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Utopia Talk / Politics / Ohio Governor calls special session
Thu May 23 20:57:22

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said Thursday he was calling the state’s Republican-controlled legislature into special session next week to fix a timing issue that could keep President Joe Biden from appearing on the state’s general election ballot.

Thu May 23 20:58:25

Donald Trump is going to be BIG mad. :o)

Thu May 23 21:44:02
Seems to be a dick move by the Republicans. If Ohio doesn't fix this the DNC should confirm Biden early then the convention could be the parties official nomination.
With the expected chaos in Chicago it might be better if Democrats just skip a convention all together and just make Biden their nominee. Going to be a lot of save the world by saving the Palestinians protestors outside the convention when it happens.

"The 90-day deadline has often caused trouble since its adoption in 2010. Only in 2016 did both parties’ conventions take place before the Ohio cutoff date. Both conventions took place after the deadline in 2012 and 2020, and legislators extended the deadline both times. This is the first time that only one convention comes too late, but Republicans could well be affected in the future.

There are ways to resolve this problem, as two other states with early deadlines have already done. Washington state officials said they will accept a provisional certification of Biden’s nomination before the convention. And Alabama’s Legislature shortened its deadline so that Biden could qualify for the ballot there.

Neither solution seems likely in Ohio, where Republicans may be seeking to make life harder for the Democrats’ presidential nominee. The attorney general says the state can’t accept a provisional certification. And the Legislature couldn’t come up with a timely fix to the law."
Fri May 24 06:45:07

"Seems to be a dick move by the Republicans. If Ohio doesn't fix this the DNC should confirm Biden early then the convention could be the parties official nomination."

Yes, they should simply confirm Biden as the nominee ... since he's the nominee. He's got the delegate count, so waiting until the convention is just traditional nonsense.

And yeah, the pro-Hamas crowd will be out in force to make as big a scene as possible.

Republicans have no reason to accommodate Biden after the efforts to keep Trump off the ballot in other states. You reap what you sow.
Fri May 24 08:52:45
Radical anti-democratic Democrats tried to kick Trump off the ballot in multiple states and were cheered by their media flunkies for it.

If tactics like those are now considered acceptable behavior, I see no reason why Ohio Republicans should lift a finger to get Biden on the ballot.
Fri May 24 08:53:39
If anything, they should go in the other direction and have the AG file bogus criminal charges against Biden to tie him up in court during peak campaign season.
Fri May 24 09:00:42

"If anything, they should go in the other direction and have the AG file bogus criminal charges against Biden to tie him up in court during peak campaign season."

I 100% support this. The less we see of Joe Biden, the better. ;o)

Fri May 24 12:07:43
I would agree with you Murder but the law has never been enforced. Let's enforce it this time because it only screws the other guy comes off as cheap.

Ohio does need to be clear after this election there will be no exceptions (or change the law) so all parties can plan accordingly.
On the other hand the DNC had to be aware of the law so it was incompetent on their part to schedule after the deadline.
One way or another Biden will be on the ballot just a matter of who blinks first.
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