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Utopia Talk / Politics / Is this an election or a WWE match?
Wed May 15 10:08:41
Two presidential debates between Biden and Trump announced.

Both of it are going about it by trash talking each other like professional wrestlers...


"“Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020, and now he wants to debate me again,” Biden said in the fiery early-morning video posted on his personal X account.

“Well, make my day pal,” added the 81-year-old president."

Biden then added in a separate X post that he had “received and accepted an invitation from CNN for a debate on June 27th.”

“Over to you, Donald. As you said: anywhere, any time, any place.”

“I hear you’re free on Wednesdays,” Biden chided in the video, referring to Trump’s ongoing criminal trial in New York, which is on recess Wednesdays.



"Trump responded to Biden’s challenge in a Truth Social post, saying he was “ready and willing” to debate him.

“Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced – He can’t put two sentences together! Crooked is also the WORST President in the history of the United States, by far. It’s time for a debate so that he can explain to the American People his highly destructive Open Border Policy, new and ridiculous EV Mandates, the allowance of Crushing Inflation, High Taxes, and his really WEAK Foreign Policy, which is allowing the World to ‘Catch on Fire,” he wrote.

"I am Ready and Willing," Trump wrote on his Truth Social app. "Let's get ready to Rumble!!!""
the wanderer
Wed May 15 11:22:57
Trump does everything WWE style w/ over-the-top demonizing of the side he's opposing on any topic and heroic praise of himself & abilities

& people get lowered to his level

(Biden didn't always talk like that... Trump always has... undeniable)
Wed May 15 18:08:07
You don't have to worry about Biden getting lowered to Trump's level. He is going to have to climb up a whole lot of stairs just to see the level Trump is on.
Biden has been threatening people and calling them names for a long time now. It is much worse not because of Trump but because Biden's brain is deteriorating and the true unfiltered Biden shows up with greater frequency.
Wed May 15 18:16:23
"Not that the candidate was without his drawbacks: “Biden’s mouth is both his greatest asset and his greatest liability,” Barrett wrote shortly after Biden announced his candidacy. That analysis would prove enduringly prescient.

The then-44-year-old Senator was great at giving inspiring speeches and people were attracted to his youthful energy, but he could also come off like a “hothead,” as he did in his “angry” questioning of Secretary of State George Shultz when the Senate heard testimony about South Africa in 1986."
from a Time article.
the wanderer
Wed May 15 18:26:02
let's imagine Trump questioning anyone in a hearing... (couldn't ever happen as he wouldn't be able to learn any info to even come up w/ questions)

Trump's rallies are entertainment events w/ the same audience as wrestling events... if he was in better shape, beating up a guy dressed as a mariachi band member would fit right in

& for debates, recall he invited Bill Clinton's accusers to a debate w/ Hillary, including holding a presser w/ them right before

i'm extremely confident who will behave more professionally (though sadly Biden has occasionally absorbed some Trumpian habits... Trump infects a disturbing # of people)
Wed May 15 20:04:54
Was Trump was also to blame for Biden doing this?


Face it, he's always been a both mouthy guy and a typical slimeball politician...a potent mix for getting oneself into the public eye, even if (given Biden's lack of intelligence as well as the onset of senility), you end up looking the fool a lot of the time.
Wed May 15 20:08:45
“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”

- Barack Obama
Wed May 15 20:17:10
"In public, President Biden likes to whisper to make a point. In private, he's prone to yelling.

Behind closed doors, Biden has such a quick-trigger temper that some aides try to avoid meeting alone with him. Some take a colleague, almost as a shield against a solo blast.

The president's admonitions include: "God dammit, how the f**k don't you know this?!," "Don't f**king bullsh*t me!" and "Get the f**k out of here!" — according to current and former Biden aides who have witnessed and been on the receiving end of such outbursts."


Being abusive to staff...do you think he learned that from Trump as well, or *maybe* that's who he's always been?
the wanderer
Wed May 15 21:53:29
more members of Trump's administration have come out against him than in support of him

is that a common problem for presidents?

& as for anger problems, Trump repeats obvious proven lies over & over (& makes the same misspellings over & over, looking like a fool) as people too scared to say anything
(& w/ good reason as he's proven he will try to destroy the lives of anyone who challenges him)
the wanderer
Wed May 15 22:00:16
but to answer the question, no, i don't blame Trump for Biden's temper issues... i can't think of examples, just recall times when he's behaved like Trump

as Rubio tried & failed, & those like Vivek, JD Vance & Ronny Jackson still sticking to it... people get sucked into it

unserious clownfuckery
Thu May 16 07:18:51
It would be fun if they used a chess match like clock. The second you start to speak your clock starts.
Both candidates get the same number of minutes. If they run over their mics get turned off.

Thu May 16 10:43:38
Cuckservatives trying to distract at the clear mental decline of Donald Trump and try to project it onto Biden.

Helped Biden surpass those expectations in the debates in 2020 and win the election. The same thing will happen this year.
Thu May 16 17:56:01
project it on Biden? Trump may well be in mental decline but Biden is in freefall. What the people around Biden are doing is basically elder abuse at this point.
He should be retired, sitting on the beach and/or spending time with his grandchildren. Preferably supervised so he doesn't wonder off or unintentionally harm his grandchildren. Biden is not mentally fit to live outside of assisted care.
the wanderer
Thu May 16 19:15:39
Trump has been living in assisted care his whole life

he needs an assistant just to acquire diet cokes, unclear if he can operate a refrigerator

(& completely clear he can't use a computer, needing an assistant to print out everything for him & handle all emailing)
Thu May 16 21:47:51

This is the debate right here. lol :o)

Thu May 16 21:48:49

btw I'd be perfectly fine with steel folding chairs being in play.

