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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump set to win new york. Lol
Fri May 24 09:14:50
Apparently that Bronx rally had somewhere in the range of 20k supporters. Mostly black and Hispanic. In the Bronx. Gotta love the potential meltdown of leftists if he actually does come even close to winning new york.
Fri May 24 09:25:59
Yeah, you gotta love how even the small possibility of Trump doing well in New York has leftists frothing at the mouth.


"New York Governer Kathy Hochul has said that Donald Trump's supporters who attended his rally in The Bronx on Thursday are "clowns".

"Well, I’ll tell you what won’t make a difference at all, Jake, and that’s for Donald Trump to be a ringleader and invite all his clowns to a place like the Bronx", Hochul told CNN.

"New York will never, ever support Donald Trump for president. We know him better than anyone and that means we understand what he’s all about. He’s just for himself. So, this state will go solidly behind Joe Biden for president as it has in the past.

"So, if he wants to spend his time doing these made-up, fake rallies and pretending there’s support here, be my guest, because while you’re doing that, Donald Trump, Joe Biden’s out there on the other side making sure he’s delivering for all Americans."


Lol cry more you skeletor cum slut.
Fri May 24 11:06:52

You have to be a million miles down the rabbit hole to believe this nonsense. This is somewhat more absurd that Hillary winning Texas.

"Apparently that Bronx rally had somewhere in the range of 20k supporters. Mostly black and Hispanic."

Yeah right. :o)
Fri May 24 11:07:21
I doubt he can win New York. It is possible I guess but where he can really have impact is down ticket. Maybe help flip some seats at the state level.
Fri May 24 11:11:29

In 2016:

Hillary - 59.38%

Trump - 36.75%

In 2020:

Biden - 60.87%

Trump - 37.74%

Yeah, he's a real threat to take New York. ;o)

Fri May 24 11:14:08

"I doubt he can win New York. It is possible I guess but where he can really have impact is down ticket. Maybe help flip some seats at the state level."

Because he hasn't been on the ballot the last two presidential elections?

the wanderer
Fri May 24 11:26:47
"Apparently that Bronx rally had somewhere in the range of 20k supporters"

according to the fraud who lies 100% of the time about crowd size (actually team fraud claims 25,000)

this is the overhead, i'll say <5,000 (w/ some being the nutbag cultists who follow him around the country)
the wanderer
Fri May 24 11:29:50
actually this image easier to discern people

that's nowhere near 1/4th of Beaver Stadium
... go Penn State!
Fri May 24 11:30:43
Agreed that Trump is unlikely to win New York. The Democrats control the ballot boxes there, so voter fraud on a massive scale is guaranteed.
Fri May 24 11:48:41
People like tw still don't understand how much these trials and charges by the democrats have helped trumps popularity.

the wanderer
Fri May 24 12:00:45
no, i see how you get fed total misinformation every single day from every one of your news sources (there are even recent polls showing how your side has completely wrong info on so many economic figures... if Trump gets in, he'll be able to look amazing by just having the propaganda (which is all R-side) outlets report the current facts)

& Trump's weird obvious nonsense mojo works on a large number of people for some fucked up reason

then there's inflation working very hard against Biden (even though global so -obviously- not all Biden's fault)
Fri May 24 12:03:04
"(even though global so -obviously- not all Biden's fault)"

Because it's not like the United States is a MASSIVE factor in how the overall global economy is performing, right?
the wanderer
Fri May 24 12:14:06
it's not like countries slowing work all around the world for a long period of time would cause supply issues, right? plus the global dip in demand that then globally reversed

also, what's Trump's plan on that or anything at all?

w have military used against immigrants as they aren't civilians (according to him)

what else?

sure sure... he'll end all wars (by unspecified means), have better/cheaper Obamacare (by unspecified means), & dictatorially drill baby drill (even though we're producing more oil now than ever... how many cultists know that?)... & that'll create "energy independence" meaning we suddenly will be unaffected by global oil prices (or at least that's what the cultists have been led to believe, dumb fuck R's & Fauxers suggest that bullshit repeatedly)
Fri May 24 12:27:14
Interesting that you managed to skip over the massive expansion of M2 as an inflationary force...

Between Trump and Biden, which of them is less likely to have had his pathetic ego puffed up by leftist historians calling him the next FDR/JFK and exhorting him to "transform" the country with massive spending blowouts consisting of multiple multi-trillion dollar programmes? Seems like that would be a bit of a factor in driving inflation, no?

Hell, it's ancient history now but back in 2021 the Democrats had been full-blown believers of Modern Monetary Theory, which essentially argues that governments can print as much money and accumulate as much debt as they want without any consequences...

Demand during the pandemic was skewed by jurisdictions that insisted on keeping Chinaflu restrictions in place for as long as possible. Hmm, which party was the one most supportive of that?

Paying people to stay at home and do nothing? Arguably that was always a bad strategy, but which side insisted on doing that long after Americans should have been back in the workforce?

