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Utopia Talk / Politics / Women should not be moderators
Tue Oct 01 20:29:36
Tue Oct 01 20:47:56
Why is it that we had to get to the VP debate in order to listen to people have a collective IQ over 150?
the wanderer
Tue Oct 01 21:15:15
a real difference when no Trump or Vivek on stage

notice how Vance did NOT yell about eating dogs and only mentioned housing and other real issues in Springfield

and ducked Trumps claim of climate change being a hoax
and ducked mass deportation by the military

a total fucking idiot at the top of the ticket where nobody repeats his claims...

Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 01 21:41:47
[tumblefag (likely pederast)]: "a total fucking idiot at the top of the ticket where nobody repeats his claims..."

Walz *is* a total fucking idiot, yeah, as is Harris. Absolutely abysmal retardation from the party of retards, degenerates, parasites, Marxists, pedos, and dysgenic goblins.

Vance is like a boomer whisperer. We all know climate change is a hoax designed to get useful idiots and faggoty retards like tumbletard to sell away the rights of our ancestors to global totalitarian Bolshevism, but instead of outright saying it (i.e., "climate change is a hoax"), he's trying to explain even to retards like tumblefag that global totalitarian Bolsheviks such as Harris/Walz (the puppets of Bolsheviks) are actively selling Western energy to BRICS+ to collapse the West — all under the guise of "climate change" for perpetual emergency powers.

Fucking idiots like tumblefag need their hand held through this process, and Vance has the patience to do it. Pedophile supporters like tumblefag see wall-to-wall Regime media coverage of every weather event described as "worse because of climate change", and they're too fucking stupid to realize that this massive propaganda coordination has its own malevolence. You'd think if you saw that kind of messaging across all Regime media that you'd think, "Wow, they really want me to believe it. Why is that? Who is making money from this?" But no. Tumbletard still does not know what ESG is. He never will.


But yeah, these moderators are garbage. They couldn't hide their bias for 5 fucking minutes.
the wanderer
Tue Oct 01 21:42:18
now Vance completely fucking lying about what Trump was doing after the last election (as completely indefensible)

imagine if Rs didn’t have a crazy lawless unfit idiot as candidate... so many issues they wouldn’t have to dodge and lie about
the wanderer
Tue Oct 01 21:55:39
sadly the debate a win for Trump as Vance didn’t say any of Trumps continual nonsense, keeping it hidden like his team does by not re-posting the crazy shit from counterfeit Twitter to shitbag’s account on real Twitter

there’s not enough talk about how insanely obviously unfit Trump is for office just as a person (& dangerous with the poison he spreads that somehow many people can’t see through)
Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 01 22:36:04
[tumblefag (likely pederast; check hard drive)]: "imagine if [Democrats] didn’t have a crazy lawless unfit idiot as candidate"

I know, right?
It's completely wild how absolutely demented and psychotic the Harris/Walz puppets are. To attempt to stop their opposition in order to institute global totalitarian Bolshevism's tenants, these psychopaths have used lawfare, election fraud, and have attempted to use propaganda to encourage a55a55ination against Supreme Court justices and Trump. There is no limit to their immorality and evil.

I mean, just look at total loser fags such as tumbletard: he is a useful idiot victim of this propaganda, openly adopting and running with this "unfit" line which has been thoroughly propagandized by the Bolshevik Regime. That's not even his word. He was told to use it, and he dutifully uses it. He is not even human.

Remember how the Joker in Dark Knight attracted just these sorts of psychopaths to do his bidding? That is tumblefag. We must bury these dysgenic freaks and disempower them and their progeny — if the Regime has not already convinced these freaks not to have children (which, incidentally, they probably have convinced them — for "[muh climate change]").
Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 01 23:06:38
So yeah, Walz got absolutely rekt by Vance, and despite these moderators trying to shriek like banshees to control the bias of the moment through fake "fact-checking" and narrative containment, they just could not handle Vance and seemed to give up more and more towards the end. It's like they prepared for a Trump debate instead of a Vance debate.

