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Utopia Talk / Politics / Another day another attempt
Sun Oct 13 15:57:39
Coachella. Riverside county sheriffs caught him. Lol.
Sun Oct 13 21:41:47
Dude wasn't even pointing the gun or holding it. He was just caught with a loaded gun and fake passports.

Why would Trump violate his 2nd amendment rights like that? What a fake conservative.
Sun Oct 13 22:46:32
The assassin is all over social media hating on dems and has a ton of pictures with Republicans and far-right influencers. Sounds more like Trump is calling it an assassin and the Secret Service/FBI is going along because they don't want to look like they're not taking it seriously.
Sun Oct 13 23:39:35


Mon Oct 14 00:55:35
Actually the riverside sheriff department is calling it an assassination attempt. I think loaded guns and fake passports shows enough that the guy had a pretty nasty plan in his head.

Oh hey, did we ever find out what motivated the first assassin? Or did the media conveniently slide that under the rug?
Mon Oct 14 12:02:01
He was a kid that died. How would they find his true motivations?

You're such a fucking retard.

Nobody cares anyways. They will be forgotten just like Trump will when he loses.
Mon Oct 14 12:08:54
I dunno. Search history? Interviewing family and friends? The sort of stuff you do to find out the motivations of a killer. It's funny how you don't want them to look into it.
Also, lol, a 20 year old is a kid in cuckhats eyes. Probably because cuckhat still wants to paint him as a naive innocent who just made a bad decision.
the wanderer
Mon Oct 14 12:24:43
"did we ever find out what motivated the first assassin?"

young idiot looking for fame
Cherub Cow
Mon Oct 14 12:26:49
First shooter was a confirmed left-wing psychopath, as was the second shooter. Both were basically tumblefag but slightly more ambitious. Both donated to progressives.

This third person may be a case of the police being overzealous. His close friends are claiming it was a mistake by the police.
the wanderer
Mon Oct 14 12:33:48
dare i ask for your evidence of first shooter's motivation? or will you just say it's posted elsewhere... or maybe give me twitter posts (or 'news' sites) of magapatriotTrumpworshipper45
Cherub Cow
Mon Oct 14 12:37:29
I already posted it in the DNC coup thread, shitstain. I know you're illiterate so all that's left is your total defeat. You and everyone like you must be totally disenfranchised for your treasons.
Mon Oct 14 12:46:27
Cherub Cow once again literally making things up or only choosing to find the most depraved far-right random twitter posts as her sources of information.

Fuck you idiot.
Cherub Cow
Mon Oct 14 14:44:45
[Dukfag (left-wing dogma bot; likely pedophile)]: "Cherub Cow once again literally making things up or only choosing to find the most depraved far-right random twitter posts as her sources of information."

Nope. It was established fact that both shooters donated to ActBlue. The first shooter was also confirmed as posting on Gab using some very obvious left-wing talking points — the kind of retarded stuff that you or tumblefag would say.

You're all clones. You're collectivists. You have no souls. And there is no distinction between you and these shooters except that you (unlike the shooters) are still one of the penguins hiding on the cliff while waiting for the others closer to the edge to jump off. (You are a coward.)
the wanderer
Mon Oct 14 14:53:15
yadda yadda

so anyway, yeah, first shooter was just seeking fame on his way out & Trump picked as had a convenient location for him

2nd attempter had mixed views, voting Trump in 2016 then wondered if Trump was retarded after seeing how he 'governed' (a reasonable question)
Mon Oct 14 15:03:48
Another trumper. Theyve all been GOPers or at best "libertarians" (i.e. rightwingers who pretend to have nothing to do with GOP presidents' failures, but always vote for them), I think?

"The man arrested outside Donald Trump's Coachella rally has broken his silence, confirming he's a supporter of the former president and denied he was attempting to shoot him.

Vem Miller, 49, is a registered Republican who tried to present fake VIP credentials at a Trump rally on Saturday and then found himself arrested on illegal firearms charges.

