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Utopia Talk / Politics / Happy UK Nat'l Election Day!
Thu Jul 04 16:12:11
This July 4, while us Americans are celebrating by shooting fireworks and AR-15s and consuming enough meat off the BBQ to create life-threatening heart disease...let us take a minute to mourn for our brethren in the UK, and the disaster unfolding there as we speak.


"Exit poll suggests Labour has won 410 seats, and the Tories 131

Conservatives: 131

Labour: 410

Liberal Democrats: 61

SNP: 10

Reform UK: 13

Plaid Cymru: 4

Greens: 2"


RIP British freedom and independence (such as they were).
Thu Jul 04 19:32:23

Today the UK celebrates their independence from the Conservative Party. :o)

Thu Jul 04 22:32:35
Thu Jul 04 22:33:52
Conservatives fucked themselves following the siren song of the Rugians.
Fri Jul 05 02:00:56
this slo mo implosion since 2000s...

Fri Jul 05 02:04:39

oh yeaaa been happenin longer than yall think.

Fri Jul 05 02:06:10
but alls is right when we have shitbag morons like these guys.


if he a woman, he would be a 55 year old opoid hooker working on her little corner havin 30 clients a day.

Average Ameriacn
Fri Jul 05 02:07:01
Labor has 32% of all votes, biut gets 64% seats!
Reform UK has 14% of all votes, but gets only 1% of all seats!
Don't accept the results!


Fri Jul 05 02:21:48
If the Brits wants change why didn’t they all vote for Reform UK? You can hear it in the name that they want reforms. Labour is just gonna be more of the same.
Fri Jul 05 04:11:25
Average American:

There was a referendum on moving away from FPTP not that long ago.

It's a bad system that normally works for the conservatives.
Fri Jul 05 04:23:50
" Fri Jul 05 02:06:10
but alls is right when we have shitbag morons like these guys.


if he a woman, he would be a 55 year old opoid hooker working on her little corner havin 30 clients a day. "


wrong video! i meaN SHITBAG BRENDAN, loser with his sunglasses actin like he is david hasselhoff !!!!
Fri Jul 05 04:24:11
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 05 06:06:00
Seb and I agree!

Sadly, the conservatives managed to retain 121 seats against Labour's 412 seats. Thus, Seb and I were disappointed that we did not reach a true ZERO SEATS!

Sadly! This means that governmental kayfabe is still in the works:
That is, Labour can pretend that West-destroying mass-migration is totally due to like.. you know.. like.. umm.. like.. "compromise".. umm.. cuz.. like.. governance is about.. like.. you know.. like... "compromise"... and like... those pesky "conservatives" are making us "compromise"... so like... umm.. it's like.. their fault if you don't like.. umm.. policy stuff or whatever. (I.e., the Regime was going to do whatever it wanted to do regardless of what the people wanted, and they need controlled opposition to pretend that the people do not live under the Regime's Bolshevik oligarchy.)

Even so! Labour's massive majority will show the UK that the global totalitarian Regime was in power during the governance of the falsely named "Conservative" Party! That is, only faggot liars and traitors believed that the "right" was in power under the Tories, and Labour will show the masses that those faggot liars and traitors deserve to have their bodies disassembled and placed on pikes around London's bridges. We are this much closer to purging the leftists! May they know the horrors of medieval body disassembly! A great day for the UK and therefore the world!
Fri Jul 05 07:09:30

I've never encountered a woman that likes the word "faggot" as much as Cherub Cow.

It probably means something.

Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 05 07:13:41
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "It probably means something."

It probably means that there are a bunch of slack-jawed faggots around here. Whereas, voting for the right would make you into a real sexual Tyrannosaurus.
Fri Jul 05 08:46:57

Don't give up hope, there's the strong likelihood the moderates and hardliners split and maybe they can get relegated to third place and the Lib Dems can be the opposition.
Fri Jul 05 13:15:00
Regardless of who won, one must admire the ability of the UK to both utilize election security procedures (photo ID required to vote) as well as turn around results in a timely manner (649 / 650 constituencies having reported already).