This also shows how completely "unfit" Walz is. He's just another soy boy beta cuck like tumblefag or sebgul. I liked his attempt to talk about how he is "a hunter" (lol). People pointed out that his "hunting" gear was all way too new and un-used in his publicity photos (because he is a poser faggot), but even more than that you can just see what a raging bitchboy he is. He's a perfect idol for bitchboys on the left, but his cuck-"masculinity" is not tricking anyone *not* on SSRIs. There's not an ounce of courage in him, and it shows through his lies, his (lack of) character, his "deplorable" COVID policies, his totalitarian sycophancy, and his willingness to be the running mate of a puppet even more obvious than Biden.

He also had basically zero answer when Vance was calling him out on how DNC policy is to use foreign slave labor and slave-importation to undercut and destroy Americans and American sovereignty. He couldn't answer because he approves of it. These psychopaths absolutely *want* the annihilation of these United States, and they are so gone to their Bolshevik rhetoric that they cannot even pretend to oppose it for a moderate audience. They're basically like, "[Well, yeah, of course we support a global slave revolt. How else do you establish global totalitarianism?]"

The only shame here is that slavish subversives such as tumblefag will probably just be mailed their ballots anyways, so despite how weak and pathetic they are, the DNC has made sure that (in the short term) they have removed as many barriers to pathetic cowards voting as possible. Normally, bitchboys like tumblefag would see how weak and pathetic they and their candidates are and just lose the mental clarity necessary to fill in a bubble with a pen, but the Regime has promised them Trump's a55a55ination and the end of psychosis propaganda (the Regime lied of course; the propaganda will continue with or without Trump), and this debate was not quite enough to convince them to regress to their impotent sloth.
the wanderer
Tue Oct 01 23:10:20
some presidential live 'tweets':

"Did Tampon Tim just say he has “become friends with school shooters?” He isn’t even qualified to be Governor, let alone Vice President. Walz and Kamala DO NOT HAVE WHAT IT TAKES!"

"Second time he has said, “I’ve been friends with school shooters.” What does he mean by this? Is he insane?" [he didn't say it twice]

<3 sec clip of the statement>

a repost of some cultist saying his daughter killed by a shooter & is 'abhorrent that Tim Walz befriended school shooters, disqualifying'

a meme of the quote

"He said it twice — It is a DISQUALIFIER!" [the lie again] w/ meme again

"Walz made a very big mistake on Gun Shooters. Does anyone think he knows what he said? Will he have a News Conference after the Debate to apologize to the parents and others who were so horribly hurt?"


yep, over half dozen posts about an obvious misstatement... no wait, i'm sure he wasn't talking about victims, he definitely was proudly noting his school shooter friends!!

definitely requires a news conference to apologize... i'm sure people devastated...

so fucking ridiculous (& i pretty much guarantee it's going in his rally rambling)
Cherub Cow
Wed Oct 02 01:15:13
Walz is indeed friends with school shooters, so this is factually correct, though Trump was mocking the gaff ironically.

The left has befriended school shooters as a policy decision. They absolutely loved it when a "trans"-man murdered 6 Christians in cold blood due to the Regime's anti-White and anti-Christian propaganda. Absolutely loved it. They loved it so much that they never condemned it, forgot about it quickly, and used it to pivot to "trans"-rights and the disarming of lawful and noble American citizens (i.e., just remember those absolute mid-wit dipshits, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson, role-playing as MLK/Malcolm X after the Nashville shooting — completely misdirecting from this murderer of Christians who was activated through "trans" emasculation drugs in order to disarm American citizens). They loved that "trans" shooter and still love that shooter. Absolutely love her. They love useful idiots and want to make sure — through "trans health care" — that more are created. They love them. Through them they can effect more of their global totalitarian Bolshevik policies.