A friend and business partner of Miller told DailyMail.com he is a full-blown Trump supporter and slammed police for 'not understanding he's one of us'."
Mon Oct 14 15:14:30
If you were a Mexican immigrant in another country where half of the population has the exact same eugenic sentiments of you that pre-Wii nazis had of Jewish immigrants, would you:

1. Learn that racism harms and keeps down perfectly decent and honest people and vow to never harm and oppress other people in such a despicable manner?

2. Wish you were on the school bully’s side, laughing in fear as the bully beats the new Mexican kid in school with the same background as you, and deciding to spend your life sucking the bully’s cock in the forlorn hope that he will one day pat you on the back and allow you to beat and kick and spit on the new Mexican kid in school?
Mon Oct 14 15:16:19
IwishIhadGermanicBloodInMyVeinstornado obviously threw himself over option 2. with much enthusiasm, but what would other posters here choose?
Mon Oct 14 15:51:31
On a related, highly recommended Glenfarclas-influenced note: Communication is about facilitating resolutions to conflicts to avoid the more harmful effects of raging chimpanzee-related physical destruction; i.e. death and suffering. When you digress to sabotaging debate, i.e. cut off serious communication, as is the method employed by the anti-intellectual rightwing with its obvious eternal lies and fake news - after all, to lie in a debate is to cheat and thereby sabotage and destroy honest, socratic debate - when you destroy all posssibilities of commmunication between 2 halves of a species, have you sowed the seeds of creating two different humanoid species? Will healthy homo sapiens and conservatives one day be unable to procreate?
Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 15 02:36:29
williamthecoward clearly sampling from Reddit-tier "[ohmagerd! bullying!]" soy boy beta cuck faggotry. williamthecoward is such a bitchboy that like most leftists he sees things in terms of some high school trauma where the only solution is to start a slave revolt so that dysgenic freaks such as himself, tumblefag, murder, sebgul, and dukfag can actively subvert and destroy all that's good in the West on behalf of goblins even more dysgenic, pathetic, and impotent than themselves. Everything these cult psychopaths see is thus in terms of resisting "Hitler"/"Nazis" in a shameless Godwin's Law. (They never think about why it is that teenage trauma is so useful in Bolshevik revolutions.)

Too bad they're too fucking stupid to realize that there are goblins even more dysgenic and even further left than themselves who consider them to be "Nazis". If you've seen Redditors complaining that CNN is "far right" then you know exactly what I'm talking about.

The two shooters were both left-wing cultist psychopaths — just like tumblefag — with established left-wing psychopath views. The FBI falsely claimed that the first shooter had "mixed" views because they themselves are left-wing psychopaths. The tell there is that the FBI would have burned the shooter as "far right" if they *could* have found anything remotely flavored as "MAGA" — but they could not.

In reality, the first left-wing cultist psychopath was found supporting ActBlue — an explicitly progressive political PAC — and was found posting on Gab with DNC talking points (pro-immigration, pro slave revolt, fraud denial, pro-COVID lockdowns, pro-Biden border policies, overtly anti-MAGA).

The second left-wing cultist psychopath was found with these typical left-wing psychopath political positions:
• unconditional support for Ukraine
• Has attempted to actively recruit Americans to fight in Ukraine
• fixation with a leftist revolution
• hatred of Trump and love of Bolshevik "democracy" (he tried to coin "Keep America Democratic and Free" (KADAF) for Harris and "Make Americans Slaves Again" (MAFA) for Trump)
• Tweets favorably at the Bolshevik Jew Seth Rogen
• Attempted (probably ironically) to get Vivek Ramaswamy to join NeoCon DNC asset Nikki Haley (pretty much only DNC instigators pretended that Haley was a legitimate candidate; see for example tumblefag)
• calls for globalism ("wish for every human around the world to be happy and successful")
• In June 2020 pretended that Trump was his 2016 choice but in the same Tweet called him "retarded" and said "I will be glad when you gone" (psychotic left-wing a55a55ination rhetoric); in May 2020 also Tweeted at Hillary Clinton that "we all must do our part to get rid of this idiot that is in the white house ... do the world a favor"
• Lots of ACAB rhetoric
• Support for George Floyd Insurrectionists
• called for a Federal police force (the DNC's FBI-Lite plan; the "Defund" movement intentionally federalizing all local police training; Biden later pushed this via EOs in early 2021)
• Supported Bernie, then supported Tulsi.. but, again, Tulsi support was only as a means of removing the rest of the GOP field (he lays out a scenario where exactly this happens: the rest of the field is eliminated for Tulsi; this is also when Tulsi was still DNC). This is, again, the left-wing disingenuous tactic of putting Regime sycophants in power by falsifying support in the opposition camp. No one on the right thinks of Tulsi as much more than a recent convert ("the left left me" type) who should not be trusted with power.

