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Utopia Talk / Politics / black iq
Sam Adams
Wed Apr 10 08:52:30

"Sometimes, you need to take the opportunity just to come out and see a full moon is that complete-rounded circle, which is made up mostly of gases. And that’s why the question is: Why or how could we as humans live on the moon? Are the gases such that we could do that?"

The congressional representative continued, saying, "The sun is a mighty powerful heat"
Sam Adams
Wed Apr 10 08:53:38
"What you will see today will be the closest distance that the moon has ever been in the last 20 years, which means that’s why they will shut the light down, because they will be close to the Earth, which is an amazing experience," Jackson Lee said in a live video clip posted to her X account. "You will be able to tell because there will be complete darkness."
Wed Apr 10 10:40:29


Wed Apr 10 11:55:37
Okay this can definitely be easily turned into a series.

"The View's Sunny Hostin claims earthquake, cicadas, eclipse can be seen as signs of climate change"

Cherub Cow
Wed Apr 10 14:21:08
These are the "diverse ways of knowing" we were promised. They're not "robust", but robustness and objectivity are White supremacy or something.
Wed Apr 10 16:42:55

^ from the alternative truth crowd

Cherub Cow
Thu Apr 11 02:55:42
That's cute, murder. I'm guessing you're referring to the Kellyanne Conway interview by Jewish Bolshevik Chuck Todd of the FBI's "NBC", who seized on Conway's phrase "alternative facts" to produce a malicious lie in Regime press. Todd's reframing was that there are only one set of "facts", which was a way to obfuscate the fact that Conway was actually talking about the D.C. ridership surveys and the crowd-size estimates (two separate estimates which were available respectively after and before the Spicer press conference). Todd, being a Bolshevik liar for the Regime, obfuscated this distinction, turned attention away from Regime media having lied about the Inauguration crowd previously, and a bunch of the Regime's useful idiots fell for this hoax and obediently repeated, "alternative facts," for months afterwards. This was Regime media's first major operation during the God Emperor's first of ten terms in office — and you fell for it.
Thu Apr 11 04:07:25
Yet strangely Sam doesn't think his IQ as a white person can be inferred by e.g. the suggestion you should cure COVID by injecting bleach from a well known senior white politician.
Thu Apr 11 04:28:22

time 2 face da music, 19th century while rest is 23rd century

Thu Apr 11 04:37:13
1 ári síðan
For those wondering where that 17 billion is going, nyc has been working on designing new trains and a better system for the past decade. It’s also not so easy to make such a big change when the trains run 24/7 and 99% of New Yorkers rely on the subway for transportation."

>> holy fuckin shit!!! hahaha HAHAHAHAA

sams nutsack is balls deep in this idiot. holy shit, the amount of copium....
butbutbut they been designin 4 10 years and and and ...my guy u need 170 billion and still not have any new trains and shit?

Cherub Cow
Thu Apr 11 05:30:42
[Seb (actual retard)]: "the suggestion you should cure COVID by injecting bleach from a well known senior white politician"

First murder shows that he fell for the "alternative facts" hoax, and then Seb shows that he fell for the "injecting bleach" hoax. These retards are truly demonstrating why leftists need more weight given to these "diverse ways of knowing".
Thu Apr 11 12:07:43
Yes, he actually suggested an injection of disinfectant not bleach. The distinction is immaterial and everyone remembers bleach, and Trump can hardly complain about such hyperbole given the amount he dishes out.
Thu Apr 11 18:58:47
He didn't suggest an injection of disinfectant. He asked if it were possible.
"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning?"
and we all know the answer was no we can't do that. Maybe because he asked the question some day we will be able?
Cherub Cow
Thu Apr 11 21:37:43
[Seb (actual retard)]: "Yes, he actually suggested an injection of disinfectant not bleach"

Also false.
Faggots like Seb should not vote, hold political power, or be allowed access to government bureaucracy or finance. Ever.
Fri Apr 12 01:39:17
See Sam. Kargen and Cherub are as dumb as Trump. Obviously it's down to soon colour.
Fri Apr 12 03:14:19
You call them dumb but you repeatedly got the quote wrong. From him saying bleach injection would work. To him saying disinfectant to work. To finally having to be told he was asking a question if something like that were possible. Very different from your original claim which you made solely because you listen to incredibly bias news sources who purposely fed you misinformation and you are too intellectually lazy to actually fact check on your own.
Cherub Cow
Fri Apr 12 04:56:54
[obaminated]: "Very different from your original claim"

Typical Seb behavior, though in this case he didn't get to obfuscate his stupidity behind a long dialogue. This was very compressed. It's his entire disingenuous strategy within a few lines.
Fri Apr 12 07:22:00

The point doesn't require the exact quote, hence I have not quoted it, which you can tell because you don't see any quotation marks.

