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Utopia Talk / Politics / Ukraine mega thread 3
Wed Jun 12 10:54:41
USA is now officially a Nazi enabler!!!


12 Jun 2024

The United States has lifted a ban on providing weapons and training to the Azov brigade, a controversial Ukrainian military unit that played a central role in the 2022 defence of the southeastern city of Mariupol.

The US State Department said in a statement on Tuesday that there had been a “thorough review” of the current Azov brigade and “no evidence” of human rights violations had been found.

Washington stressed the current unit was different from the volunteer militia that was set up in 2014, drawing fighters from far-right circles and criticism for some of its tactics. The US had banned the regiment from using its weapons, citing the neo-Nazi ideology of some of its founders.

“This is a new page in the history of our brigade,” Azov said of the US decision in a statement on social media. “Obtaining Western weapons and training from the United States will not only increase the combat ability of Azov, but most importantly, contribute to the preservation of the lives and the health of personnel.”

The Azov brigade, which was absorbed into Ukraine’s National Guard as the 12th Special Forces Brigade, is among the country’s most effective and popular fighting units and its current members reject accusations of extremism and any ties with far-right movements. Washington said that the original militia had been “disbanded in 2015” and a State Department spokesman also noted Azov’s “heroic role” in the 2022 battle for Mariupol.

The lifting of the ban is likely to bolster the brigade’s fighting capacity at a challenging time during the war against Russia’s invasion, with Ukraine struggling amid persistent shortages of ammunition and personnel.

Azov soldiers played a key part in the defence of Mariupol, holding out for weeks in the Black Sea port city’s vast steel works despite being low on ammunition and under relentless attack from Russian forces.

The city fell to Russia in May 2022, but Azov’s soldiers have been hailed as heroes, becoming a symbol of Ukrainian resistance in the face of Russian aggression. Each week, there are rallies calling for the release of hundreds of Azov POWs who remain in Russian captivity.

Moscow has repeatedly portrayed the Azov as a Nazi group and accused it of atrocities, but has provided little evidence to support its allegations. It designated the unit a terrorist group in 2022.

“Such a sudden change in Washington’s position shows that it will do anything to suppress Russia… even flirting with neo-Nazis,” said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

The brigade grew out of a group called the Azov Battalion, one of many volunteer regiments established to fight Russia-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine. Years before Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Human Rights Watch raised concerns about Azov, writing that credible allegations of egregious abuses had been made against its fighters.

Since its first commander left in October 2014, Azov has been “cleansing itself” of undesirable elements, according to its website. It has also tried to recast its public image to that of an effective and skilful fighting force, and has shunned connections with controversial figures.
Wed Jun 12 11:26:18
Siding with and arming Nazis.

Gives diplomatic cover for and is aiding and abetting genocide and ethnic cleansing.

Vetos the condemnation of a deliberate and leathal missile strike on an embassy building.

Says that UN Security Council Resolution is not binding.

Threatens the International Criminal Courts judges and their family members.

This is the so called ”rules based order”.

I’m sure I have missed something. Anyhow. The USA must be destroyed.

Wed Jun 12 11:35:22
Attacked and destroyed Europes energy infrastructure. Nord Stream pipelines.

Wed Jun 12 11:44:40
It is imperative that Russia wins. Otherwise, we will see more of these criminal mafia methods as things will get worse.
Mon Jun 17 22:22:17
USA and Germany will pay the price for it.
But also the Ukrainian officer, because it was ILLEGAL to shoot down our plane!!!!


A senior US Army officer has confirmed that Ukraine used a Patriot missile system to down a Russian A-50 spy plane back in January.

Speaking at the Fires Symposium event last month, Colonel Rosanna Clemente, the assistant chief of staff of the 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command, said that Patriot launchers were "being used to protect static sites and critical national infrastructure" in Ukraine.

"Others are being moved around and doing some really historic things that I haven't seen in 22 years of being an air defender. And one of them is a 'SAMbush,'" she said, referring to surface-to-air missile ambushes that Ukrainians have been performing.

"They're doing that with extremely mobile Patriot systems that were donated by the Germans because the systems are all mounted on the trucks."

She added that Ukrainian anti-aircraft teams used this tactic "to engage the first A-50 C2 system back in January."


A Russian A-50 plane was shot down by Ukraine in February, as confirmed by the Russian Federation's Investigative Committee. This incident resulted in the death of 10 crew members. The committee has taken a "precautionary measure" against Ukrainian colonel Mykola Dzyaman, who is accused of ordering the attack on the long-range radar detection and control aircraft.
Sun Jun 23 03:29:02
This video causes angry reactions on X...

But I see two heroes here!

What happens: 3 soldiers run after each other in an open field. The middle one steps on a mine and falls to the ground. He grabs between his legs and presumably realises that something is missing.

