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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump on Restricting Contraceptives
Member | Thu Sep 26 16:56:32 http://www.threads.net/@kamalahq/post/DAYji9oAV44 For those of you who don't want to click on Threads links ... Do you support any restrictions on a persons right to contraception? "We're looking at that and I'm going to have a policy on that very shortly. And I think it's something that you'll find interesting. That's another issue that's very interesting. But you will find it, I think, very smart. I think it's a smart decision. But we'll be releasing it very soon." |
Member | Thu Sep 26 16:57:17 Translation: Yes. |
Member | Thu Sep 26 17:25:20 No one has a "right" to contraception. What sort of bullshit question is that? |
Member | Thu Sep 26 17:55:34 The Trump Heritage Foundation coming out against recreational sex and contraception. |
the wanderer | Thu Sep 26 18:37:25 Translation: he has no fucking idea what he's being asked he gives this same generic idiotic answer all the time he'll be 'releasing it' in 'two weeks'... |
Member | Thu Sep 26 20:40:57 The question is phrased poorly. If it is a right then it should be given freely to the people by the government. Hence his answer. It isn't a right. He isn't going to prevent people from having sex. Only idiots like tw and murder will think trump actually wants to do that. |
the wanderer | Thu Sep 26 21:20:26 I am 100% certain he is giving his default answer to any question where he has no knowledge of the topic or is unsure what his position is supposed to be (and this isn’t a tough question) he will not be releasing any “interesting” “smart” policy on this “very shortly”... he’s saying absolutely nothing no idea how the obvious idiot fraud had any success in life... other than the hundreds of millions off his father... |
Member | Thu Sep 26 22:01:09 Meanwhile, tw, you are immensely successful. You successfully obsessed for trump for over 8 years. You successfully posted about trump multiple times, every day, for over 8 years. Trump is a real estate magnate. But you are the more successful man. |
the wanderer | Thu Sep 26 22:14:11 don't forget he's a pitchman of branded steaks, deodorant, bottled water, urine tests, board games, mattresses, pillows, eyeglasses, coffee, vodka, ties, NFTs, shoes, bibles, coins, & watches |
the wanderer | Thu Sep 26 22:26:28 & Trump towers for that matter (just selling his name & illusion of involvement), & his scam up-selling 'university'... |
Member | Thu Sep 26 22:47:04 Trump is a brand. I know it's hard for you to comprehend the concept of the name trump being a brand. I also know you don't understand what a brand is. And you clearly don't know what people do with brands. |
the wanderer | Thu Sep 26 23:36:02 & his brand is what? over-priced shit from any category of item in existence where someone will pay him huge amounts of money for his name? have you bought your $100 coin that contains $30 worth of silver at best (if not fraudulent) or your $60 'leather' bible that isn't leather... or your $99 NFT (nothing) an absurd AI or photoshopped image of dear leader, the same as those his cultists make & post for free |
Member | Fri Sep 27 04:12:30 "Trump is a real estate magnate. But you are the more successful man." Being born rich doesn't make you successful. He got his dumb ass elected president. That was his success. |
Member | Fri Sep 27 04:19:21 "The question is phrased poorly. If it is a right then it should be given freely to the people by the government." You have the right to bear arms. The government does not freely distribute firearms. |
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