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Utopia Talk / Politics / UK Endorses Migrant Rape Gangs 2 of 1000
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 07 16:38:18 Previous thread: http://uto...hread=93742&time=1736288750303 |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 07 16:38:37 "The researcher was told by senior management never again to refer to Asian men running the rape gangs and was sent on a two-day ethnicity and diversity training course." http://x.com/dampierguy/status/1876422073876091027 • "the matter was never reported to the police. Neither did we get an explanation from the council officers and, to this day, the mystery of who took those files and why has never been solved. Adele was also told she must never refer to 'Asian men' in her reports and for good measure was sent on a two-day ethnicity and diversity training course." • "Worse was to come. Adele was given folders containing copies of the data she'd submitted. She noticed that comments and demands for information to be changed or removed had been made in the margins. She was told that these comments had been made by non other than Christine Burbeary from the police, Di Billups [executive director of education in Rotherham] and Jackie Jenkinson from social services." Strange! I guess it's all the police's fault, right? No. That is a sebbish lie. • Migrant rape gangs were explicitly targeting White people along a racialist strategy, protecting themselves in their migrant communities — even those not technically "breaking the law" were shielding law-breakers, migrants shielded by migrants in positions of power, shielded by the government at large. • Police were not prosecuting the migrants. • Social services were not escalating the claims. • Education was ignoring escalation and teaching people not to see it as a problem. • Infiltrated English-national government was ignoring the problem and teaching people not to see it as a problem. • Infiltrated English-national government was appointing migrant rapists to solidify the power of migrant rape gangs. • English bureaucrats were covering up the problem and shifting blame when needed. • Media was intentionally not reporting on it and/or downplaying it behind thought-terminating clichés such as "racism". In all cases, the backing behind this came from Bolshevik-Marxist principles such as • "equity", • "de-platforming", • "community relations" • the protection of "historically marginalized communities", • anti-White hate initiatives such as Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE), • ESG/"sustainability" governance as a West-destroying principle Everyone who touched these categories (e.g., equity, de-platforming, DEI, ESG/sustainability) in a positive fashion to promote or endorse them should be hanged by the neck until dead. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 07 16:38:43 [jergfaggot (low-IQ liar)]: ""And" does not mean "or". I dispensed with the first portion of your conditional as is sufficient to do. A case example of your lack of rigour." False. You are now obfuscating to protect your low-IQ with lies. You intentionally omitted the context to obfuscate "evidence" and "argument", hoping that you could fight the straw man like the coward that you are. You stupid, a coward, and a liar, as is your shit-stain amoral nature as a lutheran slave. .. http://x.com/dampierguy/status/1876415517738553612 "The main perpetrators were Asian men, many of them related to one another. Jayne says some Asian men had no respect for white girls but mentions a case of an Asian girl who was abused by a group who invited their brothers, uncles, and cousins to abuse her too. An Asian social worker said the girl could have avoided being abused if only she “dressed more appropriately”." |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 07 16:42:02 *"You [are] stupid, a coward, and a liar" .. "Jayne worked with a Muslim family man who was appalled by the abuse but who said that the father of a friend had told him that white girls were there to “practice” on before getting married." http://x.com/dampierguy/status/1876415990705377457 |
large member | Tue Jan 07 16:43:32 CC, the problem as I see it is you have been subverted by what you oppose. Your agenda mirrors the worst excesses you imagine the NWO is capable of. That is what N. warned about in his famous quote about staring into the abyss. Feel free to clarify with a consistent position that contradicts what I have observed at any time and I will adjust my preliminary conclusions. Do I matter? Well, yes. Test readers always matter. Also, it is important to feel understood and at this juncture, it is obvious you feel quite misunderstood. Which is sad and not my goal by any measure. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 07 16:48:20 "The more we looking into the abuse, the more we realized that it appeared to be coordinated and well organized. There were the younger foot soldiers, picking up girls in shopping centres, bus stations, parks and outside schools. Girls being unwittingly groomed were bringing friends into their circle of 'boyfriends'. Then older men were becoming involved and the girls would be passed between them. Takeaways, B & Bs and hotels were being used for the abuse, and very often local taxi firms would be seen outside events for young people, waiting to pick up certain girls. There was a nightclub in Rotherham which held an under-eighteens' night once a month. No alcohol was served but it was a place young people could go to feel a bit grown up. Somehow or other, abusers attended too, even though most of them were well over eighteen — the whole place was like a meat market. Taxis sat outside, waiting to give lifts to young, excited girls who ha djust been charmed by handsome older men inside. Yes, it was a proper network" http://x.com/dampierguy/status/1876417012789907556 |
Member | Tue Jan 07 16:50:33 CC: Have you compared to e.g. Saville case? In this case the perps were Muslim. In the other cases, the perps were white The common thing: both preyed on vulnerable groups, and the police, education, social services ignored it because the victims were poor, vulnerable people. Did the police have any issues going after Muslim gangs dealing drugs or committing other crimes? No. The issue is really very clear and covered in the various enquiries. Cherry picking self serving bullshit by folks doing coverup after the fact - normally senior figures inside the org seeking to deter juniors from following up on past failures by insinuating to do so was racist etc. - that's not an example of the police being afraid to investigate for being called racist, that's the police engaging in an internal cover-up of their initial failures to protect vulnerable people they felt didn't deserve protection. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 07 16:55:50 [jergfaggot (absolute liar with no conscience)]: "it is obvious you feel quite misunderstood. Which is sad and not my goal by any measure." You lie through your teeth. If there were an ounce of sincerity, you would re-read the links I posted for you about 5 times. You have not done that because you are a liar with no conscience. [jergfaggot (absolute liar with no conscience)]: "That is what N. warned about in his famous quote about staring into the abyss." Nice try trying to cite Nietzsche against me, you subversive piece of shit. You don't even know what he was talking about in that quotation. What are Nietzshe's four categories? You need to know them to know what he was talking about. Oh yeah, you haven't a fucking clue, and Google will not help you. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about because you're a moron and a liar. .. "“Lianna” was homeless. Her abuser posed as a boyfriend and showed her a handgun to impress her. Within three weeks he’d forced her to have sex with his brother and threatened her with the gun to keep doing so." http://x.com/dampierguy/status/1876417905132257656 • "A little over three weeks later I met [14-year-old Lianna] again, and I've never known anyone go from 'groomed' to 'abused' in such a short space of t ime. This time, there was no make-up or bright and breezy attitude. She sobbed hysterically and shook as she told me what had gone on." • "He said I owed him two hundred quid for the booze and fags ... he said his brother had the solution to it ... that if I have sex with him, he'll pay the debt off cos he's got more money than his brother." • "So they'd taken Lianna to a flat above a shop ... and her abuser's brother had had sex with her, as planned. When it was finished, she got back into her abuser's car and he drove her home. As she opened the door, he grabbed her wrist. 'Now you only owe use 195 [pounds],' he sneered. 'And if you don't pay it ...' He tapped the glovebox, indicating [the pistol inside]." |
Member | Tue Jan 07 16:56:50 You are focusing on the motivations of a tiny handful of monsters. I'm not much interested in them. I'm interested in the systemic failures that let those monsters along with white monsters in the church, in care homes, and celebrities like Jimmy Saville, do exactly the same for decades. You, on the other hand, don't appear to give a shit that vulnerable girls and boys were being raped while authorities stood by. You only care when they are being raped by Muslims. As long as raping minors doesn't involve miscegenation, you are fine with it. That's the disgusting truth here. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 07 17:07:58 [sebfaggot (Regime sycophant, confirmed pederast)]: "The common thing: both preyed on vulnerable groups, and the police, education, social services ignored it" Sebfaggot *starting* to admit that it was not just "the police", but keep going, faggot. It was government, bureaucrats, immigration officials, and an entire corrupt system of people who need to be hanged by the neck until dead. Everyone who said that England is just a multi-ethnic "Empire" that has never been "White" or that said that mass-migration was necessary for "GDP" will need to be executed in a public square as a warning that holds in the minds of Westerners for a thousand years. [sebfaggot (Regime sycophant, confirmed pederast)]: "You, on the other hand, don't appear to give a shit that vulnerable girls and boys were being raped while authorities stood by." The absolute projection. Let's test this claim. Q: What do I think should happen to the authorities who stood by? A: Executed brutally in the public square. What do you think should happen, sebfag? Some sort of bureaucratic solution? Some weakling's referral to "procedure" and "proper protocol" like a good Kafka nightmare? People in parliament should be hanged for this, but you'd be a good little bureaucratic faggot and try to circulate blame until no one can be blamed and say that it's all "good and proper". Fucking faggot. [sebfaggot (Regime sycophant, confirmed pederast)]: "As long as raping minors doesn't involve miscegenation, you are fine with it." Absolute lies. I have answered to this dozens of times, so for you to say this is just proof that you will tell any lie. *I* am the one who wants these sick pedophiles brutally executed. *I* am the one against the expansion of the LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA demoralization of the West. Whereas, *You* fully support pedophilia, LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA degen freaks, and the rape of the West. Stop projecting, you transparent fucking liar. [sebfaggot (Regime sycophant, confirmed pederast)]: "In this case the perps were Muslim. [/] In the other cases, the perps were white" Do we see the subversion sebfaggot is trying now? He's trying to say that, "[Erm, actually, it's not just migrant rape gangs since sometimes White people rape too.]" This is an absolute obfuscation and lie; rhetorically, this is the tactic of manipulating a normal distribution by changing the attention to outliers when the bulk is inconvenient and the bulk when the outliers are inconvenient (a low-IQ deception). The *vast* *majority* was done by migrant rape gangs — *not* White people. And more importantly, not a *single* rape should be done by *any* migrant, since *every* migrant should be an absolute model minority in their host nation. *Any* who fail to be an absolute model migrant in this capacity should be executed, disenfranchised, deported, and/or punished appropriately. But sebfags have no concept of "assimilation" in the first place. In their sick minds, a Pakistani who thinks that raping White girls is just "good practice" for marriage are not even necessarily holding an outsider culture. That is, migrant rapists have to "assimilate", but they "assimilate" to "multi-culturalism", which is just a meme for "[fucking anything at all even their migrant-rape cultures]". So sebfag does not even see the mass-rape of White children as morally wrong or any kind of contradiction within his "multi-cultural" vision. If you want to know how this happened for so long, simply look at sebfag. |
large member | Tue Jan 07 17:18:38 Seb is actually saying that young girls were not protected because of abrahamic sexual moralism in our culture. They were untrustworthy sluts undeserving of protection in the eyes of the authorities. That is a harsher condemnation of the "sebish" bureaucracy than you have ever managed to put into words, CC. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 07 17:22:35 Just a few cases, guys! It's just case studies! Just "a tiny handful of monsters", guys! "Confronted with all these cases, the social workers at Risky Business started collecting information. But when they noted the abusers were almost all Asian they were accused of being racist." http://x.com/dampierguy/status/1876418547737670131 "The fact that almost all those abusing girls were of Asian origin meant that in the vast majority of cases I put down 'Asian' as ethnic origin. I remember the intakes of breath when we mentioned ethnicity at steering group and key players meetings, accompanied by the occasional shaking of heads. "'Are you sure you should be mentioning this, Jayne?' "'Is ethnicity really relevant?' "'Jayne, don't you think it's a bit racist to say what their background is?'" "No, I didn't. As I said, if they'd been white males I'd have mentioned it. Like the man in the street who witnesses a crime, I assumed the police would want to know as much detail about the criminal as possible, including ethnicity. Back then, I didn't think that was wrong. Others obviously felt differently." And just a reminder that this logic is written into government and media DEI guidelines. They literally **will not** reveal the identity of an attacker if the attacker is a "protected class", but they will freely give the identity of a White criminal. This is sebbish anti-White logic, and it results in an anarcho-tyranny where the law-abiding are subjected to the full weight of the state's prosecution while migrant rapists and criminal invaders are systematically hidden by government and media in order to sell a narrative of an "anti-racist" society. This is why anti-White destroyers will try to get you to think that "[criminals come in all forms! Don't you care when it's a White criminal, hypocrite?]" whereas, their true deception is that they *only* want you to pay attention to the White criminal — even as it totally obfuscates that the *majority* of criminality comes from black and brown people as a sheer and overwhelming statistical reality. The anti-White destroyers, of course, support the mass-importation of these black and brown people, the under-prosecution of the same, the obfuscation of their roles in violent criminal attacks, and the over-prosecution of White criminals to manipulate the statistics. When they cannot hide the statistics any longer, they downplay the reports, try to move on to the next news cycle, obfuscate, demoralize, shift blame, and evade. They do this every single time. Their deception is transparent, yet they unashamedly persist in focusing on White criminals while ignoring the source of the bulk of criminality. They do this because their goal is the destruction of the West. If there were any hint that they wanted something *other* than the annihilation of White people and the West, then they might offer concessions, such as the mass-execution of criminal migrants, incredibly steep charges for *any* who helped them — even taxi drivers, police, social workers, education secretaries, education and DEI advisors, government workers, asset managers, and politicians. But that is not their goal so they will not offer the concession. The sebguls are an absolute enemy of the West, and there are very few things which can stop them. