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Utopia Talk / Politics / Jergul
Member | Tue Sep 24 12:22:14 A question. What has been the effect of offshore wind in Europe on the fishing industry? |
Sam Adams
Member | Tue Sep 24 12:39:25 0. Fish dont care about the sky. Those pillars might even help, in the shallower water. |
large member | Tue Sep 24 13:06:05 Net effect should be positive. Commercial fishing pushes mortality towards 0.9/year (under a precautionary regime). Anything that excludes areas from fishing access is good. Also, some fish like minced seagull. |
iChihuaha | Tue Sep 24 14:30:57 The real answer is that it is unknown since these types of wind farms at this scale are new. It was not that long ago I posted a study from Sweden showing that offshore wind farms affected everything from salinity, decreased oxygene to water temperature, several km down stream, resulting in negative effects for marine wild life. |
iChihuaha | Tue Sep 24 14:34:31 Something about vortices created from the wind wake, led to weakening of sea-atmospheric exchange. |
Member | Tue Sep 24 16:13:03 Thanks, I asked because Maine as usual is sort of late to the game of offshore Wind generation. Of course the local fisherman seem to be against it. But one of the commentors on this did post something relating to this from the EU: https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/3f2134f9-b84f-11eb-8aca-01aa75ed71a1 |
Sam Adams
Member | Tue Sep 24 17:39:36 "Something about vortices created from the wind wake, led to weakening of sea-atmospheric exchange." Plausible. By definition a wind turbine weakens the wind. |
large member | Tue Sep 24 18:23:25 Those things might be relevant for the septic tank called the Baltic Sea, but the fisheries there are virtually dead for a multitude of reasons anyway. So take what I said as valid for actual proper bodies of water. The pros of a local habitat undisturbed by fisheries is unlikely to be balanced by any trivial effects mentioned. http://www...efits-from-offshore-wind-power |
iChihuaha | Thu Sep 26 02:28:04 I googled for you and there are many studies from north sea reporting the same effects, upwards of 70km downs wind. Google is your friend, your brain isn’t. |
large member | Thu Sep 26 06:06:05 Google is indeed my friend as an actual link shows. You have an agenda as always. So your claims are poisoned, as always. |
iChihuaha | Thu Sep 26 07:13:28 lol@agenda. What I said was "we don't know", but there are indication from studies that offshore windfarms have these negative effects. And you posted an opinion post. The guy says that he has reviewed thousands of articles and make no mention of what I have posted? Strange. And then he juxtaposes windfarms with, hear this, BOTTOM TRAWLING. LOL. One of the most detrimental activities (I can't think of things worse, than just simply dumping radioactive waste into the ocean) for marine eco systems. So yes, absolutely wind farms are less detrimental than bottom trawling :) It's like saying that blowing a hand grenade in your face is less detrimental than getting shot with a 22 in the face. And then a wild jergul appears and says, yes it is great to be shot with a 22 in the face, because those people end up in hospitals and can't have hand grenades blow up in their face! He shows you doodle on a napkin, showing how people who get shot in the face with 22's on average live 5 years longer! Meanwhile, bottom trawling is banned in many places. And there you go, you can actually solve this issue by banning it, this is a separate issue than the effects of OFFSHORE WIND FARMS on marine eco systems. I'm gonna stay guarded, studies indicate that off shore wind farms have negative effects on marine ecosystems. The principle reason to be against windfarms of any kind, is not environmental, this is only amusing because it triggers the drunk on coolaid like Jergul. The primary reason to be against wind farms of any kind are the laws of physics. I will not accuse you of having an agenda, since you clearly lack the capabilities to think at a midwit level. |
large member | Thu Sep 26 07:51:40 Nimi I posted a meta study. You posted your opinion. Your agenda is waah nuclear btw. Cheap off shore wind power is in the way of your agenda. Studies indicate off shore has a positive effect on fishery resources. Which was the question asked. I added that the sanctuary effect of closing areas to commercial exploitation certainly benefits fish populations. Oh and local surface variations in salinity and evaporation means absolutely nothing in open oceans. Even if established, which I highly doubt. |
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