The supposed "3rd" shooter was a right-wing type who very likely had zero intention of hurting Trump in any way. All of the evidence so far (e.g., contents of his vehicle, identification issues, firearm possession) paint a picture of him rightfully not trusting the Bolshevik Regime and wanting Trump to be elected (i.e., wanting Trump to be alive and to win). This seems like a case of a sheriff wanting to take credit for "stopping" an "attempt" when we're just looking at someone who lives out of his car. This does not mean that the sheriff was wrong to stop someone from bringing weapons to a secure event, but the conclusions are bad.

As for as an *actual* third attempt,
the Democrats are using their control of mass-propaganda to actively call for left-wing psychopaths such as Crooks, Routh, williamthecoward, and tumblefag to kill the DNC's political opposition since they failed to hide Biden's dementia/Parkinson's, lawfare against Trump is fizzling, Harris is a dud, and they still need more time to consolidate their 2030/2050 globalist treasons.

Typical signs that someone is a left-wing psychopath and a likely a55a55in (may) include:
• Complete rejection of all 2020 fraud claims ("[hur hur, 'no court found evidence..']")

• Regurgitation of the DNC propaganda line "unfit", which was heavily propagandized by, for instance, million-dollar DNC-funded programs such as "Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump" (2020) and adoption of which is thus a sign that someone's brain is an SSRI soup

• False cult delusions that Trump will be a "dictator" — an absolute fabrication based on a joke that Trump made which DNC media has shamelessly propagated and misinterpreted for their cult and is now «ad hoc» pretending is legitimate through confirmation bias "[See! Even if we lied about Trump saying he wants to be a dictator, 'this thing' is sort of like, dictator-ish, right?]"

• False cult delusions that anything they do not like is "fascism"/"Hitler", including the very act of policing criminals, securing borders, or recognizing that the DNC is in fact replacing Europeans for useful slave castes among migrant hordes; this is such an obvious delusion that cultists often forget that fucking **Mitt Romney** was compared to Hitler/fascism when he ran

• having fallen for DNC hoaxes such as "very fine people", "Russian collusion", "[charges against Trump are totally real and not just lawfare, guys!]", "threat to our democracy", "tried to 'overturn'", "drinking/injecting bleach", January 6th was an "insurrection", "[climate change requires unfettered totalitarianism]", "[took classified documents!]", "[Trump undermined Faith in Elections and Faith in Party, komrade!]", "[false claims!]", "[there is no migrant invasion!]", "[Democrats do not want to take away free speech, they just want total control of social media and to legally define "misinformation" and the Overton Window, komrade!]", "[find the votes!]]", "[60 Minutes is unbiased!]", "[suckers and losers]", "bloodbath", "[Kavanaugh is a rapist! Ford is believable!]", "[Trump saved nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago!]", "Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation", "Trump built cages for migrant children!", "Don't Say Gay" bill, "Putin price hike", "[Trump took the wheel from Secret Service!]", "[officers were murdered on January 6th!]"