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 07 18:04:00 "“Jessica” was in foster care, even though her carer invited her abuser to tea. When her father tried to rescue her from the house where she was being abused, he made a racist comment. The police came and arrested him and an intoxicated, semi-naked, 14 year old “Jessica” but not the abusers. “Jessica” said that her abusers regularly used the “race card” against the police." http://x.com/dampierguy/status/1876419833782235373 • "Her abuse began at fourteen, when she became involved with a twenty-five-year-old man, and although she went into foster care, after frequently going missing from home, the abuse continued unabated." • "Her father, who was devastated by what was going on, always made efforts to track her down whenever this happened and, inevitably, she'd be at a property owned by abusers in the town." • "One evening ... unfortunately as he was shouting he used a racist comment towards the people inside ... the police arrived pretty damned quickly, the door was opened and they went inside ... She didn't come out quietly, apparently, which led to her being arrested and charged with disorderly behavior, as was her father. And although the house was full of men, one of whom had just been in bed with a fourteen-year-old girl, not one of them was spoken to, arrested or charged with anything." • "Jessica subsequently told me that when she was driving around with her abuser in his flashy car, he'd often play the 'race card' if stopped by police. 'You're only pulling me because I've got a brown face,' he'd say, and they'd back off. She also claimed that on several occasions officers known to this man would warn him to lie low because he was 'being looked at'." Again, low-IQ people and subversives will simply claim "[muh police]', but I have *repeatedly* explained how anarcho-tyranny manifests. A recent example is "The Daniel Penny Effect" thread: ---------- http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=93694&time=1735127146250 So NYC has • an anti-White DEI policy at the level of governance (CRT as applied law doctrine), • an anti-White and pro-criminal policing policy that restrains police in interventions, • an anti-White DA, Alvin Bragg, pushing this policy, and • an anti-White prosecutor, Dafna Yoran, executing Bragg's policy ---------- A slave revolt moves from macro to micro, controlling a micro to macro response. That is, power comes down from law, law is adopted as culture, culture is adopted as action. Action then reflects back up as culture, law approves, and power is fulfilled. In *non*-slave-revolt conditions, a people's nobility affirms noble action, so power is reciprocal *without* the mere manipulations of law. This would be like if the father in the above story killed every single migrant in that rape house, freeing his daughter, and the police did not charge him, his community approved, and the government awarded him. Another slave example is the BLM/Antifa 2020 Insurrection. To low-IQ useful idiots, that was "grassroots", but this is absolutely false. BLM/Antifa had to be explicitly empowered through law. In normal conditions, rioters would be considered "outlaw" and subjected to a people's justice without the prosecution of any who acted against them, rioters would be beaten brutally on-the-spot for any property damage, rioters would be swiftly and immediately charged, and riots would thus be quelled quickly. In the top-down direction of that BLM/Antifa slave revolt, however (macro to micro): • Regime governance apparatchiks such as Kamala Harris were directly advocating the insurrection (propaganda) and funding its members with her non-profit for the defense of any rioters who were charged (law, funding) • Regime governance locally under-charged any left-wing rioters systematically to ensure that they could return to the next riots (law) • Regime Media overtly gave the green-light for lawlessness, even undermining their own belief in COVID protocols (propaganda) • Those who put up a fight against the BLM/Antifa insurrection were charged harshly and made into media spectacles (e.g., the Rittenhouse trial) • Thus, rioters/insurrectionists on the ground believed that this was "the voice of the unheard", yet they were funded by every major corporation, given the go-ahead of the Regime that truly held power behind the scenes, and were given the matches and the bricks to cause maximum damage. I.e., anyone who thought that trillionaire asset managers being behind them was just "grassroots", just "local", just "the people" was a fucking idiot. Similarly, it might be useful to ask a fucking idiot, "[Did the police just sort of come up with this discretionary process on their own?]" The answer is obviously and emphatically *no*. Because did the police have full approval to select their own prosecutorial direction? No! Police were systematically responding to the incentives that they were given. They *knew* that if they charged a migrant that the case would be dropped by prosecutors — even were the crimes heinous! They *knew* that if a White person were charged that the full weight of the law would be thrown at that White person — even were the crimes as frivolous as racial slurs! That is the essence of anarcho-tyranny. The police feel empowered by the incentives of governance to go after "soft" targets while avoiding the "hard" targets. Police are *explicitly* given instructions to avoid "protected classes" because prosecutors must artificially skew their books for "equity". And since black and brown people as a simple fact of reality commit more crimes in the West than do White people, this meant that their crimes had to be systematically ignored to cook the books. And who gave them those incentives? Macro to micro: • Governance (ESG/DEI, "sustainability") • Law (CRT / DEI) • Education (DEI, Marxism) • Media (propaganda) This came from the very top of UK governance. This was the explicit racialist strategy of those in parliament. This did not happen in a bottle. This was not just "[muh police]" not reporting because they were just a bunch of goofballs doing an oopsie. No. Even if those police were completely replaced, the incentive structure would cause the exact same outcome (*especially* since the incentive structure *thrives* in "replacement" conditions because the replacements would be DEI hires). Even when police reported, the reports were sidelined. It was the explicit demand of governance from the top down that White children be raped by migrant rape gangs. |
large member | Tue Jan 07 19:18:39 It allowed any vulnerable children to be raped by anyone because of how abrahamic sexual morals have infiltrated our societies. The children were sluts unworthy of protection. You should recognize this CC, you mirror the approach in your views of people unworthy of protection by the rule of law. |
large member | Tue Jan 07 19:23:14 Additionally, you do realize the girls came from predominantly Labour areas with parents in a demographic that almost certainly voted labour. Are you so sure the girls are not dysgenic unworthy of protection and slated for punishment for treason according to how you catagorize things? |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 07 19:51:55 Just keep lying, misrepresenting, and distorting, faggot. That's all you can do. You have no conscience and no morality, so that's all you can ever do. |
large member | Tue Jan 07 20:25:40 You belief system has glaring inconsistencies. That is the issue you are confronted with here. Are not these girls [(likely worthless whores)] given their irredeemable background? Why then the pretense that they have value in your future society? |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 07 20:41:26 The supposed "inconsistencies" that you are developing are based in false premises; they are "inconsistent" because they are lies that you are creating. (You are a liar.) I exposed how you create these false-premise trees (lies; You are a liar) here: (comment "Mon Dec 09 04:18:56" http://uto...hread=93596&time=1733903368381 ) You are a liar. You have no conscience. You have no morality. If you have a religion, it is based in serving the devil, killing all good in the world. That is a fact demonstrated by your every word. You are poison. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Wed Jan 08 00:14:04 Good video explaining just how psychotic England is with regards to the taboo accusation of "racism" and how the word itself codes people as "low class" and forces citizens to be compliant with absolute evil: "Yes, It Was a Cover Up" [Lotus Eaters; January 7th, 2025] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8KGqHOHf2o Some police were basically so terrified of being called "racist" that they let migrant rape gangs rape English children. The video also emphasizes an issue covered above, which is that "community relations" is such a psychotic imperative that *reporting* the very reality of there being a community of rapists who target White English children would be seen as "racist" and perhaps produce a "stigma" against rapist communities. In one case, a mother was told by police that her young daughter being raped was a lesson in a "different culture". In other words, actual English were being told that they had to accept rape by foreigners because rape was just a part of multiculturalism and having a diverse community, much like having easy access to kebab stands and vape shops. Many of the migrant rapists believed that the English were basically "atheists" and "Christians" and White devils (i.e., "free game") since they didn't believe in their Allah delusion or have their ethnic ties, which goes to them believing themselves to be a "master race" with all others being beneath them (as similarly is the psychotic state of jews, lutherans, and calvinists, since "special elect"/"chosen" status is inherently Satanic and degrades those who believe this delusion as well as all those over whom they hold power). The English, meanwhile, did *not* look at these young girls as "deserving" of punishment due to some Abrahamic faith, as some evil fucking retards claim, but because White *children* were seen as necessarily having *more* agency compared to *adult* migrant rapists and conquerors, who — due to "community relations" and the UK's dysgenics plan — were given a priority status to commit mass rapes without reprisals. This is, of course, the Master–slave dialectic as state policy, since the "oppressor" (White person) is always "wrong" under this belief system and the "oppressed" (black or brown person) is always blameless, so the UK had adopted the suicidal West-destroying beliefs of the muslim, the Hindu caste observer, the jew, the lutheran, and the calvinist. Naturally, the migrant rapists who were expressly imported into the UK to rape White children were confused by their sometimes prosecutions, since they were brought in to rape White children and for some reason found that the courts would occasionally tell them *not* to rape White children. Clearly, some portions of the UK government were still capable of determining that the racialist targeting and raping of White children was a bad thing, though sebguls in governance will certainly do their best to remove those portions of government in future personnel shakeups, since, in the mind of sebguls, the issue here is not the raping of White children (which, to them, is a good thing), but rather the issue is that there still exist people in positions of power who are capable of looking beyond the thought-terminating cliché of "racism" in order to *stop* the systematic raping of White children by migrant rapists who were expressly imported to rape White children. Thus, one strategy that the UK government (under the control of the Global Totalitarian/Bolshevik Regime) wishes to adopt is to further obfuscate reporting standards such that the racial category of the migrant rapist is unknown to the public, since that would encourage the further raping of White children in the dark. A similar strategy is used in these United States, where obviously non-White Hispanic males and even black men are sometimes knowingly and falsely categorized as "Caucasian" by reporting organizations in order to boost reporting statistics for "equity of outcomes". The key thing here is that the people in governance that are using migrant rape gangs to rape White children and destroy Western peoples and their nations *do* very much want the raping of White children to continue, the question is how can they do it in spite of all this recent bad press regarding the raping of White children? |
iChihuaha | Wed Jan 08 01:08:31 LOL Andrew Fucking Tate, the Muslims convert, says that there is an Islamic crime problem. |
Member | Wed Jan 08 02:16:49 Andrew Tate, notorious purveyor of toxic masculinity get layed quick with allegations of sex trafficking of women is a totally credible spokesman on this issue. |
iChihuaha | Wed Jan 08 02:37:56 All charges have been dropped. Also, ”toxic masculinity” means nothing outside of your cucked bubble. He has incured the wrath of many muslims on this issue. Indeed he has more balls than all the sebguls combined in standing up against his own community. |
Member | Wed Jan 08 06:16:35 Horrific nazi filth. You gnashing chimps are the kind of people that in a live situation are recorded as monsters of concentration camps, the hateful savages that revel in sadistic cruelty towards the captives |
large member | Wed Jan 08 07:21:15 CC, normative, declaratory statements of what you are, or I am, have little value. You are still better than the authorities. They found the girls unworthy for socioeconomic and sexual morality reasons. You are least only find them unworthy for socioeconomic reasons (working class or worse from labour districts). Captain Andrew Fucking Obvious is correct, though perhaps hypocritical. |
Member | Wed Jan 08 07:21:51 http://www...ackrod-court-hears/?ref=twtrec Asians compose 100% of the grooming gangs that are composed of Asians. They are entirely separate phenomenon phenomenon to: * Sexual abuse by police officers, known to the police, but overlooked. Cf. Sarah Everard case. * Abuses in the Church by priests, overlooked or actively covered up by the church (for which the archbishop of Canterbury resigned a few weeks ago) * Abuse of vulnerable children in care homes, a massive scandal. * Abuse of vulnerable children by celebrities (Jimmy Saville) I'm sorry, but if your answer to this long running issue of official disdain for protecting vulnerable and lower class women and children from abuse is to focus specifically on Asian perps; and quoting victims while ignoring the quotes you don't like, such as, "I was always seen as a slut, not a victim.” “They were snobs. They treated us with contempt because they thought we were working-class girls who were asking for it: that we had voluntarily stumbled into this toxic world because we craved attention from men, but what we needed was help.” "When one mother of an exploited child went to the authorities, she was told her parenting was to blame and her “rebellious” daughter would “grow out of it”; another that an older Asian boyfriend was “a fashion accessory” on their council estate." What you are doing is blatantly attempting to politicise a national scandal, and directly trying to shift the conversation away from protecting potential victims to immigration policy which will do little to help. A few disgusting monsters from rural Pakistan, certainly. But 88% of child abusers are white and the key enabling factor is that the targets are always vulnerable kids who the authorities look down on. There was a national inquiry into this already with 20 recommendations which the conservatives didn't do shit about for years. One of that enquiries key findings was that the pattern of abuse in Rotherham etc. was seen elsewhere, and the police often didn't have data on ethnicities, but there were plenty examples of the same type of grooming gangs operating on white estates. Kier Starmer, as director of public prosecutions, prioritised this issue. He set up a dedicated task force and additional resources to pursue prosecutions. Jess Philips as an MP was supporting victims and campaigning on the issue before the press picked it up. She's already been looking at implementing recommendations from the Jay report, including criminalising failure to report abuse. This crap from the US right is just lies and cynical bullshit. |
Member | Wed Jan 08 07:27:39 Nim: Do you want me to quote some of the shit he's said about how you treat a woman? About how they belong at home, shouldn't drive, are their man's property, bear responsibility for being raped? "It’s bang out the machete, boom in her face and grip her by the neck. Shut up bitch," It's precisely *this* mentality that the victims of this abuse describe police, social workers etc. of displaying towards them when they sought help. So yeah, Tate is part of the fucking problem Nim. And so are you. And it's little to do with Muslims. It's misogyny. |