Also clearly as dumb as Kargen and CC for thinking that somehow, the distinction between whether it's bleach or merely 'disinfectant' or whether it is worded as an actual invitation to inject it is material to the stupidity here.

There's no way at all that you can wirdsmitg or contextualise Trumps statement to be anything other than retarded and equally (in fact more so given the context) to the OP.

Fri Apr 12 07:23:25
It's hilarious how you idiots try so desperately to pretend Trump isn't a moron .
Cherub Cow
Fri Apr 12 08:13:27
[Seb (actual retard)]: "Also clearly as dumb as Kargen and CC for thinking that somehow, the distinction between whether it's bleach or merely 'disinfectant' or whether it is worded as an actual invitation to inject it is material to the stupidity here."

Notice how this pathetic little faggot moron is now trying to bury his stupidities with more deflections and obfuscations. He was caught adopting one of the Regime's most obvious hoaxes, and he's now pretending that, "[Actually, I'm correct in spirit]."

Yeah, you fucking retard, Seb, we know that you fucking idiots will always roll away from your lies about Trump by saying, "[But he's still indefensible, even if we have to lie about him to make him appear to be so!]" You're a fucking clone. lol
Fri Apr 12 09:17:17

An astrology influencer allegedly driven by fears about the solar eclipse went on a horror killing spree, stabbing her partner to death and pushing her children from a moving car before killing herself by ramming her vehicle into a tree.

Danielle Johnson, 34, went on the violent rampage in Los Angeles on 8 April – the same day that a rare phenomenon of a total solar eclipse plunged parts of the US into darkness.

In the days leading up to the attack, Johnson took to social media to voice her beliefs that the solar eclipse would be the “epitome of spiritual warfare”.

Posting under the name “Ayoka”, the astrology influencer had over 100,000 followers and often reposted conspiracy theories and antisemitic-filled rhetoric on her page.

Prior to Monday’s rampage, she had posted messages on X telling people to “wake up; the apocalypse is here” and warning her followers that they needed to “pick a side”.

In the early hours of Monday morning, hours before the eclipse, police said she went on a killing spree.

The Los Angeles Police Department said in a statement that, at around 3.40am on Monday morning, Johnson got into a verbal fight with her live-in partner Jaelen Chaney, 29, at their home in the 6200 block of Variel Avenue.

The fight escalated when Johnson became violent, stabbing Chaney to death.

Johnson then allegedly took her two young children, aged nine and eight months old, and fled the scene in a dark-coloured Porsche SUV.

The Porsche was seen driving down the 405 Freeway near Howard Hughes Parkway.

At around 4.30am, the two children were then thrown out of the vehicle while it was moving.

The nine-year-old survived but sustained moderate injuries from the fall.

LAPD Lt. Guy Golan told Fox11 that the eight-month-old was hit by oncoming traffic in the middle of the road and died on the scene.

“As the 9-year-old fell into the middle of the freeway, she injured herself and dropped the infant,” Mr Golan said.

“And then, in a race to get out of the freeway and not get hit by traffic, the nine-year-old managed to get to the shoulder successfully, but the infant was struck by traffic. And so the infant succumbed to her injuries in the middle of the freeway there.”
Fri Apr 12 09:59:35
CC clearly thinks the idea of injecting disinfectant is a good way to cure a respiratory disease and not idiocy.
Fri Apr 12 10:00:11
Or thinks that Trump never raised the prospect.
Fri Apr 12 13:41:22
Lol, seb sticking to his fake news like a fly sticks to shit. Sad.
Sam Adams
Fri Apr 12 22:25:15
Member Thu Apr 11 04:07:25
Yet strangely Sam doesn't think his IQ as a white person can be inferred by e.g. the suggestion you should cure COVID by injecting bleach from a well known senior white politician. "

Ahhh so its robust stats you want?

Ok lets look at the scores averaged by race on any test ever.

Or papers written.

Or patents.

Or business achievement

Or civilization tech levels(bad enough on its own but 100x as damning when you control for time-of-human-inhabitation).