In the US, leftists would be melting down over having to meet those standards.
Fri Jul 05 13:24:14
Hey tumbleweed, remember when Pennsyvlania took the better part of a fucking week to call its election results as the state kept getting magical ballot dumps from the liberal cities that were only allowed because your partisan state Supreme Court arbitrarily rewrote multiple electoral laws?

Take note of how civilized places do voter counts.
the wanderer
Fri Jul 05 13:48:46
i remember R's signing on to expanded mail voting before covid ever happened

i remember R's not wanting mail ballots processed in any way before election day

i remember various R counties saying they wouldn't even try to count any of them on election day

i remember R's wanting mail ballots trashed if the person didn't write the date on the envelope... a date that obviously would have no meaning as anyone could write any date they wanted... the postage date is what had meaning

i remember R's wanting to trash all ballots from dropboxes (but only saying so after the election happened), even though dropboxes were more secure than mail boxes which they already had approved before covid as noted above (the dropbox i used was an armored tank w/ a tiny slit you could barely open to drop in the ballot... and the guy behind me couldn't even figure out how to open & asked me if i thought his ballot would be accepted as he signed/dated above the lines instead of below the lines or vice versa... (for which i'm sure R's would've rejected) )

i remember zealot Rick Santorum (not a never Trumper) saying he analyzed the results by county and saw no weird anomalies

(no, i don't remember any magical ballot dumps)

but yes, counting should happen faster
the wanderer
Fri Jul 05 13:56:22
...& Biden had a 5-pt polling lead in PA thus not shocking at all that Biden won... (even w/ the polling difficulties that have appeared after massive contagious fraud Trump entered the scene)
Sat Jul 06 05:37:57
I met two people canvassing today that had no acceptable ID.

There's literally no evidence the photo ID requirements have any impact on security as the level of fraud previously was so low.

OTOH postal vote fraud *is* a significant problem.

But the conservatives have a lot of their votes as postal votes, so nothing that might depress turnout there.
Sat Jul 06 05:38:51
*today > I mean Thursday. Bit messed up from being up 48 hours running over Thursday and Friday.
Sat Jul 06 05:41:27
The conservatives introduced photo ID requirements simply because US republicans were screaming about them, and purely as a naked bit of voter suppression. They even deliberately excluded forms of ID that Labour voting demographics were more likely to have - e.g. accept transport photo cards, but only the ones that entitle pensioners to free travel, not the ones used by under 65's to validate annual travel cards.

Sat Jul 06 07:57:18

The right seems to operate the same everywhere. The left should return the favor by only having polling places in urban areas and charging a toll to enter urban areas if you don't live there.

Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 08 05:17:18
[sebgul]: "There's literally no evidence the photo ID requirements have any impact on security as the level of fraud previously was so low."

Do we all understand these sebbish/subversive takes now?

That is, it is in the leftist's best interests to pretend that security measures on ballots do not matter because "[no evidence of fraud]"/"[no previous issues]", but it is the (supposed) lack of security measures or of previous issues which *become* evidence and design for future destruction and fraud.

This entire methodology of the bureaucratic destroyers of the left is this:
1) As a leftist in power, realize that there are other immoral criminals like oneself in the general population.
2) As a leftist, realize that immoral actors like oneself in positions of power will behave in accordance with their same *im*moralism.
3) Devise a system which benefits these criminals by giving them means, motive, and opportunity.
4) Once the criminals have power, the process will subvert itself.

In short:
Give criminals the power to commit crime, and crime will take place.

Simple example:
You have a nice town with maybe 40 people in it. Everyone knows each other. There's no crime. A sebbish leftist who wishes to destroy the town gains power by subverting the town's high trust. As his first act in power, no shop keeper is allowed to lock the doors of their shop. In fact, they must all leave their doors wide-open throughout the night.

And why not! Closed doors are such an inconvenience! Closed doors discourage the historically marginalized from entering! And anyways, there is no crime in this idyllic town! Who here can say that there is prior evidence for the closing of doors!