large member | Wed Jan 08 09:04:17 Dickens wrote about systemic working class child abuse. It is nothing new that suddenly reared its ugly head in the post wwii migrations. Hence my drawing a common line by citing abrahamic sexual morality. The crap from the US right also smacks of hypocracy. Its not like you actually care about working class (or worse) girls that are sexually active and use intoxicants. Sorry, we cant arrest the people sexually abusing the girls and plying them with alcohol and drugs. Because the girls are sexually active and use drugs and alcohol you see. We just cannot trust children that have been groomed like that. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Wed Jan 08 16:45:24 [sebfaggot (liar, Regime sycophant, confirmed nonce)]: "But 88% of child abusers are white" You are a liar, and the time for your treasons is ending. You should be afraid right now. I realize that on that BlueAnon website you try to insulate yourself from reality, but reality is coming. People are planning. It is not going to be pretty. You will be shocked. So we see it's time for sebfaggot (a traitor to the West who openly and deliberately seeks its annihilation) to focus on some Whataboutisms that obfuscate from the absolute an incontrovertible fact that White children *are* and *were* being systematically raped by migrant-invader rape gangs and that he himself (sebfaggot) openly wants the rape of White children to continue on a systematic level. These people are evil, and there is not a single drop of repentance in them. There is no action against them that is morally wrong. "When we win, do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny." --------- "A report for South Yorkshire Police pointed out that the rape gangs were also dealing drugs and committing violent crime. It cited a case where a 12 year old was kidnapped by a rape gang and forced to watch her 14 year old sister be gang raped. Another 14 year old was doused in petrol, as a warning. Iraqi Kurdish asylum seekers also abused girls, some of whom became good at translating Arabic as a result. The police did nothing in response to this report." http://x.com/dampierguy/status/1876424440764043688 |
Cherub Cow
Member | Wed Jan 08 16:46:30 364 politicians in UK governance voted against further inquiries into the migrant rape and invasion armies, thus cementing their names on the proscription lists. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UgOpR88DWw |
Cherub Cow
Member | Wed Jan 08 17:37:10 MP Rupert Lowe: --------- "I asked a number of uncomfortable questions in Parliament today around the mass rape of white working class girls by mainly Pakistani gangs. "The brutal truth must be shown to the British people." http://x.com/RupertLowe10/status/1877018896504336469 --------- Pretty fair questions. sebbish traitors can try to obfuscate all they want, but solutions should be pretty straightforward, should they not? If it's a small problem, then surely this is a small ask? If this is only a fragment of UK rapes, then this should be easy, should it not? If very few people covered anything up, then there will be very little fallout, correct? Some of his bullet points mixed with some additional ones: • strip citizenship from dual citizens • execute or deport the rapists • deport the families • deport the communities • pause all Pakistani Visas and all aid to Pakistan until Pakistan accepts the rapists and others who are deported • make a task force to prosecute those who hid the migrant rapes from the public • establish a full ethnic and geographic breakdown of all rapists • publish details about the state benefits received by rapists • try for treason those who protected the rapists • try for treason those in governance who hid the scandals • try for treason media apparatchiks who hid or downplayed the stories This is the moderate position. Surely, if this is truly a small issue, then this will be easy? |
large member | Wed Jan 08 18:02:31 How about we just focus on compensation? How many million pounds do you think the young working class women from Labour families should be given by the government for the State's failure to protection. How much do these young liberals deserve in your opinion CC? |
large member | Wed Jan 08 18:03:02 Provide protection* |
Member | Thu Jan 09 01:44:57 CC: You are an apologist for systematic neglect and an exploiter of child abuse to further your own political agenda. You disgust me. |
Member | Thu Jan 09 01:58:42 These crimes were detectable, were reported and could have been prevented by simple expediency of the police investigating, and referring the individual perps to the CPS for prosecution. The issue is they chose and often still choose not to. Deporting entire communities of British born citizens (How? To where?) is an unworkable and unnecessary and frankly fascist approach (the precedent of stripping British born citizens of their rights is easily extendable to anyone which is of course what CC wants: a right wing state reigning supreme and able to subjugate the population by arbitrary application of power unchecked by any rights). Worse it will do nothing to protect children unless you are going to also cover the other communities from which abuse originates: Strip of citizenship and deport: 1. The staff and families of everyone working in care home 2. All celebrities and their families 3. All the clergy if the church of England and Catholic church Etc etc. At which point who is actually left in the country. CC doesn't care about girls getting raped. She isn't even interested in actually preventing it happening. She just wants a right wing state with arbitrary powers, and a pogrom against brown people. And if she has to cynically exploit the victims of child sexual abuse, that's just a bonus for her. We don't need her bullet points, we already have a national inquiry with 20 recommendations. Implement those. |
Member | Thu Jan 09 02:03:50 "try for treason" - sounds lovely. How about putting those who failed to do their duty in trial for eye actually criminal acts: neglect, accessory to abuse , gross misconduct... Because the fascist wants to make this a crime against the state, to make the state the victim, not the girls. so to justify the extension of states powers to protect itself. And this CCs motivation is laid bare. She doesn't want justice, she doesn't want to protect the abused, she doesn't even want to punish the actual perpetrators. What she wants is the same thing all fascists want: a fucking coup. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Thu Jan 09 07:01:26 Now the sebfaggot degrades himself yet again into the Regime's transparent thought-terminating cliché of "fascist" as he lies with a psychopath's complete lack of conscience or remorse. This is the same psychopathic nature that allows him to accept, condone, and promote the rape of White children while deflecting to red herrings about the "rights" of migrant rapists and invaders. And do we see how sebfaggot lies so readily? (emphasis added (***) where appropriate) • LIE #1: "You are an apologist for systematic neglect and an exploiter of child abuse to further your own political agenda." • LIE #2: "These crimes were detectable, were reported and could have been prevented by simple expediency of the police investigating, and referring the individual perps to the CPS for prosecution." • LIE #3: "The issue is they chose and often still choose not to" • LIE #4: "Deporting entire communities of ***British born citizens***" • LIE #5: "unworkable and unnecessary" • LIE #6: "frankly fascist approach" • LIE #7: "(the precedent of stripping ***British born citizens*** of their rights" • LIE #8: "which is of course what CC wants: a right wing state reigning supreme" • LIE #9: "and able to subjugate the population by arbitrary application of power unchecked by any rights" • LIE #10: "Worse it will do nothing to protect children" • LIE #11: "unless you are going to also cover the other communities from which abuse originates:" • LIE #12: "Strip of citizenship and deport:" • LIE #13: "At which point who is actually left in the country." • LIE #14: "CC doesn't care about girls getting raped." • LIE #15: "She isn't even interested in actually preventing it happening." • LIE #16: "She just wants a right wing state with arbitrary powers," • LIE #17: "and a pogrom against brown people." • LIE #18: "And if she has to cynically exploit the victims of child sexual abuse, that's just a bonus for her." • LIE #19: "We don't need ***her*** bullet points" (literally were largely from Rupert Lowe) • LIE #20: "we already have a national inquiry with 20 recommendations. Implement those." (exclusionary lie) • LIE #21: "How about putting those who failed to do their duty in trial for eye actually criminal acts: neglect, accessory to abuse , gross misconduct..." (lie by exclusion) • LIE #23: "Because the ***fascist***" (thought-terminating cliché) • LIE #24: "wants to make this a crime against the state" • LIE #25: "to make the state the victim" • LIE #26: "not the girls" • LIE #27: "so to justify the extension of states powers to protect itself" • LIE #28: "And this CCs motivation is laid bare" • LIE #29: "She doesn't want justice" • LIE #30: "she doesn't want to protect the abused" • LIE #31: "she doesn't even want to punish the actual perpetrators" • LIE #32: "What she wants is the same thing all fascists want" • LIE #33: "a fucking coup" Psychopathic liars such as sebfaggot will tell the biggest lies that they can — the most abusive, the most conniving, the most profane against the truest truths. He is like a villain who would see someone at prayer and call the pious unfaithful, not because of any true perception but simply because it is the most distorted lie possible for that moment. Any honest person knows that I have openly proclaimed my absolute and undying love for the West and its people and simultaneously hold an unrelenting hatred for its enemies, since one most hate one's enemies to love one's family. That is the simplest and most important discernment of a Living People, and it is a Vital Imperative for the West. Thus I am obviously and openly concerned with the welfare of these children, since they are so obviously of the West — while their rapists are not. I have proclaimed it repeatedly and expressed it as my primary concern. It is undeniable. Thus it is expressly *because* of my sincere love of the West that psychopathic liars such as sebfaggot will pretend that I don't "care about girls getting raped" while *projecting* his own true state. He knows that this is the biggest lie he can tell in this context, so he does it — even as it is wholly contradicted by all of the evidence that I give here. He can do this because he is evil — absolute evil. And as I have pointed out before, for those who doubt this or who are uncertain, the test is simple: think of all of the things that sebfaggot has said here over years and years, and ask when he has *ever* expressed love for the West. The answer is *no* and *never*. It is the simplest thing, but he cannot do it. The "West" is not even real to him. Someone who thinks that borders and the prosecution of criminals are "fascist" simply cannot love a nation. It is beyond his very nature. He cannot even *define* a thing because definitions will fix him to principles and principles may become sacred and inviolable and force him to take a stand for that thing — whereas cowards must always have a means to retreat further and further still, and linguistic sebbish cowards therefore cannot define a thing. And notice, always, that leftists prefer and defend the out-group over the in-group. This is literally about migrant invaders who explicitly targeted White children under an *open* and *stated* logic of conquest, but sebfaggot *still* defends them *over* his own people. This is because he is a traitor. And like murdertard, he literally thinks that a "fascist" is someone who wants borders, rule-of-law, and punishments for criminals. And recall that thought-terminating clichés (e.g., "racist", "fascist", "Islamaphobe", "anti-Semitic", "freedumb", "science-denier", "anti-vaxxer") are the language of thought reform in totalitarian ideology, as per Robert Lifton, whose works on Maoism and the psychology of sebbish totalitarian psychopaths is so standard that it's taught in introductory social psychology. That is how far gone these people are. The very survival of your nation is "fascist" to them, because if these psychopaths can convince you that your very survival is "fascist" (i.e., "bad thing"), then you sit dumbstruck before your annihilation. And they very much want your annihilation. These White girls were systematically raped by the enemies of the West, and they were told that even to *notice* who was doing it was "racist". Likewise, sebfaggot, who wants the demolition and rape of the West, calls anyone a "fascist" who opposes its annihilation. Thus, to see how the rape of White children became such a mundane, banal evil, look no further than sebfaggot. |
Member | Thu Jan 09 07:23:20 CC: It's not fascist to claim there are Muslim rape gangs. I'm saying you specifically are fascist in the way you seek to use this scandal as your "Reichstag Fire", to appropriate it a crime against "the people", and an excuse for broad state powers to purge society of entire races, communities, and any political opposition. All while ignoring the actual victims. Disgusting. |
Member | Thu Jan 09 07:25:11 The only thought terminating cliche here is your relentless attempt to invoke the idea of treachery to justify your desire to purge society of anyone you don't agree with. |
Member | Thu Jan 09 07:27:35 You claimed to sincerely love the west. This is transparently a lie. You are violently opposed to pretty much every aspect of Western values. You hate the west. What you like is the people with white skin that agree with you. What you like is your conception of a master race, essentially. Fascist. |
Member | Thu Jan 09 07:51:52 "Someone who thinks that borders and the prosecution of criminals are "fascist"" Lie. This is what actually CC advocates: "deport the families deport the communities" She's not advocating for prosecution those who committed crimes. She's advocating for the state to strip British born citizens of their rights and send them to a foreign country that they are not a citizen of, based on their ancestry. Innocent people who committed no crime, other than to have skin colour that CC objects to. This is what I advocated: "These crimes were detectable, were reported and could have been prevented by simple expediency of the police investigating, and referring the individual perps to the CPS for prosecution." One of us supports increased prosecution of criminals. The other wants to use this as a basis for a pogrom. |
Member | Thu Jan 09 07:55:17 One of us loves the west, with it's traditions of rule of law, individual liberty, and the state's powers constrained. The other sees the state as an embodiment of a collective, with arbitrary powers to declare entire groups "non persons" strip individuals of rights with no due process, confiscate their property, and murder any who voice dissent. The latter is CC, and there's simply no other way to describe this than facism. |
large member | Thu Jan 09 07:56:20 CC, you contradict yourself by putting a lot of thought into the socalled thought terminating cliches. Frankly, your ideas could easily fall under a hardcore fascist umbrella. But we need to assume many things that you talk little about. What is your stance on unionized labour? I think I know, but I am frankly just assuming you are extremely negative to the thought. I assume you are a huge fan of Autarky (import independence), but perhaps not. But both of these things are hallmark Fascist when combined with ideas you have expressed. Not really thought terminating at all, frankly. Seb certainly did nail it with you pushing an agenda using victims you have previously stated are ruined undesirables in other contexts. Not a good look really. The core problem is the inherent contradictions to your thoughts. Your out groups are way too large in your question for purity. What you truly need is a terra nullus and a new Mayflower so you can set out to form a new society untainted by the old. Mars seems out of reach, but what about Greenland? |
large member | Thu Jan 09 07:56:42 quest for* |
