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Utopia Talk / Politics / a question
Fri Jul 05 07:36:26
Since the Supreme Court is giving immunity for official acts to a past president. Does that mean Biden can commit the same crimes we are anticipating that Trump will pull if elected?
Average Ameriacn
Fri Jul 05 07:39:25
No beacuse Biden has no good intentions.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 05 07:51:00
No because you're retarded and your premise is false.
Fri Jul 05 08:18:52
CC, not my premise. Trumps own declarations of what he'll do if elected. Or don't you listen to his rantings?
Fri Jul 05 08:58:09

Biden could do whatever he wants. The problem is that he won't. He will transfer power peacefully, and then he and everyone else will pretend to be shocked at what follows.

Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 05 09:03:58
[patom (victim of boomer-delusions)]: "Trumps own declarations of what he'll do if elected."

Those are his declarations as interpreted by someone incapable of comprehending plain speech.

"Dictator on day 1" is a Regime hoax. As I said in the other thread:
"Regime media ran with the lie that Trump himself said he was going to be a dictator because of a joke he made, with the actual reality of Trump's statement being that he would start his term with a series of Executive Orders — which Biden *also* did and which is legal."

The Regime is lying to you. Trump is not Hitler 2.0. He's a '90s Democrat. Stop believing the delusional garbage that Joy Reid spouts on MSNBC or Sotomayor spouts in her psychotic dissents. These people are trying to polarize you because they know that weak-minded goblins are more easily pushed to the polls if they believe that the worst thing in the world is happening.
Fri Jul 05 09:50:11
The SC didn't give immunity, they interpreted the law.

Let's be very clear, the office of the POTUS has been littered with otherwise criminal acts.

Many actually if the law were to be applied fairly should be brought up on war crimes.

Like when a sitting POTUS denied due process rights to a US citizen and killed him with a drone strike.
Fri Jul 05 11:44:45
Was that the US citizen who was conspiring with terrorists?
Don't know when or if you ever served in the military but to my knowledge there has always been an understanding that you can't bring civilians to be tried for anything in a military court. This is what Trump wants to do 'Officially' to Liz Cheney.
Apparently it is no longer good enough to be a Republican. Now you will have to be a Trump/MAGA member with Trump's fecal matter all over their lips.
Fri Jul 05 11:47:56
CC I don't listen to MSNBC. I listen to Trump's ravings.
Nobody listened to Hitler and we know how that turned out.
BTW, I'm not a 'boomer' born during WWII.
Fri Jul 05 13:15:39

"Like when a sitting POTUS denied due process rights to a US citizen and killed him with a drone strike."

Yeah ... and all those citizens that were killed on the battlefield without due process during the Civil War.

War means you've volunteered to be a live target.
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