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Utopia Talk / Politics / "I hate Taylor Swift!"
Mon Sep 16 07:30:42
This fucking guy.

How is this petulant manchild somehow still the best option in this election? Fuck.
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 16 08:50:13
Fuck Taylor Swift!
I was undecided, but now I'm going to start camping outside my local polling place so I'm first to vote for him. <3
Mon Sep 16 09:01:29
I have never understood why Taylor Swift is so popular. Her music isn’t THAT good.
Mon Sep 16 09:09:29
Children have atrocious taste in music.
Mon Sep 16 09:14:29
Consider that CC is willing to vote for the most Zionist POTUS, ever. Nobody loves Israel and the Jewish people like Trump does :)

For me, that's a win.
Mon Sep 16 09:26:24
I hate her, too. She does not know her place.
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 16 09:34:02
I forgive Trump for his Zionism. Hate of TayTay Trumps Love of Zion <3
Mon Sep 16 09:35:11
"Consider that CC is willing to vote for the most Zionist POTUS, ever. Nobody loves Israel and the Jewish people like Trump does :)"

LOL. It's true though.

Hava nagila ve-nismeha when Trump wins, eh CC? :)
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 16 09:59:58
Well, I wouldn't go that far. Mossad would have to shut down the Taylor Swift psy-op before I spoke the black speech of Mordor. ;p
Mon Sep 16 10:10:10
”the most Zionist POTUS, ever. Nobody loves Israel and the Jewish people like Trump does”

The most zionazi potus ever is Genocide Joe. And he loves them more than Trump does. Trump is only interested in their support.

There is still the possibility that someone shoots Trump. Then both Trump and Biden will be gone.

But the Israel lobby will remain like a cancerous tumor. The US won’t get better until they remove that shit.
Mon Sep 16 10:22:53

"I have never understood why Taylor Swift is so popular. Her music isn’t THAT good."

In the land of the blind ...

the wanderer
Mon Sep 16 22:05:14
Fox News post about the “I hate” ‘tweet’:
“MIC DROP: Trump torches Taylor Swift after the pop superstar announced her endorsement of Vice President Harris in the 2024 election.”

mix drop... torches...

not pathetically embarrassingly childish (& counter productive)

imagine Biden or Harris saying “I HATE HULK HOGAN!” or Kid Rock... pretty sure Fox News wouldn’t find that just cool behavior

why can’t so many people recognize the obvious...
Cherub Cow
Tue Sep 17 22:48:44
I say that I hate things all the time, and it's not bad, and I can recognize that it's not bad because I'm not a retarded cultist, you fucking faggot.

Anyways, Trump is now campaigning for Harris, so he's gonna have to start publicly hating more bad music:

I am now an undecided voter. I oppose the puppet Harris since she represents yet more totalitarian governance, but obliterating Israel? Hmm. What other music does Trump hate?
the wanderer
Tue Sep 17 23:21:26
wow, you actually could see his words!!!

if you had been able to see his words before you'd know he's been giving that message for quite some time: that he's the best thing ever for Israel & Jews (& Christianity)... whereas Dems hate & want to destroy Israel (& Christianity)
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 18 02:46:34
"if you had been able to see his words before"

I *have* been able to see his words previously, you disingenuous faggot. *You* are the one who continuously fails to read anything I've written. I have mentioned his Zionism as a problem for a long fucking time, you illiterate hack.

Whereas, how many times have I told you I didn't read your posts? Fucking *zero*.

This is because you are in a cult, and I am not.

You are a little bitchboy faggot.
I am not.
Wed Sep 18 03:12:30
But also, Harris being the worst thing to happen for Israel has been obvious for a long time. In this case, what is bad for Israel is bad for the USA and the west. I appreciate your attempts to disentangle them, though I remain deeply unconvinced, it is what it is. The Israel critical camp on the right are eclipsed by the one on the left in term of size and organization. Their hatred of Israel runs deep and is interconnected all throughout their idea complex, abbreviated in one concept, Settler colonialism. The same “genocidal” foundation as the United States.