But once the law is passed, the duplicity of this reasoning is given its total power. The subversive is sure to make public statements in the presence of the town's enemies — telling your enemies that your doors are all open by law. Now the subversive waits; he does not need to directly commit the crime. The sebbish subversive knows well that criminal elements will simply act with this knowledge. So, now the shops all get robbed by criminals, and shopkeepers are not allowed to close their doors.

That's how sebs think.
This is how sebbish evil operates.

So you see what's happening when sebbish subversives claim that Voter I.D. doesn't make elections secure. They are lying, with the reason for the lie being that if other people proceed with that false premise, then those people will create a system which destroys elections. If you take away Voter I.D., then criminals know that there is a system weakness that they can exploit.

And leftists do not even just make the one weakness.
• Signature matching?
Probably not necessary.
• Voting in person?
Probably not necessary.
• Registering in person?
Probably not necessary.
• Impartial election observers?
Probably not necessary.
• Free Public audits?
Probably not necessary.

And it is not even just one issue.
Recall seb's arguments against the Second Amendment. They follow this same pattern.
Why do you need a weapon?
Isn't there no proof that weapons stop crime?
How often does one need a weapon to stop a crime?
And crime is so low!
Surely, you do not need one anymore.

But once sebbish subversives convince people with this sick reasoning, who is disarmed? Well, as always, the good, the law-abiding, and the noble are disempowered by this logic. The criminal, meanwhile, sees a "gun-free zone" and goes on a killing spree.

sebbish solutions are always designed to destroy society in this way.
Mon Jul 08 07:04:28

To vote before the measures, you register to vote (which requires an ID check against birth registers and proof of residency in borough etc) with your local council, turned up to your polling station, give your name and address which they check against rolls, get ticked off a list and given a numbered ballot.

To "steal" a vote by impersonation you need to find a specific person who is registered to vote, know their name and address, and then rely on them not turning up to vote before you or later and reporting the fraud.

There have been a few such cases. As in two digit figures over the years. They are detected and investigated and result in prosecution because the existing processes are robust enough to capture that easily.

There is no such check on postal vote fraud.

What threat vector does the photo ID requirement add that was not addressed by existing procedures?

In the pilot study they found the number of people unintentionally excluded in the pilot was much higher than the total number of fraud cases by a very large degree.

It's a voter suppression policy, plain and simple.

It is postal voting that should be abolished if you are worried about fraud.
Mon Jul 08 07:10:37
"but it is the (supposed) lack of security measures or of previous issues which *become* evidence and design for future destruction and fraud."

Assuming CC was aware of the pre-existing arrangements, CC would obviously use this line of argument to argue for extending from photo ID to a DNA register of voters and DNA testing to enter polling stations. Because obviously while there is no evidence of voters using sophisticated forgery of photo ID, well, obviously that is just asking everyone to keep their door unlocked.

Mon Jul 08 07:12:09
"Recall seb's arguments against the Second Amendment. They follow this same pattern.
Why do you need a weapon?
Isn't there no proof that weapons stop crime?
How often does one need a weapon to stop a crime?
And crime is so low!
Surely, you do not need one anymore."

That isn't actually my argument against gun rights. You are engaging in straw men again.
Mon Jul 08 07:15:05
And yes, returning to voter ID, let's ask who is disarmed:

Is it the non existent vote stealer that seeks to individually impersonate registered voters hoping that that they won't turn up to vote, or is it the actually quantifiable number of people who have a right to vote but are unable to easily access the forms of ID that have been "arbitrarily" chosen that just happen to exclude the legally valid forms of ID that Labour voting demographics are most likely to have?
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 08 07:21:26
[sebgul]: "That isn't actually my argument against gun rights. You are engaging in straw men again."

You are a liar and are again reading too literally to prove anything but that you are abysmally stupid.
Recall that the ultimate stop on your argument was that I will never — under any circumstances or following any argument — deprive myself of the absolute right to ultra-violence. At that point you pissed yourself and complained that I would not yield to your sebbish cowardice.

[sebgul]: "What threat vector does the photo ID requirement add that was not addressed by existing procedures?"

