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Utopia Talk / Politics / da we and robot r comin
Fri Oct 11 00:39:50

wut r da chances of this thing completely disappoint and undawhelmin and smoke and mirrors present with ludricous wild fantasy claimz and shit.

95% and up?

lmao@ robo taxis claimz when they got cybatruck and half finished cars out there

Fri Oct 11 09:42:24
rofl busted!

mechanical turk confirmed

pure scam


aint nobody buyin it, comments roastin him. mechanical turk guy seen standin and controllin.

ridiculous fantasy claims bout costs,speed, setups and futures and shit, aint noway even that car is actually runnin.

Fri Oct 11 10:00:34
just anotha reminda,

china alrdy has actual real workin robo taxis and robo busses 4 several years now

while tesla has mechanical turks aka scams that dunt work.

my nostradamus ball is sayin da reason they doin this presence now is coz once they fail there robo taxis and they will...

they will simply buy from china and pretend it is there own

and online da yankoid will cry foul and say CHAAAYNNNNAA copied from them again


da state of ur country
Fri Oct 11 10:08:06
mechanical turk powered by AI

(actually indian)


just anotha amazon walkngo scam
Fri Oct 11 18:54:22

Leave it up to Elon Musk to hold a massively hyped event ... just to announce that the vaporware he's been promising and failing to deliver for a decade is only 2 more years away.

Sat Oct 12 08:36:52
yankees tell us how u rlly feel bout this event.

tons of videos and all r filled with cheerin and low iq yanks thinkin da future is here...

theres no way ppl in ur country r thiz dumb.

da robovan is literally a reused model of da hypaloop podz (which is now broken and done and done)...
Sat Oct 12 18:48:32

"theres no way ppl in ur country r thiz dumb."

Once you're invested, it's hard to admit that you got fooled by a charlatan. They believe even when dumbshit promises them wireless charging for their ultra cheap < $30,000 autonomous EV taxis.

Sat Oct 12 18:59:55
Murder unwittingly agreeing with a troll account purposely used to make dumb statements...

If you don't think we will have robots in the near future then you probably also don't believe in the future in general which.... oh yeah, you don't believe in technological advancements happening because they aren't sticking to a time table.
Sat Oct 12 19:23:46

The troll account is right about Elon Musk and his bullshit.

Sat Oct 12 19:30:01

"If you don't think we will have robots in the near future then ..."

We already have robots. We've had robots for decades.

Sat Oct 12 20:01:38
It's amazing how quickly and efficiently the leftist hate machine works. Muhhhhh emerald mine
Sat Oct 12 21:19:48

Quickly? This mf'er has recycled this same vaporware bullshit annually for a whole fucking decade.

But it's only 2 years away ... just like all his empty promises.

Sat Oct 12 21:42:53
Elon: *Is one of the very few people using both his will and his resources to improve the human condition*

Murder: I hate him, he's scum. His wealth should be seized by the government and spent to upkeep the shitty Miami ghetto project hovel that houses my literally worthless ass, because that's clearly a better use of resources than advancing our species' interplanetary capabilities and investing in electric vehicle technology and artificial intelligence. Anyone who has the audacity to support Republicans should have their wealth seized by the government, and by the way did I mention how I believe that Republicans are a bigger threat to our multiparty democracy than me and my "anyone who disagrees with me should be jailed or killed" mentality?
Sun Oct 13 01:27:59
who u fool callin a troll.

tc has eva only spoken bout facts on here.
yeaaa i know, it runs counta 2 ur propafunda which u been propafunded and brainwashed since birth so it is hard 2 shake that shit off even when cofronted with realitiez

Sun Oct 13 01:31:32
foolz, wut u saw was a mechanical turk presentation

a mechanical turk The Turk was a fraudulent chess-playing machine constructed in 1770, which appeared to be able to play a strong game of chess against a human opponent.

skynets words, not mine.

wut u saw at that event was smoke and mirrors, u dumbass biatches

wasnt real. anotha pyramid scam.

oh yea we got robots alright, we got self drivin cabs alright. we got self drivin busses even.

none of which ur great jesus tesla made

they showed u smoke and mirrors on shit that already exists, mostly in china, and u went wild like that dumbass that u r.

did u not see that refurbished re used hypaloop podz model they was now callin robovan...

Sun Oct 13 08:32:46

"Murder: I hate him, he's scum. His wealth should be seized by the government and spent to upkeep the shitty Miami ghetto project hovel that houses my literally worthless ass, because that's clearly a better use of resources than advancing our species' interplanetary capabilities ..."

Look at you pretending to give a shit about future humans when you don't give a shit about present day living humans.