Face it, Democratic economy policy is *disasterous*, and whether Biden believes in his own bullshit or is just parroting what his handlers tell him to say in public, he's been fucking awful at getting American growth back to normal levels.
Fri May 24 13:09:28
"Because he hasn't been on the ballot the last two presidential elections?"
Because New York hasn't been the shithole then that it has become now. Maybe he will make people aware Democrat isn't their only choice? He might be able to draw out people that normally would just stay home.
Fri May 24 13:17:05
Estimates are now between 8,000 and 10,000. If it is only 5,000 that is still a good 4,800 more than Biden is getting. Maybe only 4,000 more if you count the protestors.
Fri May 24 13:39:09
"Estimates are now between 8,000 and 10,000. If it is only 5,000 that is still a good 4,800 more than Biden is getting. Maybe only 4,000 more if you count the protestors."

kargen with the bodyslam lol
the wanderer
Fri May 24 14:16:19
"which of them is less likely to have had his pathetic ego puffed up by..."

Biden?... anyone who ever existed?

recall Trump just pulled out of thin air a $2 trillion infrastructure figure when Pelosi/Schumer went in asking for 1 trillion
(not that it happened as Trump is lazy, stupid & incompetent)

recall Trump's desire to be on Mt Rushmore

recall Trump repeatedly saying he was the greatest president ever including comparisons to Lincoln where he thinks he did better & could've negotiated out of the Civil War

recall Trump's insistence of his name on the pandemic checks that went out

recall Trump wanted 'the wall' to be 40+ feet high and to rival the Great Wall of China

recall Trump never mentioning fiscal responsibility since before he was elected... no mention in 2020 cycle... none now (afaik)

he is ALL about ego & being considered the greatest being to ever exist

anyway, on inflation or anything, i don't want sucked into policy talk, we haven't been able to vote on policy since 2012... Trump is dangerous & -completely- unfit for office, voting for him just isn't an option


"Estimates are now between 8,000 and 10,000"

yeah right, by "now" you mean from non-Trump sources, the Everliar would never adjust it down to anything close to right

you have a lying showman w/ nothing of substance, congrats
the wanderer
Fri May 24 14:21:20
...actually worse than 'nothing of substance'... he's packing hordes of gullible idiots w/ completely wrong info & dangerous beliefs

he actively harms the country w/ every counterfeit tweet & rally (& that occurs multiple times a day every day & will continue if elected, he doesn't change at all... no 'campaign mode', one mode, all circumstances: spread division by repeating same made-up bullshit)
Fri May 24 14:37:16
even if all you say were true (and it is not) he still is leaps and bounds better than what the Democrats are offering.

By now I meant not in the past or future but currently.
the wanderer
Fri May 24 15:06:49
but implying the fucking liars updated their numbers

so for "now":
- ALWAYS lying Trump w/ obvious mental illness around crowd size, & his propaganda outlets: still saying 25,000

- non-Trump source: 8,000-10,000

latest Trump 'tweet' in fact:
"President Trump’s electrifying South Bronx rally captivates the media with stunning images of 25,000 New York patriots"

(also i've seen plenty of coverage, him lying about that too as always)
Fri May 24 16:34:45

Trump exaggerates massively, so it's a safe bet that there were 2,500 people tops at his rally.

Fri May 24 16:36:19


25,000! lol :o)

Fri May 24 17:11:00
"The media laps up all of Trump’s lies"

the joncooper that posted that is high on glue.
the wanderer
Fri May 24 17:33:05
semi-related, Jesse Watters (steaming shitbag Faux host) recently was guessing the media will put out fake polls to show Trump losing if he gets convicted to steer momentum

there's no evidence of any real outlet posting fake polls, but of course Trump is the one known & proven to rig & post meaningless & fake polls constantly

plus -always- with the fake crowd sizes... i'm sure if he mentions this one in the future it'll be 'they say it was 25,000, but i think it was closer to 40,000' (which will gradually rise to 100,000, & of course 'they' was his deliberately lying team to begin with)

then there's the above post of his wanting all media to cover how fucking all-caps amazing it was to get that fake 25,000 figure

constant misinformation purposely to deceive you supporters, not anyone else
Fri May 24 19:38:29
I think trump getting a crowd of 5k people in the Bronx is something most people, myself included, would've never thought possible.

I mean fuck, when is the last time a republican nominee or president had a political rally in the Bronx and brought out 5k supportive blacks?
Fri May 24 20:15:59

1 drop rule in effect. :o)

Fri May 24 21:13:56
Well hey. Elizabeth Warren literally brought back the 1/16th rule when arguing that she was, in fact, native American.

Course she isn't 1/16th native American.
the wanderer
Fri May 24 21:47:40
the area is majority Hispanic & he lost it by 68 pts not 100... a clown entertainer getting <1% of the pop to show up doesn't seem that amazing to me (minus all the cultists who came from all around)

but please feel free to quote some of the amazing political rhetoric he delivered to inspire the crowd

has he stopped praising Hannibal Lecter?
Sat May 25 16:21:55
So Hispanics are less important to you than blacks? Is that really what you want to insinuate?
the wanderer
Sat May 25 18:07:48
no, just no idea why you said 5000 blacks

but yes he will get votes from all over due to inflation (& suckers falling for his bullshit)

if he wins, it's from inflation
if he loses, it's as he's a steaming pile of shit

it should've been an easy win year for R's but you rolled the dice w/ this disgusting fraud
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