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Utopia Talk / Politics / shit about P01135809 +his shit assocs#50
the wanderer
Tue Sep 24 11:10:05
heaps of asshole R's: 'Dems need to tone down the rhetoric!'

"...They are a threat to democracy. The Democrats are a threat to democracy."
(as he says regularly & much worse)

the supposed rhetoric they claim Trump was shot at for... (even though definitely not on 1st guy, & probably not on 2nd guy who hated Trump since seeing his 'presidency')... but shitbag Trump has no problem stating it was the reason

yet nobody can criticize Trump... they just duck & dodge whenever asked
the wanderer
Tue Sep 24 16:50:10
guy who repeatedly urged Mitch to 'go nuclear!':
Congratulations to Senator Joe Manchin for not endorsing Radical Kamala Harris because of her DEATH WISH for the Filibuster and the Rule of Law. Joe knows that only the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, can protect our Country, our People, and Make America Great Again!

(& of course pretending Manchin endorsed Trump)
Tue Sep 24 17:49:04

Manchin does endorse Trump, even if he hasn't said it. Remember that he was considering running third party to try to steal votes from Biden.

the wanderer
Wed Sep 25 00:28:58
no, he hoped this would be the year for a 3rd party (which it could have been w/ Biden v Trump)
the wanderer
Wed Sep 25 00:31:45
I briefly watched an interview of Stephen Colbert on highly government subsidized PBS, and found it fascinating for only one reason — Why would they be wasting time and the public’s money on this complete and total loser? He is not funny, which he gets paid far too much to be, he is not wise, he is VERY BORING, and his show is dying from a complete lack of viewers —Gutfeld, on cable, is killing him! CBS should terminate his contract and pick almost anyone, right off the street, who would do better, and for FAR LESS MONEY — Or I could recommend someone, much more talented, and smarter, who would do it for FREE! The good news for Stephen is that the two DOPES on NBC & ABC are not much better than him!

he had similar for Bill Maher after his last episode

such focus... such maturity... such normal & non-idiotic behavior...
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 25 03:36:11
"Are you suffering from TDS?"
Wed Sep 25 08:08:05

"no, he hoped this would be the year for a 3rd party (which it could have been w/ Biden v Trump)"

There is never going to be a year for a third party. The system isn't set up to accommodate third parties. In fact the system is set up to sabotage third parties.

Joe Manchin didn't just hatch. He knows how our system works. He was trying to undercut Biden, just like he did in the Senate.
the wanderer
Wed Sep 25 11:09:50
if his motive was wanting Trump, why would it matter that Biden dropped out? he would run regardless
Wed Sep 25 11:30:50

He tried to run when Biden dropped out. But he couldn't get any support.

the wanderer
Wed Sep 25 12:31:36
guy who fabricates insane theories regularly...

"As you know, there have been two assassination attempts on my life, that we know of, and they may or may not involve -- but possibly do -- Iran. But I don't really know because in the first case, in Butler... the FBI has been unable to open the three potentially foreign-based apps and in the second case the assassin had 6 cell phones in his car but the FBI has likewise been unable to penetrate their guard, shouldn't be tough to do. They want to know, and I want to know, & maybe the whole world wants to know, who was he calling?"
(then insinuations the FBI slacking off as hate him)


jesus fuck...

(this was part of his rant that Biden should be threatening Iran with war more over threats to Trump)

oh, 'foreign-based' app!!! 'who was he calling?' yeah, i'm sure it was Iran...

'shouldn't be tough to do'...

so much assholery in one plump shitbag
the wanderer
Wed Sep 25 14:26:30
clearly deranged person:

"All of your furniture-makers are going to come back, and come back bigger and stronger and better than ever before. They're mostly gone. They're all coming back. This is why people in countries want to kill me, they're not happy with me, it's a risky business. This is why they want to kill me. They only kill consequential 'president's, remember that."


i'll bet Ikea is not trying to kill him... nor any furniture-based foreign country, nor any country at all over his empty promises of any kind

(& i'll assume Mint-Hill, NC is known for furniture making... he said all this same shit when he ran in 2016, 'everything (in whatever area speaking) is coming back!' ...& also mass deporting all illegals... yet didn't happen...)
the wanderer
Thu Sep 26 11:53:11
lying shitbag:
SHOCKING BREAKING NEWS: As exposed by the Great John Solomon, a REAL Journalist who cares about the TRUTH, and the GREAT work of Congressman Barry Loudermilk and Republicans on the House Oversight Committee, the Deep State chose to disregard my direct authorization of at least 10,000 National Guard Troops to ensure that Washington, D.C., was safe and secure on January 6, 2021. These Deep State subversives disobeyed the President’s directives [complete lie], which would have prevented any unrest that day - January 6th, as it is known, would never have taken place.