He immediately instructs the third soldier to shoot him by tapping his head several times with his finger. The third soldier complies, shoots him as he passes and runs on.

For me, they are both HEROES!

The wounded soldier realises that as a medical case he would be a burden on the Russian war machine, he doesn't want to be that, he wants to see Russia win as quickly as possible.
He also realises that without genitalia he would no longer be able to fulfil his duty of producing children for the coming Russian wars.
In short: he has become useless to the motherland, indeed he would be a burden! So he selflessly gives his life, heroically!

The third soldier is a hero, because of course it is not easy to shoot a comrade, but he still fulfils his duty without hesitation and without crying.

Yes, with such heroes with such a sense of duty, Russia will win this war. That's what makes so many effeminate Westerners angry at X

Sun Jun 30 14:52:47

After 2 years we have destroyed the first one!!! Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaarty!!!


Ukraine May Have Lost An M270 MLRS For The First Time

Tue Jul 02 04:40:22
Now rich NATOs laugh about us again. But listen, both sides will come to the point when most regular weapons will be destroyed, and then weapons like this one will make us the winner. It is Russian ingenuity that creates a potent field artillery out of a destroyed BMP-1 !!

Wed Jul 03 12:56:07
Russia has bombed New York

Wed Jul 03 22:14:15
<Checks map of Russian area of control of Ukrainian territory>

Yup, Russia is still a shitty "super power". Barely moving the control area in 2 years post initial invasion. Only thing they have going for them is a fetal alcohol syndrome unemployed slave population willing to die by the millions running forward into drones and bullets to take territory KM by KM over months and months.

Don't get me wrong though, there is a quality to the quantity of manpower willing to die and be maimed like that. Russian population and government show no signs of breaking over this continuing disaster of a war they embarked upon that is ruining their nation's ability to be a global power.

They are turning themselves into a giant North Korea.

Remember Feb 22 when we all thought Russia would be done with this within a few weeks, with a few months of insurgency at most?
large member
Thu Jul 04 07:34:34
What cities do you currently control in Afghanistan or Vietnam?
large member
Thu Jul 04 07:36:58
It is game over for Ukraine unless it counter the Russian JDAM equivalents. It really is that simple. Slava Ukrainii is as helpful as Allah Akbar in stopping those.
Thu Jul 04 08:33:15
Game over for Ukraine! We bomb their cities to shit with our 3 ton bombs! Game over!
Thu Jul 04 15:21:05
jergul stop being obtuse about this. You know damn well the US didn't want to seize those nations as new empirical expansion US States. A very stark difference from the current Russian annexation by military conquest and plodding town by town destruction strategy. The US failures in those wars are not comparable to the current situation, as they were failures in political nation building.

The point is, when the US invaded anywhere in recently decades it took weeks to months to control where they wanted to. Leaving insurgency as the only option for the citizens hostile to the efforts. This includes a 1990 heavily soviet armed Iraq.

Russia being forced to fight a full-scale war with a full-scale war economy for years with no end in sight vs such a smaller population non-NATO nation on its direct border - and still facing a difficult and deadly slog taking what they can through extreme destruction KM by KM - is an embracement compared to what NATO based alliances achieve in invasion warfare.

The only reason Russia thinks it will "win" is because it moved the goal posts of what they expected in Feb 22.

It's gone from all of Ukraine in weeks to the Eastern/Southern edge in years as the definition of "victory". That's a massive retreat in strategic goals.

Will Russia achieve seizing that edge of Ukraine for the foreseeable future? It certainly seems more possible with Trump ready to return to power and cut off US aid. But the pieces necessary to capitulate Ukraine's leadership and population are not in Russia's direct control. It depends instead on the commitment of NATO. As long as NATO supports Ukraine, Ukraine can fight KM by KM against the Russian meat waves for many years to come - and THAT is embarrassing to Russia.

As far as I can tell Russia's greatest achievement in the last 2.5 years in its aggressive violence on a neighbor is its amazing ability to set up smuggling networks for western electronics needed for its advanced weapons.
large member
Thu Jul 04 16:25:26
The ratio of killed is somewhere in the region of 5 to 1 in Russia's favour.
Sat Jul 06 05:13:37
Here is the final explanation for why Russia did not defeat Ukraine within 3 days, even though it could have easily done so: because the West betrayed Russia!!!!


The secret of why Kyiv was not taken in three days was finally revealed by Putin!

He said that when Russian troops were standing near Kyiv, the Western partners asked Russia to cease fire. And it did. But the Ukrainian Armed Forces did not. Russia was deceived, says Putin.

Therefore, Putin continues that Russia "simply cannot declare a ceasefire right now."
Sun Jul 07 06:36:54
SO WHAT!!!!!!????!!!!!

Our population is bigger than that of the Ukraine, we can afford to lose so many men!!

