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Utopia Talk / Politics / dont stop your freight train
Sam Adams
Fri Oct 11 22:13:15
In african neighborhoods.


Chicago Austin: CPD dispatched that several freight trains were being burglarized between Cicero and Lockwood. Lots of merchandise taken off trains and loaded into vehicles NBCSky5 has witnessed this.
Sam Adams
Fri Oct 11 22:20:04

Entire neighborhoods of negros ransacking a train and thieving everything.

Import more of them!!!! -leftists
Sat Oct 12 02:01:57
This is just right-wing propaganda ahead of the election. Putin or Iran is trying to influence your election and Sam is being a Putinist by sharing this.

Sat Oct 12 02:09:01
Ah, a good old fashioned train robbery. Looks like armed escorts are gonna be coming back like it's 1880.
Sat Oct 12 05:00:30
Former US president Donald Trump paints a picture of the US as "occupied" by criminal foreigners. This at an 80-minute long campaign speech in Aurora, Colorado, yesterday, writes AFP.

- The USA is known throughout the world as "occupied USA". We are occupied by a criminal force, he said.

The presidential candidate also promises a crackdown on immigrants and that "Operation Aurora" will deal with the Venezuelan gangs. Among other things, he wants to send elite forces, the Border Patrol and federal forces to arrest and deport criminal gang members until there is not a single one left.

Trump also claims that Venezuelan gangs in Colorado have been given permission to shoot police officers. But Mike Coffman, Republican mayor of Aurora, calls his claims "grossly exaggerated."

- -

Never heard this phrase ”occupied USA”. Don’t know which part of the world Trump is refering to. But he is right in a sense. USA is occupied. Occupied by Zionists and the criminal gang ”The Israel Lobby”. This is known throughout the world.
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