These revelations END the Sham J6 Civil Hoaxes and the lawless D.C. Case [not remotely] brought by Deranged Jack Smith, which has already been demolished by the United States Supreme Court’s Historic Immunity and Fischer Decisions. I called for everyone to act PEACEFULLY and PATRIOTICALLY, and demanded [lie] that D.C. be PROTECTED. The Deep State, and Crazy Nancy Pelosi, who admitted to her daughter on videotape that she was “responsible,” have to be held to account, including for the damages, wasted resources, and time spent defending the Witch Hunts and Hoaxes[absurd]. We have to SAVE our broken Justice System! [with the most corrupt lawless piece of shit tyrant we can find?]

total bullshit

& of course it does NOT end the J6 case, as the case is NOT ABOUT THE FUCKING RIOT
the wanderer
Thu Sep 26 11:58:32
get out your credit cards again, cultists!

"The Official Trump Watch Collection is here, and these Watches are truly special — You’re going to love them. Would make a great Christmas Gift. Don’t wait, they will go fast. GET YOUR TRUMP WATCH RIGHT NOW! Go to ... "

- $100,000 ---- start bribing!
- $799 & $499 - for the rank & file cultist, struggling w/ groceries

also noted:
"The images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the product"
(as done w/ the shoes)

so spend huge money on a mystery product...
the wanderer
Fri Sep 27 22:04:57
guy who very regularly talks of censoring & jailing opponents:
Why does Fox put this FRAUDULENT LIAR on Television? Why don’t they put the people on that are going to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN? Fox is just as bad as she is!

by the surrounding comments, he's talking about Faux covering Kamala's speech

yes, how dare they do such a thing...
the wanderer
Mon Sep 30 17:04:26
total lying shitbag on North Carolina disaster relief:

... I "don’t like the reports that I’m getting about the Federal Government, and the Democrat Governor of the State, going out of their way to not help people in Republican areas. MAGA!"

i'm sure those are real "reports" & not completely fabricated by shitbag...

fuck. you.
the wanderer
Mon Sep 30 17:32:36
he also made up that Gov Kemp is having trouble getting in touch w/ Biden (contrary to what Kemp has said)

such a fucking asshole
the wanderer
Tue Oct 01 16:36:30
guy plotting world domination i guess:
the wanderer
Tue Oct 01 17:59:31
not long ago fuckhead said 'nobody knows what a phone app is', & now "They have an app used by the cartel leaders... The cartel leaders call the app and they say where to drop the illegal migrants"

yep, that's how apps work... place a call to the app & someone tells you info...

"Nobody knows more about technology than me"
the wanderer
Tue Oct 01 18:04:36
video of ^that
Tue Oct 01 18:06:05

His uncle was a professor at MIT so ...

the wanderer
Tue Oct 01 22:46:24
yep, that does prove he's smart... as he's told us many many times... (& don't forget that dementia test he passed 6 years ago!... that was amazing & must still be bragged about)
the wanderer
Fri Oct 04 18:39:30
Yes they can control the weather.

It’s ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can’t be done.

about the hurricane i guess...
the wanderer
Fri Oct 04 21:48:56
more cult grift

Oklahoma GOP is requiring schools to provide bibles... bibles which must include the Constitution and Declaration of Independence

gee, where will they find a bible matching those idiotic requirements...
Sat Oct 05 07:31:13

Apparently they've never read the bible.

You're not supposed to add to the word of god.

Sat Oct 05 07:32:43

btw that is so fucking illegal it's not funny.