75% of american jews are democrats, still. So, however you imagine this, the “jewish-democrat” coalition remains.
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 18 04:32:08
[Nim]: "75% of american jews are democrats, still."

Because they want this. They want Harris. They want Israel to appear to be in jeopardy.

Does it not occur to people here that jewish people *want* to appear as victims?

The essence of achieving Master-enslaver status using slave morality is that the Master-enslaver must retain power by having the best victim narrative. This is how a Master-enslaver can claim to be "oppressed" despite having immense power, wealth, and influence. Think of how Oprah — a fucking billionaire — claims to be oppressed. It is a transparent pathos manipulation born of slave morality.

Q: Who has the best victim narrative post-WWII?
A: jews
Q: Who cultivated this narrative via Hollywood?
A: jews
Q: Who produces the post-WWII boomer delusion Shoah propaganda?
A: jews
Q: Who purchases Western politicians to push the boomer delusion?
A: jews
Q: Who funds slave morality in the universities, putting jews under threat in a slave revolt?
A: jews
Q: Who is using an asset manager–government ESG/"sustainability" coalition to force slave morality upon Western nations?
A: jews

Q: Why would jews fund and organize a global slave revolt that seems to hurt them in the short term?
A: Because it benefits them in the long term.

The entire principle at work here is that they can cause these slave revolts (oppressor/oppressed dialectics) in universities and then use their subsequent control of universities to make sure that the greater slave revolt stays under their control but *continues* to annihilate White people and Western civilization.

They are merely trying to retain their Master-enslaver status. They do not actually oppose the revolts, they only want immunity from their consequences. So they actually *still* prefer Harris because Harris is a Bolshevik-totalitarian puppet who will continue to effect sustainability governance and thus White genocide.

Whereas, Trump — despite his incessant and desperate pleas for Israeli backing — would either intentionally or accidentally dismantle sustainability governance (e.g., by purging Bolsheviks from the bureaucracy without understanding that Israel wants those Bolsheviks in the bureaucracy). He could pledge immense support for Israel and protect them from attacks, but because he would undermine sustainability, they will only ever give him lip service before the election, and, *if* he is elected, they will then undermine his attempts at stopping the sustainability slave revolt.

Long term, the disaster that Harris would (apparently) cause for Israel is part of Israel's actual objectives. Every attack on Israel can be used as a means of justifying their "victim"/"oppressed" status, which helps them retain power. Just think of all the useful idiots who ran to Israel's defense after October — as easily cowed as the useful idiots of the post-9/11 narrative. Moral people think it impossible that another people would kill their own as pretext for more power, but moral people underestimate immoral destroyers.

What Israel is doing now is building a new post-WWII narrative for themselves. Their post-WWII Shoah scam is drying up, so they're allowing attacks against themselves so that they can justify control of BRICS+. They are selling Western debt to BRICS+, giving BRICS+ control of the West, and they are directing two outcomes:
1) Either the West defeats its right-wing reactionaries, in which case the West is willingly enslaved by BRICS+ under the control of jewish Bolsheviks, White people are annihilated, and Kalergi's slavish "race of the future" is cultivated
2) The West exiles its jews, causing mass-emigration of jews to BRICS+, where jews can use an "oppressed" narrative within BRICS+ to provoke BRICS+ against the Western enemy and spend the next 100 years infiltrating BRICS+ governance.

These people are not our ally.
All that they would have to do to prove some love of the West is to stop pushing sustainability, stop Marxism in universities, stop sending mass-migration into the West, and stop hating White people. Those simply tasks are completely beyond them. That little bit of good faith. They can't do it. They literally cannot do it. Every time you see them pushing back against "woke" on campuses, it is only ever for their own protection — not the West's.
Wed Sep 18 09:51:58
Oh CC. Who else but you could see Israel becoming an international pariah because it had the audacity to *be attacked* by genocidal terrorists, Jewish students being threatened and harassed on American college campuses, Democratic politicians crassly siding with Muslims against Israel in an attempt to secure their votes, and Jewish people being beaten on the streets, and think, "those Jews are faking all of this as part of some two millenia-long conspiracy against white people?"

