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Utopia Talk / Politics / Seinfeld complains about woke
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Fri May 10 12:12:04
while promoting his bland movie about pop tarts.

Boomers are such hypocrites.

Fri May 10 12:15:48

His bitching boils down to not being allowed to make offensive comedy. The problem is that no one has told him that he can't. He's confusing self-censorship with censorship. He's too chickenshit to say what he wants to say, and he's lashing out at others because of his own cowardice.
Fri May 10 12:16:57

Also it needs to be said that while Seinfeld the show was hilarious, Jerry Seinfeld has never been more than marginally funny.

Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Fri May 10 12:44:39
the link is pretty damning.
Fri May 10 16:44:55
They tried to cancel Chapelle. He is talking about woke culture and it's desperate troll army (see people who are obsessed at tw levels) and they nonstop March towards canceling free speech.

Plenty of people have seen their jobs taken away because they spoke out against woke culture.

It's amusing to me how the left still denies that woke culture is an enemy to freedom of speech and expression.
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Fri May 10 17:14:46
Yes a few people were upset about Chapelle but only a few family members are upset about the Tom Brady roast. Which was a lot more offensive and funnier than Seinfeld pop-tart movie.
Fri May 10 20:29:51
Offensive to who? Did they insult trans, blacks or liberals in general? Or did they keep their shots firmly at the Christian right/trump/trump voters?

I try not to waste my time watching those self congratulatory "roasts" where celebrities just talk about themselves and the shenanigans their PR agents approve them to talk about.
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sat May 11 01:21:55
yes they insulted everyone. There is a good three min clip of the roast in the link.
Sat May 11 12:58:08
Yeah that was stupid as fuck.

Seinfeld didn't articulate his point as best as he could but his point was correct. The radical left has sacred cows that you cannot mock and as such these brave self congratulatory comedians avoided them.

Also, the movie is pretty good. If you don't like it then you don't like Mel brooks.

The hate given towards it is entirely due to Seinfeld speaking out.

Sat May 11 13:01:18
Chapelle is retarded. He complained about getting cancelled and still got millions for his next special.

He didn't get cancelled. His joke about trans people sucked and helped bigots justify their bigotry towards trans people and people called him out for it.

His stuff hasn't been very good in a while either.

A big reason why he never took that 50 million deal was because his creative juices were already drained and it shows in the last decade or so.
Sat May 11 15:06:36

"His joke about trans people sucked and helped bigots justify their bigotry towards trans people and people called him out for it."

It's the only thing he "jokes" about anymore. His well has run dry.

Sat May 11 15:40:46
And the morons have spoken.
Cherub Cow
Sun May 12 01:10:44
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "He's too chickenshit to say what he wants to say, and he's lashing out at others because of his own cowardice."
[obaminated]: "Plenty of people have seen their jobs taken away because they spoke out against woke culture."

Exactly, obaminated. Sociopathic abusers such as murder and many on the left will tell you, "[Hur hur, freedom of speech not freedom from consequences]" in the same sentence that they tell you that you're a coward for not accepting their growing list of consequences.

The immoral idea behind these sociopathic abusers gaining power through a slave revolt is that they make it more and more difficult for virtuous people to exist. Chappelle calling out trannies is funny, but even he — with all of his wealth and comedic principles — still dealt with the left's psychotic censorship apparatus, with the slave mob purging any of his content from their platforms using useful idiot Redditor clones such as Dukhat.

The useful idiots carry the weight of the Maoist mob performing a struggle session; and meanwhile networks and producers blacklist performers, reduce their reach, and even go after ticket-sellers who give those performers access to the market. They will pretend that they care about courage while they cart the enemies who fought against them to the guillotine and deny them even a moment for a speech; like Louis XVI, the drumroll of the execution stops that courage too, and these psychopaths cheer that interruption from that dark resentment that guides their every evaluation of life.

I said this on Twitter in regards to sociopathic abusers pretending that no amount of pressure should compromise a person's virtues:
"A plain truth is that moral courage is indeed difficult and a virtuous person can make the right choice even with limited information.
But the abuser haggles against truth to poison that same virtue."

That is, slavish leftists will claim that you're not being courageous enough while they erode all avenues that you have for courageous virtue. This is because they are projecting; they themselves are cowards who gave up virtue when being virtuous was at its easiest — and you, their enemy, still hold to virtue as it faces its most difficult tests (e.g., COVID tyranny). For them to see other people still holding out against an enemy that they surrendered to in their earliest waking memories is a reminder that they have always been pathetic weaklings who never stood for anything. This is why they turn to slime at every opportunity: a motte-and-bailey retreat from any courage.
Sun May 12 10:21:10

"Exactly, obaminated. Sociopathic abusers such as murder and many on the left will tell you, "[Hur hur, freedom of speech not freedom from consequences]" in the same sentence that they tell you that you're a coward for not accepting their growing list of consequences."

coward: a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things.
Mon May 13 19:08:06
The best part of the woke mob is the gaslighting that it even exists. "Oh, you're complaining about 'woke'? Can you define woke?"
Mon May 13 22:00:30
It’s hilarious how mental midgets like Forwyn think they know what gaslighting is based off the shitty memes they read on facebook and then incorporate that into shitty arguments.

Like you can’t even interact with normal, intelligent people at this point. One step more and you become Cherub Cow,
Thu May 16 15:56:16
Aren't you the one who got called out for calling literally everything gaslighting for like six months?

Is it not en vogue anymore on Vox?
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