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Utopia Talk / Politics / Gloomy future in Europe. Time to move?
Sun Dec 22 14:40:30
Europe’s economic apocalypse is now

Sam Adams
Sun Dec 22 15:05:03
Lol @ seb and wtb
Sun Dec 22 15:20:06
"The crisis in Germany’s car world is just the tip of the iceberg. The country is struggling to cope with a host of other complicated challenges that are sapping its economic potential. The biggest: a one-two punch of a rapidly aging society and a dearth of highly skilled workers.

Many in the country hoped the large influx of refugees Germany has experienced in recent years would relieve that pressure. The problem is that few of the refugees have the educational background and skills to take on the high-end engineering jobs and other technical positions German companies need to fill.

That said, at the rate German industrial companies are laying off workers, the labor shortage could soon resolve itself, though not in a good way. In the past several weeks alone, the likes of VW, Ford and steelmaker ThyssenKrupp, to name but a few, have announced tens of thousands of layoffs."

lolololol. Importing Muslims has worked out so well, hasn't it.
Sun Dec 22 15:27:00
Europe built is welfare on cheap and reliable Russian gas.

USA blew up Germanys energy infrastructure and then European politicians decided that they no longer want cheap energy. Lololololol
large member
Sun Dec 22 15:27:40
The problem in this case is sanctions.
Sun Dec 22 15:32:45
Anyhow, this might be the end of Europe. Germany, France and Britain. Italy. Etc. Everyone (except Norway) has problems.

We don’t innovate. Companies are moving (because of high energy costs).
Sun Dec 22 15:37:13
” European politicians decided that they no longer want cheap energy. ”

Actually, European politicians decided over our heads that Europeans does not want cheap energy.
Sun Dec 22 16:19:34
The politicians are mostly retarded and disn’t decide or plan anything. A subset of them are evil and the broken energy system is a feature, not a bug. It’s the palliative care phase for the European civilization.
Sun Dec 22 19:18:47
You should all come to America.

Not only is our economy in much better shape (thanks to capitalism and lots of easy money flowing into investment), you can

1) Say bad things about Jews and Muslims without fear of being prosecuted by the government

2) Buy a car and not take public transit ever

3) Shoot guns all day - in many rural areas, you can do so in your own backyard!

4) Attend a church without being looked at funnily by your neighbors (does not apply to mosques)

5) Build up your net worth by gambling on the stock market

6) Cover your medical expenses by gambling on the stock market with an HSA

7) Cover your retirement by gambling on the stock market with a 401(k)

8) Fund money into a Social Security account that you know you'll never see one dime from because the baby boomers are sucking the fund dry

9) Work 80 hours a week in exchange for being able to afford the drugs needed to work 80 hours a week (also to be able to rent a loft apartment in Manhattan/LA - so sweet)

10) Purchase a McMansion in the suburbs, for which you'll only need to accumulate a lifetime's worth of debt to afford it

11) Get fined by your HOA because you forgot to cut your own fucking lawn last week (it's your fucking lawn which you supposedly own, why the fuck are you being penalized for what you do with it)

12) Become one of the worst climate polluters on the planet with your constant use of A/C, taking of commercial flights, and incessant consumption of hamburgers

13) Enjoy dining at a fine selection of delectable quick-service restaurants

14) Reset your metabolism to absorb all of the high-fructose corn syrup you'll be ingesting

15) Visit all of our national parks, including a hole in the ground, a river in between some ridges, and the one with the crocodiles

16) Be one of the 150,000,000 people who vote for the Leader of the Free World (it's totally worth it...especially if you're in one of the 43 states where the outcome is already basically assured no matter what)

17) Call ICE on illegal immigrants hanging around in front of Home Depot

18) Get a taxpayer-funded elective abortion at Week 39...because feminism

19) Witness your children get turned trans by LGBT propaganda at their kindergarten

20) Watch your teenager become a doomer who constantly bitches about how difficult their life is despite the fact that they enjoy a standard of living that your average pre-modern monarch couldn't even dream of

21) Engage in excessive exercises in jingoism at football games and space launches as you pretend to have any sort of role in America's success

22) Buy Cheetos at the grocery store

23) Talk shit about those fucking gay ass Europeans
Mon Dec 23 01:57:36
Eat at fine dining establishments like Twin Peaks.

Very important.
Mon Dec 23 02:01:19
Also nothing in that list about guns?! If I were ever to move to the USA, the first order of business would be to buy many many guns.
large member
Mon Dec 23 02:04:01
Number 3 cutie <3
Mon Dec 23 02:22:35
How is life in Norway, Jergul?
Mon Dec 23 02:24:49
What’s best and what annoys you the most?
large member
Mon Dec 23 02:39:23
Kittens and nothing much annoys me these days.
Sam Adams
Mon Dec 23 04:52:52
Other than switzerland is there part of europe that doesnt suck?
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