They only want to make us look bad, but in the end we will win!!!!!


Approximate calculations by The Economist, based on leaked documents from the US Department of Defense, suggest that, likely, for every soldier killed in action, there are approximately three to four wounded Russian soldiers. The media concluded that from 462,000 to 728,000 Russian soldiers were "out of action" by mid-June — more than the estimated number of Russian invasion forces in February 2022. French and British officials believe that about 500,000 Russians were severely wounded or killed by early May, according to the article.

The third chart shows the impact of these losses on Russia's demographics. The greatest losses were among people aged 35 to 39, 27,000 of whom were estimated to have been killed from February 2022 to June 2024. The latest estimates suggest that approximately 2% of all Russian men aged 20 to 50 may have been either killed or severely injured in Ukraine since the start of the full-scale war.

The last chart puts the figures in historical context. Russia's losses in Ukraine since 2022 exceed the number of losses in all its wars since World War II combined. Despite this, Western officials and analysts suggest that significant losses are unlikely to affect Russia's manpower supply in the short and medium term.
large member
Sun Jul 07 10:40:23
Current named losses is 58k.
Sun Jul 07 14:20:03

very insightful

we can clearly see stage 1 and unbelief...

Sun Jul 07 15:09:25
large member Sun Jul 07 10:40:23
"Current named losses is 58k."

Let's be clear on a couple of points here:

1. "Losses" means deaths.

2. These are documented deaths by external observers, so they likely not comprehensive.

3. Even so, Russian casualties are certainly in the low- to mids-hundereds of thousands at a minimum.

Hope it was worth it. Russia's male population between ages 18-30 is, what, ~9 million? It's gonna be a ton of fun when this was finally ends a double-digit percentage of that cohort ends up being mentally fucked with PTSD.
Sun Jul 07 15:09:44
*war finally ends
large member
Mon Jul 08 03:40:28
Sunken cost fallacy. It would have been worth it as a cabinet war (a quick struggle folllowed by Ukraine accepting Russia's conditions: Neutrality. Russian language and culture rights codified in the constitution. Acceptance of Crimea occupation. Limited self-rule in donbas/luhansk). Now it is worth is only because Western involvement made it clear how great a security risk Ukrainian Nato membership would have been for Russia. Can you imagine if Ukraine had picked a fight by pacifying Donbas/Luhansk/Crimea after it became a member?

Mon Jul 08 04:12:04
so wut happened 2 all those hi tech weapons send there?

they on display in moscow.

that basically sums up everything. look beyond da propaganda.

Mon Jul 08 07:29:24

"Can you imagine if Ukraine had picked a fight by pacifying Donbas/Luhansk/Crimea after it became a member?"

Except Ukraine couldn't become a member with those issues unresolved, as Russia well knew.

Now it has effectively lost the use of Crimea from a military perspective. And May well end up losing Crimea and Donbas/Luhansk in the long run too, which they had no risk of before the war.

The objective was always about brining all of Ukraine back into Russia's orbit, not "securing" their previous conquest.

Who can forget the epic smackdown NATO
Mon Jul 08 07:33:35
And NATO was very clear it would oppose the invasion.

Russia *thought* it was far more powerful than it was, and it thought it would deter NATO - these are hardly indicators that it was concerned about a conflict with NATO in Donbas. If it was, it would have been deterred from launching this latest invasion.

*"Who can forget the epic smackdown NATO" was a fragment pointing out NATO's general failure to get involved in the kind of territorial disputes you mentioned (e.g. turkey cypress)
large member
Mon Jul 08 11:42:32
Can I have what you are smoking?
Wed Jul 10 09:19:18


not so surprisin, i rememba seein footage of that shit on fire, dozens of them

Wed Jul 10 15:34:30
He shouldn't be so open about it, but well, that's the way it's going to be


Medvedev: Even if Ukraine surrenders the territories we claim and renounces NATO aspirations in exchange for a peace deal, sooner or later we would still have to put the nail into the coffin of Ukrainian statehood and return the rest of the country’s lands “into the bosom of Russia.”
Wed Jul 10 15:55:26
They need the people because they lost so many. And they feel they have an opening because Trump will give them everything they want in exchange for a Trump hotel in moscow.
Thu Jul 11 11:54:38
What do they expect? They build weapons, give them to the Ukrainian Nazis and then Russian citizens get murdered. Sure Russia retaliates!


US intelligence discovered earlier this year that the Russian government planned to assassinate the chief executive of a powerful German arms manufacturer that has been producing artillery shells and military vehicles for Ukraine, according to five US and western officials familiar with the episode.

