludes it's conceivable Biden didn't know those parts were classified & that Biden believed he was allowed to keep his personal notes (yes he could've charged on either, but Hur didn't think conviction likely as didn't think sufficient proof he could convice a jury Biden both did it & knowingly did it)

NOBODY fucking knew about either of those things

the docs from his Senate days, found in boxes in storage or at the library or wherever, were dismissed immediately as being just like the 80+ other times w/ others this has occurred, w/ no indication at all he was knowingly doing it as w/ all of them... (& your nutbag side has not provided any example of anyone charged w/o knowingly doing it, so i don't care if you or anyone claim that's wrong)

i didn't read the rest of your garbage, you are nuttier than i even realized
Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 12 23:35:07
[tumblefag (TDS Bot)]: "uh, there was no info about his doc handling until just now"

So you admit that you're lying?
That is, "there was no info" is an absolutely false statement.
If you cannot reconcile that that is an absolutely false statement, then you are in a cult.

• Can you reconcile that there was indeed lots of information about Biden's document handling?
• Are you in cult?

It's one or the other, tumblefag. You saying, "that you didn't read at all", falls flat when you're simultaneously saying of my comment, "i didn't read", and also demonstrating that you're ignorant of other Biden document-handling details. You're either delusional and willfully ignorant to support the cult's need for useful idiots (i.e., in a cult), or you can recognize that this recent report was not the first time we heard many of these details (i.e., you were ignorant or lying but can now begin to reconcile that information was indeed known — partially escaping the cult through this rise from Plato's Cave).

As I've said before, it's the same willful ignorance as people who were blind-sided by Rittenhouse's weapons charge being dismissed in court after 5 minutes of deliberation over 2 days. I was telling people that that would happen the very day after the shooting. Claiming "there was no info" would be cult-like behavior due to an admission that the echo chamber of the Regime had willfully omitted this information to control the consciousness of its useful idiots.

This same exact tactic was used by the left in their COVID suppression, culminating in absurdist articles such as "Let's Declare a Pandemic Amnesty" (October 31, 2022 https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/10/covid-response-forgiveness/671879/ ). The Regime narrative is that people couldn't possibly have know that the shots didn't have the stated efficacy, that they had their own risks, and that firing people for non-compliance was a bridge-too-far. Yet, the right somehow knew this with the exact same access to facts. This is because the Regime was making sure that cultists such as tumblefag would not see those facts.

[tumblefag (TDS Bot)]: "NO YOU DIDNT ... NOBODY fucking knew"

Oof. The ALL CAPS have returned. Your inability to control your cult psychosis is, as usual, pathetic. I was expecting that you would at least attempt to control yourself and pretend that you're totally rational now so that you could trick new viewers of your comments with a feigned rationality just as wtb has been lately attempting (e.g., "[Only thread #42 exists! I totally don't use ALL CAPS [anymore]! I just constantly say crazy words about Trump!]"), at which point I planned to go back to thread #41, #40, or #39 where you are using ALL CAPS as a rule.

But no, going back to those threads wasn't even necessary. You couldn't help yourself. You are in a cult, so you couldn't sustain even a feigned sense of rationality. You're now using ALL CAPS to outright deny simply realities.
You are in a cult.

And I like how you attempted to recover from this absolute lie by pivoting to specific criteria (another forest for the trees or motte-and-bailey fallacy):
[tumblefag (TDS Bot)]: "NOBODY fucking knew about either of those things"

That is, for those who don't see tumbletard's deception here, notice the difference between his own claims:
• Forest argument: "there was no info"
(I.e., no info existed at all)
• Tree argument: "NOBODY fucking knew about either of those things"
(I.e., these two details were 'new' therefore *no* info previously existed)

See the deception?
Tumblefag uses this trick frequently as part of his Gish Gallop. He'll claim that your facts and conclusions are incorrect then say that your facts and conclusions can only be correct if you meet *his* *own* separate criteria. E.g.,
• Claim: "[The sky is blue.]"
• Tumblefag-cultist counter-claim: "[The sky couldn't possibly be blue unless you can show me where Republicans/RINOs who dislike Trump agreed with Trump that the sky is blue.]"

Whereas, the actual argument is that the mass public did indeed have evidence of Biden's improper documents handling. Here's one such article that comes up in a quick search:
"A timeline of the discovery and disclosure of classified records tied to Biden"
[PBS; February 2023]
"Biden’s personal counsel informs Lausch that a second batch of classified documents has been discovered in the garage at Biden’s Wilmington home ... Jan. 12: 2023 ... Richard Sauber, special counsel to the president, reveals publicly for the first time that documents were found in Biden’s Wilmington garage and one document was found in an adjacent room."