"Q: Who has the best victim narrative post-WWII?
A: jews
Q: Who cultivated this narrative via Hollywood?
A: jews
Q: Who produces the post-WWII boomer delusion Shoah propaganda?
A: jews"

Yeah, it's a massive conspiracy that the sons and grandsons of the people who experienced the single worst genocide in all of human history might think it to be a significant event that's worthy of remembrance. No way a rational human being would think along those lines unless they had some ulterior motive.

Not everything has to be a devious plot.

"Q: Who produces the post-WWII boomer delusion Shoah propaganda?
A: jews
Q: Who purchases Western politicians to push the boomer delusion?
A: jews
Q: Who funds slave morality in the universities, putting jews under threat in a slave revolt?
A: jews
Q: Who is using an asset manager–government ESG/"sustainability" coalition to force slave morality upon Western nations?
A: jews"

I mean, if we're talking raw dollars here, the answer to all of these is Christians and atheists...and it's not even close.

Ditto for politics. Yes, a majority of Jews are socially liberal and vote Democratic...and they're a tiny percentage of the overall American population that feels the same way. I guess Christians aren't accountable for holding bad views though? Why not?

But sure, the next time I see a story about some freshman Jewish kid being harassed by SJWs and Muslims, I'll be sure to remember that she's secretly orchestrating the incident on the orders of the high Jewish cult so that the Jews may look sympathetic to unsuspecting onlookers. All Jews everywhere are in on it, and they are unfailingly loyal to destroying the goyim.
Sun Sep 29 17:20:12
"Does it not occur to people here that jewish people *want* to appear as victims?"

American, democrat voting Jews are not Israelis thought. I couldn't give two shits about the western Jews who are actively trying to destroy Israel.

I mean it is very simple, small fry or big shark, all the people and movements of the last decades that has slowly been destroying the western world, they all want to destroy Israel, because Israel is a western start up nation. Lefttard, libtards, Islamotards, woke, broke. China, Russia, BRICS. sebgul, parastupid, IBTY, tumbleweed, all of them want Israel destroyed. And for whatever fucking reason I find you bending over backwards to make rescue a point out of Paramount anti-america-Israel rants. Or, that mental hospital escapee that burned himself to death screaming free palestine. I believe you said you admired the convictions or something? Seriously, what the fuck are we doing?
Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 08 02:00:20
[Rugian]: "Who else but you could see Israel becoming an international pariah because it had the audacity to *be attacked* by genocidal terrorists"

That narrative is flimsy propaganda.

Propaganda lie: "[Israel was attacked unprovoked!]"
Reality: Netanyahu deliberately funded terrorist elements in his enemies and sacrificed his own citizens so that he could justify a war that he already wanted with Iran, Lebanon, Syria, and other pre-existing Israel targets.

Propaganda lie: "genocidal terrorists"
Reality: Who funded the terrorists? The Israelies.

Propaganda lie: "Jewish students being threatened and harassed on American college campuses"
Reality: Jewish oligarchs funded this slave revolt on college campuses. Their only complaint is that the oppressor/oppressed dialectic is not currently protecting them. They do not disagree with the revolt itself, and they supported it up until the very moment that it touched them.

Propaganda lie: "Democratic politicians crassly siding with Muslims against Israel in an attempt to secure their votes"
Reality: Those DNC politicians were funded by Jewish oligarchs. They will fall in line — just as AOC fell in line.

Propaganda lie: "Jewish people being beaten on the streets"
Reality: "They cry in pain as they attack you."

Reality: "those Jews are faking all of this as part of some two millenia-long conspiracy against white people"

This is literally in the Talmud. The ultimate goal of judaism is to enslave the world under a jewish master race. This is overtly stated ideology. Their rabbis proclaim this — and not just fringe ones.