The plot was one of a series of Russian plans to assassinate defense industry executives across Europe who were supporting Ukraine’s war effort, these sources said. The plan to kill Armin Papperger, a white-haired goliath who has led the German manufacturing charge in support of Kyiv, was the most mature.
Thu Jul 11 12:08:11
Three U.S. officials tell NBC News that U.S. claims based on “intelligence” on Russia were made up simply to “preempt the Russians”

One U.S. official: “It doesn’t have to be solid intelligence when we talk about it..”

Thu Jul 11 13:21:25
Paramount that is fantastic, how did you find this several years old tweet?
Thu Jul 11 13:38:31
I have it bookmarked.
Thu Jul 11 14:29:43
That's clever. I always have to ask my supervisor what disinformation I can best use to confuse Westerners.
Turtle Crawler
Wed Jul 24 12:41:13
They do that a lot. I dismiss all of it as war propaganda.

Ukraine has gotten boring. There aren't any outstanding issues. No new wonder weapons on the horizon. ATACMS made a splash but had no real effect. People don't really think F16 will make much of any difference and they've been talking about them way too long now without any results.

Russia making daily, but slow advances. Basically every problem has been solved on their side and the war has been reduced to math and economics. On the Ukraine side they seem to be pressing more people into service now, enough to sustain their losses due to being outmatched on quantity and effectiveness of weapons.

No major upcoming offenses, just the daily grind.

Could grind on for years.
large member
Wed Jul 24 12:50:14
It could grind on for years. But ultimately it will be like hemmingways said about bankrupcy, first slow, then all of a sudden.
Turtle Crawler
Wed Jul 24 14:48:29
Yeah it's been that way a while with people wondering what the final straw would be. Seems as long as the West is funding and they are willing to expand the age (and gender) ranges for conscription then even those breaks in the line that are happening will only be a few miles, with a huge country behind them to slowly retreat to.
Wed Jul 24 15:27:39

it long done. da evidence is da ukraine minister in china now. read beyond ur fakenews and see da signs.

he aint there on holiday and shoppin.

they know they lost

large member
Wed Jul 24 15:37:44
The failure part will likely be brigades refusing to fight. 1917 Imperial Russia style.
Thu Jul 25 01:25:01
I believe it was the Brits who said yesterday or the day before that Russia has almost no tanks left.

And the Russian army is already fighting with shovels, so if Ukraine keeps on fighting just a little bit longer they will win.
Thu Jul 25 01:27:24
We have all fallen for the Russia propaganda. How stupid we have been. The Ukrainian peace envoy in China is there to negotiate the terms of Russia’s surrender.
Turtle Crawler
Mon Jul 29 19:40:06
They solved the "brigades won't fight" problem a long time ago with their anti retreat forces.

Haha yeah let's see what happens with China. My guess is nothing, Ukraine's surrender really has to be negotiated with the US.
Turtle Crawler
Mon Jul 29 19:46:05
Looks like nothing came out of the China trip.

IMO the war will just tick on like this for years. Trump might so something else, or he might not.
Mon Jul 29 22:22:45
"IMO the war will just tick on like this for years."

I think you are correct, and I'd like to remind the "
bottoms for Russia" around here how much of a disastrous embarrassment that is for Russia. A true national war footing effort to eventually, someday, hopefully, defeat Ukraine completely. If they put in enough millions of bodies and years of completely destruction of cities.

I'll never forget Feb 22 and how even us with eyes open to the vile humanity that Russia's government is - gave Ukraine a couple of months max and then nothing but insurgency. While the Russia bottoms were looking at it with big star eyes to be a week or so.
Tue Jul 30 07:34:09

It doesn't really matter what it takes. Ukraine is not getting nearly enough support to win. The fake hustle on the part of NATO is off the charts.

Wed Jul 31 02:28:33
How does Ukraine think it can win?


Rostec steps up production of glide bombs of all calibers

Such munitions with gliding modules are actively used in the special military operation

MOSCOW, July 30. /TASS/. Rostec is increasing the production of aerial bombs of all calibers for their use in combination with unified gliding and correction modules (UMPK), as follows from the corporation’s factsheets prepared ahead of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s meeting with Rostec CEO Sergey Chemezov.

"In 2023, Rostec resumed the production of 3,000-kilogram high-explosive aerial bombs. Now these are completely different, fundamentally upgraded weapons. These standard aviation munitions have been paired with the gliding and correction module. Such long-range means of attack are very much in demand. The production of air bombs of all calibers and types of action for use in combination with these modules is being stepped up," the factsheets read.

Earlier, Rostec reported research into improved glide and correction modules, which will significantly increase their range. Such munitions with gliding modules are actively used in the special military operation. In July, the Russian Defense Ministry for the first time released an official report saying a FAB-3000 bomb had been dropped from a Sukhoi-34 fighter-bomber. The 3-ton bomb hit a temporary deployment facility of the Ukrainian army.
Wed Jul 31 02:51:02
Fap 3000
Wed Jul 31 18:00:13
Libtard copium is real this week
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