large member | Thu Jan 09 08:12:29 To put one of the points another way Seb: CC is a fascist because... CC: Fascist is a thought terminating cliche. Jergul: CC a fascist? Lets think about that. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Thu Jan 09 08:31:09 The sebfaggot delights in the lies. With duper's delight he smiles knowing what terrible lies he can float without serious reprisals. With his every sentence the psychopathic liar conducts himself according to his twisted nature: (emphasis with (***)) LIE #34: "fascist in the way you seek to use this scandal as your "Reichstag Fire"" LIE #35: "to appropriate it a crime against "the people"" LIE #36: "an excuse for broad state powers to purge society of entire races, communities, and any political opposition." LIE #37: "All while ignoring the actual victims." LIE #38: "Disgusting." LIE #39: "The only thought terminating cliche here is your relentless attempt to invoke the idea of treachery" LIE #40: "to justify your desire to purge society of anyone you don't agree with." LIE #41: "You claimed to sincerely love the west. [/] This is transparently a lie." LIE #42: "You are violently opposed to pretty much every aspect of Western values." LIE #43: "You hate the west." LIE #44: "What you like is the people with white skin that agree with you." LIE #45: "What you like is your conception of a master race, essentially." LIE #46: "Fascist." LIE #47: "Lie." LIE #48: "She's not advocating for prosecution those who committed crimes." LIE #49: "She's advocating for the state to strip ***British born citizens*** of their rights" LIE #50: "and send them to a ***foreign country*** that they are not a citizen of based on their ancestry." LIE #51: "Innocent people who committed no crime" LIE #52: "other than to have skin colour that CC objects to." LIE #53: "These crimes were detectable, were reported and could have been prevented by simple expediency of the police investigating, and referring the individual perps to the CPS for prosecution." LIE #54: "***One*** of us supports increased prosecution of criminals." LIE #55: "The other wants to use this as a basis for a pogrom." LIE #56: "***One*** of us loves the west, with it's traditions of rule of law, individual liberty, and the state's powers constrained. LIE #57: "The other sees the state as an embodiment of a collective," LIE #58: "with arbitrary powers to declare entire groups "non persons"" LIE #59: "strip individuals of rights with no due process" LIE #60: "confiscate their property" LIE #61: "and murder any who voice dissent." LIE #62: "The latter is CC" LIE #63: "and there's simply no other way to describe this than facism. " The absolute icing is that sebfaggot the traitor (eternally Ephialtes of Trachis) shamelessly ended his lies with a thought-terminating cliché ("fascist"), again proving that he is identical to those who shut down these White children with claims of "racism". He even projected "master race", which is no phrase of mine (I have explicitly explained that it is absolutely antithetical to my beliefs — *absolutely* *antithetical*) but is indeed a phrase used by the migrant rapists and invaders: -------------- "Confronted with all these cases, the social workers at Risky Business started collecting information. But when they noted the abusers were almost all Asian they were accused of being racist." http://x.com/dampierguy/status/1876418547737670131 "The fact that almost all those abusing girls were of Asian origin meant that in the vast majority of cases I put down 'Asian' as ethnic origin. I remember the intakes of breath when we mentioned ethnicity at steering group and key players meetings, accompanied by the occasional shaking of heads. "'Are you sure you should be mentioning this, Jayne?' "'Is ethnicity really relevant?' "'Jayne, don't you think it's a bit racist to say what their background is?'" "No, I didn't. As I said, if they'd been white males I'd have mentioned it. Like the man in the street who witnesses a crime, I assumed the police would want to know as much detail about the criminal as possible, including ethnicity. Back then, I didn't think that was wrong. Others obviously felt differently." -------------- -------------- [Easy Meat: Inside Britain's Grooming Gang Scandal] [Pakistani as he was convicted of the rapes of 30 children]: "We are the supreme race, not these white bitches (pointing to police officers in court)." He continued: "You will not get a CBE. You will not get an MBE. You will get a DM, a destroyer of Muslims. You were born one thousand years too late. You fucked my community. You destroyed my community and our children. None of us did that. White people trained those girls to be so much advanced in sex. They were coming without hesitation to Rochdale, Oldham, Bradford, Leeds and Nelson and wherever ... I curse you at night. I curse you and your family. You will understand (pointing at Judge Khokar [a Pakistani judge]). I curse the juries. I curse the media and most of you bitches. Your family will get it." -------------- A sebfaggot will lie endlessly, and there are many of his very ideology embedded within governance. They will use the totalitarian thought-reform of "fascist" to shut down your righteous complaints — and it is indeed and incontrovertibly totalitarian thought-reform. Even as all I have asked is to punish *specifically* and *legally* the *criminals* and those *illegally complicit* in their *criminality*, he still says, "Fascist!" just like the bureaucrats who cried, "Racist!" when bruised and bloodied children came to them for help — and were denied it! That is sebfag's sickness and the sickness of those like him. And he would have you pretend that "Western values" mean that open and unrepentant enemies, invaders, and rapists are *blameless* and should not be punished! He would *lie* by feigning that enemies inside your gates — stabbing and bludgeoning your people — have a "right" to the stabbings! They are just as "Western" as you! They were born here and therefore are no different! Even as they go on vacation to what sebfaggot lies and calls "foreign countr[ies]" which **they themselves call "home"** — they are still just as "Western" as you! As *you*! Who have **no place to flee** and can *only* call *this* land home and **no other**! Do you not love your fresh wounds?? Is not a love of the West a love of one's death at the hands of enemies whom you cannot even notice have made your people their *explicit* and *stated* enemy much less defend yourself against? Oh yes! That is sebfaggot's *inverted* West! The very idea of putting up a fight is "fascism" because that lie and cliché allows a totalitarian state — his Utopia! As he himself says, there is **no limit** to how few White people there can be in the West! But is there a limit to how many Pakistani rapists there can be?? Also no! Somehow, they are *more* at home than you! You who were *forced* to wear this uniform by *their* deeds and *their* evil and racialist strategy. You who know where the bones of your ancestors rest! And it is *here*! And do not forget that treachery. The sebfaggots would have *you* believe that you are a "fascist" when *you* embraced the world with pure good faith and showed (even through reporting statistics!) decade after decade that White people were the *least* likely to see by race and instead to give people a fair chance on an individual basis. And what did the sebfaggots do? They twisted the knife. Being psychopathic liars, they smiled coyly while dropping the percentage of White Westerners year after year, knowing that if you noticed they could lie again with "racist" and "fascist", and that once the percentage drops under 50% your doom is assured by their malice, resentment, and sickly revenge. And when migrant rape gangs raped your children, he smiled still, and here, even in this moment, with his own misdeeds laid bare, he *still* says, "fascist"! In any kind of good faith society that the West has known, a Westerner — even one so thoroughly committed to evil — would see the sick consequences of his ideology and seek some penitence. He would offer an olive branch and admit that perhaps the lie of "racism" had terrible consequences which cannot be ignored. He would see that indeed *actual* racists were gladly twisting the knife while Westerners observed these benevolent rules — *violating* his benevolent «xenia». I myself have offered sebfaggot the olive branch for years — even now in my constant attempts to show him a path to contrition! — but never has he shown *any* sign that he wants *anything* other than a global totalitarian state and the enslavement of the West and its people — as is the will of his Masters in Mordor. The sebfaggots would have Glorious and Noble Ulysses entertain Penelope's suitors in his immense «xenia» until the end of time — while ignoring that the punishment **in the West and as a Western principle** for the absolute violation of «xenia» is the steepest and most severe and **necessarily so**! But how much longer do Penelope's suitors violate our laws? How much longer does Ulysses extend the olive branch only to have the suitors fail every Noble test? Sebfaggots have no principles, there is nothing Sacred to them, there is Nobility, and therefore there is no limit. Penelope would be raped and Ulysses would die impotent and that alone would satisfy the sebgul. No metaphor or argument will soften their hearts. Even now I look for hope, but his poisonous words are programmed only to ask for retribution. If there were some Spark left in his nature to prevent these calamities, he would show it. But he cannot. Cowards such as he cannot even *think* to give birth to Immutable and Everlasting Virtues. We who love the West must therefore take upon ourselves this task. |
large member | Thu Jan 09 08:38:38 CC, I thought we have already talked about how little value your normative declarations have. Re lie 34-63. My heart would soften tremendously if you could commit to stating you think the liberal victims of state neglect be given millions of pound in compensation. Why is it hard for you to commit to abused working class girls from labour families getting compensation? |
Member | Thu Jan 09 10:11:50 Note that CC clings to the mad ramblings of a perp and a few anecdotes, neither of which relate to the key decision points: Decision to report the police Decision to investigate Decision to prosecute The overwhelming evidence from victims in all the inquiries held around those points show it is official prejudice against the victims that led to the crimes being ignored. And that organised group rape and trafficking of girls continues in other settings by other ethnicities. And this is the thing, CC is doing the exact same thing the institutions that failed and abetted this are accused of doing: putting their personal prejudice and political preferences above duty to protect children and prosecute criminals. She just wants to deport people. Brown people. She just wants to execute people (white people she sees as her political opponents). |
Member | Thu Jan 09 10:14:38 It's so much more convenient to nod along to police and social workers who can wring their hands and suggest that were trying to do the right thing by not being racist, than admit their truth: they just didn't give a shit about the victims. And it's obvious, because they had no trouble displaying racial bias in other areas. In this, CC is perpetuating the coverup. Why? To make the case for deportation "entire communities", or as international law would call it: "ethic cleansing". |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sun Jan 12 23:23:38 The sebfaggot must always lie. It is his jewish nature. As is the case for many such leftists, he has no conscience or morality, hence he does not even feel these lies as "wrong" any more than a rightly armed and enabled person would only feel recoil after putting the seb-jew against a wall following the second Nuremberg Trials. We, here, read/hear the early testimony of the sebfag at these second Nuremberg Trials. Listen/Read as he lies through his teeth, begging to be punished more severely while not even understanding that his morality is so completely broken that a shocked audience cannot believe that he is admitting to his total deviance and banal evil: LIE #64: "Note that CC clings to the mad ramblings of a perp and a few anecdotes," LIE #65: "neither of which relate to the key decision points:" LIE #66: "Decision to report the police" LIE #67: "Decision to investigate" LIE #68: "Decision to prosecute" LIE #69: "The overwhelming evidence from victims in all the inquiries held around those points show it is official prejudice against the victims that led to the crimes being ignored." LIE #70: "And that organised group rape and trafficking of girls continues in other settings by other ethnicities." LIE #71: "CC is doing the exact same thing the institutions that failed and abetted this are accused of doing" LIE #72: "putting their personal prejudice and political preferences above duty to protect children and prosecute criminals." LIE #73: "She just wants to deport people. Brown people." LIE #74: "She just wants to execute people (white people she sees as her political opponents)." LIE #75: "It's so much more convenient to nod along to police and social workers who can wring their hands and suggest that were trying to do the right thing by not being racist, than admit their truth:" LIE #76: "they just didn't give a shit about the victims." LIE #77: "And it's obvious, because they had no trouble displaying racial bias in other areas." LIE #78: "CC is perpetuating the coverup." LIE #79: "To make the case for deportation "entire communities"" LIE #80: "or as international law would call it: "ethic cleansing"." And you really do have to appreciate that sebfag will just keep telling bigger and bigger lies. The seb-jew sees no issue in this and even expects that the bigger the lie the more "believable" it will be in the mind of the non-seb-jew. This is because we Westerners would feel bad to even lie a little, like about why we might be a few minutes late to work (e.g., "traffic" rather than sleeping in) or why we delayed returning a call ("busy" rather than tired of socializing). Whereas, the rootless cosmopolitan seb-jew has no limits but also knows that Westerners *do* have limits, hence, the seb-jew lies about "6 million" just as confidently as "ethic (sic) cleansing" of Pakistanis. The projections are obvious as well and need very little examination to be revealed in their full absurdity. For example, which of these two is ethnic cleansing? 1) the mass-rape of White children by foreign invaders who were systematically protected by the Home Office, the intentional destruction of White people in their lands; the use of lawfare to disempower White people in all political sectors using lies such as "hate speech", "racism", and "fascism"; the use of Bolshevik propaganda and total cinema capture to sell this White genocide; the intentional use of the "Global South" as an "oppressed" class which must annihilate the "Global North" (Europeans) as "oppressors" (White people) under ESG/"sustainability"; White people not even being allowed to their own homelands as natives because of semantic lies, distortions, and the revenge fantasies of post-colonialism or 2) imprisoning foreign rapists and deporting foreign rapists and their co-conspirators back to the lands that they themselves call "home", as might include sending a first-generation Pakistani back to Pakistan following the rape of 30 White children in England In the mind of the seb-jew, imprisoning foreign rapists is the "ethic (sic) cleansing", but the mass-rape of White children is something which — if ever mentioned — must be thoroughly distracted against with word salad, red herrings, projections, and lies. You will never hear the truth out of these inverting, slavish destroyers. They can never speak plainly, since they know that their ideology is from Satan himself and the altar of Moloch, upon which they lay the children of their enemies. And why is it "ethic (sic) cleansing" for a Pakistani to be re-migrated? Is Pakistan *that* bad in the mind of the seb-jew? Is that not xenophobia? Does not the seb-jew love Pakistan? Certainly he must! After all, he insists that Pakistanis are just as English as anyone and that the only differentiating feature is a piece of paper! Certainly, in the mind of the seb-jew, there is therefore no distinction between England and Pakistan and thus being sent to Pakistan is no different than living in Rotherham — a "reality" which can be enforced with a few pen strokes. The seb-jew *himself* likely *lives* in Rotherham above a vape shop and kebab stand, since he is no "NIMBY" but directly and emphatically immerses himself in the consequences of his policies! Surely! In fact, he did that for so long and loved it so thoroughly that he renounced his English citizenship to live in Islamabad, since, if the Pakistani rapist is such a protected class in England, then the Pakistani rapist in Islamabad must be an even finer sort, and his beautiful city has as much of the essence of the West as Parliament Square! To deny this would be "ethic (sic) cleansing"! Thus, indeed, by the seb-jew's ideology, it could *not* be "ethic (sic) cleansing" to send Pakistanis to such a fine place — even if those Pakistanis are "[just as English as anyone]". If a Pakistani is just an English as anyone, then Pakistan is just as England as England proper, and truly there is no difference, so what difference is there in that Pakistani living in England 2.0 versus England? And shouldn't an Englishman 2.0 live in England 2.0? There's a certain symmetry there! And there's no difference, so why not? Why object? Oh? Because there *is* a difference, isn't there? And because the seb-jew has a slavish-enslaver ideology (the "master"-destroyer ideology of the jew), then the Western world must be absolutely leveled, thus he promotes the rape of White children and the absolute destruction of White lands... but not any such symmetry for Pakistan. So sebfag conspicuously protects the Pakistani rapist as an inviolable class using red herrings, semantic distortions, and thought-terminating clichés of "racism" all as tricks to get the West to keep these bio-weapons and rapists among their children, and the very *idea* that a criminal might be punished is "fascism" to him. And that's the simple issue here. I am asking for the punishment of criminals, and the sebfag calls that "fascist". That is the level of his complicity with the rape of White children. This requires no obfuscation. The sebfag says it plainly. ..... ..... "The Refugee council of Wales, an official NGO operating in The United Kingdom, purposely uses photos and videos of prepubescent White girls on their website. Luring child predators into Great Britain is the goal. The council (which is comprised mostly of men from Pakistan, India, The ME, and Africa) also makes videos of 12 year old girls in "school attire" meant to entice "refugees" into The United Kingdom, Wales especially." http://x.com/UltraDane/status/1878158927516536947 The current iteration of this NGO bent on ethnically cleansing White children and enticing foreign rapists using their images still has White children front and center on their opening page among a sea of their potential rapists: http://wrc.wales/about-welsh-refugee-council/ The NGO's about page includes the tenants of ESG/"sustainability", namely DEI: http://wrc.wales/about-welsh-refugee-council/ They are directly sponsored by the UK government as well as ESG corporations such as IKEA. Again, Macro to micro: • Governance (ESG/DEI, "sustainability") (systematic funding of NGOs, asset managers, education, law-making bodies, politicians) ⬇ • Law (CRT / DEI) ⬇ • Education (DEI, Marxism) ⬇ • Media (anti-White propaganda) ⬇ • Acceptable rape of White children ⬇ • systematic coverup of White children ⬇ • Useful idiots and sebfags who lie for sport to continue the systematic rape of White children and the destruction of the West |