They love shooters so much that they disregard who is responsible for their falsified statistic of "greatest cause of death for children" by ignoring that it is largely Chicago / inner-city gang members (teens far closer to age 20 than to age 13) and Democrat voters who are most responsible for mass shootings. They love their black gang-bangers. They love these shooters. They embrace them and decry harm against them as "racism" and "systemic inequality". They love these shooters so much that they make sure that they will *not* be caught (reduced policing in shooter-heavy DNC areas) and that *if* they are caught by some officer who does not know the score, that they will then be under-charged and under-prosecuted and will be let back on the streets to again become mass-shooters.

They love shooters so much that they buried and down-played the story of left-wing mass-shooter progressive-PAC-donor and DNC-propaganda-lover Crooks, who attempted to a55a55inate Trump and in the process murdered one Trump supporter and injured others. They love that boy, and they love their left-wing a55a55ins. They love their new a55a55in so much that they already abandoned the story. They love their mass-shooters so much that they were sure to leak this latest would-be a55a55in's manifesto and highlight that the Regime — who loves mass-shooters — wants more mass-shooters to make attempts on the life of Trump (perhaps you'll make $150,000 somehow!).

The Regime loves mass-shooters. Walz is of the Regime, and so too loves mass-shooters and demonstrates it with his every policy decision. He loves school shooters and wants more of them to exist so that the global totalitarian Bolsheviks can disarm noble Americans — since Bolsheviks hate nobility, being dysgenic freaks who hate even being conscious. Tumblefag too, therefore, loves school shooters.
Wed Oct 02 02:06:50
It's really annoying having to scroll past CC's boomer facebook conspiracy theories ("democrats are trans school shooters!") and TW feeding that troll.

In any case, Rugian, valid question:

"Why is it that we had to get to the VP debate in order to listen to people have a collective IQ over 150?"

Is the a model going to be that the President is the social media champ appealing to the respective lowest common denominators, and the VP is the brains of the outfit? Tricky Dick Jr was smarter than Bush Jr.
Cherub Cow
Wed Oct 02 02:56:10
[earthpig (cowardly little bitch who runs away for months at a time and returns with low-information DNC talking points before shitting the bed again and leaving)]: "It's really annoying having to scroll past CC's boomer facebook conspiracy theories"

That's nice, bitchboy.
It's not a "boomer facebook conspiracy [theory]", though; you're just a dumb faggot bitchboy liar — as fits your nature and as your nature selects your bitchboy ideology.

• The reality is that the trans-shooter was indeed left-wing.
• Chicago school shooters are indeed left-wing (do you think Chicago blacks vote overwhelmingly Republican, bitcboy?)
• Both of Trump's would-be a55a55ins are so-far left-wing psychopaths

You left-wing psychopaths are just following your pathetic programming. (You are pathetic.) Now go read some Reddit talking points next time there's a major Democrat propaganda operation and come back in 6 months with whatever you learned, bitchboy.
Wed Oct 02 05:43:12

"sadly the debate a win for Trump as Vance didn’t say any of Trumps continual nonsense"

You mean this guy?


"But you said I could lie!"
Cherub Cow
Wed Oct 02 06:10:23
Of course the left is going to misinterpret that.
Vance was referring to the left's disingenuous "fact checking" (i.e., lying in Walz' favor) that they use to control facts that run contrary to their narratives. The moderators were very clearly "fact checking" on the issue of Haitian immigrants and mass-migration to give a closure moment favoring their preferred candidate. Disingenuous propagandists often use this tactic (e.g., "60 Minutes", ABC at the Trump/Harris debate). They'll let you say whatever you want, but then they'll do the "narrator voice" to have the pro-Regime last word.

Anyone not retarded can see these rhetorical deceptions. Leftists, of course, use the same deceptions, so they don't give a shit.

One-image summary of the debate:
Wed Oct 02 09:36:48

"Vance was referring to the left's disingenuous "fact checking""

Fact check: The Haitian immigrants in Springfield are in fact legal.

If you want to know why they fact checked JD Vance, just ask FOX News or Newsmax what happens when you knowingly allow people to commit libel on your programs.
Wed Oct 02 09:52:24
Cherub literally as unhinged as a person could possibly be. I hope they are red flag laws in her area.
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