Humans will never be an interplanetary species because humans are not evolved to thrive anywhere but a thin sliver of Earth's atmosphere. Humans would literally have to be genetically altered into man made Martians in order to survive on Mars ... at which point they would no longer be humans. Expending resources to ensure the survival of a species, which hasn't been manufactured yet, on another planet is not only a poor use of resources, but it also seems far fetched considering how readily we drive species into extinction on this planet.

At minimum our genetic retooling would result in a trans-species ... which I have to admit is a hilarious goal for a "genius" that is butthurt because his daughter is transgender. Of course it's also funny that he's obsessed with turning humans into cyborgs.

Humans cannot live, thrive, and reproduce on Mars. Martians would not be able to live, thrive, and reproduce on Earth. Just living on the other planet would require living in bubbles full-time. And it seems odds to ship a species > 100 million miles away just to put it in a habitrail ... when you can build bubbles for them to live on their own home planet, or in orbit around their planet.

A human baby could not survive on Mars. The difference in gravity alone would kill it. A Martian baby could never survive on Earth.

Adults of either species wouldn't fare much better on the other planet.

None of this should need explaining, but some people want to believe in the fiction they grew up consuming.

None of it is possible. None of it makes any sense to pursue or invest in. All of it is a waste of time and money.
Sun Oct 13 08:37:49

"... and investing in electric vehicle technology"

I have no problem with investment in electric vehicles. In fact internal combustion engine vehicles should be rapidly phased out through aggressive increases in fuel economy standards, higher gas taxes, and requiring that all new personal vehicles be electric or hybrid by 2030.
Sun Oct 13 08:42:28

"and artificial intelligence"

Machine learning is great. It should be invested in. It's a great tool. It's machine learning party tricks and the fraud that comes with it that I have a problem with.
Sun Oct 13 08:47:07

"... and by the way did I mention how I believe that Republicans are a bigger threat to our multiparty democracy than me and my "anyone who disagrees with me should be jailed or killed" mentality?"

You are trying to strip Americans of their rights. The right to their vote, the right to their privacy, and control of their own bodies.

Jailed seems like a waste of space.
Sun Oct 13 10:34:48
been waitin 4 da new foots. indeed anotha popcorn thrilla



"Humans will never be an interplanetary species because humans are not evolved"

>> aaaah yes, seems like ya foolz finally come 2 accept and realize tc = truth all long

i seem 2 rememba a bunch of ya dumbasses claimin space is gonna be soon (2019) when i told u foolz u wuldnt even survive da journey. and u dunt. ur organs deteriate and die long before u even reach 1/10th of there...
Sun Oct 13 14:31:15

Good god! I thought TC was just making noise, but it turns out he was right. Elon did it again!


He just can't stop frauding. :o)
Sun Oct 13 15:24:29
Ah, I missed murders utter lack of imagination.

Despite being told time and time again that his position of "humans can never do that" has been used and proven wrong throughout history, he still keeps at it.

Humans will never walk on the moon, murder. It's impossible. No way can technology advance to a state where humans will walk on the moon, take samples from the moon and plant a flag claiming the moon as theirs. It will never happen.
Sun Oct 13 22:03:14

There's nothing impossible about walking on the Moon. The Moon is in orbit around the Earth. Difficult? Sure. And also a complete waste of time, which is why we stopped going.

The longest manned mission to the Moon lasted all of 12 1/2 days, and the Moon is only ~ 3 days travel. There's a limit to how much damage a protected human body is subjected to in a short span of time.

Even longer duration ISS missions are much safer than trips beyond Earth's orbit because (duh!) in case of emergency, medical attention is only hours away ... assuming your capsule wasn't made by Boeing.

The longest space mission ever so far is ~ 14 months by a Russian Cosmonaut.

The shortest possible round trip to Mars is ~ 2 years ... and colonies aren't built on drive-bys.

Maybe don't simply believe crap?

The human body isn't evolved to live in bubbles in space or on other planets. It simply isn't.
Mon Oct 14 08:17:51
nostratc once again correctly predicted da future, da past and da current


was i not sayin this shit.

it aint even remotely controlled. it literally was some skinny tech dude hidin inside da suit.

it literally is mechanical turk roflmao

and how many of u fuckin dumbasses fell 4 this shit AGAIN

rofl go 2 utube comments and see all da oooooohhhh and aaaaaaaahh jetsons r coming, irobot, chatgtp and shit

rofl wut a sad display of ur society
it literally turned in2 copium 24/7

Mon Oct 14 08:19:50
it was driven by AI!!!!

Actually, Indian

that is

roflmao u cant make this shit up!!!

