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Utopia Talk / Politics / America DID land on the moon
Mon Jul 08 12:22:56
It is now proven, Russian scientists were able to answer that open question.


Russian space agency head says Moscow has proof America really DID go to the moon

July 5, 2024

American astronauts did really visit the Moon in 1969, the head of Roscosmos, the Russian space corporation, has confirmed.

Speaking to the State Duma, Yuri Borisov publicly revealed that Roscosmos has confirmed proof that the US sent humans to the Moon.

"As for whether the Americans were on the Moon or not, I have one fact to share,” he said. “I was personally interested in this matter. At one time, they provided us with a portion of the lunar soil that the astronauts brought back during their expedition.”

According to Borisov, the lunar soil provided by the United States underwent thorough examination by the Russian Academy of Sciences. The analysis confirmed that the sample was indeed from the Moon.

This scientific validation supports the historical record of the Apollo missions, particularly the landmark Apollo 11 mission in July 1969, when Neil Armstrong became the first human to walk on the Moon, collecting samples of lunar rocks.

Scepticism about the American moon landings has long persisted among the Russian public. A 2020 poll conducted by WCIOM revealed that less than a third of Russians believe that Americans reached the Moon. The survey indicated that 49% of the population doubts the authenticity of the six manned Moon landings between 1969 and 1972. The fluctuation in belief highlights a generational divide, with scepticism being highest among those aged 45 and over, and lowest among young people aged 18-24.
Mon Jul 08 12:45:52
this does not prove anything, kid.

nobody is denyin u went there, eventually.

wut peoples r sayin is that u did not went there at that year.

u was deseperate 2 beat soviets just once coz be4 that soviets was always first.

so u pretended u landed first. by usin hollywood smokescreen.

that is wut "tinfoil hatters" r sayin right now. not that u neva went there. u went there years later after da soviets stopped tryin again.

Mon Jul 08 12:48:15
u lost da technology 2 fly there.

that is wut ur nasa says...

does anyone even believe this horseshit.

like sony lost da techn 2 remake a walkman?

fool of took, can u 4get how 2 swim or ride a bike.

Mon Jul 08 18:58:00

If this doesn't prove it, then all the bags of poop our astronauts left behind on the moon will.


Also all the equipment we left on the surface.

Mon Jul 08 20:39:15
Member Mon Jul 08 12:48:15
u lost da technology 2 fly there.

that is wut ur nasa says...

does anyone even believe this horseshit."

Firstly, NASA is currently on track to put men on the Moon again in 2026-2027.

Secondly, humanity loses institutional knowledge all the time. The Dark Ages are a famous example of that on a civilization-wide level.

It happens in the modern era pretty frequently too. Here's an example where contractors repairing an early 20th century bridge were slowed down in their progress because they had to re-learn construction techniques that hadn't been in use for decades.


The knowledge of how to do that work never fully disappeared of course, there were doubtless plenty of old books and schematics from which the methods could be learned. But the practical ability to apply those methods faded over time, because for generations construction workers had never learned anything about them.

Such is knowledge in general. Knowledge of a fact or practic can technically exist forever in a book or on the Internet...but if no one ever reads it, it just becomes dead content that humanity decided to ignore and forget.
Tue Jul 09 08:35:03

"Firstly, NASA is currently on track to put men on the Moon again in 2026-2027."

Maybe '28-'29.

They are relying on several things that haven't been developed or tested yet, and other stuff that they have to work the bugs out of. They aren't getting this shit done inside of 42 months.
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