• adoption of idiotic talking points such as "convicted felon", "[omg! Project 2025!]", "[Trump wants to jail opponents!]" (*actively approves of jailing Trump*), "[no migrants are taking over! It was just a few apartment buildings that they took over in a sovereign nation! No big deal!]", "[Haitians totally do not eat domesticated pet-animals! Ignore all the evidence of Haitians eating these animals and pretend that a mass of unassimilated Haitians would not continue to do this!]",

• Complete suspension of reason through a "vote Blue no matter who" illogic of "anyone but Trump"
• pathetic fear of sovereign virtues and Western reason
• open support for LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA and pedophiles-puppets such as Biden
• open support for Bolshevik-puppets such as Harris
• blind deferral to Regime media such as BBC, Guardian, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, NPR, AP, etc.
• blind deferral to and usage of low-IQ propaganda Psychosis Accounts such as Acyn, JoJoFromJerz, BrooklynDadDefiant, Krassenstein Brothers, Vaush, Hasan, TYT, Aaron Rupar, Ron Filipkowski, "Mueller, She Wrote", PoliticsGirl (PoliticsGrandma), etc.
• Idiotic and delusional belief that the Cheneys are "good" now — entirely because they support the Bolsheviks (selective memory given transparent Cheney treasons post-9/11 and even given recent DNC propaganda that shows how quickly they flipped on Cheney when it was useful to have an "R" agree with them)
• complete ignorance of ESG
• chronic inability to read opposition arguments

These are some common symptoms of left-wing cultists. These are deranged and delusional people with no sense of reality. They get all of their "facts" from a Regime media which is heavily biased to sell them lies to control them under the guise and lies of "objectivity" and credentialism. They are so abysmally stupid and psychotic that they actually think the Regime is simply calling balls and strikes.

These psychotic left-wing collectivist cultists absolutely will try again to kill Trump. They truly believe that the only thing keeping them from having rational thoughts is the existence of one man. They still do not understand — and never will — that the entire reason for their psychosis is *induced* by the hyper-immediacy of Regime propaganda, which keeps them in a constant fear state and demands that they be compulsively hyper-up-to-date with the minutiae of Trump's statements.

When evaluating who is in a cult, here is an easy comparison by this metric:
• Who is compulsively fixated on Trump and wants him dead — perhaps having 50 threads to this effect?
• Who doesn't really think about Trump that much but generally hopes he can stop the Bolsheviks?

So you know that tumblefag is always projecting. He is in a cult. He is psychotic.
These psychotic cultists have zero issue lying for power. They will pretend that the two would-be Trump a55a55ins were inexplicably politically homeless while *simultaneously* claiming (since doublethink is characteristic of their cult ideology) that anyone who is "undecided" at this point is just lying since *everyone* must be as psychotically driven to the fringes as they are. This is the only pathologizing that they are capable of because they cannot see outside of the psychosis-soup that has become of their brains.

Two left-wing psychopaths have attempted to kill Trump.
Left-wing psychopaths in this forum are pretending that even though they absolutely want to kill or sex Trump that there is no evidence that left-wing psychopaths want to kill Trump or that those who attempted to kill Trump were left-wing. They are lying. They will say or believe anything that they need to say or believe to effect the killing of Trump. There is no arguing with an ideological Terminator.

It is the left that has been programmed with this absolute imperative, so we can pretty much guarantee that any legitimate attempt on Trump will be by the left. Psychosis conditioning among the right has been less successful because right-wing media is inherently anti-Regime and thus has not standardized an information stream. The left is so deep into cult dogma that they can only point to Fox News in their ideological and low-information stupor.
Tue Oct 15 11:50:53
Fucking idiot. Noone reads your shit dumbass. You are brain dead and have no filter for good information and bad.

You need to get off the fucking internet before you hurt yourself and other people with your delusions.
Tue Oct 15 13:07:51
CC==Killer of threads. They dont even get killed, they commit suicide.
Tue Oct 15 13:36:17
This from the hobo-beating wtb, who posted multiple paragraphs about his racist delusions.
Tue Oct 15 19:21:11
It is pretty fun how fagfish does his best to claim he isn't racist but his insults are universally based on someone's race/ethnicity. He is a coward in that way. Own up to your hatred of the other. At least SA doesn't hide from what he actually thinks.
Cherub Cow
Wed Oct 16 12:15:45
[Dukfag (left-wing projection bot)]: "You are brain dead and have no filter for good information and bad."

Dukfag can't read more than a Tweet-length comment since his brain is terminally ADD-fried by Regime propaganda, so it's everyone else's fault when thoughts become more complex than what's required for him to order food on UberEats.
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