COPIUMMMMMM must be feelin sooo good in ur ever declinin state
Mon Oct 14 08:27:49
rofl like who wuld actually look at that shit and say "yeaaa boi, age of da robots r comin, what an age 2 be alive"

like boy, if u saw that shit and not realize it was totally faked and scammed, u is already 2 stupid for da 1996 let alone 2024 hahahahaaa


Mon Oct 14 13:16:35
Member Sun Oct 13 22:03:14
There's nothing impossible about walking on the Moon."

You know that if you had uttered this statement in 1869 you would have been locked away in an insane asylum, right?

Feats of human achievement are impossible until they are not. Two centuries ago, getting to the Moon would have been seen as impossible. Now we know it is not.

No one here is being unrealistic about the timelines involved for greater space exploration. It will be many, many lifetimes before humanity figures out how to terraform Mars or send men to other stars. We could be talking hundreds or even thousands of years before things like that become feasible.

Elon is not promising any of us the ability to vacation on Proxima Centauri B. But if we do want to advance into the galaxy someday, the time for us to advance our technology and knowledge is today.

Elon is looking to make cheaper and more functional rockets, so that the next generation can start exploring the planets, so that the next generation can set up semi-permanent space bases, so that the next can set up permanent ones, etc.

It took thousands of years for humanity to advance from canoes to the caracks and caravels that explored the world. This is how technology advances, one step at a time.

Only a fool would think "well I can't imagine doing something with our current level of technology, so that means it will never be feasible."

"In fact internal combustion engine vehicles should be rapidly phased out through aggressive increases in fuel economy standards, higher gas taxes, and requiring that all new personal vehicles be electric or hybrid by 2030."

You are vastly overestimating the capabilites of today's electric vehicles to replace gas-fueled ones. We don't have the production, the electric capacity, or the raw resources to do anything close to a full replacement in 6 years' time.

"Machine learning is great. It should be invested in."

It is being invested in. Again, it takes time for research to yield results.

"You are trying to strip Americans of their rights. The right to their vote, the right to their privacy, and control of their own bodies."

No one is losing the right to vote. This is straight up disinformation.

I don't even know what the privacy one relates to.

You do not have the right to commit murder, no. And that's true even if you have a vagina. Women do not and should not receive special treatment under the law just because "muh feminism."

"Jailed seems like a waste of space."

Noted, you believe that killing the supporters of your political opponents is fair game.

I'll be happy to relay that to Dictator Trump come January 21.
Mon Oct 14 19:55:24

"You know that if you had uttered this statement in 1869 you would have been locked away in an insane asylum, right?"

Sure, but humans didn't need to evolve or be genetically altered to walk on the Moon. We could walk on Mars too. We could have done that going all the way back to maybe the 1970s. Living there or on the Moon long enough to establish a colony is a whole other thing.

The absurdity of a species that won't be contained to a single planet, being fine spending their entire lives confined in bubbles should be apparent.

The only other solution is extensive genetic modification, at which point that would be a whole other species, and then wtf are we even doing?

Walking past hungry and homeless children just to finance the survival of another species on another planet that we haven't even manufactured yet is insane.

Mon Oct 14 19:58:02

"You are vastly overestimating the capabilites of today's electric vehicles to replace gas-fueled ones. We don't have the production, the electric capacity, or the raw resources to do anything close to a full replacement in 6 years' time."

People keep saying that we can't produce enough electricity ... and yet every day shitcoin and pointless AI are consuming more of it. There would be plenty if we stopped pissing it away.

Mon Oct 14 20:03:45

"No one is losing the right to vote. This is straight up disinformation."

Except all the people who are deprived of their rights every single election cycle. Everyone from convicts to people who are forced to jump through hoops to surpress turnout.

"I don't even know what the privacy one relates to."

MAGA wants access to women's medical and travel records to make sure they are having abortions ... and eventually that they aren't taking birth control pills. Don't act dumb.

"You do not have the right to commit murder, no. And that's true even if you have a vagina. Women do not and should not receive special treatment under the law just because "muh feminism." "

You also don't have a right to literally leach off of someone against their will, so we need to remove the fetuses so the police can haul them off to juvie.

Fetuses do not and should not receive special treatment under the law.

You also don't have the right to burden others with your fucked up religious beliefs.

Mon Oct 14 20:06:31

"Noted, you believe that killing the supporters of your political opponents is fair game."

I believe that killing shitbags is not only fair game, but a public service.

"I'll be happy to relay that to Dictator Trump come January 21."

He won't listen to anyone whose lips aren't permanently affixed to his ass, so start puckering now.
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