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Utopia Talk / Politics / Happy Birthday Jimmy Carter.
Tue Oct 01 06:29:19
A life well lived. I hope he lives another 15 days so he can vote for Harris.
Tue Oct 01 09:51:19

He's going to have to live longer than that, because Republicans will challenge his vote. He needs to hang around until after the election.

Tue Oct 01 11:54:55
I'm thinking that Trump should be arrested and prosecuted if he attempts to vote in Florida. He is after all a convicted Felon that has yet to fulfill his sentence.
Tue Oct 01 17:13:53

DeSantis owns Florida and he says it's OK.

Wed Oct 16 07:49:00

Already cast his ballot for Kamala in Georgia. :o)

Wed Oct 16 07:51:15
What a piece of shit.
Wed Oct 16 07:56:32

On his worst day he was a damn sight better than Trump on his best day.

large member
Wed Oct 16 08:08:40
The most underrated president ever. Too bad he pissed off Iran enough for it to ensure a president change by way of waiting with the hostage deal. I get it though. A former hollywood actor did seem by far to be the best outcome for Iran. It helped usher in the era of entertainer heads of state in that sense.
Wed Oct 16 12:17:12
I guess we're just going to ignore Reagan's eight years of governing California eh? He was hardly the political neophyte you're implying he was.
large member
Wed Oct 16 12:22:41
It seemed rediculous at the time. So yah, that California elected a celebrity couple to the Governor's mansion seemed very hollywood. But from there to the WH?? Wow. I get why Iran sank Carter. Even without the contras payback.
Wed Oct 16 12:31:40

You might want to look at some of the political careers of our past presidents if you think that an eight year stint as governor of a major state doesn't qualify you for the office.

FDR: Two years as a New York state senator, four years as governor of New York

Woodrow Wilson: Two years as governor of New Jersey

Lincoln: Eight years as an Illinois state senator, two years as a US Congressman
Wed Oct 16 12:37:16
patom he isn't a convicted felon legally until he has been sentenced. So maybe this will be the last time he gets to vote?
large member
Wed Oct 16 12:37:38
My point stands. A celebrity couple moving into the WH seemed outlandish and rediculous. California we could understand because, well, California. The WH? Wow.
Wed Oct 16 12:47:41

The elitism is noted. Presidents should only come from Ivy Leaguers, members of political dynasties, or lifelong politicians or lawyers.

By the way, Carter himself would fail that criteria. A peanut grower turned state senator (four years) and governor (four years) before becoming president.

Pray tell. What is it in Carter's resume that made him so much more eminently qualified than Reagan?
large member
Wed Oct 16 14:08:53
Geeze. Good luck trying to memoryhole the 80s. It was like that then. Nobody thought hollywood entertainers belonged as heads of state.
Wed Oct 16 14:40:07

I'll admit i was a little young to be fully immersed in the culture of the 80s. But you'll please forgive me if I don't believe that an Arctic fisherman was fully in the know either.

The dude won 49 of 50 states in 1984. That doesn't happen with a feckless lightweight.
large member
Wed Oct 16 15:40:53
Yepp, Iran made him king thanks to prolonging the hostage crisis in some vindictive quid pro quo still covered by secrets legislation. You should get what I am saying. Trump has the same issue Reagan did back in the day. It is really hard to understand how he is even viable, let alone that he might win. We dont get it.
Wed Oct 16 17:24:18

"But you'll please forgive me if I don't believe that an Arctic fisherman was fully in the know either."

He's got you on the hook. lol :o)

Wed Oct 16 19:10:24
Carter was a graduate of the Naval Academy served during Korea with honors.
Since leaving office has distinguished himself above just about any former POTUS in a long long time.
large member
Wed Oct 16 19:10:55
That is because Ruggy is being silly and keep trying to reframe what I said. Iran's perception that a hollywood celebrity would be easier to deal with than a peanut farmer. A thought shared by many in the West. We found it outlandish and rediculous that you sent a holiwood celebrity couple to the WH. Just as we feel about Trump in fact.

My perception is based on not knowing too much about US politics at the time, even though Iran was proven right by the contras scandal. Reagan was much easier for them to deal with than a Carter willing to retrigger the cold war over Afghanistan.
Wed Oct 16 20:04:50
Jergul is exercising revisionist history and also speaking for people he has no right or reason to speak for.

By 1980 the people voting for Reagan, who was a b list actor at best, did not do so because he was viewed as a celebrity.

It's laughable that jergul would seriously argue that "Hollywood celebrity" is how Reagan was viewed by domestically and internationally. Especially since he stopped working in Hollywood in 1960, 12 years before he became governor of one of the largest and consequential states and 20 years before he became president.
large member
Wed Oct 16 20:45:14
It was how he was viewed internationally. Including by Iran. His last movie was in 1964 in a career lasting more than 25 years. He governed from 1967-1975. So acting ended 3 years earlier.

Iran nailed it. As the contras scandal proved.
Wed Oct 16 20:59:59
"It was how he was viewed internationally "

Jergul says completely unaware of how much of a knock against the media he consumes he just made. Reagan was never a movie star. He was not viewed as an actor domestically. The fact that you actually believe he was a movie star says everything about how shitty your countries news must be.

"Just feed em headlines. They don't need to know much more than that."
large member
Thu Oct 17 06:47:00
We had a single State channel back then. But newspapers were generally read in full by a rediculously high percentage of the population. That headline only is a post literate thing.

Not sure why it would be good that we had too nuanced an understanding of a foreign country in any event. But at least you accept it as likely that we did not get how a hollywood power couple could move into the WH.

The Trump experience mirrors the sentiment from back then almost exactly. How is it even possible that he is on the cusp of moving into the WH? Again. We dont get it.

Thu Oct 17 08:06:50

"How is it even possible that he is on the cusp of moving into the WH? Again. We dont get it."

You've been on these forums for decades. How can you not get it?

Thu Oct 17 09:36:19
How is it even possible that a McDonald's worker is on the cusp of winning the Presidency?

jergul doubling down on being retarded, and throwing all of comrades under the short bus, as well.
Thu Oct 17 10:36:29
Seriously. If there was ever evidence that Europeans live in their own bubble, it's jergul thinking that Harris is so much more qualified compared to Trump and that this shouldn't even be a competitive race.
Thu Oct 17 10:38:03
I realize that continental Europeans may not be able to detect all of the nuances of a person speaking English that us Americans can detect.

But seriously. Have you HEARD Harris speak jergul?

Trump may not be joining the Mensa club any time soon but she's a Grade A idiot.
large member
Thu Oct 17 11:27:20
Finally. A reasonable response. I knew y'all would get there one day.

Intellectually, I get it. Party voting in a two party system follows almost inherited patterns. Traditionally, moderates determined the outcome. In the case of Trump, the "fuck you" faction is giving the margins that makes him viable.

Emotionally, I still dont get it. Have you no dignity?
Thu Oct 17 14:55:05

"Emotionally, I still dont get it. Have you no dignity?"

You've been on these forums for decades.

The problem is you must not believe that this is a representative sampling of the US electorate ... and it's not. But it is fairly representative of the Republican half of the electorate.

Except that the posters on this board are better informed (or misinformed) than average.

Yes, America is dumber than UP. And it's not even close.

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