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Utopia Talk / Politics / that wut u get 4 eatin
Mon Sep 23 15:15:41
how dare u eat.


Mon Sep 23 15:18:02
look at da dude vs da females

them females look like 5'5 he is prolly 6'9 and cryin like a little biatch

that right, nowhere safe 4 u
Mon Sep 23 15:20:10
holy shit look at size difference.

@40s da hand of da girl vs his hand...
unless she like a dwarf or somethin...

dont seem like it, so dude is like 7 foot tall and cryin his eyeballs out coz he shittin blood everywhere from diarhea milk he drank in india

good game
Mon Sep 23 16:02:17
At first I thought this was a scene with Kramer from Seinfeld. But it’s hard to tell what’s real or fake these days. I think there are a lot of real people who are like this weeping guy.

Street milk? It must have been the milk from a street dog that he drank? I bet this guy is an influencer and has his own youtube channel.
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