Do we see how he continues this subversion?

Notice how he lists all of the "protections" that (supposedly) pre-figure Voter I.D., yet — again — he quietly omits all of the ways that his sebbish subversion would undermine all of those "protections".

To explain clearly:
• ID check against birth registers
- Subverted by sebbish poll workers

• proof of residency in borough
- Subverted by sebbish poll workers

• turned up to your polling station,
- Subverted by sebbish poll workers

• give your name and address which they check against rolls,
- Subverted by sebbish poll workers

• get ticked off a list and given a numbered ballot.
- Subverted by sebbish poll workers

Again, I explained this to tumblefag before:
The existence of people such as sebtard and tumblefag is itself *proof* that there is fraud.

Simply ask yourself this: would you trust sebtard or tumblefag to maintain these protections were they granted these powers of verification?

I certainly would not because sebtard and tumblefag continuously show that they are taking part in the treason of the West and are thus a best fit for a noose rather than for power or trust.

Now realize that there are thousands of these sebtards and tumblefags being given power artificially across Western society. These people are being put in power because **they are criminals actively defrauding the West**.
Mon Jul 08 08:30:25

"Is it the non existent vote stealer that seeks to individually impersonate registered voters hoping that that they won't turn up to vote ..."

The premise that people vote too often just goes off the rails right away. It's hard enough to get people to vote once.

In the US an election cycle that includes a presidential election may top 60% of eligible voters, but that's not a guarantee. Turnout is usually below that.

For midterm elections where the most important offices on the ballot are Governors and Senators and Representatives turnout is almost always below 50% and drops below 40% about half the time.

In off year (odd numbered years) elections, special elections, and primaries, turnout is abysmal.

Good luck finding people willing to vote twice and risk prison time in hopes of flipping an election for municipal judge.

The premise also relies on crazy right winger's beliefs that Democrats are more likely to lie, cheat, and steal, which is laugh out loud funny.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 08 10:10:28
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "The premise also relies on crazy right winger's beliefs that Democrats are more likely to lie, cheat, and steal, which is laugh out loud funny."

This is absolutely true. It is definitional. That is what it means to be on the left. Denying it is the peak of delusion.

Or do you now deny that the left is...
• Less likely to be religious?
• Less likely to be moral?
• Less likely to have a sense of right and wrong?
• Less likely to believe in God?
• To have a sense of nobility?
• To have the unity and positive upbringing of a two-parent household?
• More likely to be poor and stupid (criminality associated with poverty):
• More likely to be mentally ill?
• Less capable of the disgust reflect?
• More likely to be brain-damaged into criminality?
• More willing to harm the innocent?
• More likely to express Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy?
• More likely to express preference *against* their own people?

Blacks commit the most crimes in the United States. For whom do you suppose they vote?

Why do you suppose Democrats (i.e., criminals) want to expand voting rights for felons, for young people (<18), for pedophiles, for foreigners?

No, murder. You will not succeed in lying about this. You cannot deny your left-wing degeneracy while in the same breath showing how much of a degenerate goblin you are. You spend all your time in a perpetual state of slavish resentment, hating your own people, wishing the annihilation of the West, and carrying inverted values that place Thanatos as your greatest god. The best argument you have against this is more inversion: to claim that your poisoned self-destruction and death-seeking is an "affirming" principle.

But it is absolutely true. The left is composed primarily of criminals, the weak, the marginal, the feeble, the ugly, the foreign, the treasonous, the contaminated, the degraded. If it were not so, you would be on the right.

[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "Good luck finding people willing to vote twice and risk prison time in hopes of flipping an election for municipal judge."

This is a common leftist error. Leftists playing stupid will pretend that the trick to fraud is simply voting twice under the same name. This is false. The tricks that leftists leave in a fraudulent system are ones that can stand up to slightly more scrutiny.

For instance, leftists are often against the purging of the voter roles because leftists use the voter roles to see who did *not* vote and who does *not* check on the status of their vote after-the-fact. These un-used ballots can be cast without doubling any names. Like murder himself admitted, many people do *not* vote. Leftists can simply take from a pool of these un-cast ballots to push the margins in their favor.
Mon Jul 08 10:25:58

There are certainly not 400,000 incidents of voter fraud that could be addressed by a photo ID requirement in the UK.