Member | Mon Jan 13 01:57:55 Posting a link to an obviously fake photo doesn't help your cause. |
Member | Mon Jan 13 02:53:44 1. The WRC is a charity that helps refugees in Wales access state services and information. As a charity, they don't have any control on refugee policy. 2. Refugees in the UK don't typically get to choose where they go while awaiting processing. Home office decides, so what sense does a wrc advert saying "come to Wales" make, given they have no presence. 3. Why are the girls here dressed like the American ideal of a little girl? The hairstyle and dress isn't typical of the UK. 4. Why does this photograph appear on image search solely on right wing social media sites? |
Member | Mon Jan 13 02:58:08 Here's another fact: the IOPC investigation - Operation Linden - cited the main reason for no-criming and failing to record incidents was the belief the girl consented. Note, the investigation was not allowed to investigate senior officers. What's been happening here is corruption, but not the mad batshit stuff you think. Rather they are attempting to deflect failure to investigate due to entrenched misogyny and classism - something seen in many other scandals - and make up nonsense about political pressure from left wing social workers and councillors which: A. Have no authority over the police anyway B. If strangely absent in every other crime C. Doesn't explain the white grooming and group offences that everyone else has identified. |
Member | Mon Jan 13 02:58:31 Essentially, CC, you are a useful stooge for the actual coverup. |
large member | Mon Jan 13 10:14:33 That is the great irony. Seb and CC are very close to alignment. The establishment is guilty of great evil. Except instead of going for the jugular (the establishment cannot protect young girls from the working class because of a fundamental illness in its nature), CC runs with the weak-assed establishment is under undue pressure to neglect young girls that it otherwise would really want to protect. The establishment = sebs as you would term it CC. But sure, you go after Pakistani goatherds that have already been sentenced. That is really keeping your eye on the ball. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Jan 13 23:36:52 sebfaggot continues: LIE #81: "Posting a link to an obviously fake photo doesn't help your cause." LIE #82: "The WRC is a charity that helps refugees in Wales access state services and information." LIE #83: "As a charity, they don't have any control on refugee policy." LIE #84: "Refugees in the UK don't typically get to choose where they go while awaiting processing." LIE #85: "Home office decides, so what sense does a wrc advert saying "come to Wales" make, given they have no presence." LIE #86: "Why are the girls here dressed like the American ideal of a little girl? The hairstyle and dress isn't typical of the UK" LIE #87: "Why does this photograph appear on image search solely on right wing social media sites?" LIE #88: "Here's another fact: the IOPC investigation - Operation Linden - cited the main reason for no-criming and failing to record incidents was the belief the girl consented." LIE #89: "What's been happening here is corruption, but not the mad batshit stuff you think." LIE #90: "Rather they are attempting to deflect failure to investigate due to entrenched misogyny and classism - something seen in many other scandals -" LIE #91: "and make up nonsense about political pressure from left wing social workers and councillors which:" LIE #92: "Have no authority over the police anyway" LIE #93: "If strangely absent in every other crime" LIE #94: "Doesn't explain the white grooming and group offences that everyone else has identified." LIE #95: "you are a useful stooge for the actual coverup." You are jewish. .. Anyways, • Governance (ESG/DEI, "sustainability") (systematic funding of NGOs, asset managers, education, law-making bodies, politicians) ⬇ • Law (CRT / DEI) ⬇ • Education (DEI, Marxism) ⬇ • Media (anti-White propaganda) ⬇ • Acceptable rape of White children ⬇ • systematic coverup of White children ⬇ • Useful idiots and sebfags who lie for sport to continue the systematic rape of White children and the destruction of the West Like I've said, the client groups of the Regime need to be prosecuted and deported. The people who enabled this need to be tried for treason. This includes the asset managers, the puppets funded by the asset managers, the bureaucrats who enabled it, and the full range of other infiltrators. There must be a Nuremberg 2.0 for these crimes against the English. People who stood behind CRT, DEI, ESG/"sustainability", and other treasons need to be held accountable in accordance with their level of complicity. The asset managers above all are likely to face the most severe punishments. This came down from the top, most expressly from those who supported DEI, which is an anti-White and anti-West ideology born of international Bolshevism. White children were systematically raped by useful client groups and those client groups were shielded from accountability by retarded bureaucrats and overt Bolsheviks who dissuaded prosecution through lies such as "racism" and "fascism". The people who say those words in earnest as a means to stop the clear and present danger of international Bolshevism likely need to be escalated for hangings, since those words ("racism" and "fascism") were used to enable the systematic rape of White children. These thought-terminating clichés were indicators of their complicity in a global totalitarian scheme in a clear example of treason, and the penalty for treason must be severe. "Carl Benjamin on the History of Islamic Grooming Gangs" [Auron MacIntyre; January 10th, 2025] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPk3QgNlPnE |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Jan 13 23:57:15 Good video on the fallacy of "British Values": "'British Values' Do Not Exist" [LotusEaters; January 9th, 2025] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCG7Cct4gOY The short version is that international Bolshevism needed to Trojan-Horse their client groups into the West and then disable the West's ability to recognize and respond to the clear and present danger — a Gates of Toledo situation. They did this largely in recent years with a branding of "British Values", which included lies about the "benevolence" of multiculturalism, of anti-racism, and of White genocide. These fake values replaced historical English truths and propagandized useful idiots to believe liars and deceivers who lied by saying that *not* allowing White genocide was "racism" and "fascism". Naturally, these claims were completely ahistorical, demented, and evil. The mere modern values of England are *not* what constitutes an Englishman. This has never been true. It is a lie. People who say this are liars and deceivers and do not belong in the West. England is famous for having had a genetic history that was ferociously protected. The very legend of Arthur, adapted in England, emphasizes this idea of noble birth (adopted and adapted because its message was core to Englishness). This comes from centuries of English law and practical truths, such as being "born into" a noble family and therefore *inheriting* those rights and properties. Acts such as the 1700 Act of Settlement explicitly state, "No person born out of the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, or Ireland, or the dominions thereunto belonging (although he be naturalized or made a denizen, except such as are born of English parents) shall be capable to be of the Privy Council, or a member of either House of Parliament, or to enjoy any office or place of trust, either civil or military, or to have any grant of lands, tenements or hereditaments from the Crown, to himself or to any other or others in trust for him;'" Property and rights came from lineage. Even in the most basic founding documents of England going back before 1700, it was the people of the founding kings who were the genetic stock of England — never a foreigner or some distant attachment of Empire. Thus, in reality, an Australian born of English ancestors is more English than a Pakistani. This is simply true and obvious. Henry VIII, whose *values* would be detestable to the modern Bolshevik sebgul, is more English than the most "value"-adopted Pakistani. This is simply true. It is only the lies of the post-WWII "consensus" that show that Bolsheviks largely won WWII and thoroughly began their work of lying to destroy these long histories. By talking about "values" as something that anyone could adopt, White genocide could take place, annihilating the West and its people. It is these Bolsheviks whose lies must come to an end. Whatever bargain was made in the cowardice of the WWII years must end. And the friend/enemy distinction is simple: From the perspective of the English, is it worse for a White English girl to be raped in England by a Pakistani or by a White Englishman? Both are terrible, to be sure, and both must be stopped, obviously. But one *is* worse, and people unable to see this are taking part in the Bolshevik destruction of the West and are therefore the West's absolute enemies. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 14 00:04:22 "Who Covered Up Britain's Grooming Gangs?" [January 9th, 2025] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkrbiB0CtQM Local governments did local coverups, and Home Office bureaucrats hid studies and reports so that the rapes of White children could continue. It was even a priority of Bolshevik-captured English governance to get pro-rape candidates into Parliament. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 14 00:13:02 Former Labour MP Ivor Caplin was arrested for pedophilia (online sexual contact with a minor): [January 11th, 2025] http://rum...-in-online-sexual-communi.html Naturally, Ivor Caplin was recently on GBN saying that Musk is out of line in raising the issue of migrant rape gangs raping White children: http://rumble.com/v68ccfs-uk-labour-partys-ivor-caplin-slams-elon-musk-for-posts-on-grooming-gangs-sc.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp We can see how these ties go. Anti-White and anti-West traitors, subversives, and conquerors overlap heavily with the pedophiles that they have enabled. Many of them are pedophiles themselves, hence, they see nothing wrong with the mass-rape of White children. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 14 00:48:40 ----------- "Difficult to read. It makes me feel sick with anger. "Failures occurred across every service. Laura Wilson’s sister Sarah was raped in a school playground aged 11. She was so young she “had no understanding of sex” when the attack occurred. The incident was the beginning of “her systematic grooming and sexual assault”, which saw her “driven across the country to be raped by multiple men in one night, and ignored by both the police and social services”. At one point, her mother showed her phone to officers. It contained 177 numbers for adult Asian men. The police “claimed that the Data Protection Act prevented them from investigating”, and that her daughter’s behaviour was a “lifestyle choice”. When Sarah reported an attack, the officer she spoke to “laughed and refused to investigate”."" http://x.com/RupertLowe10/status/1878713821457473538 ----------- |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 14 00:48:46 Telegraph: "The true horror of the Rotherham grooming scandal – and the shameful failure to stop it "It’s hard to fathom how so many young girls could be abused for so long without the authorities intervening" [January 13th, 2025] http://www...ooming-gang-victims-rotherham/ |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 14 00:51:24 Video in the comments shows that years ago the "anti-racists" (Bolsheviks and their client groups) were shouting down the reality of the migrant rape gangs because "[muh racism]": http://x.com/RusGarbageHuman/status/1878718308184416728 |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 14 01:02:18 Telegraph link removed from paywall: http://archive.ph/1mj5v • "In 2010, aged just 17, the body of “Child S” was recovered from a Rotherham canal. She had been stabbed multiple times in the head, and pushed into the water while still alive. Later named as Laura Wilson, she had been murdered by 17-year-old Ashtiaq Asghar. Laura Wilson Laura Wilson was just 17 when she was found stabbed in 2010 Credit: South Yorkshire Police Days before, Wilson had told Asghar’s mother that she was in a relationship with her son. The mother had reacted with fury and racial abuse. Wilson had been met with a similar response from the family of Ishaq Hussain, the 22-year-old father of her four-month-old child. Hussain was acquitted of Wilson’s killing, but a court heard that Asghar had texted Hussain the day before the killing telling him he was “gonna send that kuffar [a derogatory term for non-Muslims] b---h straight to Hell”. At Asghar’s sentencing, the judge stated that he had followed Hussain “into [a] mindset” where he “regarded girls, white girls, simply as sexual targets”. Despite this, the judge decided he could not be sure Asghar had set out with the intention of killing Wilson" • "The case review released to the public had been heavily redacted, and when a leaked copy made its way to The Times, the council took legal action to avoid its publication," • "Once released, the unredacted document showed exactly why the board had been so nervous. Laura was suspected to have been abused by “Asian men”, indicators of grooming were present in her case, she had been referred to a child sexual exploitation project aged just 11, and her mother had “tried to get the police and social care” to do something about her involvement with older men. The House of Commons Home Affairs Committee judged that in making these redactions the Board had been “protecting rather than scrutinising its members”. Such failures, and the apparent attempt to cover for them, form a theme throughout the Rotherham scandal." I.e., migrant rapists were imported because they were biological weapons against White children. Their entire family structure protects the rape and brutalizing of White Westerners — even by the ideology of the mothers. The state protected them because the state wanted this outcome. The state wanted the mass rape of White children. