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Utopia Talk / Politics / Teamsters union: Amazon strike
Thu Dec 19 11:24:01
*wonders if Trump is going to walk the picket line*

Talk about instant karma! The teamsters are going to find out that the billionaire's club isn't pro-worker after all.
Thu Dec 19 14:37:37
Good. Let them burn. A majority decided to vote for Trump so fuck them.
Thu Dec 19 16:49:20
Any true pro worker type would try and bust the unions. All they add is another level of exploitation.
The people striking all are contract labor through a third party. Amazon should tell that third party get your house in order or we will be seeking another company to provide drivers.
Sam Adams
Thu Dec 19 17:00:37
Meh. Some unions are good, some exploitative, some incompetent.

Deltas pilot union is pretty elite. Local teachers unions are usually incompetent.
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