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Utopia Talk / Politics / da invisible coedes that spy and steal
Fri Jul 05 01:38:14
on u !!

Instead, the company is using malware and spyware to “get into your phone, your device, and to collect your data,” Mr. Griffin told the outlet.

“Not just traditional consumer data, but using malware, spyware to have complete access to your information. And [taking it] one step further, their code is written in such a way to evade detection,” he said.

Temu is operated by Shanghai, China-based parent company Pinduoduo Inc., which includes “former Chinese communist officials” in its ranks, Mr. Griffin said.


and da source: trusssssst me bro

be very scared yankoids. u know they spy and steal u. they will rob ur bank accounts for several thousands when they already sell u trinkets and toys every few months 4 several hundreds of gil. but hey why settle 4 several hundred when they can steal all ur gils all at once! isnt that what ur bank is 4 btw, 2 protect u from theft like this.

rofl ur socities has gone batshit

bottomline isnt it weird how all chinese giants get targetted and attacked with red rabies like this?

20 years ago, it was said no chinese company could become giants, could become unicorns.

nowadays turns out, chinese unicorns r even bigger and faster than all yankoids. this is why they all get attacked and smeared. aint it. aint it.

Fri Jul 05 01:40:50
convienent isnt it. when told 2 show evidence:

"oh i cant, da codes r invisible and written around da system 2 evade detection u see"

umm ok.

omg yankoids lol

isnt that what apple is 4 btw, they dunt allow nonyankoid spywares on there stores?
Fri Jul 05 01:42:13
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