Of course we now have a clown car where we used to have a Supreme Court so ...

the wanderer
Sat Oct 05 11:32:37
transparently obviously funneling public funds to dear leader is all fine to the GOP/cult

just like taking hundreds of classified docs (including very sensitive ones) & not even claiming a mistake, just claiming a law allowed him to do it when that law very clearly doesn't... all fine to the cult

trying to get the election overturned not by showing he won, but just by making up false claims (& just forging elector docs to pretend they have meaning)... all fine to the cult

undermining all faith in elections, DOJ, judges, prosecutors; continuously claiming opponents are breaking the law w/ NOTHING cited; telling people the fed govt is doing nothing for hurricane victims; lying about migrants to massively fear-monger; lying about fucking EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME... all fine to the cult
the wanderer
Sat Oct 05 17:50:57
Elon Musk speaking at the Trump rally

& claiming Dems want to take away free speech (seriously, what the fuck is their example beyond covid?), & take away right to bear arms (never come close to being tried & won't be), & right to vote 'effectively'... yadda yadda

just another shitbag
the wanderer
Sat Oct 05 17:53:06
& let's ignore Trump's repeated comments about pulling licenses of networks not nice to him... & smearing outlets across the board who write negative stories of him (never showing them to be false stories of course)...

& Trump wanting 1 year in prison &/or deportation for flag burning, & aggressive hatred of all protesters of him...

yeah, Dems are the threat to free speech...
Sat Oct 05 20:18:08

All they do is lie, but everyone who believes them wants to.

This nation is fucked.

the wanderer
Mon Oct 07 11:31:15
Trump repeatedly is spreading the lie that hurricane funds were diverted to migrants & not going for hurricane aid (he'll lie on any & everything to generate hatred of migrants)

plus repeatedly lying the gov't only offering $750 to hurricane victims (the $750 is an emergency survival/supply thing that is just easier to get than other aid)

& generally claiming the gov't is not helping anyone in need

such a great leader...

Mon Oct 07 12:26:25
Fly them to NYC and put them in the hotels that have been stuffed with muhhhh migrants
Mon Oct 07 20:58:29

But only the Democrats. Leave the Republicans to their fates with their small government.

Can't get any smaller than $0, zeo drinking water, and zero food and housing assistance.

Mon Oct 07 20:58:59
zero* drinking water
the wanderer
Tue Oct 08 12:25:49
the mature professional response by the spokesman of a candidate for US president about a new Bob Woodward book:

None of these made up stories by Bob Woodward are true and are the work of a truly demented and deranged man who suffers from a debilitating case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Woodward is an angry, little man and is clearly upset because President Trump is successfully suing him because of the unauthorized publishing of recordings he made previously. President Trump gave him absolutely no access for this trash book that either belongs in the bargain bin of the fiction section of a discount bookstore or used as toilet tissue. Woodward is a total sleazebag who has lost it mentally, and he's slow, lethargic, incompetent and overall a boring person with no personality.
~ Steven Cheung, man-child Communications Director of man-child 'presidential' candidate
the wanderer
Wed Oct 09 19:11:14
insane person:

the wanderer
Thu Oct 10 22:10:35
Trump on '60 Minutes' editing (in cramming a 45 min interview into 20 mins they cropped down portions of her answers, which was revealed when they weirdly used different portions on dif shows... yet something Fox does for Trump regularly):

A giant Fake News Scam by CBS & 60 Minutes. Her REAL ANSWER WAS CRAZY, OR DUMB, so they actually REPLACED it with another answer* in order to save her or, at least, make her look better. A FAKE NEWS SCAM, which is totally illegal**. TAKE AWAY THE CBS LICENSE***. Election Interference. She is a Moron, and the Fake News Media wants to hide that fact. An UNPRECEDENTED SCANDAL!!!**** The Dems got them to do this and should be forced to concede the Election?***** WOW!

The fraud committed by 60 Minutes and CBS, together with the Democrat Party, is the single Biggest Scandal in Broadcast History!**

60 Minutes is a major part of the News Organization of CBS, which has just created the Greatest Fraud in Broadcast History**. CBS should lose its license***, and it should be bid out to the Highest Bidder, as should all other Broadcast Licenses***/****/*****, because they are just as corrupt as CBS — and maybe even WORSE!

With me, 60 Minutes does the exact opposite! They take everything I say, realize how totally BRILLIANT it is, and take it out****. So, with Kamala they add*, with “TRUMP,” they delete. Like the Democrat Party, THEY ARE A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!