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 14 02:48:44 We can also see the lie of "global human rights" exposed: • "Yet when Senior and her colleague reported taxis to the police with suspicions of abuse, no action was taken. Indeed, the police proved deeply uncomfortable about the ethnicity of suspects and those attempting to raise concerns were warned that passing on information could violate the “human rights” of those suspected." http://archive.ph/1mj5v Anti-racist retards unable to process that a racialist strategy was being used against them and their children: • "In 2015, Louise Casey reported after leading an inspection of children’s services at Rotherham council. She found that abusers “seemed to face no consequences”. Rather than accepting the “facts” that “on a significant scale children were sexually exploited by men who came largely from the Pakistani heritage community... I found a council in denial”." The same structure of slave morality, forgiving the abuser and blaming the abused expressly because the abuser is a "protected class", which directly fulfill the value system of a "Master-enslaver" type (the type of psychopath who believes that he is "chosen" — a psychopathic characteristic of islam, judaism, lutheranism, calvinism, and indian castes): • "The sense was that if there had been any offence it had been by the girls, for luring the men in.”" By their reckoning, being "racist" is worse than being raped, hence, it could occur out in the open with the consent of the "anti-racist" public: • "Meanwhile, girls lived in terror. The Casey review heard about crimes including “rape with a broken bottle and girls being ordered to kiss perpetrators’ feet at gun point”. Whistleblowers reported that children as young as 11 were collected from care homes by abusers and by taxis with “no attempts to disguise what they were doing”; staff failed to intervene, terrified of being called “racist”. The taxi drivers, in turn, sometimes met these girls “on official council business”, when they were “taken by cab from the home to the schools”." Allowing White children to be raped and not mentioning the racialist strategy at play was good for "community cohesion": • "Political cowardice and complicity Time and time again, stories emerged of authorities attempting to suppress discussion of the issue. When a youth worker raised concerns over “Asian taxi drivers” and children, they were told off, and told “not to mention ethnicity”. Other professionals claim that when they tried to present evidence that specific taxi drivers were involved in sexual abuse, they were “constantly being reminded not to be racist”. Officials were “terrified” of the effect on “community cohesion” ... They didn’t want riots." Riots over the mass rape of White children is apparently worse than the mass-rape of White children. That's how these psychopaths think. Social engineers are evil people. Pakistanis complicit in the rape gangs were allowed to police their own. Leftists call this "community policing": • "Indeed, there was “a sense that it was the Pakistani heritage councillors who alone ‘dealt’ with that community”." Party apparatchiks had to promote "diversity" — an explicit dimension of "sustainability" which is pushed from the top down by asset managers — and they had to do this by keeping the public from the full scale of the rape of White children: • "As late as 2010, a Safeguarding Children Board report in Rotherham found that grooming had “cultural characteristics... which are locally sensitive in terms of diversity”, with “potential to endanger the harmony of community relationships”. The result: “great care” was taken in writing up a report “to ensure that its findings embrace Rotherham’s qualities of diversity. It is imperative that wider suggestions of a cultural problem are avoided”." DEI hiring itself made sure that the collectivist thinking of Party apparatchiks was supported and protected. "Diversity" never meant "diversity of thought"; it meant groupthink which sustained the slave revolt: • "In the words of witnesses: “If you want to keep your job, you keep your head down and your mouth shut.”" Those who hid the rapes were promoted in UK governance. Again, this is a function of "sustainability" governance wherein the most slavish and destructive are moved upwards to cause maximum destruction: • "At one point, a local taxi driver allegedly arranged for an abused girl to be handed over by her abuser – a relative of his – to a police officer without prosecution. He would later become a Labour councillor." More of the "de-platforming" logic of "community cohesion". Regime cult psychopaths truly believe that if the truth is not convenient that it should not be known to the public. A moral person would realize that *because* there would be public outrage that the truth *should* be known so that the issue can be addressed, but cult psychopaths believe that unrest is actually *worse* than protecting and strengthening the cause of potential unrest: • "The failures of South Yorkshire Police went well beyond Hassan Ali. At one point, a senior officer told the father of a victim that the town “would erupt” if the routine abuse of white children by Pakistani-heritage men became public knowledge. In another instance, an officer allegedly said the abuse had been “going on” for 30 years, adding that “with it being Asians, we can’t afford for this to be coming out”." Again, the result of "community policing" was that race-aware foreigners were able to coordinate outside of the law to allow further law-breaking and mass rape. Under "sustainability", DEI, CRT, and this racialist strategy under slave morality, all anti-White ethnicities are allowed to work against White people, raping White children, but the very possibility of White people resisting the rape of their children is unacceptable: • "In another case, a victim described how she was in a car with an abuser when they were stopped by an Asian police officer, who spoke to the abuser in a non-English language but didn’t try to stop him driving around with an underage child." As a reminder, the media was fully complicit in this racialist strategy: • "You do not start describing perpetrators" http://x.com/thelaymanstake/status/1729447008039993637 And again we see the application of anarcho-tyranny. Under "sustainability" governance and its Bolshevik anarcho-tyranny, it is easier for the police to decry "racism" than to stop the mass rape of White children by migrant rape gangs: • "Jayne Senior reports the case of two girls who were physically assaulted and required hospital treatment. The police officers attending their case did not arrest the attackers, but followed up the abusers’ complaint that the girls had used racist language." The migrant rape gangs explicitly targeted White children: • "In one case, a child was groomed by abusers from the age of 12. When she turned 13, she was sexually assaulted, beginning a period where she was “raped every week on a regular basis”, and “sold” by her abuser “to his friends and his brothers”, who branded her a “white slag”. In her words in 2016, the pattern of their abuse was that the victims were “always white girls”." The issue was known by all layers of governance. Again, it is a complete lie that this was merely some isolated case of police just not doing their job. This was directed from the top down. The police respond to their incentives, and "sustainability" governance produces an incentive of anti-White genocide: • "Reports of the abuse were made to social workers, to the council, to the NHS, to her local MP who wrote to the police, and to then-Home Secretary David Blunkett, who did not reply. Eventually, the family moved abroad to try and escape." • What allowed it to persist is that it was fully condoned behavior by UK government — a protected class of rapists who openly raped and had been imported for that express task. UK governance is not upset by the mass rape of White children; they are only upset that people know about it: "As Times journalist Andrew Norfolk put it to the Home Affairs Committee, there had to be “something” underlying the pattern of offending as it was “often” a “normalised group activity – not among a major criminal gang, but among friends, work colleagues and relatives”, as opposed to the lone offender patterns based in fear of being reported observed elsewhere." Despite a severe lack of punishment for those complicit, the sebgul still persists in his evil rhetoric wherein prosecuting criminals is "racist" or "fascist". This is the absolute deception of these Bolsheviks. Even with the racialist strategy in the open, prosecuting would have a "disparate impact" and is therefore itself "bad thing": • "The scandal that unfolded in the town is not over. No police officer or government employee has ever been imprisoned for their misconduct. Investigations into 265 allegations against 47 police officers in the town resulted in eight being found to have a case to answer for misconduct and six for gross misconduct. Of those 14, only five have faced sanctions, ranging from management action to a final written warning. None were fired or jailed." All said, the cost of Bolshevism is a transparent destruction of White people. This has been a major feature of its history, and this is not the first time that they have done this. At the level of a simple thought exercise that would be useful even for your boomer shitlib aunt, the issue amounts to asking, "What is to be done if an entire ethnic people enters the West, is enfranchised, maintains their ethnic identity, and explicitly uses that identity to undermine the West and harm its people?" Most leftists are wholly unequipped to answer this question. In their cowardice, they respond predictably, such as.. • It is not happening, it could not happen, and it would not happen. This is the realm of lies about "assimilation", enfranchisement as "given" through paper, and a forever Protean national identity which is merely a segue/dilution to justifying globalism. This is a failure to even engage with the hypothetical, evading instead to semantics, lies, and category errors wherein even an ethnic multitude *admitting* that they are working together is taken as individual actors who just happen to have individually said the same thing about a group (a group which is taken not to even exist, as though it were invented even by those who openly proclaim it). This is the level of open complicity. • The mass prosecution of an ethnic collective is seen as "racist" or "fascist" — even with all things being equal, such as proper prosecution under traditional law and the individual levying of sentences based on proven offenses — so leftists are incapable of assigning proper punishment or dealing with open conspiracies, protection rackets, or anti-competitive schemes if those schemes are perpetrated by the "protected class". • the individual prosecution of individual offenders is seen as "racist" or "fascist" if those offenders are a "protected class". • the "over"-prosecution of ethnic collectivists is seen as a violation of "equity" (e.g., if that ethnic collective ends up being prosecuted at a higher rate than others), which, you guessed it, is "racist" or "fascist". Thus, even if that ethnic collective is over-represented in criminality and subversion (as a fact de-coupled from the manipulations of "equity" in law), the leftist is ideologically bound to protect that criminality and subversion since the outcome of open prosecution reveals the truth of there being ethnic collectivism and/or ethnic distinction. • *if* they admit that ethnic collectivism exists in a *general* sense, then they complete the Celebration Parallax by saying that it is a "good thing"... *if* it is done by a "protected class". But, if it is done by White people in defense of their own nations? Then, you guessed it, it is "racism" and "fascism". This is how Bolsheviks annihilate societies. All rhetoric, language, law, media, education, and religion are inverted against the target group, destroying their identity, while the client groups of the Bolsheviks are free to expand their powers *against* the target group. At every step in this process, any emerging survival instinct is coded as "bad thing" (a thought-terminating cliché) so that annihilation is either assured as a slow suicide or coerced as a foolhardy attack which itself can be an object of Bolshevik propaganda. The absurdity of the propaganda does not even matter, because if a Bolshevik tells the public that unrest over the mass rape of White children is *worse* than the actual mass rape of White children, Bolshevik media will assure the public that this is somehow *not* absurd, just as a sebbish liar caught in a thousand lies will have no problem lying by saying that the lies were not lies. To a Bolshevik, what is one more lie? |
Member | Tue Jan 14 04:00:41 Oh my god, you've gone full Freeman of the land. "going back before 1700," Lol. You seem to making a spirited case for feudalism as being essential to Englishness. You seem to be deeply misunderstanding the Act of Settlement there. This limitation is in the context of legitimising a foreign monarch; namely to prevent that foreign monarch bringing in a foreign aristocracy and ministers. |
Member | Tue Jan 14 04:02:06 It's not a general prohibition on foreigners owning land in general. |
Member | Tue Jan 14 04:07:11 Also we had a bit of a discussion previously around citizenship and the status of people born into crown territories. ""No person born out of the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, or Ireland, or the ***dominions thereunto belonging***" A person born in a crown territory is not subject to this limitation. Which kind of reinforces the point I made a few weeks back. |
Member | Tue Jan 14 04:11:20 N.b. British crown. We did have situations where a British monarch was also monarch of a country that was *not* a dominion of England, Scotland and Ireland or the successor state Great Britain. Its kinda funny. Essentially you've found a very specific law put in place to exclude other white Europeans from Titles and Offices and trying to argue the reverse. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 14 18:22:10 LIE #96: "Oh my god, you've gone full Freeman of the land." LIE #97: "You seem to making a spirited case for feudalism as being essential to Englishness." LIE #98: "You seem to be deeply misunderstanding the Act of Settlement there." LIE #99: "This limitation is in the context of legitimising a foreign monarch; namely to prevent that foreign monarch bringing in a foreign aristocracy and ministers." LIE #100: "It's not a general prohibition on foreigners owning land in general." LIE #101: "A person born in a crown territory is not subject to this limitation." LIE #102: "Which kind of reinforces the point I made a few weeks back." LIE #103: "Essentially you've found a very specific law put in place to exclude other white Europeans from Titles and Offices and trying to argue the reverse." You are jewish. Again, there is no lie that sebfaggot will not tell to annihilate White people. I can tell him all day that the majority of laws and "values" that eroded the empire took place largely after WWII when Bolsheviks solidified power in the West and that it was not until 1985 that its effects accelerated, causing the steady genocide of White people in England; but he will just lie like one of Orwell's 1984 cultists, claiming that England was "always" as it is now. Because England is *currently* genociding White people, it was "always" the nature of England to genocide White people. That's how his sick mind works. Deterministic fallacies, lies, distortions, subversion. Of course, since this is pure power politics, the inevitable response to this is that absolute annihilation will become the benevolent justice exacted upon those who believe these sebbish lies. That is, if these "changes" are "inevitable" and "normal", then it is just as "inevitable" and "normal" for Muslims to be mass-deported. If the only principle is whether or not it can be done, then those "swivel-eyed" people that sebfag fears and disregards will be just as much a part of the historical record when they start massacring bankers and bureaucrats. Naturally, the sebfaggots will be shocked and surprised! How could these "swivel-eyed" people cut right through the nature of power! We denied them all recourse through semantic distortions and deceptions, and now they are purging us? But the shock is not a problem. If semantics can make White people an acceptable target of genocide in the sebfaggot's mind, then as he faces the consequences of treason he will be fully capable of saying that the rope around his neck is not actually real since the lies that he's told himself leading to the scaffold were written on forged papers and must therefore be even more real. "All will imply it's an illusion, a fallacy / So when you die, remember we said it's not reality" ........ ........ Again, All said, the cost of Bolshevism is a transparent destruction of White people. This has been a major feature of its history, and this is not the first time that they have done this. At the level of a simple thought exercise that would be useful even for your boomer shitlib aunt, the issue amounts to asking, "What is to be done if an entire ethnic people enters the West, is enfranchised, maintains their ethnic identity, and explicitly uses that identity to undermine the West and harm its people?" Most leftists are wholly unequipped to answer this question. In their cowardice, they respond predictably, such as.. • It is not happening, it could not happen, and it would not happen. This is the realm of lies about "assimilation", enfranchisement as "given" through paper, and a forever Protean national identity which is merely a segue/dilution to justifying globalism. This is a failure to even engage with the hypothetical, evading instead to semantics, lies, and category errors wherein even an ethnic multitude *admitting* that they are working together is taken as individual actors who just happen to have individually said the same thing about a group (a group which is taken not to even exist, as though it were invented even by those who openly proclaim it). This is the level of open complicity. • The mass prosecution of an ethnic collective is seen as "racist" or "fascist" — even with all things being equal, such as proper prosecution under traditional law and the individual levying of sentences based on proven offenses — so leftists are incapable of assigning proper punishment or dealing with open conspiracies, protection rackets, or anti-competitive schemes if those schemes are perpetrated by the "protected class". • the individual prosecution of individual offenders is seen as "racist" or "fascist" if those offenders are a "protected class". • the "over"-prosecution of ethnic collectivists is seen as a violation of "equity" (e.g., if that ethnic collective ends up being prosecuted at a higher rate than others), which, you guessed it, is "racist" or "fascist". Thus, even if that ethnic collective is over-represented in criminality and subversion (as a fact de-coupled from the manipulations of "equity" in law), the leftist is ideologically bound to protect that criminality and subversion since the outcome of open prosecution reveals the truth of there being ethnic collectivism and/or ethnic distinction. • *if* they admit that ethnic collectivism exists in a *general* sense, then they complete the Celebration Parallax by saying that it is a "good thing"... *if* it is done by a "protected class". But, if it is done by White people in defense of their own nations? Then, you guessed it, it is "racism" and "fascism". This is how Bolsheviks annihilate societies. All rhetoric, language, law, media, education, and religion are inverted against the target group, destroying their identity, while the client groups of the Bolsheviks are free to expand their powers *against* the target group. At every step in this process, any emerging survival instinct is coded as "bad thing" (a thought-terminating cliché) so that annihilation is either assured as a slow suicide or coerced as a foolhardy attack which itself can be an object of Bolshevik propaganda. The absurdity of the propaganda does not even matter, because if a Bolshevik tells the public that unrest over the mass rape of White children is *worse* than the actual mass rape of White children, Bolshevik media will assure the public that this is somehow *not* absurd, just as a sebbish liar caught in a thousand lies will have no problem lying by saying that the lies were not lies. To a Bolshevik, what is one more lie? |
