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Utopia Talk / Politics / Solar energy: Tiny balls FTW
Sun Jun 30 20:33:26
Tech company unveils tiny spheres that outperform solar panels using both sun and artificial light — and the company says they could hit 60 times the current capacity

Solar panels may be replaced by light-catching spheres if innovation company WAVJA's ingenious contraptions fulfill their potential.

That's because the business, which has operations in New York City, says its experts have created tiny globes — from a little more than an inch to nearly 4 inches in size — that can harness both sunlight and artificial light to make electricity, according to the manufacturer.

Called a Photon Energy System, the tech uses "multiple layers of cutting-edge materials in specialized spheres," according to Executive President Shereen Chen, who outlined a list of performance metrics in a video. Each one has a specification that's multiple times better than traditional panels.

The spheres, which resemble tiny Death Stars (or, perhaps for a more niche Star Wars reference, normal-sized training remotes), are 30 times smaller than solar panels, with 7.5 times the output. Astoundingly, she said they are more than 200 times more efficient.

"It revolutionizes how we harness sunlight," Chen said.

In the clip, four spheres are shown sitting atop a square-shaped device, possibly a part of the system that converts light to electricity. Typically, there's no external battery connection involved. Chen said the invention is a "separate battery system."

For the example scenario, the spheres are shown powering a battery. Chen later notes that the power pack can be connected to the system "in various ways compared to solar panels."

Throughout the video, LED lights are used to energize the setup, which in turn charges tablets and phones. The vision gets fairly futuristic from there. Renderings shared by Chen show concept big rigs and flying machines powered by groups of spheres, all providing a 24-hour electricity supply regardless of the weather conditions.

One concept closer to reality is a vehicle being tested to run on a package of 20 spheres, per Chen.

"You are actually looking at real time, current, proof of concept that we are working on," she said about the car.

The tour of the future wrapped up with a rendering of a community powered by a bank of spheres. If the tech can in fact provide the power as advertised, it will be an amazing feat. The third generation is said to be 60 times more powerful than a similar-sized solar panel, per the clip.

"Our commitment to innovation drives us to create transformative solutions," Chen says.

WAVJA cites planet-warming-fueled extreme weather, forest fires, and other calamities as inspiration for the innovations. Its designers even have a proposed fire-extinguishing drone, powered by its spheres, that will "patrol forests for extended periods of time and extinguish fires promptly upon discovery."

Solar innovations are marking impressive milestones. A team in Japan is working on a flexible sun-catching material that can survive a run through a washing machine. But even common sense can provide big results in the effort to be more sustainable. Simply replacing your old light bulbs with LEDs can save you hundreds of dollars a year while also negating the creation of hundreds of pounds of air pollution.

As for the big picture, while WAVJA doesn't get deep into how the technology works, the concept offers appealing potential. The company is looking for partners to start bringing the technology to action, from powering devices to industrial settings, according to its website.

"The future of energy is bright, sustainable, and within reach," Chen said in the clip.

Mon Jul 01 00:28:13
Smells like bullshit to me
Mon Jul 01 01:10:05
You have tiny balls.
Average Ameriacn
Mon Jul 01 03:53:15
Seb is envy because this is an AMERICAN company!
Mon Jul 01 11:20:25
You are right, if I wasn't blinded by jealousy I would liquidate all my savings and investments and stock up on WAVJA stock, but don't let my stubborn pride get in your way, you should totally do it. 9 golf ball sized devices with a tiny aperture at the top can power a sportscar.
Sam Adams
Mon Jul 01 15:22:09
This is the most bullshit that a bull has shit since cold fusion.
Mon Jul 01 17:16:35
The only thing I know is if this turns out to be real and mass producible, since it's regarding solar energy, boomer generation will find a way to call it 'the devil' and it will get outlawed in Florida.
Mon Jul 01 17:38:14
You know it's legit when the company doesn't have a Wikipedia page.

It's the next Steve Jobs inventing Apple out of his garage, maaan.
Mon Jul 01 17:38:40

Your ability to politicize literally anything is admirable.
Mon Jul 01 18:59:26

Photon Energy System Introduced at New York Event

/PRNewswire/ -- WAVJA, Inc. (wavja.com) has introduced a groundbreaking new product, the Photon Energy System (PES). PES has achieved a milestone in solar energy, amplifying power output by 20 times compared to conventional solar panels, and is being tested and developed to reach up to 60 times.

Solmet LLC, a subsidiary of WAVJA, Inc., produces PES, which stands out for its blend of unique spherical multilayer materials that harness sunlight to produce significant luminosity. This light is then transformed into electrical energy through silicon conductor modules.

PES has many advantages over traditional solar panels. Among its key features, PES's innovative technology has an operational span of eight hours, rendering it independent of direct sunlight. A flashlight or indoor light can also illuminate PES. Moreover, its performance remains unaffected by high temperatures, ensuring consistent and reliable energy production even in the harshest environments.

"This technology offers extended operation without charging, benefiting smart devices, drones, and electric vehicles and providing sustainable electricity for residential, commercial, and industrial purposes. PES addresses power challenges faced by utility companies, waste management, and various public facilities," said Shereen Chen, Executive President of WAVJA, Inc.

At a recent PES product launch and press conference in New City, WAVJA, Inc. representatives demonstrated the power of this energy matrix in real-time. The matrix is scheduled to be launched this fall.

Currently, PES comes in various sizes, each catering to specific needs. The compact 3cm model is perfect for charging mobile devices, electric cars, drones, and vehicles. The 6cm model is designed to fully charge household residences, intelligent buildings, and public transportation. The larger 10cm model is mainly used in industrial factories, commercial buildings, science and technology parks, desalination plants, garbage treatment plants, power plants, restaurants and amusement parks.

Chen explained that sunlight and artificial light combined can provide a 24-hour power supply, making it the world's first sustainable green energy. She adds that PES provides pure, clean energy with zero percent pollution and could be an effective solution for current critical climate situations, such as Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC).

"Additionally, this process can store energy in an energy bank—allowing us to draw energy whenever needed. This request could come from a corporation, a government, or even a small town in a remote region of the country," added Chen.

Several companies, including Genesis EV & System Group, Paneltech, US, MG2, and Impact International, have entered into a Memo Of Understanding (MOU) with WAVJA, Inc. to become strategic partners and to promote the application of the WAVJA Photon Energy System across various fields.

Mon Jul 01 19:00:38

"Seb is envy because this is an AMERICAN company!"

Ameriacn company :oP

Mon Jul 01 19:13:40

"Smells like bullshit to me"


But yeah, there's only a small handful of articles about this spanning over 2 months, and I'm a little dubious about a solar energy breakthrough story broken by ...

PR Newswire

Environment + Energy Leader

& The Cool Down

And yeah ... "PES has achieved a milestone in solar energy, amplifying power output by 20 times compared to conventional solar panels, and is being tested and developed to reach up to 60 times." ... sounds like industrial strength bullshit.

Mon Jul 01 23:34:04
is this da shit u is talkin about?


Mon Jul 01 23:35:35


sounds legit!

snake oils societies

large member
Tue Jul 02 13:41:18
The solar constant is uhm, constant. The BS number thrown out are generating more per M2 than the sun provides.
Tue Jul 02 15:14:56

Yup, but you don't even need to go that deep, you can just see looking at the device itself it's BS. Pinhole aperture at the top is clearly to small an area to capture meaningful power given the solar flux.
Wed Jul 03 02:47:47
Also, pedantically, why *did* they call it the Solar constant when it actually isn't?
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