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Utopia Talk / Politics / Immigrants are poisoning the blood ...
Tue Sep 24 07:23:44
The US is drowning in immigrants!

They are poisoning the blood of our country!

The are destroying our economy!


Hey lets all move down to Miami!
Tue Sep 24 07:25:41

Foreign born: 54%

Native Spanish speakers: 66.5%

Tue Sep 24 07:30:59
^ Miami-Dade County

City of Miami ...

Foreign born: 58%

Native Spanish speakers: 70%

Fuck off all of you! Find somewhere else to move to!
Tue Sep 24 07:34:08
I mean, let's be real here...Miami is a place for rich dudes to engage in drug-fueled orgies with hot Cuban hookers while pretending that they're a cooler version of Tony Montana.

Good luck finding anyone who wants to put a stop to that.
large member
Tue Sep 24 09:26:03
Sam Adams
Tue Sep 24 09:42:59
That US uncontrolled immigration is usually hispanics rather than the hordes of africa and pakistan, is something i am thankful for every day.
Tue Sep 24 10:56:33
Hispanics by all rights SHOULD be the new Irish or Italians, successfully-assimilated Americans who are fully integrated into mainstream society.

Instead, fucktard leftists in the 60s opened up the borders, forgetting in the process that previous generations of immigrants were required to be Americanized as part of the process of mixing them into the melting pot.

The results speak for themselves. Some Hispanics are integrated and lead great lives here. Others are basically Latino nationalists who think that willfully segregating themselves into Bantustans is the way to go. Fuck speaking English in exchange for a comfortable middle-class existence, they're too busy representing la raza.

Patriotic education and Americanization seriously needs to make a major comeback. And the next multinational corporation that decides to pander to the spics with a Spanish-language-ad should be declared an enemy of the United States and have its assets seized. Enough already.
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