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Utopia Talk / Politics / lol seb
Sam Adams
Mon Oct 21 02:04:44

why young people are fleeing high-tax Britain
A demographic crisis is brewing as emigration from the UK’s rainy isles ramps up


Export anyone with ambition, import pakis and africans. Lmfao.

At this pace you'll be less advanced than latin america soon. Chile has to be about ready to pass you, by standard of living, huh.
Sam Adams
Mon Oct 21 02:09:10
Remember just a few years ago you cried that alabama had passed you economically?

You'll be begging to be back on even that level soon.
Mon Oct 21 03:57:29

This is what happens if you elect Sams for 15 years.
Mon Oct 21 04:00:34
"The issue is that everyone wants the same pool of workers,” says Pomeroy. “Doctors or nurses trained in the UK can just as easily go and work in Australia, the US or the Middle East, and the UK now needs to ‘keep’ them, just like it needs to ‘compete’ for those who may leave parts of Africa or Asia."

Gosh it's almost like Sam's signature idea of slashing wages and cutting taxes is the problem here.
Cherub Cow
Mon Oct 21 04:14:57
Sebfag right back to his retarded shtick of "[the right-wing was in charge for 15 years but also they have never been in charge and I hope they will never be in charge]." Doublethink faggotry. Sam was simultaneously in charge but is a "fringe" that should never be in charge per sebbish subversion.

But yeah, sebfag approves of this. He is an anti-White racist, as is the case with all leftists, so he's totally okay with replacing the UK's ethnic population "for GDP" (*wink wink wink (totally not open-eyed treason) wink wink wink*).
Mon Oct 21 07:17:47

At this rate the EU won't want them back.

Sam Adams
Mon Oct 21 10:05:34
Seb you dunce. I have never once advocated for cutting wages. If you want talent, you have to pay for it.

Lol, lacking reading comprehension seb is not one of the uk workers who has the talent to get paid elsewhere.
Mon Oct 21 10:09:07
At least you don't have to walk far for a kebab!
Mon Oct 21 10:09:23
Hopefully you don't get stabbed on the way there for being white
Sam Adams
Mon Oct 21 10:18:46
Imagine going from the british empire to this in 100 years. Entirely self-inflicted too. Sebs part of the greatest choke job in history. Lol.
Cherub Cow
Mon Oct 21 10:38:23
"We have the recipes, use your copy ability"
Cherub Cow
Mon Oct 21 10:51:21
That retarded Harvard professor who wrote that disingenuous book calling Trump fascist released some more sebbish logic on the 13th:
"1. There are a lot of babies in the world, more than enough to go around 2. Many of these babies are not white/Swedish/German/Christian/Japanese etc 3. So if you care about whites/Swedish/Japanese people being “replaced” you do not care about point 1. 4. If you are obsessed with your country’s white/German/Swedish/Japanese population being replaced you are a fascist (or close enough) (5) natalism is fascism (or close enough). Thank you for coming to my Ted talk"

sebguls think that babies are interchangeable widgets. Need "GDP"? Import interchangeable baby-widgets from bomalia. There are a lot of them, so it's not replacement somehow (and you are a fascist for noticing).
Cherub Cow
Mon Oct 21 10:51:45
*"retarded [Yale] professor"
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