Propaganda lie: "the single worst genocide in all of human history"
Reality: The worst genocides have been against White westerners and Bolshevik victims. Consider, for instance, the Holodomor (about 4 million), Maoist famine (about 20 million), and the Khmer Rouge (about 2 million). Consider how many White people died in WWII compared to these supposed "6 million" (about 8.7 million Allied losses).

But it was *not* "6 million". That is a Talmudic lie which began *decades* *before* WWII and *before* WWI. That figure is part of judaistic numerology. The 6 points of the Star of David and its Satanic 666 numerology converge on the figure of "6" as symbolic of the completion of their prophecies and justification for their ascension. They multiply this "6" by multiples of "10" (10 Commandments, 10th Hebrew letter for Jewish "Unity" with "God") to signify their merger with their "God" (what we call Satan). This false-prophecy is part of judaism's belief in the manipulation of "God" to bring about their own will (see, for instance, how they believe they "trick" "God" with "eruv" lines on their sabbath day). In other words, they openly lied about "6 million" as a figure to "trick" "God" into giving them power over the world. They believe that rabbis hold authority over "God" and can use pilpul to bend "God" to their will.

Their shoah myth is a lie and the basis of the post-WWII boomer delusion that has been propagandized in the West through their control of media and Hollywood — which is undeniably and overwhelming jewish-controlled. It was more like 200-something thousand who died, and it was largely due to typhus.

Worse, even *if* we believe their false number of "6 million", why have they "rewarded" the West for liberating them by destroying Western civilization? This is the thought exercise of "Pol's Razor":
"If the Holohoax actually happened, and the Allies really did save jews from evil gas chambers, jews should be building monuments to their White rescuers and singing their praises. Instead, they write article after article, policy after policy, about how all Whites need to be sterilized and exterminated. They are ungrateful to their liberators. Men charged into machine gun fire to save them, and now they're telling the generations that came after that they all deserve to die for the crime of being White.

Thus begs the following questions:
If the Holohoax was real, and jews hate their liberators, doesn't that prove Hitler right about them?
Or alternatively, if jews feel free to attack their liberators and have no guilt in doing so, doesn't that prove the Holohoax never happened?

Why would they initiate anti-Western slave revolts in the universities if they are so thankful and appreciative of the Western culture which (supposedly) liberated them? Because it's a lie. They hate the West and they put the West against itself. They put brother against brother and had Whites kill each other to clear the land for their control of the world. They are doing the exact same thing in Ukraine right now. Why must Ukrainians and Russians die? For Greater Khazaria. They are killing Westerners and claiming their lands through BlackRock debt-control (Larry Fink of BlackRock, of course, being a Talmudic jew).

[Rugian]: "I mean, if we're talking raw dollars here, the answer to all of these is Christians and atheists"

• Nearly *all* directors and producers of shaoh, WWII, and Zionist propaganda are jewish. E.g.,
• (j) Rob Reiner — "A Few Good Men" (1992)
• (j) Steven Spielberg — "Schindler's List" (1993), "Saving Private Ryan" (1998), "Indiana Jones" (1981)
• (j) Claude Lanzmann — "Shoah" (1985)
• (j) Roman Polanski — "The Pianist" (2002)
• (j) Oliver Hirschbiegel — "Downfall" (2004)

*Most* Hollywood producers are jewish, and you can pretty much guarantee that subversive anti-Western films are produced and/or directed by jews.

• Of politicians, AIPAC is an absolute powerhouse in American politics. jews own *most* of our politicians. Thomas Massie pointed out that nearly all representatives have an "AIPAC guy":

• Of ESG/DEI, the central funder is BlackRock, which is operated by the jewish Larry Fink, whose central board is called "Little Israel" by his own people. http://www.ft.com/content/7dfd1e3d-e256-4656-a96d-1204538d75cd

[Rugian]: "Ditto for politics. Yes, a majority of Jews are socially liberal and vote Democratic...and they're a tiny percentage of the overall American population that feels the same way. I guess Christians aren't accountable for holding bad views though? Why not?"

