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Utopia Talk / Politics / MacGregor is angry
Mon Oct 07 14:38:10
He is now speaking out.

Mon Oct 07 15:51:07
anotha glorious speech

and best part is

all clowns on up hearin it, knows it all true but we know like most denialist they will pretend it aint real and pretend they still da best and shit

wut we r seein is actually a declinin society and broke ass but still spendin like theres millions on da bank account

Mon Oct 07 20:40:45

It's amazing that this tool is allowed to walk around spreading foreign propaganda without having to register as an agent of a foreign government.

Tue Oct 08 00:50:15
How so? He is more America first than Mr Trump, Harris, Biden or anyone else in Washington.
Tue Oct 08 02:03:37
Because everyone who hates America, loves him. His America first idea, is at the expense of the power that made America no 1. Once that structure has dismantled, the enemies of America, the anti-west can run in a fill the space.

Honestly paramount, do you believe in your own bullshit, or is it just more bullshit all the way down?
Tue Oct 08 02:21:12
” Because everyone who hates America, loves him.”

First, I don’t love him. But I sometimes like and agree with what he is saying.

Second, I hate the America which is controlled by Zionazis and run by their mafia and other imperialistic warmongering bullies. It is this that creates enemies for America. They have been creating their own enemies. They don’t need to do that.
Tue Oct 08 05:08:25
Oh you love and lap up every syllable he utters. You do not think twice over the fact that he has been predicting the imminent collapse of Ukraine for 2 years. He has been doing the same for Israel. And now, now he is ANGRY! Thos could all be funny, if it wasn’t sad, because you are serious.

The world is full all these great countries, doing great things, and in came America and fucked everything up :,(
The ME for instance was the awesome place before Israel and America came into the picture. Now, everyone os traumatized by American imperialism. Nobody has their own agenda, ambitions or goals, worlds do not collide.

It is a great narrative, written by midwits for the benefit of dimwits.
Tue Oct 08 05:48:43
Bla bla blaha

Do you even know why he is angry?

The government has one job – to first and foremost support and help its own citizens. He argues that the administration does nothing for the American citizens, that their own people get no or little support or money when they desperately needs it, while the government pour trillions of money to help the people of other countries.

It is the same talking points that your favorite party The Sweden Democrats has. It is you who ought to be loving MacGregor.

Why is that when it comes to Sweden, or Israel, then the government must think of its own citizens first and foremost before helping immigrants or people in other countries, but when it comes to the USA then the government must help immigrants and people in other countries first, before anything else. Why do you hate Americans?
Tue Oct 08 10:37:26
That was directly adressing your retarded imperialism, warmonger bullshit.

The rest is just repeat with more words, already adressed it.
Tue Oct 08 10:49:31
hey hey rememba this?



a totally bogus declinin society resortin 2 scams 2 desperately tryin 2 keep face
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