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Utopia Talk / Politics / Kamala Harris
Tue Jul 02 16:40:30


Suddenly I remembered why Democrats are so desperate to keep Biden in the race. To have this human being trying to campaign for office...*shudder*
Tue Jul 02 16:52:38
This election man... shows how awful both party's candidates are that either of them have a chance in hell of beating each other.

Nikki Halley would be winning this shit by 20% or more.

Same with some other Dem who doesn't sound like an idiot or geezer when they speak/walk.
Wed Jul 03 03:47:03
Well, at least Camala Harris passed the Israel First test at AIPAC. That’s what matters.
Wed Jul 03 08:15:33
I think a McChicken sandwhich would poll 12 points higher than Kamala.
Wed Jul 03 08:27:23

No one votes for Joe Biden. No one would vote for Kamala Harris. People vote against Donald Trump.

Wed Jul 03 10:20:31
The Democratic party

"We literally have no one good enough to vote for, but thenother guy is evil"
the wanderer
Wed Jul 03 11:14:44
that's what R's did w/ Hillary... heaps of Trump-hating R's (& I's) who just hated Hillary more
Wed Jul 03 13:40:57

The other guy is evil. That's why Republicans are voting for him.

Wed Jul 03 14:17:18
Member Wed Jul 03 13:40:57

Biden is evil. That's why Republicans are voting for Trump."

Wed Jul 03 14:18:03
I'm disappointed that no one even bothered to open the link BTW. It was a 57 second video you lazy bastards.
the wanderer
Wed Jul 03 14:49:15
putting up Trump as nominee gives anyone else a chance to win, even Kamala

your side finds the only explanation for Biden getting 12-15+ million more votes than Obama is mass fraud... 12-15+ million fraud votes w/ none found under mass scrutiny, real impressive...

but there's another explanation... a very simple one... & a fucking obvious one given all the anti-Trump R's & all the members of his own administration that are now against him (& because he's the most obvious fraud conman i have ever seen w/ added problem of being a mental child & mentally-ill about ratings / crowd sizes & being a malignant narcissist... & more...)
Wed Jul 03 22:06:52
I bit the bullet and watched this shit to bring Rugian a little bit of joy. Thanks for that Rugian.

wtf is up with the porn music playing subtly in the background?

Thu Jul 04 19:34:45

"I'm disappointed that no one even bothered to open the link BTW. It was a 57 second video you lazy bastards."

I can't X ... I won't X.

I'm banned and I've blocked the website.

Fri Jul 05 01:46:17
Joe Biden says he needs to sleep more and work less.


He is basically saying that he needs to retire.
Fri Jul 05 04:26:42
Iranian election participation last week *officially* came in at 39%. The message has been recieved inside the regime and those 60+% seem emboldened.

If you vote for the lesser evil, you are prepetuating a flawed system and ultimately a hurdle towards democracy. You should instead be waging war against the system that is presenting you with these shit choices.

Stop voting.
Fri Jul 05 07:16:58

Not voting has never helped anyone. You just end up legitimizing rule by the minority.

Fri Jul 05 07:26:38
It has never been tried. Stop your bullshit and think. Two things can happen, either the system is powered by the people and when enough have abadoned it cares to fix it. Or you realize you are literally living in a tyranny and need to fix it. There is a third alternatives and that is to keep voting, like a sheep :-)
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 05 07:30:34
[Hrothgar (Regime sycophant; probable pedophile)]: "Nikki Halley would be winning this shit by 20% or more."

This is as useful as tumblefag pretending that Liz Cheney is a benevolent Republican. Of *course* the left wants a DNC/Regime candidate to run for the GOP. Nimarata Randhawa is purely of the global totalitarian Regime, so the left would fully support her running, and, in fact, Newsom *did* support her running as one of the DNC's "best surrogates" ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLJSf9Ws2ms ).

A similar suggestion for the left:
How about running Lauren Boebert for president under the DNC? She would be great! GOP voters would even support you for running her! Do it! lol
Fri Jul 05 08:03:41

Not voting is not a protest. It basically signals that you are content with the status quo.

Fri Jul 05 08:04:45

Vote or get hold of a firearm and use it. Anything else is just giving in to tyranny.

Fri Jul 05 08:50:18
It is not a protest that is correct. Your vote is the currency that fuels the power structure. So, in theory, if we take it away, the system should go politically bankrupt. Or it has to be destroyed because it does not give a shit as it doesn’t need shit from you and will keep feeding you turds. Status quo as concept is not even wrong here, it has become a meaningless term dimwits throw around to sound like midwits. This is a shit spiral, you can clearly see how the candidates become dumber, more senile and depraved.

You sound insane and retarded presenting voting and starting a violent insurrection as the two options, when I just gave you a third option, a logically sound and mentally stable intermediary step. It is a process to reach violence, other peaceful options must be exhausted. You on the other hand, your chronic voting has now led you here and given you these options. If you do not understand that something is deeply and terribly wrong, then you will never get it. Your cognitive abilities could be even worse than Biden. Who am kidding, they are, that is why you are going to vote, for him, again.

We live in a democracy where votes have value, allegedly. We should first opt for the (anti)parliamentary method and boycott 'The Machine.'
Fri Jul 05 08:55:51

They don't rely on your vote, they rely on your consent.

You're mistake is believing that not voting isn't itself a vote. You're voting whether you want to or not. You're just voting for "whatever is fine".

Fri Jul 05 10:50:05
I do not consent, hence I do not take part. Very simply logic, engineered so a jury can follow it. Your vote is your consent. But please write me more tweet sized word salads.

I do not believe that not voting isn’t a vote, like I didn’t believe it was a mere protest. On the contrary it is a vote of no confidence.

Fri Jul 05 13:12:40

Speaking of word salad ... you won't vote because you don't consent, but you acknowledge that not voting is a vote ... and therefore consent.

Vote. Don't vote. I don't care. But you're wrong.

Fri Jul 05 14:03:42
It is not the usual kind of vote. Call it the anti-vote. Are you really that stupid where you don't understand the difference between voting for a party and not voting for a party? Or are you confused about the part where I called not voting is still a vote, because it carries a message/information e.g an anti-vote, a vote of no confidence? Do you not understand the implications of 80% vs 20% turn out?

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