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Utopia Talk / Politics / them iz pRoP00gAndua
Sat May 18 13:24:24
dont u fuckers know.

it all fake. da buildings r props. it aint real. made out of rubber and once u go inside it all empty and fake. only 5 out of 500 rooms r actually decorated, stuff they took from temu and shit
its so fresh they didnt even remove da price tagz and shit like in movies sets.

it is fake, like da moonlanding.

they put on lightshow 4 u dumfucks.

da peoplez r all hired actors just pretendin 2 be citizens. all paid 2 fool u fuckers.

it is fake.

da food isnt even real, wake up. they iz starvin in real life. they dunt have enuff food 4 anyone, so they hire people 2 do thiz shit.

da technos r all stolen. u walkin in a giant movie set, and open prison. da real peoplez have alrdy been taken undaground in undaground prison camps u dum fucks.

thiz is propppuuunngaaa.


now, when u done crawlin inside that rabbithole, feast ur eyes on da greatest benevolant country and empire. true cyberpunk 3024, kids

this is where true magic and 5000 IQ come 2gether 2 create glory that will last 5000 years.

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