Member | Wed Jan 15 00:44:15 CC: I know it's difficult for you to address your political philosophy's ingrained hatred of the Jews; however it doesn't follow that everyone you hate just also be a Jew. |
Member | Wed Jan 15 02:10:39 The problem with all this backward facing theory to explain why this "white genocide" is being permitted is: 1. There manifestly isn't a genocide being committed against white people. 2. Some of the arguments immediately fall flat. For example this idea that mass prosecution of ethnic minorities cannot be accepted, so the system corruptly acts to prevent it. Yet at the same time we exactly see crimes where such groups are disproportionately prosecuted. The difference is not about police or other organisations fear of being seen discriminatory (though you'll always be able to find some anecdotes of the issue being raised somewhere, rarely even in those cases does it seem decisive), it is about the attitude to the victims. Too many people that ought to know better don't see grooming and abuse of poor children a real crime. Ignoring this horrific dereliction of duty and using it instead to buttress an entirely fictional conspiracy theory and justify a pogrom instead is just about the most disgusting thing I can imagine. |
large member | Wed Jan 15 03:11:50 Seb You could make the argument that systemic policies are driving down birthrates to levels that will not sustain the English ethnic group in the UK (or indeed anywhere). While intent is hard to prove, lack of meaningful mitigation would still assign culpability under "unwilling or unable" principles. This would meet the threshold for "genocide" as an apt descriptor. Turns out the UK census office is coy about disclosing ethnic numbers. |
large member | Wed Jan 15 03:17:37 Point is. There are reasons people feel under siege. Those reasons should be addressed. |
Member | Wed Jan 15 04:13:25 That certainly wouldn't meet the definition of genocide. The basic problem here is that childcare is low status activity and undervalued (both monetarily and in terms of self actualisation). The net result is once you remove the legal and cultural constraints that force women until that role, and adopt a free market system for Labour that prioritises profit making activity and places very strong penalties on not working and treats childcare as an externality; then you get low birthrates. Interestingly, for natalist policies, financial incentives are less effective than status based ones. So maybe the whole Trad Wife thing will work out - provided you can find someone you trust to provide the income over a lifetime and not ditch you after child number 3. All very Gilead. There's a policy choice again here, and being the classical Liberal I am I'd rather start from the individual rights and motivations (how do we make people voluntarily produce more sprogs because people want that) rather than a top down exercise where we have an acceptable shade of average skin tone we are targeting, and what coercive action we need to take to force it. As for "English Ethnic Group" I'm skeptical of such terms. It's more a cultural thing than an racial thing; forged first and foremost by allegiance to a territory, and institutions such as the crown and a way of life and transmuting into a national identity. There's no strong argument in my mind that skin colour excludes someone from naturalisation; in the same that nobody points to e.g. my Hugenot heritage to say I'm not English Defoe said it best: "For Englishmen to boast of generation, Cancels their knowledge, and lampoons the nation. A true-born Englishman’s a contradiction, In speech an irony, in fact a fiction." Of course assimilating cultural norms is a thing, though cultural norms change too. Is it un-english to be pro republic? For me this boils down to three things: 1. How do we maintain a sensible demographic structure *in order that people have good standards of life* 2. How do we enable people to start families without feeling they are losing out? 3. How do we ensure those that come to live here abide by our laws and integrate into society and culture in a positive way. Cultural change driven by immigration is no different from other cultural change. I've no problem with schools Ruth a bunch of Indian Hindus acknowledging Divali alongside bonfire night and Halloween. Misogyny and racial oppression are aspects of our own culture we are actively rooting out, and the same is too be expected of immigrant communities and their descendants. Arguing the issue is categorically different and race determines culture seems ill founded to me. After all, CC grew up in a liberal democracy and emerged a fascist calling for an autocratic state that engages in pogroms against political and ethnic minorities. |
iChihuaha | Wed Jan 15 06:34:25 It’s amazing what 100 years of cultural indoctrination—telling women they are nothing unless measured by how well they conform to male benchmarks—can do. The idea that women were simply given choices, and the downgrading of their inherent and immutable value happened in a vacuum, does not hold up to scrutiny. Sebtard immediately shows this “All very Gilead.” |
Member | Wed Jan 15 12:02:19 Nim: "It’s amazing what 100 years of cultural indoctrination—telling women they are nothing unless measured by how well they conform to male benchmarks—can do" Well at last you start to understand the idea of intersectionality and how privilege creates defaults. The ideal of "male" benchmarks are based on what Men are free to strive for if all housework and childcare are dealt with for free by their wife (which the wife traditionally has no choice about). When my Aunt got married, she was automatically fired and her pension cancelled and contributions returned (without interest) and presented as Dowry. The idea that if we somehow applaud women enough and with the right role model they will go back to willingly being entirely dependent on their partner economically and embracing the role of Cook, cleaner, baby factory child minder in grateful servitude doesn't seem very likely to me. Not unless we start being much more punitive on divorce. As in the more traditional approach of banning it or making it extremely hard, and imposing social stigma and ostracism for those men that leave their partners; and exacting alimony payments. Somehow though, I expect many men won't like that unless it also comes with additional rights to treat their women as chattel (I buy it I own it) rather than compensation for the loss of autonomy required by this model of wives roles. A more fruitful approach is resetting norms on the male benchmarks that actively penalise having a home life or childcare duties. Spread the load and have more realistic expectations that both parties can live up to |
large member | Thu Jan 16 01:40:56 Surely your great aunt? Genocide is more than just the abrupt physical extermination of a people by force or neglect. Assimilation policies can qualify, as do neglectful policies that have the effect of devastating birthrates. Again, the point is to understand that people have legitimate reasons to feel under siege. One such reason can be if people feel procreation is impossibly irresponsible. CC does not exist in a vacuum. Her zeitgeist is based on a legitimate concern as identified. |
Member | Thu Jan 16 04:46:24 Jergul: Amazingly no. I think she was born just before or at the beginning of the war. My dad sometime after the war. "Assimilation policies can qualify, as do neglectful policies that have the effect of devastating birthrates." Intent is critical to the figure of genocide, and the intent has to be to destroy the ethnic, religious etc group. Assimilation in the sense of say, forced interbreeding with that intent would be. Forced cultural conversion, with the intent of destroying the identity of the group would be. Requiring everyone take a course on British values, pass an exam, swear an oath and abide by the law wouldn't be. Having a capitalist system, lack of natalist subsidies/social policy, and a general culture that doesn't value child rearing clearly isn't. |
Member | Thu Jan 16 04:47:28 You can only do genocide by *intentional* neglect. Stalin's Famines "let's do nothing *so* we can get rid of middle class owners of small holdings" fits the bill. |
Member | Thu Jan 16 04:48:28 The latter stretches the definition of neglect, though post conventions a competent and evil govt would seek to present intent as incompetence. |
large member | Thu Jan 16 05:36:28 Right you are. I read up. Recent attempts to water down intent criteria have not made as much headway as I thought and feared. Policies still meet crime of persecution (another crime against humanity). As would the rape cases talked about earlier. Not really re your example. Collectivization was the means of depriving the 200k wealthier farmers their land. Starvation followed from collectivization and was not a means to achieving it. You reversed cause and effect. |
Member | Thu Jan 16 06:20:23 Well, the golden age of the peasantry and the golden age of women coincided. I.e., the era when workers wages suddenly improved during the 14th/15th century as a result of a smaller labour force being able to haggle with those poor feudal lords following the plague, and they had to share a little bit more of their wealth with the general populace while continuing to live lives of luxury, i.e. a better society, is the era when women recieved greater legal and economic freedoms. So, when the rich had to pay workers decent wages while continuing to live in luxury or harvest their fields and repair their mansions themselves, which was unthinkable to them, women's freedoms also developed and they were for the first time allowed to inherit their husbands and other freedoms. Of course, as serfs were now able to say no thank you to too low wages due to workers gaining a slightly less inferior bargaining position, it didnt take too long for the elon musks of that era to pass a law making it illegal to say no to badly paid work and normal folks were back to being owned like cattle again a century later. Not that the link between poverty and women being treated badly is new, of course. |
large member | Thu Jan 16 07:12:04 I harp on this because it is important to recognize there are legitimate drivers behind crazy/unorthodox freethinking. |
Member | Thu Jan 16 12:48:04 Jergul: I may be misremembering it but I recall in history classes that he also denied any kind of relief on the famine to particular groups. But if I'm wrong then yes, it might be harder to prove the genocide figure. On the other hand shipping them all to Siberia with a near certainty they will die on route or not survive harsh conditions ... Not convinced rape cases necessarily meet persecution either. Not general enough. But arguable. |
large member | Thu Jan 16 12:50:46 I think now we understand better why segments of the population feel besieged and will try to create arching contexts for that feeling. An important takeaway in my opinion. |
Member | Thu Jan 16 16:10:34 Jergul: Yeah but also - plus ca change. They simultaneously have it better than nearly anyone that's ever lived ever. In some ways, I think if there was some kind of generational calamity that hit everyone in the way say WW1 and WW2 did and it hit everyone's standards of living and it would alleviate some of the intra societal tensions. Easier to accept disruption and impact on living standards as an exogenous event rather than feeling you are simply a loser and inadequate. |
large member | Fri Jan 17 04:04:19 Seb Well, cost of housing is an exogenous event. In a UK context council housing dwelling stock build down relative to population. Thanks Maggie. I think we have to bite the bullet and accept that housing is a public responsibility. Regulations make new homes too expensive to build even if we discount plot costs. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Jan 20 08:23:34 The Regime tried to say that this guy was Welsh. http://x.com/MorgothsReview/status/1881338359605551501 As a reminder: "Teen, 17, accused of Southport murders named" [BBC; August 1st, 2024] http://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c6p2yrg3pvpo This "Welshman" intentionally went directly into a dance class in Southport to target White children. He murdered three girls. He also seriously injured eight other children and two adults. He's just an "individual" who happens to fully agree with a collective of other "individuals". They want — as a directly stated principle — to murder White people. They are enabled by the sebbish logic of White genocide. White genocide is real and is happening, yet liars will tell you that this "Welshman" is just some random thing — just a normal part of a "multicultural" society. Their treasons will not be tolerated for much longer. They will rightly live in fear for enabling this. "The world is not dying. It is being killed, and those that are killing it have names and addresses." |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 21 06:07:26 Starmer pretends to think that the "Welshman" who murdered three children for sport can only be addressed by not dogmatically observing calamitous cultural sensitives (e.g., perhaps those regarding the lie of "racism"?, of "fascism"?)... but he then pretends that this was a case of an "individualized" "loner" who accessed "sensitive" materials: [Starmer official Twitter; January 21st, 2025] http://x.com/Keir_Starmer/status/1881619907953213729 Yet, this "Welshman" had a "meticulous" plan to attack children specifically. Weird! And it is a "new" threat. Weird! Seems like an old one! And, of course, Starmer is saying that the UK needs new powers of "anti-extremism" and tools to address the "tidal wave of violence freely available online". Gee, I wonder if that will be used not against foreign conquerors but against the English citizens who do not want their children raped, mutilated, abused, and stabbed by those conquerors. It's almost like *more* laws only ever punish the law-abiding — not the foreign conquerors! And weird! The state needs more censorship powers and an expanded Panopticon to control the masses! Weird! I guess the solution was "more bollards" after all: new "bollards" of social-media control, more narrative-control, more suppression of dissent, more lies and deceit. The Regime lied and hid the truth from the public for these kinds of "community relations", *causing* the free murder and rape of English children, but Starmer's solution is.. *more* lies? *More* selective cover-ups? He goes on to say that he *knew* that locals were correct about the ethnic identity of the attacker, but he withheld the information. Why? "[Law and process]" of course! Now, if you're a fucking idiot, this sounds rational, right? I mean, a person does indeed have a right to a fair trial that has not been "prejudiced" by media and government. But is that the actual issue that he's talking about? Not at all. That is merely the issue that he is hiding behind. Because the specific "[law and process]" is one which *exclusively* protects the identities of foreign conquerors and useful client groups of anarcho-tyranny, whereas this information is *freely* available when the attacker is White English. (Just recall a similar lesson from Obama's Trayvon Martin comment: "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon".) And Starmer's solution under questioning? It is *not* that this policy of obscuring the identity of "protected classes" is asymmetric and wrong, it is that the laws which prevent the government and Regime media from reporting on "protected classes" need to become the laws of social media as well. That is: even *less* information for the public! Weird how "justice for the victims and their families" can only occur once they're stabbed and raped by foreigners — and not before! If you do not understand how psychotic that is, then you may be a psychopath yourself. Social engineers tend to be psychopaths because they truly believe that the public is "wrong" to be outraged by the truth, hence the psychopaths lie for a living (and derive great satisfaction from the profession!). A parent might tell a "noble lie" to a child to facilitate bedtime, but a social engineer will lie to an entire society with his every breath — and only facilitate society's annihilation. |