CBS and 60 Minutes, working with the Democrats, probably did the same thing with the Crooked Joe Biden interviews as they did for Kamala - Changed his answers so that he looked intelligent, which he is not. With me they probably edit my answers to make me look as bad as possible. I have always felt that, but now, with the Kamala Scandal, the worst and most blatant in the history of broadcasting**, we have the PROOF that 60 Minutes, and CBS, play DIRTY. Real Creeps!

***** WTF??? MAX CRAZY

he had another where he clearly made up other shit but i guess they deleted that one

that being said, probably not a good thing for media to be doing (though definitely happens for rambling idiot Trump on Fox)... CBS didn't replace or create a 'good' answer, just didn't give her full answer which probably happens quite a lot when fitting stuff into time slots

however, a candidate for president yet again claiming non-illegal shit is illegal & yet again calling to cancel network licenses is massively insane & unacceptable (+ his constant crazy drama queen behavior)
Thu Oct 10 22:33:35
60min of interview for 20min of content seems pretty standard for someone who has to notify her staffers that they stumbled into an unplanned live broadcast.
the wanderer
Fri Oct 11 12:06:00
a definitely accurate depiction:

It has just come out that Democrats in Washington and the Democrat Governor’s Office of North Carolina (Roy Cooper) were blocking people and money from coming into North Carolina to help people in desperate need. Biden knew about it, and so did Kamala! It’s all over the place – A HORRIBLE SITUATION. I will make it up to everyone when we take Office on January 20th. HOLD ON, I’M COMING!
<seems to be from a false social media claim... how unusual for him...>

fuck truth, vote Trump!!

he'll tell you how great he is & how great he's doing & you'll believe it w/o question

...& he'll tell you how evil all who oppose or criticize him are (or those who just reveal the shit he does where he'll claim everything they say is a lie while providing no evidence & you'll believe it w/o question)

...& he'll want to arrest those people and/or strip broadcast licenses & you'll love it

(...& he'll sell you yet more overpriced worthless shit... & take massive bribes from foreigners as already shown repeatedly...)
the wanderer
Fri Oct 11 13:17:31
Trump is bravely holding a rally in Aurora, CO where he claimed Venezuelan gangs are taking over the city (pop 400,000)

all based on a story of the gang taking over an apartment building (bldg/city, same diff)

...which was false
Fri Oct 11 17:05:56
Denver alone received over 40,000 migrants. In *one* year.

Total city population = 710,000.

What do you call that if not a takeover? If that rate keeps up foreigners would be a majority in a major American city in less than a decade's time.
Fri Oct 11 17:07:01
Bah. *two decade's
the wanderer
Fri Oct 11 17:54:40
i see no reason the rate would keep up, but if Venezuelans are living here for 20 years, maybe they aren't Venezuelans any more...

& not at all what lying shitbag is talking about anyway, he opened w/ claiming the gangs have taken over several apartment buildings (actual # is zero)

as w/ many of his claims the difference between zero & non-zero very significant

i'm guessing he hasn't been to Springfield yet as can't find someone to lie that their dog was eaten by Haitians (who wouldn't be immediately exposed)
the wanderer
Fri Oct 11 17:58:11
image on Trump's feed:

...as has happened zero times
the wanderer
Fri Oct 11 17:59:30
as is this one for that matter (& not for the first time):
the wanderer
Fri Oct 11 19:09:45
We are now known, all throughout the world, as OCCUPIED AMERICA...But to everyone here in Colorado and all across our nation, I make you this vow: November 5th, 2024 will be LIBERATION DAY in America. I will rescue Aurora and every town that has been invaded and conquered—and we will put these vicious and bloodthirsty criminals in jail or kick them the hell OUT OF OUR COUNTRY.

conquered... (& apparently all of the 'invaders & conquerors' are vicious & bloodthirsty criminals... so that's the run-of-the-mill migrants)
the wanderer
Sun Oct 13 13:11:42
champion of unbiased news:
FoxNews spends so much time interviewing the other side that we must win, DESPITE them. So crazy! People like Fowler, Wolf, Murphy, Tarloff(?), and others, with little or no competent pushback. They want to be ”Fair and Balanced,” just like CNN & MSDNC! Conservatives want a real voice. The two “new readers,” A.N. & E.S., on NOW, are TERRIBLE!

