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Utopia Talk / Politics / surprising
Sam Adams
Thu Oct 10 11:08:48
A surprising trend: women who applied for assistant professor positions in North America were more likely to get job offers than were men


So surprising.
Sam Adams
Thu Oct 10 11:12:33
Of course in the article itself the wokeists go on to argue that discriminating against men is good for equity.
Fri Oct 11 17:29:00

"In 2021–2022, women earned the majority of degrees at every level, including 58.5% of bachelor's degrees, 62.8% of associate degrees, 62.6% of master's degrees, and 57% of doctoral degrees."

More men tend to be Republican ... and Republicans have been shitting on education for decades.


Get used to women being at the top of every field and profession.
Sam Adams
Fri Oct 11 22:16:18
"Get used to women being at the top of every field and profession."

Lol. China is going to win isnt it.
Sat Oct 12 05:49:41

China is headed for a population implosion.

The US on the other hand is sustained by ... immigration.

It's one of the benefits of being a melting pot. ;o)
Sat Oct 12 12:36:29
Well a bachelor's degree in the arts is not as useful as a degree in engineering. So id be curious if instead of blanket statements like "women get more bachelor degrees" we were told what type of degrees women tend to get. Who wants to bet it involves the arts and humanities? AKA degrees only useful in academia and not at all useful in the real world.
Sat Oct 12 18:33:40
Even with soft degrees, they go into soft fields of business, i.e. HR, DEI.

Metro areas are trending to higher incomes overall for women. This is with all of the variables that were used as arguments against the wage gap: men working more hours, taking less time off, working more dangerous and physically demanding jobs.

They work jergul dream jobs at F500's taking Blackrock cash to hire more of them.
Sat Oct 12 19:21:35

Honestly Republicans are doing more to level the gender playing field than Democrats ever did, and they are doing it by just being their garbage selves. No government policies necessary.

It's kind of amusing that the GOP policy of keeping white men stupid so they will keep voting Republican is slowly fixing a lot of the problems stemming from white men starting out with all the wealth and power.

Fortunately tomorrow's America run by women and minorities and immigrants and LGBTQXYZ+s will still need soldiers and plumbers.
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