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Utopia Talk / Politics / Fauci made covid rules up
Sun Jun 02 14:26:57

Now maybe idiots on the left will accept what many of us on the right have been saying pretty much all along. Masks didn't do anything. 6 feet rule was arbitrary. Shutting down schools ruined a generation of kids. And closing the economy was absolutely the worst thing to do.
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sun Jun 02 19:50:53
the amount of revisionist history on the right is amazing.
Sun Jun 02 20:47:14
Haha leftists are gonna stay in denial.
Sun Jun 02 22:19:44
to be fair Fauci is the science.
large member
Mon Jun 03 02:57:42
Empirical based. He revived stuff they did in the 19th and early 20th century. Which in turn was based on very good statistics on relative mortality rates.

I thought this would by right up your alley obam and kargen. Doing things like they were done in the good old days.

I guess this is one of these seatbelt moments. Sure, they literally limit you. Waist handcuffs. The only redeeming feature is not dying by wearing them.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jun 03 03:40:43
The left by design will reject reality at all costs.
They do not care that they were play-acting at saving the world from COVID; they only care how much you yourself were play-acting to appease their delusions. This is why they want you to call men "women" and women "men", this is why they want you to get shots or lose your job, and this is why they want you to see abortion as reasonable birth control. Their ideology is about compliance with the cult. Fauci could admit to personally overseeing the creation of a world-wrecking virus in Wuhan as pretext for totalitarian expansion, and sebguls would merely say, "Well, of course we knew it was happening! Totalitarianism is good, actually!"
large member
Mon Jun 03 04:04:22
I am fine with you inventing your own reality. But why could you not have gone with a version that made you happy instead of angry? It seems such a waste of imaginary power.
large member
Mon Jun 03 04:09:19
Incidentally, the government's ability to respond to outbreaks stems from the founding fathers' concerns with epidemic outbreaks. They knew that governments, in service of the greater good, had to compel citizens to follow measures put in place. So such powers were codified.

The age of reason. How nice it would be to have it.
Mon Jun 03 07:28:57

"Masks didn't do anything."

I can only assume that you don't cover your mouth when sneezing.

Of course they do. There is something on your face catching trapping things. I find it odd that the same people who swear they couldn't breath with a mask on their face somehow believe that it's ineffective at preventing the spread of a virus.
Mon Jun 03 08:39:09
If you think you cover your mouth when you sneeze because it stops the spread of the flu, you might be a moron.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jun 03 08:58:26
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "There is something on your face catching trapping things."

I think a good point with the mask issue is that once you start debating with leftists regarding whether or not they do anything then you've already made the mistake of entering the leftist's slavish framework.

The simple reality is that you should not be made to wear masks in public. No legal force should compel it. No state should mandate it. It should not be a pre-requisite for work within the general public.

The leftist slave wants to see you wearing one in these conditions because, again, their belief is about compliance, enslavement, and annihilation. They do not care about health. They do not care about infection. They do not care about efficacy. They want compliance, enslavement, and annihilation. The only time that they are ideologically consistent is within this framework.

And those of us who were not complete fucking idiots saw this very early in the pandemic. Masks serve their purpose in extremely limited and controlled environments. A surgeon who wears a surgical mask does so after washing and sterilizing his or her hands, donning a sterile frock, donning sterile sleeves, donning sterile gloves, sterilizing the gloves, donning the mask, and re-sterilizing the gloves. The mask would be worn once and for an extremely limited time frame (e.g., an hour or two).

Some dumbass leftist with a "doing my part" compliance/enslavement/annihilation framework is just going to hang five masks on his rearview mirror. The masks will be greasy from face moisture and re-usage. He won't wash his hands before or after handling the masks. There will be bits of food in them from this dumbass eating with the mask on. Whatever pollen or viruses this dumbass is exhaling will be trapped in the mask, and the dumbass will repeatedly re-expose himself to these contaminants and the contaminated mask, increasing his risk of re-infection and illness. He will tell himself that he is helping *other* people, but all of this accumulated contamination flies out the side of the mask in a concentrated load.