-Trump wants fair news! (as he explicitly criticizes "Fair and Balanced" coverage & attacks them whenever any Dem or any Trump critic on)

-weaponizing DOJ against political opponents is wrong! (w/ no sign of it by Biden, while Trump regularly wanting it...)

the wanderer
Sun Oct 13 16:59:02
Trump saying 'fuck congress, i'm the boss'

*extremely* obvious wanna-be dictator
Sun Oct 13 18:17:25
"I won. Deal with it." Obama such a dictator.
the wanderer
Sun Oct 13 22:18:15
after you idiots crazily re-elect this insanely obviously unfit idiot, i'm totally going to be wearing out my 'i,t,o,l,d,y,u,s' keys
Sun Oct 13 23:44:03

"after you idiots crazily re-elect this insanely obviously unfit idiot, i'm totally going to be wearing out my 'i,t,o,l,d,y,u,s' keys"

Nope. No. Don't even.

You're going to be to busy dodging I told yous from me.

And why would you tell them anything? They will get exactly what they want. It's not like they think he's anything other than he is.
the wanderer
Sun Oct 13 23:54:31
from you about what? Biden leaving the race?
doom & gloom lifted when he got out giving D's a chance (but he's still to blame for ever running & screwing up a proper primary)

w/ inflation, it was a cakewalk win for R's, but they chose the most disgusting divisive piece of shit in existence thus giving D's a chance
Mon Oct 14 02:02:23

Uh-huh. Right. Except that I told you so.

I told you what would happen. Joe Biden could and did peel angry disaffected white voters in swing states away from Trump just 4 short years ago. Kamala can't. I told you so.

I told you the Dems would have no choice but to nominate her and what the result would be.

Every panicky anti-Trumper unwittingly conspired to elect Donald Trump.

Mon Oct 14 02:12:15

I explained this to you months ago in as simple a way possible.

> Anyone still considering voting for Trump is at least a little racist and at least a little misogynist.

> As an angry old white guy, Joe Biden is a close enough analog to Trump to make him an acceptable alternative to angry white voters.

> By substituting Kamala for Biden, all those voters were forfeited to Trump. As with the rest of his life, Trump didn't have to work for anything. They were gifted to him. Kamala would have to make up those votes and then some somewhere in the swing states. She can't.

Even record turnout from black women won't get the job done. Trying to manufacture new voters is much harder than simply appealing to existing active voters.
the wanderer
Mon Oct 14 11:02:48
Biden would not have won... he barely won when he wasn't struggling to be alive

Trump's deal w/ the devil continues

though still a chance he loses as polling w/ any accuracy so hard to do anymore... could be tons of non-fratrapist-guy yoots who will turn out against him, or R's w/ any sanity will start noticing how even most of Trump's old administration is against him on just fitness grounds
the wanderer
Mon Oct 14 12:27:41
Trump's Trumperica:

A North Carolina man was arrested over the weekend for allegedly threatening harm against FEMA employees responding to Hurricane Helene, according to the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office.

William Jacob Parsons, 44, was arrested and charged with Going Armed to the Terror of the Public, a misdemeanor, Capt. Jamie Keever said in a news release issued Monday.

“Parsons was armed with a handgun and a rifle,” Keever said.


On Saturday, FEMA workers had to halt their work in Rutherford County due to reports National Guard troops saw “armed militia” threatening the workers, CNN affiliate WBTV confirmed after reviewing messages sent to employees of a FEMA contractor.


Some FEMA operations were also paused Sunday in Ashe County, near the borders of Tennessee and Virginia, out of an abundance of caution, Sheriff B. Phil Howell said on Facebook. This included in-person applications for aid in at least two locations “due to threats occurring in some counties,” according to the county’s emergency management office.

the wanderer
Mon Oct 14 14:56:01
obvious nutbag:

I believe it is very important that Kamala Harris pass a test on Cognitive Stamina and Agility. Her actions have led many [[DOUBT IT]] to believe that there could be something very wrong with her. Even 60 Minutes and CBS, in order to protect Lyin’ Kamala, illegally [[CRAZY]] and unscrupulously replaced an answer she had given [[NOPE]], which was totally “bonkers,” with another answer that had nothing to do with the question asked [[NOPE]]. Also, she is slow and lethargic in answering even the easiest of questions. We just went through almost four years of that, we shouldn’t have to do it again!
Mon Oct 14 17:24:03
They should really test her for drugs and alcohol. That bitch slurs her words in every interview.
the wanderer
Mon Oct 14 18:18:16
whiny bitch who definitely does not support a free press or free speech:
Neil Cavuto has one of the worst shows on Television—and the worst rated on FoxNews. The people on Fake News CNN are better!
Mon Oct 14 20:22:14

"Biden would not have won... he barely won when he wasn't struggling to be alive"

Barely won?