Cherub Cow
Sat Apr 13 07:40:41
Lulz, nice, Sam.
I was so distracted by one way that Seb was retarded that I missed this whole other way that he was retarded. I.e., even if Seb had been correct and "inject bleach/disinfectant" hadn't just been a transparent Regime hoax that he mindlesy regurgitated, he was using an outlier example for a Bell Curve issue. So, for every God Emperor who makes a mistake (were that he had), there are one-hundred thousand Regime bureaucrats who cannot think without first getting their NPC chip updated by the BBC, AP, the Guardian, or NYT and who therefore think that the only thing holding the Pakistani rape gangs back from being NASA programmers is not enough "equity" and too much "systemic oppression". Seb is over here actually drinking ideological bleach but trying to say that someone *else* is stupid for saying something that is only actually stupid if a Sebbish idiot misconstrues it.
Sat Apr 13 08:44:54

Did this happen:

Sat Apr 13 08:48:57

We don't need to look at any of that.

If you don't associate Trumps idiocies with your own IQ or that of white people generally, but you think black people are characterised by the OPs comments, we know you are arguing in bad faith and further debate is pointless.
Sam Adams
Sat Apr 13 09:41:43
Sam posts a case that conforms to hard stats. Seb asks for hard stats. Seb when confronted with hard stats:

"We don't need to look at any of that."

And runs away. Lulz.
Sat Apr 13 09:48:23
Do you actually listen to what people say, seb, or do you just read headlines? Trump isn't suggesting people inject disinfectant into their bodies. Trump is saying they are going to test possibilities which include various methods. Saying they will test =/= saying you should do it.

You are so fucking dumb.
Sat Apr 13 14:07:10

I asked no such thing.

I stated (correctly) that you don't think Trump's noronic statements say anything about white IQ.

You are now trying to change the subject because you realise your OP was dumb.

I'm not interested in debating racial IQ with you because we had that argument many times, I always win as you disappear behind a wall of fluffy blister, and we already know you are arguing in bad faith.


Did they test that? Did any medical team attempt a trial of injecting disinfectant?

Or are you saying that Trump was, like the congressman in the OP, burbling utterly nonsense and confusing the vaccines and antiviral drugs with disinfectant.
Cherub Cow
Sat Apr 13 15:21:52
[SA]: ""We don't need to look at any of that."
And runs away. Lulz."

Typical Seb behavior. He's following Seb's Nested Deceptions Loop, which in this case means he avoids looking at any information which would change his mind ( http://uto...hread=91859&time=1689804046392 ).

• More typical Seb behavior:
[Seb (Actual retard)]: "You are now trying to change the subject because you realise your OP was dumb."

That's Seb projecting right there. Seb always does this when he shits the bed, and this thread is so short that anyone can catch up pretty quickly to see that Seb changed his argument no less than three times after being outed as an idiot and has now moved the goal post to "[hur hur, did they *test* Trump's hypothetical? Checkmate, red herring haters!]" (i.e., *Seb* changed the subject because he realized he's dumb). If he weren't so retarded, he would have produced his pilpul with his first comment (i.e., changing all of these meanings of words so that he can re-interpret the world in accordance with his lies), but because he *is* retarded, he'll just change the meanings each time he loses and hope that you didn't remember his previous comment.

• More typical Seb behavior:
[Seb (Actual retard)]: "we had that argument many times, I always win"

That is directly from the "Wandering Seb" method (same link):
"and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. [Seb] had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day."

I.e., Seb will outright lie about previous arguments, and no matter how they ended, his dumbass belief will be that he won them. This can assure us that Seb has never won an argument. Ever.
Sam Adams
Sun Apr 14 08:46:39

I'm not interested in debating racial IQ with you because my religion does not allow me to.

Fixed that for you seb.
Sun Apr 14 12:38:49

If my "religion" forbid it, we wouldn't have done it so many times in the past.

I just don't think it's worth debating with someone with such obvious double standards.
Sam Adams
Sun Apr 14 14:52:07
Your religion-like devotion to your silly woke cause does not allow you to entertain free thought or discussion that strays into waters that threaten the orthodoxy. You simply wont allow yourself to think, no matter how obvious the evidence. Thinking is dangerous. If you thought freely, you might get in trouble with your wife, your boss, your friend circle, etc.
Mon Apr 15 12:20:01
We can simply ignore your protestations given we have discussed this on multiple occasions in the past and you've never really been able to get beyond crap correlations that don't control for well known factors, and you're demonstrable double standards in this very thread.