The dumbass leftist's compliance will appease the other dumbass leftists, but his "trust the science" framework of compliance/enslavement/annihilation failed to teach him the simple truth that being clean, hygienic, and physically fit would do far more than a soiled mask ever could. Of course, the dumbass leftist was afraid to go outside to exercise, is too depressed to bathe, and is too filthy to overcome his goblin nature, so this was never an option for him either. All he had was compliance, enslavement, and annihilation.
Mon Jun 03 10:09:01

"If you think you cover your mouth when you sneeze because it stops the spread of the flu, you might be a moron."

Of course it does.

Mon Jun 03 12:00:41
Yeah, that's why cold season doesn't exist.
Mon Jun 03 13:19:28

WTF does that have to do with anything? You seem to be under the impression that if something isn't 100% effective then it isn't effective at all.

Mon Jun 03 18:54:32
Okay moron. You cover your mouth to prevent spit and mucus from getting onto people/surfaces.

You do not cover your mouth to prevent microscopic bacteria from being in the air.

Wearing a mask does not stop microscopic bacteria from getting into the air/your mouth and it actually harms your lungs which fauci is admitting.

Mon Jun 03 18:56:01
God damn, how much of a sheep can you be?
large member
Mon Jun 03 20:24:29
I cant wait for the next pandemic. This rugged individualism is a bit much. At least we know you will all self-purge at the next cross road.
large member
Mon Jun 03 20:25:48
R = 0.5 for normal people and 3.5 for rugged individualists in rugged individualist states and countries. I like them odds.
Tue Jun 04 06:59:39

"Okay moron. You cover your mouth to prevent spit and mucus from getting onto people/surfaces."

And that mitigates the spread of germs.

"Wearing a mask does not stop microscopic bacteria from getting into the air/your mouth and it actually harms your lungs which fauci is admitting."

Do you think surgeons wear masks just to creep you out?
Tue Jun 04 07:06:21


Tue Jun 04 09:31:49
I feel confident that many of you would feel more comfortable following rules made up by these fine upstanding medical experts that reside in Congress today. MTG being the head of their research department.
the wanderer
Tue Jun 04 11:19:48
^already proven

the cult has no issue w/ Trump using national covid briefings to recommend everyone take hydroxychloroquine as a preventative measure against covid... & never w/ a doctor backing him up (in fact removing doctors from the briefings to ensure they didn't contradict him)
Cherub Cow
Tue Jun 04 23:46:23
little faggot bitches like sebgul, patom, and tumblefag think that compliance is the preferred survival strategy, completely forgetting what happens to a collective once it's time to mindlessly swarm a meat grinder. Definitionally, collectivist lives are worth less, and their cult obedience to one-size-fits-all dogma means that their burial ditches will indeed fit them all. They are designing their own collective ruin.

And MTG is absolutely correct:
"It’s not my comments that have people furious at Mr Fauci, it’s the FACT that his ridiculous, non-scientific, tyrannical policies DESTROYED people’s lives and he’s a narcissistic ass hole and liar which is why SO MANY people hate him.

"Under Mr Fauci’s leadership, viruses have been turned into deadly bioweapons and animals are murdered and abused, while he and his cronies get RICH off of patents they made while receiving government funded paychecks and running powerful government agencies that dictate medical guidelines and regulations.

"And Mr Fauci calls all of that SCIENCE!

"Mr Fauci belongs in prison for crimes against humanity!!!"
[June 4th, 2024]

I think a lot of you faggoty leftists do not realize the consequence of your tyrannies. You think you can make strong people bend to your pathetic instincts without repercussions? You think that strong people — who accept responsibility for their authority — will *not* make you accept responsibility when you attempt to take authority?

If your mind cannot learn equal parts responsibility and authority, your body will. Many of you so pathetically hide behind the totalitarian-managerial bureaucracy that you think that that collective will save you by sheer volume and apparent facelessness — like someone who is confident only when the mob is thick in front of him. It never occurs to you that the bodies in front will give way, leaving you in the front row with nothing between you and the next volley. It never occurs to you that your enemy sees your face in particular even among the mob that you think hides you. ("[Oh! But we never used a strong man like those 'Nazis'! It was the faceless collective! None of us are at fault!]") But all of you are at fault.