Biden: 81,283,501 ... 306 electoral votes

Trump: 74,223,975 ... 232 electoral votes

I think you've been spending too much time consuming Trump's bullshit.
Mon Oct 14 20:26:18

"Trump's deal w/ the devil continues"

What happened to his deal with the devil the last cycle?

Angry white guy Joe Biden happened.

Hillary lost because she lost those voters, and now the Democrats are about to do it again. Outsmarting themselves like only complete morons do.

Of course the billionaires and millionaires who concocted this scheme don't care because they will be fine either way. Here or in some other country. Everyone else gets to suffer the fruits of their brilliant plan.
Mon Oct 14 20:34:07

No one cares that Donald Trump is ancient and insane ... and no one would have cared that Biden is ancient and insane.

Not enough to affect their votes.

This was an own goal by the Democratic elite.

They handed this country back to a maniac.

Biden would have been reelected and then he could have been forced to step down. Instead we've got this. 3 weeks until election day and suddenly Democrats are concerned that the psycho screaming "They're eating the dogs!" is going to win, but they still haven't figured out why.

the wanderer
Mon Oct 14 21:33:17
Biden's win involved swing states w/ pretty slim victories & that was w/ Trump's idiocy fresh in minds & no inflation problem

we've been through this before & see it differently

what's guaranteed is a total clusterfuck of an election w/ Trump spewing lies since forever that will continue forever & Faux putting out bullshit too (as shown on Jon Oliver's last show: shitbag host Maria Bartiromo put out a story of migrants being registered at a DMV in TX solely based on a facebook post of a friend of a friend's wife... the DMV mentioned doesn't even exist & no improper registrations were found being filed... yet shitbag criminal AG Paxton launching an investigation into it anyway... constant fucking lies...)

+ Georgia requiring hand counts by 3 people of all ballots & if the counts don't match (as they won't when lots of them), officials have power to just not use any of the ballots (& where are the counts most likely to not match? high pop (thus D) precincts... & tons of other nonsense

+ Heritage Foundation put out 'undercover' video of going to an apt complex & asking non-citizens if they were registered to vote (while claiming they were there to help register them) then some saying already registered (as you might if just trying to get rid of assholes at your door) & Heritage Foundation pretending that showed non-citizens were registering/voting (even though zero of them actually found on voter rolls)... a video shitbag Elon Musk amplified

country = doomed
Mon Oct 14 22:01:58

"Biden's win involved swing states w/ pretty slim victories"

Welcome to presidential elections in the US. Are you new to this?

Guess what Trump's win involved, and what this coming result will involve.
Mon Oct 14 22:04:39

It's those very slim swing state margins that the Democrats set on fire.

the wanderer
Tue Oct 15 15:35:44
the insane choice for president:
Does Ian Sams, Lyin’ Kamala’s Special Advisor, own FoxNews? He is on all the time, as are so many other of her supporters. So ridiculous that Fox allows this to happen right before the Election. We will WIN without Fox. MAGA2024!

sure, the bulk of Fox programming/hosts openly shill for Trump but those couple hours of supposedly real news are a real problem...
the wanderer
Tue Oct 15 15:37:25
little girl's diary entry:
I had a Town Hall in Pennsylvania last night. It was amazing! The Q and A was almost finished when people began fainting from the excitement and heat. We started playing music while we waited, and just kept it going. So different, but it ended up being a GREAT EVENING!
the wanderer
Tue Oct 15 15:38:47
guy who has sided w/ N Korea ever since falling in love w/ Kim Jong Un (none of that was weird at all...):

North Korea just blew up the railway going to South Korea. Here we go, this is BAD NEWS! “Only Trump can solve it.”
Tue Oct 15 18:18:35

"North Korea just blew up the railway going to South Korea. Here we go, this is BAD NEWS! “Only Trump can solve it.”"