the wanderer
Sun May 19 11:57:10
sort of continuing the WWE nonsense, Trump is working on his way out by repeatedly saying he'll demand drug testing (as he decided Biden was on cocaine for the State of the Union, & decided the cocaine in a visitor cubby hole had to be Joe's... because who else is ever in the WH besides Joe?...)

anyway, his loyal cultists now pushing for it too on Faux:
Sun May 19 15:16:22
When you watch that portion of the speech it is obvious Trump is looking for a laugh. He isn't going to care if Biden is juiced or not.
the wanderer
Sun May 19 16:35:26
why are you always so obviously wrong

one of the multiple times Trump saying it:
...including 'no, i really am' (as in NOT a joke) & again repeating again at the end

& the Faux panel also clearly not joking
Sun May 19 17:15:19
I understand your in your flawed mental state you are unable to recognize humor.
Find that speech and listen to the minute before the part you posted. Maybe you will see it as the joke it was meant to be.
the wanderer
Sun May 19 17:24:39
no thanks, i've seen him say it & tweet it repeatedly, i know it's not a joke (as you also ignore the Faux people not even pretending to joke)

but anyway, Biden should take him up on it as no way Trump would do it... he's just going to keep saying it (& having his sycophants keep saying it) believing Biden won't
Mon May 20 18:03:13
Okay, wallow in your ignorance. The example you provided he was joking. Most all the comments people are making are based on that segment you posted.
Again he just wants Biden to show up. Doesn't matter if Biden is on performance enhancers or all juiced up he still will suck during the debate.
the wanderer
Mon May 20 19:11:08
"Most all the comments people are making are based on that segment you posted"

the people incredibly clearly not joking? (on Faux)

i guess only you figured it out
Mon May 20 19:31:12
I said Trump was joking in the link you posted. I don't watch Fox News so I have no idea what they are doing.
And yeah if they think Trump was serious in that clip then I figured out something they missed and you refuse to see.
the wanderer
Mon May 20 22:28:27
yes, you don't watch Fox (even though you've already admitted you do) so it didn't happen (& you can't click the link)

also, this clip includes the preceding 15 secs... he's not even talking about Biden thus incredibly clearly not indicating any upcoming joke about drugs:
Tue May 21 14:49:21
I watch the Gutfeld! show and that is nothing but jokes so yeah I guess technically I watch Fox News. Other than that no I don't watch Fox News. I prefer to read articles to get my news.

Anybody with a grasp of reality could see just by the look on Trump's face when he said "high as a kite" and looked up that it was all for a laugh.

the wanderer
Tue May 21 15:33:48
you've also said you watch the Five & some other show, not that it matters if -you- watch Fox... i showed a Fox clip, not manipulated, they are not joking & it is know his loyalists all take his lead

& in the Trump clip "i'm going to demand a drug test... no, i really am" (not what you say as part of a joke)

then "no, we're going to demand a drug test" after his 'joke' imitation... no laughing or smile, not kidding

anyway, this argument is stupid (but not as stupid as Trump)
Tue May 21 17:23:37
yeah I do catch The Five from time to time when I eat a late lunch. Been a while and again they are not a serious news program but there to joke and entertain.
You gotta get a sense of humor. Comedians all the time say no, I'm being serious. It is an easy way to get a 2nd laugh from the same joke.
the wanderer
Tue May 21 19:08:11
thus why no one laughed at the end, he didn't even pause for a laugh... as not a joke
Tue May 21 23:43:08
so his timing was a little off. Not everybody can be Dave Chapelle.
the wanderer
Tue May 21 23:56:02
i guess Hannity can't tell humor either:


(^article headline "'DEMAND A DRUG TEST': Trump Wants Biden Tested Before Debates, Says Joe 'High as a Kite' at SOTU"

no mention of it a joke, joked, joking...

followed by "South Carolina Senator Tim Scott supported Trump’s request for drug tests when questioned about it during a recent Fox News appearance" (not the clip i posted, so they've had multiple segments, w/ Scott one loyalist vying for the enviable VP slot)

so one of his closest friends (Hannity) & a VP contender (Scott) both can't spot the joke either

you are just amazing apparently... or maybe it's not everyone else who is wrong, but you

the dumb argument that you are losing badly continues...
Wed May 22 11:03:21
Trump isn't going to back out of a debate simply because Biden won't take a drug test. He isn't serious about requiring a drug test. It was a joke that became a talking point to help keep Bidens incompetency a part of the conversation.

They all know it was/is a joke and are running with it to keep the narrative on Biden's lack of mental prowess. You know I'm right.
the wanderer
Wed May 22 11:45:51
it was never a joke

& yes, i don't think he'll back out if no drug test, but it will just more total bullshit your side will push

hopefully one day your side will wake up to the COMPLETE RIDICULOUS NONSENSE you are fed multiple times a day
(& also notice the main source is your complete clown fraud candidate)
the wanderer
Wed May 22 11:51:49
feel free to listen to this:


Trump saying it repeatedly w/ zero indication of a joke

is everything he ever says a joke? were all his claims of mass voter fraud a joke given he said them exactly same way?

wake up to the total fucking idiot liar
Wed May 22 11:59:41

"is everything he ever says a joke?"

Only the stupid stuff.

So yeah.

the wanderer
Wed May 22 12:13:37
yeah he's a walking joke but is unaware of it & so is his cult

on the topic of hiding medical info (which Trump is winning by heaps), recall his 'astonishingly excellent' doctors note

most significant is the 100% proof of him being a mental child in thinking that sounded like a reasonable & credible note to put out (& that too was NOT a joke, though i guess kargen will decide so even though he never laughed about it or claimed it was a joke)
Wed May 22 16:20:17
nothing funny about yearly check-up results. Was really good news for Trump though and probably a relief knowing he was so healthy.
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