Mon Jul 08 10:32:34

"You are a liar and are again reading too literally"

*Lies about my position*
*When called out about lying about my position, claim the lie is not meant to be taken literally. Accuses me of lying by... taking her stated position as a reflection of her position*


"Notice how he lists all of the "protections" that (supposedly) pre-figure Voter I.D.,"

No, not supposedly. Actually and verifiably.

"Subverted by sebbish poll workers"

These collaborating poll workers can subvert the photo ID requirement just as easily "yes, that's a photo ID with your name on it" as i hold out a picture drawn in crayon.

So you've come up with an answer to my question: you cannot apparently think of a single attack on the vote integrity that is addressed by photo ID but not addressed by existing checks.

So here you are, in your own analogy, disarming the law abiding citizen from their gun rights, based on imagined threats that don't exist and which your ban doesn't actually stop.
Mon Jul 08 11:11:22
You talk about fake voters, but should talk about fake candidates


Reform UK’s Invisible Candidates: Who Are They Hiding?

Absent from hustings, media interviews, and social media, why are Nigel Farage’s Reform champions quite so elusive?

3 July 2024
Tue Jul 09 09:18:07

"This is absolutely true. It is definitional."

Yeah, all those "you don't have to pay taxes" scams as well as the tax dodging is totally left wing stuff.

It's totally the Democratic candidate that goes around bragging about how smart he is because he declared bankruptcy a bunch of times and cheated people out of their money.

"Less likely to be religious?"

Religion is a lie and a scam. So there you go.

The liars and the cheaters and the thieves are your crowd.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jul 10 04:44:47
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "It's totally the Democratic candidate that goes around bragging about how smart he is because he declared bankruptcy a bunch of times and cheated people out of their money."

Pathetic red herring, faggot.
I had to double-check that it was *you* saying this since it's usually tumblefag's pathetic mental weakness that throws the Trump red herrings. Did you post under the wrong name? lol

[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "Religion is a lie and a scam. So there you go."

Thank you for admitting that you are indeed the exact left-wing immoralist that I described. We now know that you were again simply lying for power in your comment above ("Mon Jul 08 08:30:25") and I was right to call you the goblin that you are in my response ("Mon Jul 08 10:10:28").

You know good and well that you are a goblin with a goblin's ideology — as is the mass of the left — and that this goblin ideology informs your every political decision. You are simply advocating for Mordor, and I, in the West, am right to absolutely oppose you.

[sebfag (traitor to the West)]: "There are certainly not 400,000 incidents of voter fraud that could be addressed by a photo ID requirement in the UK."
[sebfag (traitor to the West)]: "No, not supposedly. Actually and verifiably."

Do we see how even after I spell out sebfag's rhetorical deceptions, he cannot help but continue to re-produce them? I addressed this in comment "Mon Jul 08 05:17:18" above. sebgul is illiterate, so he can only regurgitate his Party talking points like a good pedophile supporter.

And for those too lazy to look at my above comment (e.g., sebfag), I specifically told him that it is a leftist deception to claim that no prior (proven) fraud is itself an excuse not to have additional security measures to prevent fraud. That is how subversives such as sebgul infiltrate systems.

[sebfag (traitor to the West)]: "[I am a] Moron."

Correct, you are a moron, thank you for stating that. I appreciate you lying again with your weak projections. You're not fooling anyone. Your moral inversions are always transparent, and everyone here knows through direct dealings with you that you are a liar.

[sebfag (traitor to the West)]: "So you've come up with an answer to my question: you cannot apparently think of a single attack on the vote integrity that is addressed by photo ID but not addressed by existing checks."

I have told you repeatedly the distinctions, you are simply illiterate. This is why your arguments are always unfalsifiable: you simply do not read what people are writing in response to you.