This is false-framing.
jewish people *overwhelmingly* vote for leftist policies (LGTBQ2S+NAMBLA) *and* are *vastly* over-represented in banking schemes (jewish support for ESG/DEI), treasonous policies (anti-1st/2nd/EC policies by Bolsheviks such as Raskin), pedo allegations, and destroyer morality (open immigration, pro-abortion, pro-miscegenation among gentiles, atheism, etc.).

Is the same true of Christians? Fucking *no*.

I have pointed this out before, but you can tell if a people has a master-enslaver morality based on stratification within society. You can find Christians within *all* jobs within society — from military to bricklayers to bankers to politicians. The same *cannot* be said of jews, who seek out near-exclusively positions of power and influence and evade positions which directly contribute to the survival of the nation (e.g., military combat). This is because Chabad groups *explicitly* as a matter of doctrine direct their jewish enclaves into these positions. It is not "aptitude" (a propagandized lie); it is nepotism and destroyer morality. They intentionally infiltrate government positions so that checks and balances can be overridden through ethnic loyalty (e.g., when jewish-financed and controlled ESG/DEI faced a massive lawsuit by the largely White attorneys general of 20+ states, the jewish-controlled SEC denied the lawsuit because the jewish SEC chair supports ESG).

[Rugian]: "But sure, the next time I see a story about some freshman Jewish kid being harassed by SJWs and Muslims, I'll be sure to remember that she's secretly orchestrating the incident on the orders of the high Jewish cult so that the Jews may look sympathetic to unsuspecting onlookers. All Jews everywhere are in on it, and they are unfailingly loyal to destroying the goyim. "

Absolute straw man fallacy.
Where have I *ever* said that *every* jew is in on it with insider knowledge? Fucking *nowhere*. That deceptive framing was very jewish of you, Rugian.

However, there is another interesting thought exercise for that:
"If there [were] a jewish conspiracy then the rational course of action would be to bust the leadership and the organizational structures and leave the pleb jews alone. The alternative is that there is no conspiracy, that the collective jewish antagonism towards their host societies is spontaneous and self-organizing, that it is just a genetic condition of jews to behave like this even in the absence of top-down organization. If this is the case then you can't just bust the leadership or the organization structures, you need to [redacted] the jews on a genetic level. The conspiracy theorists are actually throwing jews a bone, but jews being jews they must bite the hand that feeds them. Bitch, you should want there to be a conspiracy because that is the only way you will be seen as innocent. No conspiracy implies that it is a genetic condition, and if it is a genetic condition then [redacted]"

In WWII Germany, German policy began with busting the top-down conspiracy (e.g., stopping the jewish-Bolshevik banking schemes, stopping jewish subversion in key governmental positions). This did not stop the issue, since top-down jewish leadership in control of other nations then turned the world against Germany, and jewish saboteurs within Germany remained at mid and lower levels. Why do we suppose that would happen?

Trump is going to attempt this same strategy through liquidation of government bureaucracies under Ramaswamy's model of government purges. The idea is to stop the managerial-state Leviathan (a term from Sam Francis) by dis-empowering the bureaucracies and returning power to elected officials. Why do we suppose Soviet Bolsheviks captured bureaucracies?

As for the genetic argument, Nietzsche spoke of this in terms of "immoralism".
A person who passes through nihilism and re-evaluates value (pre-propaganda) may become an "immoralist", which in the genetic sense means re-discovering one's ancestral genetics. In Nietzsche, for the German this meant rediscovering the German "nobility" that he describes at the beginning of "On the Genealogy of Morality". For the jew, this means rediscovering murderous impulses, degradation, debasement, and slave morality. This immoralism is similarly enabled when a person gains power and is less restricted by "herd morality". The genetic equation, then, is that jewish people left to their devices will become murderers and pedos, and if jewish people gain power then — if this immoralism state is true — they will use it for these terrible ends of enslavement (the very ends reflected in their Talmudic principles). This seems largely true.