Debate is fine, but there's no point debating with an ideologue such as yourself.
Sam Adams
Mon Apr 15 12:31:04
Member Mon Apr 15 12:20:01

"Debate is fine"

Says the guy that said intelligence can't be measured and nothing is heritible for 4 years because he might get in trouble with his religion if he said otherwise.
Tue Apr 16 06:17:26
I said neither of those things, though I can see why you took that away. Which only underlining why it's pointless to debate with someone too stupid to parse the arguments being presented to them.
Sam Adams
Tue Apr 16 10:38:33
Well then if intelligence can be measured and heritability exists, then you must admit group intelligence differences are at the very minimum possible.
Wed Apr 17 02:59:20
Yes, it depends on how you define the group.

You select a group of people in a geographic region that share a number of characteristics, including socio-economic, that are well known to influence IQ scores, and then claim that the difference in IQ scores is attributable to just one - genetic factors, but when asked to explain why people of the same genetic background get different absolute and relative scores in different countries, suddenly start insisting this is tantamount to claiming that genes don't exist or that intelligence can't be measured, rather than piss poor statistics (failure to adequately control for important factors), logic (can't wish away inconvenient facts) and understanding of the metric/methodology in use (the limitations of IQ as a measure are well known, but you want to pretend it's a perfect tool).

Essentially you are just too dumb to have this discussion. So why bother?
Sam Adams
Sat Apr 20 14:32:49
"and then claim that the difference in IQ scores is attributable to just one"

No one has ever said this. Your reading comprehension and memory are deficient. Are you intentionally trying to prove white people are dumb by speaking?
Sun Apr 21 10:27:07
You do, when you cite uncontrolled data and say it proves your racist assumptions.
Sun Apr 21 11:02:07
Intelligence is a distribution anyways. Who cares if the average person of this group is a little smarter or dumber than another. The smartest black man is smarter than most white people and the dumbest black man is still smarter than Cherub Cow.
Sun Apr 21 11:26:10
"The sun is a mighty powerful heat"

I wonder if that would sell t-shirts? Maybe put an image of the congressman alongside.

Our politicians say dumb shit constantly, maybe this could be a whole line of such products.

As for "Being as dumb as Trump"

Considering Trump has been shown to make better decisions than the entire leadership of Germany, the leading nation of the EU thats not so bad, or mabey Germany is now just that retarted.
Sam Adams
Sun Apr 21 11:58:47
"You do, when you cite uncontrolled data"

Rofl. First off that has no bearing on whether something is single or multi variate. Then on top of that there is plenty of data that controls for things that you ignore since it oposes your fundamentalist views. Seb=black iq levels.

"Who cares if the average person of this group is a little smarter or dumber than another."

Politics isnt based on the individual unfortunately. Especially not right now. An entire class of socialists want to punish whites and asians for being successful, and black crime/iq stats are very inconvenient to them.
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 22 00:09:43
[Dukhat (Projection Bot)]: "The smartest black man is smarter than most white people and the dumbest black man is still smarter than Cherub Cow."

Oof. Dukhat's ability to insult himself through his projection mechanism was especially mean to himself this time. Dukhat just admitted that the dumbest black man is still smarter than himself. Sad.

And keep in mind, once again, that — even if Dukhat's usual projection is not in play — my intelligence is at least three standard deviations greater than Dukhat's, so whenever he insults my intelligence he makes himself into a bed-shitting invalid by comparison. He can only ever insult himself with these sebbish little bleatings.

To the steel-man, Dukhat is also mis-framing since black IQ has been so heavily destroyed by left-wing dysgenics plans in the West. Black IQ is adjusted about 1 to 2 standard deviations below White IQ, with most black people occupying the "average" of this adjusted deviation, meaning that most black people are more likely to be outright retarded compared to White people. This means that Dukhat's citation of the "smartest black man" is definitionally an extreme rarity that does not even break into the top echelons of White IQ since it would still (most likely) be about 1 to 2 standard deviations below the smartest White person — and there are far more intelligent White people present to make this "smartest black man"'s worth unremarkable.

Consider Neil Degrasse Tyson. The left pushes him forward as their "Black Science Man", but he is comparatively just a Reddit midwit whose intelligence is probably not much better than seb's (i.e., basically retarded). Yet, this incredibly rare yet still basically retarded person would be used by leftists as an example for why the entire rest of the black Bell Curve can be invited wholesale into governance through DEI — causing massive competency issues across all industries which result in cascade failures.

But leftists such as Dukhat and seb will not even recognize this IQ and population issue, simply arguing for "equity" without concern for the effect on system competence. And their motivation is simple: they want to destroy the system.
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