It doesn't sound like bad news.

the wanderer
Tue Oct 15 22:07:49
NK definitely wants Trump so maybe they'll stir shit up to fuel his 'this wouldn't have happened if i was 'president'!' shit (as already doing there)

he insults S. Korea whenever the topic comes up & never has a bad word for Kim or NK (just like w/ Putin)
the wanderer
Tue Oct 15 22:09:01
apparently his little girl diary tweet was because during his town hall for women he stopped taking questions & played music for 39 mins while swaying to it on stage (which then got reported as weird as it was weird, so he has to tell it wasn't weird)

and here's how his spokesman-child described it:

“Total lovefest at the PA townhall! Everyone was so excited they were fainting so @realDonaldTrump
turned to music. Nobody wanted to leave and wanted to hear more songs from the famous DJT Spotify playlist!”
~ Steven Cheung (Trump's NK pink lady)
the wanderer
Thu Oct 17 11:16:34
whiny child dictator:
Why does Suzanne Scott of FoxNews keep putting on third rate “talking heads” like Jessica Tarlov, Richard Fowler, Patrick Murphy, “something” Wolf, Keisha Lance Bottoms, and other Radical Left Lunatics that lie, and make up statements, with Fox, rarely having any counter to their storytelling? It is so bad for winning the Most Important Election in the History of our Country. Likewise, not a moment goes by when I’m not looking at negative, false Ads that the other camp stuffs the Fox airwaves with. If I win and, I hope for the Country’s sake that I do, and this Radical Left Moron, Kamala, doesn’t get a chance to run the Country, it is DESPITE Fox, not because of them!

one of his propaganda outlet's ~2 hours of non-propaganda really hurts... gotta complain regularly... (oh, & they shouldn't show ads by Dems either... who cares that his ads air on all networks... he's a special little boy)
Thu Oct 17 11:36:51
If you don't consider those people to be propagandists for their own side then you are absolutely lost in your ideological bubble.

Is Trump actually running ads on CNN and MSNBC? That seems like a waste of money if true.

I can say that Harris has absolutely blitzkrieged YouTube...every other video starts with one of her ads, whether the video is political or not...have seen zero pro-Trump ones there
the wanderer
Thu Oct 17 14:10:52
yes, news outlets put on 'R strategists' & 'D strategists'... it's what they do

Faux instead also has numerous hosts who are propagandists... & is the bulk of their programming... Trump wants nothing BUT Trump propagandists & flips out on ANYONE D or R critical of him who gets on air, he considers Faux his personal outlet to push only his position (he -incredibly- clearly has this fucked up position)

There are numerous Trump pushers on CNN (none repeat his idiotic claims, just do the white-washing of them... like just last night on 'eating the dogs', an asshole defended by saying "Trump says that's what was reported" (not "it was being reported", just '-Trump says- it was reported'... so fair for a presidential candidate to shout out to the nation according to asshole... it was never reputably reported... & debunked as usual, w/ no retraction (ever on anything)... but whatever)

and yes there are regular Trump ads on CNN... pretty much every one here in PA claiming Kamala will ban fracking (she hasn't said that in 5 years & specifically said she no longer has that position, but whatever)
the wanderer
Thu Oct 17 14:14:46
totally insane nutbag:

60 MINUTES SHOULD BE IMMEDIATELY TAKEN OFF THE AIR - ELECTION INTERFERENCE. CBS SHOULD LOSE ITS LICENSE. THIS IS THE BIGGEST SCANDAL IN BROADCAST HISTORY. Kamala should be investigated and forced off the Campaign, and Joe Biden allowed to take back his rightful place (He got 14 Million Primary Votes, she got none!). THIS WHOLE SORDID AND FRAUDULENT EVENT IS A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!