But, if you do not agree with that genetic argument, then ask what principles of society would prevent an infiltrating genetic group from destroying your society and then ask whether or not those principles are largely opposed by a specific genetic group. Heinlein ("Starship Troopers"), for instance, devised that a simple formula that would prevent destroyers from ascending into positions of power in a Western society would be to require equal parts responsibility and authority (i.e., *earning* the franchise by demonstrating a will to *directly* fight for its very survival).

Why, do we suppose, leftists and jews so thoroughly oppose this and decry it as "fascism", aligning it with the "shoah" and "Hitler"? Why, do we suppose, leftists and jews so rarely see combat roles?
Because leftists and jews know that they are antithetical to the life and survival of the Western state.

In short, the jewish propaganda of the shoah accomplishes two major things:
1) this brainwashes boomers into the negative founding myth of the West, where the West must never become "Hitler" (must never ever ever become right-wing) because "right-wing" would cause another "shoah". Thus, even so-called "conservatives" must believe the shoah propaganda and only every hold the coat tails of the left as we "progress" into a self-destructing leftist society. This unstoppable march leftwards creates the conditions for global enslavement. The boomer is forever denied any counter-action which would effectively stop this march and is resigned to complain about "woke" while tacitly endorsing it due to the demands of the jew.
2) the "shoah" myth suspends the critical thought of the boomer, who terminally writes a blank check to "apologize" for the "sins" of *Germans*. Why, do we suppose, that German actions are the sin of the collective West? Why, do we suppose, the West must pay for the Germans when the West fought against them?

In other words, under this self-destructive anti-foundation myth, you either believe in the shoah myth, justifying jewish ascent into the master-enslaver class that they describe in the Talmud (the ethnic jewish masters of a debased and enslaved humanity), and/or you are drawn to feel guilty for the sins of another people that is "White" only you don't believe in White so in doublethink both cannot identify with your own people while simultaneously apologizing for your people's actions with a blank check / «carte blanche» that excuses all of their actions and subversions.

The left is openly calling Whites as a totality an enemy while sebbishly pretending that White people do not exist as a whole, yet people on the right fall for this same subversion for fear of "Hitler". But there are indeed formulas to disempower destroyers without this open speech on the Jewish Question. Heinlein's formula would completely disempower *any* leftist from holding positions in banking, finance, government, bureaucracy, and military. But would you support it if the jews used their rhetorical weapon and called it "anti-Semitic"?

[Nim]: "screaming free palestine. I believe you said you admired the convictions or something?"

False framing.
I was speaking as a mental exercise. I do not admire his Palestine convictions; what I said was that doing something that awful knowing that it is absolutely unrecoverable is a terrible mental framework to imagine for yourself (i.e., what would bring *you* or *I* to do that? Can *you* or *I* think of *anything*?). I was making this statement — and I said this explicitly at the time — as completely and totally divorced from his political motivations, which I do not support **at all** — not even a little. I was talking about making decisions of absolute sacrifice.

The point was that many people in the West are so abysmally pathetic that they cannot imagine believing something so deeply that they will fight for it and give no ground. That said, self-immolation is itself a cowardly framework, so even the immolation itself I take as a metaphor when searching for that kind of devotion. A further point I was making is that leftists such as tumblefag *clearly* believe similarly and will do unspeakable atrocities on behalf of their state-sponsored religion ("woke"). Do you or I have the will to match that?

[Nim]: "And for whatever fucking reason I find you bending over backwards to make rescue a point out of Paramount anti-america-Israel rants."

I am not anti-American. I absolutely love these United States and have spent and would spend my every living breath defending them and building them in the benevolent vision of my ancestors. I have specifically pointed out which ways this jewish ESG/DEI scheme are designed to make leftists and weaklings on the right hate the West, and I reject those Duginist subversives.

