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Utopia Talk / Politics / da brics xpands again
Wed Jan 08 15:03:00

congratulations 2 da new members

once again da most powafull economic blokc and biggest resource block becomes stronger once again
Thu Jan 09 17:46:51
and just like the other nations that joined they will not commit. Many have joined but not one has actually switched their national currency over to the new currency.

And they won't.
Turtle Crawler
Thu Jan 09 17:53:29
There is no "new currency" nor any plan to make one.
large member
Thu Jan 09 19:58:02
That is the thing. The global economy does not need a "new currency". It needs an method where economic transnational transaction do not favour any currency.

Objectively true. It lowers the cost of international trade. Subjectively devastating. It would tank the US economy.
Fri Jan 10 06:12:24

"That is the thing. The global economy does not need a "new currency". It needs an method where economic transnational transaction do not favour any currency."

You proposing gold?
large member
Fri Jan 10 07:17:41
Most definitely not.
Fri Jan 10 08:58:43

then how the hell are you going to create a system that does not favor any currency?

large member
Fri Jan 10 09:30:44
I am not going to create any currency. I promise :).

I dunno. That is one of the things the brics are trying to figure out. The model they are working on is a transnational currency in addition (not instead of) to domestic currencies. So if you wanted to import drone parts, you would do so in the transnational currency. Sort of how the USD has worked in trade between say Russia and China. Russia buys dollars, sends them electronically to China. China coverts the dollars to yuan. The Chinese central bank accepting the dollars says fuck, I guess we have to buy another US port now. The US takes the port dollars and buys German cars, the Germans take it to buy Russian natural gas. And so the cycle repeats.
Fri Jan 10 14:51:52
believe u me, brics is da future

da currency dunt matter right now. all is movin in da right direction

2gether they controll da vast majority of all resources, all. im talkin 3d, 4d and 5th dimension

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