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Utopia Talk / Politics / Georgia crackdown: Tear gas and bullets
Tue Apr 30 17:20:05
Police Use Tear Gas, Rubber Bullets In Georgia Protest Crackdown

Police in Georgia on Tuesday used tear gas and rubber bullets against protesters, an AFP reporter saw, as thousands rallied for a third week against a controversial "foreign influence" bill.

Masked riot police violently cracked down on the peaceful rally, using tear gas and rubber bullets while beating and arresting scores of people protesting against the bill, which Brussels has denounced as undermining Tbilisi's EU aspirations.


Meanwhile in Georgia:

Police allegedly use rubber bullets and teargas at university protest in Georgia

Police have carried out multiple violent arrests at Emory University in Decatur, Georgia, in what appears to be the first campus crackdown in recent days to involve rubber bullets and teargas after students set up an encampment in solidarity with Palestine and against Cop City.


I guess the USA will not be able to join the EU for as long as they continue to suppress free speech and use extreme violence against peaceful students.

Side note: It was Netanyahu who ordered the police in the USA to attack its own people/students and suppress their free speech. I know, you didn’t vote for him, but yet here he is, giving orders in your country. Lol
Tue Apr 30 17:33:08
” a controversial "foreign influence" bill”

Doesn’t the USA also have a ”foreign influence’ bill? If not, maybe they should get one so they can stop people like Netanyahu from controlling their country.

If the USA do have a foreign influence bill, why can’t countries such as Georgia have one too? Who wants foreigners to have control of your country?
Wed May 01 08:08:08

Rubber bullets is a bit much. That's what fire hoses are for. :oP

Sun May 19 11:34:38
Member of European Parliament threatens sanctions against all Georgian MPs who vote in their own parliament against foreign interference by US/EU government-funded "NGOs".

Either allow the EU to manage your civil society, or have your democratic institutions sanctioned.

”Now the Parliament of Georgia has one final chance to do the right thing. It should repeal the law in its entirety.

I have asked the EU High Representative to prepare sanctions against all MPs who vote to override the President’s veto. ”


EU makes it very easy for people to support Russia over the EU-fascists.
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