I reject the low-IQ framing of the "[you must support Palestine if you don't like Israel]" Regime shills. The left supports Palestine because of the oppressor/oppressed binary. I do not support Palestine **at all**. I simply recognize that Israel is playing both sides to push the East and West into WWIII. They have jewish intellectuals supporting the slave revolt, *causing* even jewish students to call Israel an "oppressor", and *simultaneously* they are playing the victim of the slave revolt to retain their master-enslaver status. Has second-order thinking fallen so dismally here that people cannot imagine a people so immoral that they would pay to cause pretext for their pre-planned political moves? Do immoral business-owners not torch their properties to collect insurance? What would this look like at the scale of trillions?

So again:
• I do not support the left because they are using the oppressor/oppressed false dichotomy
• I do not support Palestine because they are using the oppressor/oppressed false dichotomy
• I do not support Israel because they are using the oppressor/oppressed false dichotomy

Each of these groups is using the slave revolt. I reject the slave revolt and think it should be suppressed in the Great Name of Titus Caesar Vespansianus. *None* should have this liarly framing of master-"oppressed" from their personal "shoah" myth. Having a political formula that relies on gaining power due to *weakness* is itself anti-life, deterministic, and suicidal. I am none of these. My society is life-affirming, anti-deterministic, and creative.

If you heard nothing else, as a thought exercise, simply ask yourself if you would still support Israel and the jews with the blood of your people if their negative-foundation-myth had never happened.
Tue Oct 08 05:04:23

"Reality: Who funded the terrorists? The Israelies."

Iran funded the terrorists. Israel doesn't want war with Iran. Iran wants war with Israel.

Tue Oct 08 05:13:40
"Israel doesn't want war with Iran."

Tue Oct 08 06:57:44
"False framing.
I was speaking as a mental exercise. I do not admire his Palestine convictions."

I didn't say you admired his opinions, but his conviction. How far he was willing to go. That guy was without a doubt suffering from mental health issues. There was nothing to admire, plenty to pity.
I am not anti-American. I absolutely love these United States and have spent..."

Just some months ago, Paramount had one of his "waaah, death to Israel and America" moments, and you went in and rewrote it for him to just be about Israel.

Do you remember this? You have done this several times regarding Paramount's anti-Israeli rants, "Paramount for president"!!! Remember? Are you under any illusions about where he is coming from? Definitely not. Yet there you are, having a meeting of the minds over Israel.

Maybe I expressed it poorly, but you know I know enough about your positions that I wouldn’t say you support Palestine or hate America. But this is kind of the point — you are bending over backwards to rescue what you think is a baby out of death cult anti-America sewage. Aaaaand that baby is that Jews are a great source of evil etc and so on, death to Israel.

"oppressor/oppressed false dichotomy"

Israel has not marketed itself as a victim in the conflict with the arabs and muslims. The dichotomy is that we are the good guys, the forces of light and creation, we made the desert bloom and prosper, while our enemies are death worshippers who only reign destruction everywhere.

I support Israel for many reasons, but if I am to narrow it down to something you fancy: they are a startup nation, just like the USA. They were created out of conflict, which on paper they should have lost, just like the USA. They have grown strong and mighty, crushing their enemies. They are a culture and society of life, prosperity, technology, and science (they create and build stuff). Meanwhile, their enemies in the surrounding neighborhood worship death and export destruction. This is captured in a tragic and ironic way by Hamas stripping water pipes to create missiles. Playing the victim is part and parcel of their strategy. They are corrupt, poor, and constantly blame everyone else, especially colonialism, Israel, and the West for all their problems and why they never get anywhere.

"If their negative-foundation-myth had never happened."

A thousand times, yes.

This creation myth that you speak of has exactly zero influence on my support for Israel. Maybe back then when it was created, but today it is eclipsed by so many other things. Maybe such a story is a good reason to give something a chance, sure, but that was a long time ago now and it grew less relevant as a reason for support every day that has passed. And you put those chances and venture capital side by side and clearly the Israelis did something great and worthy of inspiration, truly something to admire. While the arabs and muslims *fart noise*. And to now let those forces of envy, darkness, death and backwardness come and destroy Israel? Never has it been so easy to pick a side.
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