(this is over them playing half her answer in one place & the the other half another place)

Faux definitely trims Trump's answers as well (& i'm sure fully hides some, especially when friend Hannity 'interviews' him)

so anyway... let me know if anyone whatsoever is also calling for Kamala to drop out of the race because of CBS's inconsequential time-based editing decision... (not insane at all...)
(or even claiming this is a huge scandal, let alone biggest in history)

the wanderer
Thu Oct 17 14:22:20
example of Faux doing it (& deliberately to help Trump, not what CBS did obviously as they played both parts of her answer):


note the edit right at end, that was by Faux

after saying he would declassify Epstein files he then waffled & they cut out that section
the wanderer
Thu Oct 17 14:23:38
this clip has his full answer

anyway, regardless of their motive, apparently Trump should now drop out of the race & Faux be pulled off the air

if Biden or Harris posted that it would be weird right?

the wanderer
Thu Oct 17 14:46:18
CNN looked into the watches he was selling, trying to figure out where made (& unable to), but found the mailing address for the company (TheBestWatchesOnEarth) in Wyoming is also used by dozens of other businesses including his Trump sneakers... & one (TheBestHoneyOnEarth... very similar name...) selling "Male Enhancement Honey" which the FDA warns against using

CNN was unable to find documentation of a direct link between the honey company and Trump. Reached by email, a spokesperson for the honey seller, Vladimir Dmitriev, called it “a highly reputable company,” but declined to respond to a list of questions. Though none of the questions mentioned Trump, Dmitriev told CNN, “We’ve received direction from our leadership in the US not to engage with any news agencies (specifically CNN) until after November 5th,” which is Election Day.

Asked in a follow up email if the company had any business ties to Trump, the company responded that it “cannot provide any information or details at this time.”
pay-walled link:

so Trump may or may not be (but really sounds like it) partnered w/ Russians to enlarge or harden your dick w/ honey... (ie. scam you in yet one more way)

somehow not as weird or crazy as the shit he says, just couldn't let it slide... also, his $60 USA Bibles are made in China...
Thu Oct 17 15:36:30
Lol. Tw is still falling for the Russian trump connection bullshit the media feeds him.

Someone who can learn would look at this skeptically after being hoodwinked over pissgate.

But not tw.

Because tw is dumb.
the wanderer
Thu Oct 17 21:37:54
and you believe Trump is tough on Putin i assume?

his record of defending Russia & praising Putin 100% of the time is all a smokescreen...
Thu Oct 17 22:21:24

"Reached by email, a spokesperson for the honey seller, Vladimir Dmitriev ..."

Vladimir, huh? Wow ... I'm so surprised. </sarcasm>

Thu Oct 17 22:23:08

Trump, his aides, and the GOP, have 100,000,000 ties to Russia.

"lol! You're still falling for the Russia connection?" -- obaminated

the wanderer
Fri Oct 18 14:26:33
so during that weird 39 min of songs 'town hall', his team put on the teleprompter urging him to take 2 more questions before more music (he didn't, just more music)

a) he claims he never uses teleprompters at town halls (liar lying as always... i'm sure some cultists think he doesn't use them at all, instead of using them always...)

b) what the hell was he doing playing music for 40 mins... (including Ave Maria 2 or 3 times (it was instrumental the first time(s) so he asked for the version w/ lyrics))

still no explanation
the wanderer
Fri Oct 18 16:47:07
a meme w/ this text on fuckhead's feed:

"January 6 will go down in history as the day the government staged a riot to cover up the fact that they certified a fraudulent election"

no evidence supporting it & makes no sense at all... how would it help cover up something... but who cares... truth/reality/evidence/facts meaningless

totally fucking nuts
Fri Oct 18 16:59:35

"liar lying as always..."

Yeah, but he was only lying because ...

the wanderer
Sat Oct 19 19:06:40
Trump noting that Arnold Palmer had a remarkable penis to his rally cultists:


apparently he talked about Arnold Palmer for awhile (from other clips)

normal shit
Sun Oct 20 06:24:35

Bragging about another man's junk is exactly what alpha males do.

the wanderer
Sun Oct 20 12:48:17
absurdity personified:
We have checked with McDonald’s, and they say, definitively, that there is no record of Lyin’ Kamala Harris ever having worked there. In other words, she never worked there, and has lied about this “job” for years. Additionally, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are killing franchises, want to end all franchises, which will destroy values and jobs. Also, remember, from me, No Tax On Tips!

does anyone think McDonald's said that? this is just like his investigators he sent to Hawaii & found stuff that would 'make your head spin' about Obama...

McDonalds said nothing

the whole story originated as supposedly the job not listed on her resume when applying to be a law clerk or something (meaningless)

why do people just accept that he regulary (~always) & obviously just lies to everyone's face about literally everything... nothing too stupid to lie about

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