But no matter. My solution to these issues is, as always, simple:
sebguls must be deprived of the franchise, removed from power, and punished as their deeds have demonstrated that they must be punished (e.g., floggings, hangings, drawings and quarterings, deportation/re-migration, banishment to Madagascar).

Sebgul has never failed to demonstrate that he hates the West. Repeatedly I have asked him to say one thing that he loves about the West and would absolutely defend, but devils can only paint with fire, so he goes silent on the issue. In the wars to come, we can only hope that sebgul and is kind are absolutely defeated. Their black tongue should never be heard again in the West.
Wed Jul 10 09:52:13

"excuse not to have additional security measures to prevent fraud"

You say I'm illiterate, but you seem to have read a detailed account of the preexisting measures and failed to understand these are security checks that do effectively catch fraud, and that the photo ID check adds no additional security but does demonstrably disenfranchise people of their rights.

Instead, once again, you lie and claim in arguing for no security measures at all.

Wed Jul 10 09:55:24
"I have told you repeatedly the distinctions"

Invited, you have suggested only one potential attack vector - compromising polling officers.

You were clearly simply too stupid to realise that this would also compromise the photo ID. You weren't capable of conceptualising that a corrupt poll officer that would lie to circumvent the existing checks would also lie to circumvent a photo ID check.

Cherub Cow
Wed Jul 10 10:14:20
[sebfag (traitor to the West)]: "You say I'm illiterate"

Correct, you are indeed illiterate. You still clearly have not read what I wrote.

[sebfag (traitor to the West)]: "failed to understand these are security checks that do effectively catch fraud,"

False. You are a liar, and I already addressed this lie. You are illiterate.

[sebfag (traitor to the West)]: "the photo ID check adds no additional security"

False. You are a liar and a subversive. This lie that you are telling benefits the global totalitarian Regime because it allows yet another means of fraud, which benefits destroyers and subversives such as yourself since you are immoral, have no soul, and you are actively importing more of your dysgenic goblin kind to subvert the process. This is why you must be absolutely (politically) annihilated, your people impoverished, your prestige network made low class and disgusting. You must become an untouchable in society; a people identified as so ghastly and disgusting that people will only visit you in your penal colony of Madagascar out of some Victorian-era insane-asylum safari curiosity. You are not fit to repair sewer pipes by hand if those pipes are in the West.

[sebfag (traitor to the West)]: "You were clearly simply too stupid to realise that this would also compromise the photo ID."

You are a subversive and a liar. I already addressed this. You are illiterate.

For those who are not illiterate:
I clearly already explained that sebfags use this deception of "[hur hur, there were checks *before* the process so why good is a check *after* the process?]" because they know that removing the check after the process allows **even more** intermediary means of fraud.

Additionally, I have repeatedly explained that adding Voter I.D. and then purging society of sebguls will itself make both the Voter I.D. process and the registration process more secure — because it will not be done by sebguls.

The key ingredient here is that sebguls must be purged from society. Making elections more secure within the current fraudulent system can only speed this reality, since the less that frauds, liars, and subversives such as the (likely jew) sebgul have power in society, the more they can be subsequently annihilated. That is the ideal end state and goal: the sebguls must be punished for their treasons as is appropriate for their level of treason.
Wed Jul 10 13:14:12

Cherub Cow is afraid of invisible spirits and she calls everyone else a moron.

Thu Jul 11 04:52:06

Invited to explain what threat a photo ID check mitigates over the existing checks that justifies the well documented infringements on the rights of legitimate electors to cast their vote, you instead made an argument that I was advocating for no security because the existing checks provided no security because of the potential for corrupt polling officials.
These being the same polling officials that conduct the photo ID check.

The irrefutable conclusions from this if you accept your arguments:

Either you are arguing for no security measures but removing the right of legitimate people to vote - a traitorous and dictatorial position; or you are too stupid to realise that photo ID checks conducted by corrupt officials will also be subverted.

I choose to believe the latter.
Thu Jul 11 12:20:03

She's on the record as being opposed to universal suffrage. For example she doesn't think women should have a vote unless they've "earned it" through military service.

She of course "earned it".

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