Member | Tue Jan 21 08:53:31 Utter horseshit. Yes he's born in Wales. Raised Catholic. No evidence he targeted specifically white kids (some attacked weren't). History of violence, autistic, bullied, and particularly angry about feminism. Downloaded an Al-Qaida manual (today's anarchists cookbook), but no other evidence of any kind of Islamist contact or motivation. The guy appears to be more an Incel, or a bog standard school shooter type. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Wed Jan 22 02:30:51 Keep lying, faggot. Keep shamelessly adopting Regime talking points with zero IQ — zero show that you've processed any of it as a thinking individual. Just suck up Regime shit at your spot in the Regime's human centipede. Again, this is sebfaggot's "Welshman": http://x.com/MorgothsReview/status/1881338359605551501 Just look at that picture. We do not need to give sebfaggot any more attention than that. He thinks that that psychopath is just as bri'ish as anyone, innit? Fucking retard. Diogenes' Englishman http://x.com/CherubCow/status/1879363119744758224/ |
Cherub Cow
Member | Wed Jan 22 04:49:26 "Jacob Rees-Mogg has revealed that Prevent investigated him for a tweet while he was a government minister - at roughly the same time that the counter-extremism scheme was failing to stop Axel Rudakubana. "They are so woke and so unwilling to say our problem is Islamist terrorism"" http://x.com/ripx4nutmeg/status/1881428350302040278 "If you had been there, at the time, and you had seen somebody who looks like the Devil attacking little children, you would have thought that there was something more than a Welsh choirboy, which was basically what the government was trying to tell us." Naturally, Jacob Rees-Mogg was a coward of the "Conservative" Party (not actually conservatives), so this statement comes from a weak source. But it is yet more of the reality that the government is mostly interested in protecting the reality of their having imported foreign conquerors to kill White people. "Woke", as always, is the slave revolt in morality. Slavish destroyers and weaklings are unable to say what the actual issues are because of the pathetic sensibilities of the suicidal among them who wish to be conquered. Their time is ending. |
Member | Wed Jan 22 05:58:36 CC: "He can't be Welsh because he's black and as a tourist, I expect my Welshmen to be short and dark of hair and dressed in traditional clothing, with dirt on their face from working in the tin mines, and eat only Cornish pasties. Also all Irish people should have red hair and be dressed as leprechauns" Fuck off tourist. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Wed Jan 22 07:17:43 [sebfaggot (nonce and actual retard)]: "Fuck off tourist." Still using this retarded "tourist" thought-terminating cliché, little bitchboy? You're fucking retarded. This isn't even your thread series, and you have no issue commenting on American politics. So shut the fuck up you hypocritical retard. GTFO of this thread topic if you're going to be such a whiny little bitch about it. You're not even a Westerner at this point, so you yourself are the tourist. This is why dialogue with traitors is merely a sentencing hearing. You are too pathetic and treasonous to even navigate the most obvious hypocrisies. All you care about is power, and thus, it will be the outright discharge of power that will punish the truth back into your sickly mind and disfigured body. Those "swivel-eyed" people that you so desperately want to believe to be "low class" and irrelevant can see straight through your lies and will show you the truth if you do not learn to fear it. Again, this is sebfaggot's "Welshman": http://x.com/MorgothsReview/status/1881338359605551501 Everything sebfaggot says is a lie built on lies. He truly is nothing more than the fucking idiot who told us years ago that he believes that math is reality itself rather than a language that describes it. This is why retards such as sebfag will truly believe that a passport makes someone English, or Welsh, or American. Diogenes' Englishman http://x.com/CherubCow/status/1879363119744758224/ |
Cherub Cow
Member | Wed Jan 22 07:49:07 UKIP's Paul Weston in response to more of Sadiq Khan's lies about London needing to be "diverse" and "welcoming": --------- "The English are an ever-dwindling racial minority in London, England's capital city. Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan is effectively 100% Pakistani. How would you feel Mr Khan, if Islamabad 2050 were presided over by a Christian English mayor who stated: "our city is a place for everyone" even as Pakistanis were reduced to a racial minority by incoming English Christians? We all know the answer of course. And you would be quite right in your furious desire to kick us all out by any and all means possible - or to decolonise Islamabad as might be more politely termed." http://x.com/PWestoff/status/1881780914990313496 --------- Again, Westerners have no backup nation to which to flee. They live in their homes and have no others. An Indian can flee to India. A Pakistani can flee to Pakistan. To where do the English flee? Not to Pakistan! Not to India! And that "Welshman"? Would he not flee to Rwanda? Certainly! Even the Guardian, a Regime rag, admits these things: • "Where they might once have found comfort in the Welsh capital’s Rwandan community, there was less familiarity in the windswept holiday resort on the north-west coast." • "One of his particular fascinations was a conflict closer to home: the Rwanda genocide." • "Both of Rudakubana’s parents are Tutsi and well connected to the current ruling party in Rwanda, the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF)" Why would the Guardian think that a Rwandan family would feel more at home in a Rwandan community? Isn't the Southport killer a "Welshman"? Strange! Why do these ethnic enclaves even exist? Shouldn't the natural chemical diffusion of peoples as mere economic units necessitate that they would bounce around in the fluid of England until they were uniformly dispersed? Why don't people behave like chemical properties? Strange! We have seen this too many times. AOC vacations to Puerto Rico and was raised in a Puerto Rican enclave. Ilhan Omar gladly sends aid to Somalia and builds a Somalian ethnic enclave to subvert these United States and to increase Somalian wealth. Rashida Tlaib lives in a Palestinian enclave and advocates for aid specifically to Palestine and advocates for anti-White policies. And that is "progressive"! That is the sickness of these ideologies. This logic comes directly from Marxism's slave-cult logic of "post-colonialism", wherein the "Global South" is fully "justified" in seeking revenge against the "oppressors" in the West. Thus, the leftist not *only* has no immune system for this kind of White genocide within the West, but he *condones* it and *encourages* it! His only annoyance is that you do not accept your annihilation to appease *him* — your murderer is annoyed that you do not appease your murderer! Behold! A "Welshman"! Agree with your murderer! http://x.com/MorgothsReview/status/1881338359605551501 |
Member | Wed Jan 22 10:04:33 Do you notice, Alpha Boi, that your gf doesnt care if you were born and raised in sweden, even if you were adopted by Swedish parents, which you weren't? Its about whether your genes can be traced to the ME or Africa, its about something you can never escape, no matter how many iPhones you buy or how much you worship the KKK. |
Member | Sat Jan 25 04:51:32 Interesting. Turns out the police are getting blocked by US tech companies and US courts from accessing information on the perps browsing and internet services. If it was terrorist attack that's how you'd identify motivation. |
Member | Sat Jan 25 04:52:34 Now why would the US's biggest companies and courts be seeking to protect this vile human being. What is it they know that they don't want to share. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 28 05:01:51 Get the fuck out of this thread, sebfag, you "tourist" faggot. lol :D [williamthecoward]: "Do you notice, Alpha Boi, that your gf doesnt care if you were born and raised in sweden, even if you were adopted by Swedish parents, which you weren't? Its about whether your genes can be traced to the ME or Africa, its about something you can never escape, no matter how many iPhones you buy or how much you worship the KKK." lol Notice how williamthecoward's latest lie/comment here is his admitting to failing a Rorschach Test. :D The test was simple: • I list dozens of variables that show that this foreigner was a bio-weapon and conqueror imported to destroy the West. • I post this conqueror's mugshot • williamthecoward's response: "[Black!]" (literally, "ME or Africa") In other words, with all of the many variables available to him in that image, williamthecoward could only see *one*, and because he is retarded and has no theory-of-mind for others, he assumed that that's the only one that anyone else could see. Leftists always tell on themselves. I have explained this many times in the past, but people of slave morality (e.g., williamthecoward, sebgul, murder, tumblefaggot, earthtard) can only see based on the Regime's slave standards of "oppressor" and "oppressed". We see this *constantly* during policing events, where leftists *first* and sometimes *only* decide on the "guilt" or "innocence" of a person based on whether or not that person is one of the Regime's designated "protected classes" (i.e., the "oppressed"; e.g., criminal George Floyd, criminal Trayvon Martin, criminal migrant-gang rapists). They would only *afterwards* attempt to justify that standard with "reasoning". That is why their "reasoning" is so commonly sebbish/retarded: they *have* to defend the slave caste to empower the slave revolt and destroy the West; but they often cannot admit this outright, so they tie themselves in knots with deceptions, idiocies, and blatant lies. It is selective agnosia. I demonstrated this phenomenon with sebfag in the trans delusion threads ( http://uto...hread=91859&time=1689804046392 ). The absolute checkmate for sebfag was getting him to evaluate a facial expression of one of his slavish client groups. He could not do it! He could not even look at the picture (or so he claimed!)! He had to lie, obfuscate, and deflect to avoid the task (lies about "CSAM" — showing how desperate he was to avoid the point by using a nuclear option — even insinuating that I should be banned from the forum based on his *lie*! lol!!). This is because leftists are incapable of making these kinds of perception-based arguments because — in addition to their prosopagnosia due to dysfunctional autism/Asperger's, which makes them incapable of seeing emotions and reading thoughts from expressions — perception may reveal that their slave castes are fucking evil. ( And this face is indeed the face of evil: http://x.com/MorgothsReview/status/1881338359605551501 On a practical level, security profilers are often trained how to identify the face of a person who is hardening himself for an imminent attack. You couldn't get a better textbook example than Axel Rudakubana's booking photo. If you ever see someone looking at you like this, you need standoff space. ) And this is largely why leftists consistently defend criminals, violent psychopaths, pedophiles, and degenerates. They are defending *themselves* as a slave caste *before* looking at any other evidence of actual guilt. So when williamthecoward sees a psychopath with killer eyes, a look of absolute hatred, a filthy and unwashed demeanor, and a complete lack of repentance of remorse, he ignores all of that and sees "[black]" which is "oppressed" and therefore "defend this choir boy!". He *must* observe this dogma or he loses power within the Regime's credentialing apparatus. Just imagine some faggoty "West Wing"-TV society party and how "uncouth" it would be to say that a particular racial group needs to be subjected to additional scrutiny because of their higher likelihood of engaging in criminality. NIMBY faggots don't want to hear it, since they enable the slave revolt and then hide among credentialism until it's time for the guillotine parties. Often, the only difference between one leftist and another is effort, particularly with how well they obfuscate their hatred of White people and their love of client groups that can destroy the West and White people. sebfag, for instance, will endlessly obfuscate, yet he cannot hide his hatred of White people and even said in the "keep up the good work" thread that there is no limit to how far the genocide of White people in their lands can proceed before he cares ( http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=93608&time=1733665051446 ). But he does this in so many words! A williamthecoward-type, meanwhile, is much more retarded, much lazier, and much more transparent and therefore regresses to the Regime's mantras of "racist" and "fascist" much much faster. I.e., a sebfaggot will *still* use the thought-terminating clichés of totalitarian thought reform (e.g., "racist!", "fascist!"), but only after his many lies have been systematically exhausted and dismantled to the point of his pathetic frustration. He is, otherwise, completely identical to williamthecoward: he is afflicted by the same evil, the same psychopathy, the same cowardice, the same agnosia, the same slave morality. TLDR: • slavish williamthecoward: "[umm, umm, you're 'racist'! you're 'fascist'! Opposing the destruction of the West is literally 'Hitler'!]" • slavish sebfaggot: "[(Insert lots of lies, obfuscations, deceptions, etc.) umm, umm, you're 'racist'! you're 'fascist'! Opposing the destruction of the West is literally 'Hitler'!]" Behold! A "Welshman"! http://x.com/MorgothsReview/status/1881338359605551501 This is the face of sebfag! This is the face of murdertard! This is the face of williamthecoward! This is the face of tumblefag! Do you understand yet? They are defending *themselves*! This is how they see *themselves*! *Children* are murdered *intentionally*, with *forethought*, and with **explicit racial malice**; and the sebguls would call you "racist" and "fascist" for wanting to punish the *murderer*! |
large member | Tue Jan 28 05:51:40 CC, I think you have been called predatory and opportunistic more than anything. We have established that you think the children of leftists are poisoned seed without redeeming features. We have established that the children in question are invariably leftist offspring. We simply do not think you care about them at all. A factor that renders your musings hypocritical nonsense. I am sure you can find cases of upstanding Maga children being subject to something or another. I suggest you direct your attention to their plights. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 28 06:15:30 [jergfaggot (low-IQ nonce, anti-White genocidal faggot)]: "We have established that you think the children of leftists are poisoned seed without redeeming features. We have established that the children in question are invariably leftist offspring. We simply do not think you care about them at all. A factor that renders your musings hypocritical nonsense." Notice, in particular, jergfaggot's lie of "we have established" — which he cannot cite with any quotation. jergfaggot is able to tell these lies because he failed his IQ test in this thread: (Comment "Mon Dec 09 04:18:56"): http://uto...hread=93596&time=1733903368381 The IQ Test in that thread was a simple illustration of a false premise cascade. jergfaggot can only adopt false premise upon false premise. He is literally incapable of telling the truth. Actually mentally retarded slaves such as jergfaggot and williamthecoward are unable to engage in multi-variable analysis because.. • they lack the brainpower to square their lies with truths (hence, they so often fail to quote their opposition, preferring to straw-man with their own delusions), • the Regime insists that they remain retarded for compliance purposes, and so they slavishly obey, • their slavish mindset prevents them from exercising the mental capacity to overcome their retardations, and • their slavish mindsets insist that they lie about everything anyways, since their belief system is not based in Sacred Truths and Beautiful Moral Systems but instead self-destructive ugliness and intoxication with one's own waste products. People like this are the reason. So, again: ------------- Behold! A "Welshman"! http://x.com/MorgothsReview/status/1881338359605551501 This is the face of sebfag! This is the face of murdertard! This is the face of williamthecoward! This is the face of tumblefag! Do you understand yet? They are defending *themselves*! This is how they see *themselves*! *Children* are murdered *intentionally*, with *forethought*, and with **explicit racial malice**; and the sebguls would call you "racist" and "fascist" for wanting to punish the *murderer*! |
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