You do not seem to understand that when you force people to bend to state power with your faggotry and mock them with your thought-terminating clichés of "freedumb", you are justifying your own annihilation. Some of you think this was so far in the past (three years ago!) that people have forgotten what you did and what you preferred happen to them. But the longer that you fail to understand what you did, the easier it will be to justify what happens to you next. And you, living in your Celebration Parallax, will have to pretend to be surprised when it happens.

Fauci needs to be hanged by the neck until he is dead.
Many such cases.
large member
Wed Jun 05 00:57:36
It is as the founding fathers intended. But if you want to question them, then fair enough. I can think of an ammendment or two that should be infringed upon. Since the founding fathers obviously are falible in your mind.

Fauci merely dusted off old recommendations. I take it actual powers were at State level. Funny that you would want to hang someone who merely gave recommendations to local governments to implement if they so choose.

In Norway, it was at county level with the county doctor responsible for setting mandates. Epidemics are ultimately controlled at a county level. We just dusted off the old system and reused it.

Nothing new about pandemics after all. We just had a lucky century.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 05 01:22:09
[jergfag]: "It is as the founding fathers intended. But if you want to question them, then fair enough"

This shit stain will speak any poisonous lie.
This is the same piece of shit who tried to argue that it's not illegal for foreigners to cross the border until after they're found guilty in a court of law — a misuse of "innocent until proven guilty" which he very stupidly believed was some kind of clever and circuitous exception. But he was wrong. That was a composition fallacy — a category error. Jergfag will commit all kinds of such subversions to Trojan Horse his evil ideology.

But there is no debating the law with men with swords.
Jergfag and other collectivists have shown that they are traitors holding swords, and all of their liar's words have ripened the fruit of other traitors.

He is a traitor who has lost the chance for words. Those who still have some notion of a conscience might survive the wars to come, but not jergfags. They were given too many chances.
Wed Jun 05 05:05:57

So much meltdown. Brain fried.

large member
Wed Jun 05 05:26:20
A simple google would suffice. The founding fathers were men of reason concerned with epidemics that plagued the country from its birth (the Continental Army was decimated by smallpox). The groundwork for epidemic control has been with the US since the start.

Presumption of innocence, silly. An individual is innocent until found guilty in a court of law. Like say Trump, or people illegally entering the country.

Your freedom stops where mine begin. Death threats are authoritarian by their very nature. Are you trying to tell us something CC?
Wed Jun 05 12:57:33
The far-right is so stupid. Oh no, you have to wear a mask in public spaces. Muh rights!
Wed Jun 05 14:09:19
So fauci admits all the covid rules were made up and did nothing. The left will fight to the death that those rules meant something.

Why? We don't know.

But jergul. This rugid individual who somehow survived this stupid pandemic by doing what he wanted will survive the next one. But you should definitely stay in your house afraid of catching a strong cold.
large member
Wed Jun 05 15:01:45
Federal recommendations. Not rules. Also, not made up. The covid rules are the same ones used to successfully combat the 1918-1919 pandemic in enlightened cities like Seatle.

You know, it could just be a great CT. Low mortality pandemic to get all the rugged individuals not to take precautions when the high mortality pandemic comes one day sooner rather than later.

hehe, there are a couple posters here who have demonstratable physical courage. Myself and EP are the two I can think of off-hand.

You are not one of those two obam ;). Try flexing that one with someone else.
Thu Jun 06 07:39:20
I hope all you covid denying brave people refuse to have yourselves or your families get any vaccinations or healing drugs for all these diseases that you say are all made up by the liberals in order to enslave you and yours.

You can depend on your Heroic Don the Con to give you the best medical advice every uttered in the history of the world.
Face masks? You don't need them nor does your family.
Vaccines? You don't need them nor does your family.
Hygiene? You don't need that either.
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