And here's a video from 3 days later where a random right-wing pundit shows that Biden was keeping these classified documents in an unsecured garage that Biden himself uses and that the documents were clearly generated from the time when Biden was a senator and therefore there were no special protections in place:
"'Car-a-Lago': The Joe Biden Classified Documents Scandal"
["Don't Walk, Run!"; January 15th, 2024]
And February 6th, 2023:

I.e., images were assembled from archived pictures of Biden pulling out of his garage, showing the exact boxes that were later shown (in January 2023) to contain classified documents with classified markings:
[New York Post image; January 2023]
Direct image link:

I would contextualize this for people by saying that Biden's garage was street-accessible for the many years before the Secret Service was required to keep a presence at his home. That is, some random inner-city scholar could run from the road to Biden's garage. Whereas, Trump's Mar-a-lago document-storage was within a walled compound, within the home, within doored rooms which were locked:
[Trump doc-location map; Seattle Times; 2023]

And we warned tumbletard about all of this in early 2023 and — in the case of Trump — August 2022 following the FBI raid which was performed without Merrick Garland's knowledge (I contend that Garland lied about having pre-knowledge of the raid to appear to be in control of splinter-groups within his department http://twitter.com/CherubCow/status/1558006059075342336 ).

We warned tumbleweed that
• There is a tendency to over-classify documents; that Trump's documents likely retained markings which no longer applied
• That Trump had presidential discretion for White House documents
• That chain-of-custody was never broken for Trump
• That chain-of-custody was indeed broken for Biden (e.g., train rides to his residence, unsecured storage location)
• That if the Regime can say that Biden's documents were likely over-classified then they need to extend the same courtesy to Trump
• That Trump prosecution was a clear weaponization of document-handling law which would bite Biden and future and past presidents and executives in the ass, since presidents have a long tradition of being given discretion over documents as their part in the historical record and as part of the purview of the highest office in these United States

Don't believe me?
Guess who said this:
"[These personal classified materials are] my property [and] every president before me has done the exact same thing."

I'm sure tumblefag can recognize the quotation, since he claims to have read the Robert Hur report. If not, just know that it was Biden who said that. So strange that Biden can now recognize that executives past and present have classified-documents discretion now that the shoe is on the other foot.

But to quote tumblefag, "why do you embarrassment (sic) yourself so much"?
(And do note the irony of tumblefag embarrassing himself with such a typo while attempting an insult-from-superiority.)

In short:
[tumblefag (TDS Bot)]: "i didn't read the rest of your garbage"

I know. And as I have explained to you before, this is how your cult dogma sustains itself:

The Tumbleweed Method
1) Demand evidence
2) Do not read or comprehend any evidence offered and even say that you did not read the evidence (e.g., "TLDR", "just skimmed it")
3) Claim that there was no evidence
4) Gish-Gallop information unrelated to the issue to obfuscate into new delusions which similarly cannot be defended and which themselves fall apart with even the lightest scrutiny.
5) Repeat the method while waiting for your psychotic Trump fixation to be purged by other psychotic — but more effective — people in the slave/death cult.
the wanderer
Tue Feb 13 00:25:26
i'm sure you made a very convincing argument, but i'm going to have to side w/ myself in deciding why i did what i did

but maybe you have convinced someone else that i definitely didn't make a thread about the report because of the report as that's sooo hard to believe... (& which indeed gave the first details of the handling)

enjoy being crazy
Tue Feb 13 17:10:45
Murder claimed cc wasn't getting laid.

I want to make this clear.

I am very confident that cc is a wild cat in the sheets.
Cherub Cow
Tue Feb 13 20:18:32
[tumblefag (TDS Bot)]: "i'm sure you made a very convincing argument"

As per usual, step 2 of the Tumblefag Method:
"2) Do not read or comprehend any evidence offered and even say that you did not read the evidence (e.g., "TLDR", "just skimmed it")"

This is why people need to realize that tumbleweed is an absolute enemy. Like the Terminator, you cannot reason with him or bargain with him. He does not have a conscience. He does not care about Western reason or the facts. There is no distinction to him between cordial conversation and violent antipathy. He will always turn off his brain at the moment that he encounters a fact — no matter how slight — which goes against the Regime's narrative.

Some of you keep making the joke that *I* am some kind of IRL danger (mostly the insincere leftists here), but this is misguided. I am trying to show you that *tumbleweed* and the death cult are a danger to Western society. One of the mechanisms of this cult is an obsessive fixation on Trump where the only exit-mechanism for a cultist is the purging of Trump through violence. Tumbleweed thinks that Trump is Hitler 2.0, and what does Regime propaganda teach its cultists is an appropriate action in preventing the rise of "Hitler"?

The answer: no act is too immoral, no manipulation too unnecessary, no lie too bold, and no mass-death too costly. They have even been taught that "time-traveling" and killing "baby Hitler" or his mother is acceptable — a representation of the ethnic genocide that they have planned. This death cult is the culmination of the lies and "boomer truths" of the 20th century.

Tumbleweed is in a cult.
The goal of this cult is the enslavement and annihilation of the West.
Tue Feb 13 21:19:43

"Murder claimed cc wasn't getting laid."

Fake news! I made a factually true statement ... and left it laying around like Cinderella's glass slipper.

I'm not responsible for who claimed it as their own. :o)

Cherub Cow
Tue Feb 13 21:37:50
"I'm not responsible for who claimed it as their own. :o)"

It's still sitting there, ass-clown.
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