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Utopia Talk / Politics / P Diddy done fucked up
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Fri May 17 16:30:43

He got caught on tape.
Fri May 17 16:41:45
Looks like a deepfake.
Fri May 17 19:10:21
I mean, the fucker killed Tupac. Just some piece of shit that got lucky. I hope they tear his asshole apart in prison.
Fri May 17 20:01:56

If the hotel didn't turn that footage over to the police then it and the people in charge should be facing criminal charges and lawsuits.

Sun May 19 00:16:59
Nah, he didn't kill Tupac. But he did get killed over some stupid gangster beef between the blood and the chips. And it's stupid because those street gangsters actually murdered people over rich celebrities who pretended to side with them.

Sun May 19 00:29:50
who this cassie?

nobody in da world cares.

u worship violent rapstas. u xpectin wut xactly?
big teddy bears?

u is like those stupid teen girls who go after da bad boyz and then shocker shocker da bad boys r bad and have no morals and r not real men, they whiney spoiled emos with bad attitudes. and only 1% out of 100 is actually a teddy bear deep down inside.

da rest r just scum. and after gettin with these bad boys 4 ten years u now used and abused and lost ur age and beautfy and ur now 35 with 4 kids from 3 different baby daddys and NOW, NOW u want a "good guy"...

aint nobody gonna settle with ur fat ass now.
Tue May 21 04:44:44
Must be a really slow news ? week. This happened in 2016.
Tue May 21 07:18:13

The evidence got buried for 8 years.

Wed May 22 05:02:02
I recall all the furor over this happening 8 years ago. Why charges weren't brought then? I have no idea. One because I don't follow clowns like this. I'm not even sure what he's famous for.
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